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LESSON 1: Assessment Strategies

Activity No. 01: Apply me!

Instruction: Cite situations wherein globalization is manifested on the following effects:

1. Peaceful Relation Globalization influenced peaceful relations through peace
pacts and diplomatic “give and take” relationships between
countries, such as the principle agreement between North
and South Korea to formally end the Korean war.

2. Employment Globalization necessitated the creation of formal laws to

protect the rights and well-being of Filipino overseas
workers, such as the Migrant Workers Act of 1995 (RA

3. Education International students and the scholarship offers from

various schools, such as Australia, France, USA, and other
countries are made towards the Philippines. For example, lists scholarships based
on country.

4. Cheaper Price The prices of commercial products are most observed in

Lazada, Shopee, and online shopping platforms. Cheaper
pens, school supplies, clothes, appliances, and other daily
materials are sold for cheaper prices due to more efficient
production and shipping from China.

5. Communication Most countries have access to social media apps that are
made from different countries, such as Facebook from the
USA, Tiktok and WeChat from China, and KakaoTalk
from South Korea.

6. Transportation Globalization helped the transportation industry with

faster and more convenient imports and exports of
automobile parts and cars. For example, German car
brands have prominent markets here in the Philippines.

7. Health Issue The World Health Organization exerts credibility and

influence over every country’s COVID-19 response and
vaccine mobilization efforts.

8. Loss of Culture The increased enculturation with other countries due to

media platforms and content leads to individuals adopting
certain cultural practices, such as the Hallyu or Korean
wave occurring in the country.

9. Environmental With increased demand and consumerism aggravated by

Degradation trends and fast production, countries exploit their
environment for the sake of the economy and profit. An
example is the deforestation in the Amazon to compensate
for log export demands.
Activity No. 2: Essay
What is the future of globalization under COVID-19? (5-10 sentences only)
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to countless innovations across the world. There have been
improvements and changes in global shipping, production, manpower, and delivery of services,
all of which have emerged from the need for social distancing and adherence to protocols. The
future of globalization, if COVID-19 continues, will focus on products that promote efficiency
and portability due to work from home (laptops, tables, better human ergonomics). In terms of
social media and movie production, the rise of streaming services can also be attributed to the
protocols of COVID-19. For example, Disney+, HBO, Netflix, and Youtube Premium were
made in response to the prohibition of cinemas and movie premiers.If the pandemic continues,
countries will continue to rely on each others’ products and resources to survive and adapt.

LESSON 2: Assessment Strategies

Activity No. 01: Essay
Instruction: What should be our contribution towards strengthening the economy and survival for
the current COVID-19 crisis?

Content- 20pts.
Organization- 15pts.
Cleanliness- 10pts.

Our general contribution to the economy at this time would be our taxes and income as citizens
of the Philippines, and our role in providing and acquiring services & products. Taxes and
income contribute to the Gross National Product. On the other hand, business owners and the
money that we earn on products and services are eventually accounted into the Gross Domestic
Product. Although these contributions cannot improve the long-term state of our economy, it will
contribute into the statistical implications of the pandemic economy.

Activity No. 02: Essay

1. Explain your own opinion on the given statement. Whether you agree or disagree.(3-5
“That Global free trade has done more harm than good”

Free trade may have good impact to our economy, but frequently, it may cause harm and damage
to our economic stability specially to the workers. These may decrease competitiveness in the
markets and may cost low demands for the commodities and services locally. In my point of
view, I totally agree that the global free trade has done more harm than good because even it
provides benefits for more corporation, it is also a problem for the poor wherein it affects their
livelihood and serious negative impact to other local workers and markets.

2. Among the Four categories of Economy, which do you think best fits your country in order to
boost its economy? Support your answer. (3-5 sentences only)

Based on my reading, the most appropriate category of the economy for the Philippines is the
command economy. In this type of economy, the government has the most control over the
prices, production, and distribution of materials and services. The government can also use the
diverse geographical characteristics for an import-export plan, and decide for standard food
import for each region which is similar to Japan. For example, in Japan, each region has its own
export so that the country can mobilize its diverse resources and products - that can all be
attributed to the Gross National Product.
Activity No. 2: Reflection
Instruction: If you were to put up a business, what category/categories of economy would
you have preference/s?

