English For Academic and Professional Purposes: Writing Various Types of Position Papers Second Quarter-Week 3

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English for Academic and

Professional Purposes
Writing Various Types
Of Position Papers
Second Quarter-Week 3

Reylene Grace Loyola.


Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. It is a detailed paper that explains, justifies or recommend a particular course of
A. concept paper C. position paper
B. conference paper D. reaction paper

2. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that a writer’s opinions are
valid and _________.
A. credible C. informative
B. descriptive D. purposive

3. Deductive reasoning proceeds from a general _____________ that leads to a

particular or a specific evidence.
A. argument C. reason
B. evidence D. statement

4. Inductive reasoning derives a _____________ from specific examples and situations.

A. conclusion C. proposition
B. generalization D. question

5. The position paper has three parts which include the background information,
evidence to support the ___________ and a discussion of both sides of the issue.
A. argument C. opinion
B. conclusion D. reason
6. A writer must use facts, opinion from ________, statistics and other forms of reli-able
evidence to convince the reader that his or her position is the best one.
A. authors C. speakers
B. experts D. validators

7. A position paper must contain a clear ____________ or statement that must be

A. answer C. proposition
B. argument D. question

8. It is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or a

proposition is true or valid.
A. arguments C. statements
B. evidence D. reasons

9. A position paper assesses conflicting __________or opposing views on the issue

being discussed.
A. ideas C. reasons
B. opinions D. values

10. A position paper articulates a position, __________ or policy.

A. conclusion B. question C. statement D. viewpoint
Looking Back
For every claim you make in your writing, you will be required to justify
your claim. Your ideas and generalizations will need factual details/evidences
to support them. Those supporting details may come from different types of
reliable reference sources. Using the table below, write at least five reliable
reference sources.

Example: Encyclopedia

Reliable Reference Sources

1. Academic Journal Articles

2. Google Scholar

3. National Bureau of Economic Research

4. Encyclopedia Britannica

5. Dictionaries

Activity 1: Directions: Vocabulary Words

Match the term in Column A with its definition in Column B.

Column A Column B

1. position paper A. It is the available body of facts or

information indicating whether a belief or
proposition is true or valid.
2. deductive reasoning
B. It is a reason or set of reasons given with
the aim of persuading others that an action or
3. inductive reasoning idea is right or wrong.

C. It is a formal, usually detailed written

4. argument statement, especially regarding a single issue,
that articulates a position, viewpoint or
5. evidence
D. It proceeds from a general statement that
leads to particular or specific evidences.

E. It derives a generalization from specific

examples and situations.

F. It is a process of decoding ideas from a

written text.

1. C
2. D
3. E
4. B
5. A
Activity II.
Directions: Read and copy a position paper from any academic journal and publication. After
copying the position paper, identify its parts which include background information, evidence to
support the opinion, and a discussion of both sides of the issue.
Position Paper Sample
The Resurgence of Colonization The recent resurgence of colonization has become a threat to
world peace. European countries have begun to infringe the national sovereignty of other
countries through military occupation. The world is at risk of plunging back to the primitive 18th
century. Specifically, the United Kingdom is concerned with the possible revolts that can occur
through colonization.
Past acts of colonization have led to molestation and anarchy. The United Kingdom, for
example, has felt the detriments of colonization. English colonizers were often unable to uphold
the value of human rights. As a result, individuals who lived in colonies were abused and treated
without dignity. The continuous abuse often led to violent revolts, which have caused enormous
damage to both the rioters and colonizers. The United Kingdom believes that colonization will
lead to the violation human rights, which cannot be tolerated.
Currently, the United Kingdom has publicly condemned colonizing nations. In a speech to the
General Assembly, the UK denounced the actions of colonizers and advocated the UK’s support
for victimized nations. Care packages have been sent to colonized nations in order to support the
civilians. The UK has also taken direct actions against colonizers by ending official ties with
them. Moreover, the UK has threatened the colonizers with the possibility of sanctions. The
UK’s actions have sent clear messages that the nation will not tolerate colonizers.
The United Kingdom proposes two possible solutions that the UNSC can execute. The first
possible solution is to send peacekeepers to colonized nations. Peacekeepers will ensure that no
human rights are violated by the colonizers. Furthermore, the peacekeepers will be able to
engage in combat with colonizers if the colonizers conduct military attacks. The second possible
solution is to recommend the expulsion of colonizing nations. There are legitimate reasons that
can substantiate the recommendation. The UNSC can recognize the violation of national
sovereignty and the infringement of human rights. The UK believes that these two possible
solutions can hinder the progress of colonizers.
In conclusion, the United Kingdom has a firm stance against the prospect of colonization. The
UK has openly condemned colonizers and has also taken direct action against them. The UK is
convinced that sending peacekeepers and expelling colonizing nations will benefit the global
Identifying their Parts
background information The Resurgence of Colonization The recent resurgence of
colonization has become a threat to world peace. European
countries have begun to infringe the national sovereignty of
other countries through military occupation. The world is at risk
of plunging back to the primitive 18th century. Specifically, the
United Kingdom is concerned with the possible revolts that can
occur through colonization.

evidence to support the English colonizers were often unable to uphold the value of
opinion human rights. As a result, individuals who lived in colonies
were abused and treated without dignity. The continuous abuse
often led to violent revolts, which have caused enormous
damage to both the rioters and colonizers. The United Kingdom
believes that colonization will lead to the violation human
rights, which cannot be tolerated.
Currently, the United Kingdom has publicly condemned
colonizing nations. In a speech to the General Assembly, the
UK denounced the actions of colonizers and advocated the UK’s
support for victimized nations. Care packages have been sent to
colonized nations in order to support the civilians. The UK has
also taken direct actions against colonizers by ending official
ties with them. Moreover, the UK has threatened the colonizers
with the possibility of sanctions. The UK’s actions have sent
clear messages that the nation will not tolerate colonizers.

