Solotsolot National High School 300081 Earth & Life Science 1 Quarter, 1 Semester Summative Test #3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur


1st Quarter, 1st Semester

Week 5-6

Name: _____________________________ Section: ___________________ Score: _________

Instruction: Read the statement carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. What geologic feature will be formed if the continents riding on top of two converging plates collide?
A. faults B. mountain C. island D. ocean
2. Which of the following refers to the region where plates meet?
A. fault B. mountain C. plate boundary D. volcanic arc
3. Which type of plate boundary creates a zone of tension by moving the plates apart?
A. convergent boundary C. transform fault
B. divergent boundary D. none of these
4. When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath the continental crust because it is
A. denser than continental crust C. thinner than continental crust
B. thicker than continental crust D. less dense than continental crust
5. Where does new oceanic lithosphere form?
A. convergent boundary C. transform fault
B. divergent boundary D. none of these
6. Which field of science deals with the study of rock layers?
A. Geology B. Paleontology C. Petrology D. Stratigraphy
7. Which processes most often cause fossil evidence to be preserved in rock?
A. melting and faulting C. folding and metamorphism
B. weathering and erosion D. cementation and deposition
8. Which of the following laws of stratigraphy gives emphasis on the assemblage of fossils embedded on rock layers?
A. Law of Conformities C. Law of Faunal Succession
B. Law of Superposition D. Law of Original horizontality
9. What can be concluded if a dike protrudes through several layers of rock?
A. A batholith resides nearby. C. It is formed before the rock layer.
B. A volcano is within the area. D. The rock layers are formed before the dike protrudes.
10.What can you infer when a sandstone meets a granite?
A. The granite is older than the sandstone. C. The granite was intruded into the sandstone.
B. The granite is younger than the sandstone. D. The granite and the sandstone have the same age.
11. Which of these is the best indication of the relative age of a rock layer?
A. the thickness of the layer C. the distance of the layer on the surface
B. the chemical make-up of the layer D. the position of the layer compared to other layers
12. Which of the following processes will give the relative age of a rock?
A. examining the environment in which the rock is found
B. examining the rock’s relative position in a rock outcrop
C. comparing the amount of decayed and undecayed radioactive isotopes
D. comparing the size of crystals in the upper and lower parts of the rock
13. Where can you find the oldest rock in an undisturbed rock file?
A. on the topmost B. at the bottom C. upper part D. lower part
14. The principle of horizontality is based on the observation that sediment usually accumulates in layers. How will you
describe the rock layering based on this principle?
A. Rocks are pile horizontally with the oldest at the bottom and youngest on the topmost.
B. Rocks are pile horizontally with the oldest on the topmost and youngest at the bottom.
C. Rocks are in inclined layers, the steeper the tiltation the older the rock is.
D. Rocks are piled in any form, the darker the rock the older it is.
15. Which of the following makes use of the position of rocks to determine its age?
A. Absolute Dating B. Radioactive Dating C. Radiometric Dating D. Relative Dating
16. What information does the geologic time record provide?
A. The rate of fossil formation. C. The time since the evolution of dinosaurs.
B. The thickness of sedimentary rock layers. D. The life forms and geologic events in Earth’s history.
17. How do geologists separate time into period?
A. By the time the fossil is discovered. C. By special events that have happened in that period.
B. By looking at the relative time of a fossil. D. By counting the years that a fossil has been
18. What do you call the method of placing geologic events in sequential order as determined by their position in the rock
A. Absolute dating B. Correlation C. Relative dating D. Uniformitarianism
19. What is the relevance of absolute time?
A. It is useful if fossils are present.
B. It gives a specific date in an object.
C. It gives a non-specific date in an object.
D. It only gives the sequence in which events have taken place.
20. Which of the following is the primal in absolute dating method?
A. Cross-cutting relationships C. Fossils
B. Educated estimates D. Radioactive decay
21. Why do most of the eons and eras end in “zoic”?
A. because these time periods were recognized by the animal life present at that time
B. because these time periods were recognized by the plants present at that time
C. A and B
D. none of the above
22. Which of the following marine animals are bivalves with two symmetrical shells – the shells are mirror images of each
A. crinoids B. fossil clam C. gastropods D. trilobites
23. How were the scientists able to arrange the fossils they gathered?
A. They were able to arrange the fossils according to age.
B. They were able to arrange the fossils according to structure.
C. They were able to arrange the fossils according to chemical content.
D. They were able to arrange the fossils according to place of discovery.
24. What do you call the marine arthropods that were made of chitin, like some insects and other organisms like lobsters.
A. crinoids B. fossil clam C. gastropods D. trilobites
25. What do you call the process by which the remains of ancient living things are turned into rock?
A. fertilization B. fossilization C. fragmentation D. metamorphosis
26. Which of the following may result in falling rocks and debris that collide with people, buildings, and vehicles?
A. earthquake B. land slide C. tsunami D. typhoons
27. Which of the following is NOT a volcanic hazard?
A. flooding B. lahars C. lava D. pyroclastic flows
28. Which of the following is an example of a hazard associated with earthquake?
A. eutrophication C. flooding
B. ground shaking D. pyroclastic density currents
29. What is the main reason why the Philippines has suffered from numerous geologic processes and calamities?
A. its economic status C. Philippines is 3rd a world country
B. its location (Ring of fire) D. something to do with human population
30. Which of the following hazards undermine the foundations and supports of buildings, bridges, pipelines, and roads,
causing them to sink into the ground, collapse, or dissolve?
A. eutrophication C. liquefaction
B. ground shaking D. pyroclastic density currents

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