Content- 20pts.
Organization- 15pts.
Cleanliness- 10pts

If I were to put up my own business, I would prefer the market economy. The market economy
will allow me as a business owner to assess the needs and wants of my customers, look for
quality ingredients, and distribute them at a price that will benefit me. Businesses that cater to
customers’ preferences, like clothes, cosmetics, and furniture, can also operate with freedom
regarding price and distribution. This is advantageous as I will be able to operate without the
price imposition of a command economy, compared to government-regulated products like rice,
fruits and vegetables, and machinery.

LESSON 3: Assessment Strategies

Desired Activity:

Activity No. 01: Complete the Table

Think of the Agencies, firm/companies in the Philippines that apply the following market
integration. Provide 2 example each.
Type of Market Integration Examples
Horizontal 1.Jollibee – Mang Inasal
2. Landbank Postal Savings bank

Vertical 1. Amazon
2. Netflix

Conglomeration 1.SM Invertment Corp – 2GO

2. Viva Communication – IPVG

Activity No. 2: Essay

Instruction: If you will have your own firm in the future, which of the three type of Market
Integration will you adapt? Support your answer.

Organization of ideas- 30pts
Mechanism (punctuation, grammar)- 20pts

If I were to have my own firm, the idea of a conglomeration is most appealing. This is because of
the vast scope of conglomerate businesses - having branches in supplying, hotels and restaurants,
resorts, food production, and other services - will be more profitable, albeit challenging to
manage. Aside from that, there are more opportunities to expand in the global market if I own a
multitude of companies and businesses. Lastly, I believe that conglomerates will have more
chances of attracting foreign investors compared to a single type of commercial business.
LESSON 4: Assessment Strategies

Desired Activity:

Activity No. 01: Reflection

Instruction: Analyze the following. Among the given options below, choose only two (2) and
explain how each was manifested to our present life especially during this time of crisis-
Covid-19. Cite also the importance of it as a Filipino citizen. Write a 150-word reflection

a. Governance of Security
b. Governance of Science
c. Governance of Education
d. Governance of Information
e. Governance of Communications

Organization of ideas- 30pts
Mechanism (punctuation, grammar)- 20pts

My choice for these two governances are the governance of science, and communication. The
module states that in globalization, the influences of certain industries have significant impacts to
global relationships, diplomacy, and national boundaries. Both forms of governance complement
each other, and go hand in hand in addressing various health issues and innovative situations.
With globalization's steady rise since the 20th century, these forms of governance have also
grown and evolved since their emergence. Since pandemics are not a new phenomenon in human
existence, governance of science and communication may have been prevalent since the creation
of World Health Organization.

As a Filipino living during the COVID-19 pandemic, both are important for three reasons:
information dissemination, health and safety, and eradication of the virus. The Philippine
government made efforts to achieve all three through the mobilization of Department of Health's
vaccine efforts, information campaign, and education geared towards the public.

Activity No. 02: Essay!

Instruction: How does global governance manifest during the time of pandemic? How
Covid-19 crisis will goes on from the perspective of global governance, then what can we
learn from this crisis?

Organization of ideas- 30pts
Mechanism (punctuation, grammar)- 20pts

Global governance manifests during the COVID-19 crisis through the collaborative efforts of
multiple countries and nations to safeguard the health and protection of the citizens in terms of
travel and vaccine. The world has collectively agreed that vaccines and masks will minimize
casualties. The embassies coordinated to ensure that flights will only accommodate people who
are compliant with the COVID-19 protocols. in terms of science the world has led vaccine
research efforts and helped each to develop and distribute vaccines that are friendly for
individuals with comorbidities. On security and information, the countries are also vigilant about
spyware and technology that might compromise the safety of their citizens. Through this, they
have enacted digital policies to avoid apps that pose risks. Lastly, on education, the world wide
web is significant to the growing knowledge of humans. The variety of diverse sources are
helpful in promoting information during the digital age

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