Discussion The United Kingdom proposes two possible solutions that the
UNSC can execute. The first possible solution is to send
peacekeepers to colonized nations. Peacekeepers will ensure
that no human rights are violated by the colonizers.
Furthermore, the peacekeepers will be able to engage in combat
with colonizers if the colonizers conduct military attacks. The
second possible solution is to recommend the expulsion of
colonizing nations. There are legitimate reasons that can
substantiate the recommendation. The UNSC can recognize the
violation of national sovereignty and the infringement of human
rights. The UK believes that these two possible solutions can
hinder the progress of colonizers. In conclusion, the United
Kingdom has a firm stance against the prospect of colonization.
The UK has openly condemned colonizers and has also taken
direct action against them. The UK is convinced that sending
peacekeepers and expelling colonizing nations will benefit the
global community.
Activity III: Writing a draft of a position paper.
Directions: 1. Select one topic for your position paper.
a. School uniforms should no longer be required.
b. The Mother-Tongue-Based-Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) policy should be implemented up to
Grade 6.
c. Term Limits of Government Officials should be removed.
d. Same-sex Marriage should be legalized.
2. Write a short background of your topic and create a strong thesis statement, which asserts your
3. Conduct a research activity to look for evidences to support your positions.
4. List your reference sources.
Activity III:

Topic: Same- sex Marriage should be legalize

Marriage is important to all families and though civil unions do offer the same benefits and
protections, they do not carry from state to state. Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage or
marriage equality, is the marriage of two people of the same sex or gender, entered into in a civil or
religious ceremony. There are records of same-sex marriage dating back to the first century. There are
many laws against minority discrimination including equal protection amendments, the Bill of Rights and
anti-slavery laws. Denying the right to marry for a homosexual couple is the same as denying marriage to
a Hispanic couple, or even an interracial couple. Granting legal marriage rights to gays and lesbians would
threaten the stability of the family, a pillar of our society. Granting legal marriage rights under the law
must extend to gays and lesbians to ensure that all citizens enjoy full human rights.

According to Human Rights Watch. Same sex marriage should legalize in Philippines because allowing
same-sex marriage would enable gays and lesbians in the Philippines to marry the person they love and
would strengthen everyone’s rights. From a human rights perspective broadening civil marriage to
couples of the same sex demonstrates respect for the fundamental rights of equality and
nondiscrimination. It should be enshrined in Philippine law.
The Pope, whose opposition to gay marriage remains unchanged, said in a documentary premiered at the
Rome Film Festival: "These are children of God, they have the right to a family
Human Rights Google Scholar
Encyclopedia Britannica

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word to complete the statements below.
Position paper is a formal paper that articulates a position, viewpoint or policy. It has
information, evidence to support the opinion and a discussion of both sides of the issue. In
writing a position paper, a writer must use facts and other forms of reliable evidence to justify
his/her claims. Always follow the recommended steps and guidelines in writing a position paper.

Check your
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word to complete the statements below.
1. evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or 2.
Proposition is true or valid. The parts of a position paper are 3. Background information, 4.
Evidence to support the opinion and 5 a discussion. 6. Argument is a reason or set of
reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or 7. Wrong .
A convincing position paper must have a clear 8. Proposition or statement that must be
defended In writing a position paper, 9. Reliable evidence or proofs are important to support
the 10. claims.

Test 1: Modified True or False Directions: Indicate whether the statement is True or False. If it is false,
change the underlined word(s) to make the statement true. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
_________True _______1. In writing a position paper, a writer must use factual and other forms of
reliable evidence to justify his/her claims.
________Deductive____2. Inductive reasoning proceeds from a general statement that leads to a
particular or a specific evidence.
_______Inductive __ 3. Deductive reasoning derives a generalization from specific examples and
__________True__________ 4. In writing a position paper, you must include your recommended course
of action for the issue being discussed.
__________evidence___________5. Statement is the available body of facts or information indicating
whether a belief or a proposition is true or valid.
___________true__________6. A position paper assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views on the
issue being discussed.
__________true___________7. A position paper has background information, evidence to support the
opinion and a discussion of both sides of the issue.
__________true___________8. A position paper has a clear proposition or statement that must be
__________true___________9. Arguments are reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an
action or idea is right or wrong.
__________statement__________ 10. Position paper is a formal, usually detailed written question,
especially regarding a single issue, that articulates a position, viewpoint or policy. References: English for
Academic and Professional Purposes: Teacher’s

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