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D.H.S Maduranga

Civil Engineering Design Project (UBGLT4-30-3)

A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of

the University of the West of England, Bristol

For the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)

Faculty of Engineering & Management

Northshore College of Business & Technology




STUDENT NO : UWE NO 15035119

DEGREE PROGRAMME : B Eng Civil Engineering

SUPERVISOR’S NAME : Mr Sampath Sumedha Pujitha Rathnayake

SUBMISSION DATE : 2016 /08 /22


In addition, I would like to say few words about Northshore College of Business &
Technology Degree programmed course. I am so satisfied, that I am lucky enough to follow a
Degree programed course like Northshore College of Business & Technology as we can
study a lot about new technologies through the course.

I would like to offer my thanks to my lectures (Mr. Leelanath Daluwatta, Ms.

Dayani Nayantha, Mr. Nadeeka Jayasooriya, Dr. Suminda Ranasinghe , Ms. Gayani
Rajapaksha , Mr. Kasun Nandapala etc. )at the University who were so much helpful to get
complete qualification in this field.

I convey my thanks to the Divisional Engineers office staff for giving me the
valuable advices and training during this period. And also my sincere thanks to the Mr
Sampath Sumedha Pujitha Rathnayake (Design project adviser & Director General Urban
Development Authority ) & Mrs N.C Batugethara (Design project adviser & Head of Divisional
Engineers office- Colombo) helped me kindly and patiently during my Design project at
Yasodara Balika Vidyalya.

I warmly consider again the Mr Sampath Sumedha Pujitha Rathnayake (Design

project adviser & Director General Urban Development Authority) & Mrs N.C Batugethara
(Design project adviser & Head of Divisional Engineers office- Colombo) who encourage me
and conveying the building structural works and field works, Design work enthusiastic and my
Design a success.

My heartiest thanks to my friends who helped me in various ways to prepare this

report and my parents for their vain and effort during my Working period, which I am very
happy to say that I have got a valuable opportunity to complete my Design Project

D.H.S Maduranga (UWE NO 15035119),

Northshore College of Business & Technology,
Sri Lanka.

According to my experience gained at the design project period, Divisional

Engineers Office –Colombo. The organization where I had my Design training has a good
ability and intention to provide a useful industrial training.

Industrial training & design training helps to the students who want to familiarize
with the practical situations. Through practical work, any difficult theoretical situation can
easy to understand. Therefore, during this period, I have a chance to understand the
difficulties met during lectures, as well as sections to be lectured in our academic period. I
have an opportunity to familiar with some easy and quick methods used in construction in the
field & design in field.

Nowadays civil engineer is not only an engineer but also a manager of laborer and
material at the work site. So I had a chance to move with engineers, managers, office staff
and laborers, learn how they motivate their subordinates to familiarize with rules and
regulations, ways applied to reduce material wastage and increase progress.

During my design period, I also realized that there are certain situations where I
cannot go for best technique or option. Under circumstances, I have to make decisions
rationally. If explain fact further, various types of practical difficulties may encounter in
implementation of my decision. Therefore, I am enforced how to be a very much rational and
flexible decision maker. This is something come through experience. This partial feature has
to be developed within myself in order to become successful decision maker.


Acknowledgement i

Preface ii

1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Project Title 1

1.2 Out Line of Project 2

1.3 Site Location & Description 2

1.4 Specific aspects to be design 2

1.5 Alternatives 2

1.6 Is this a real Project 3

1.7 Budget & Time requirement 3

2.0 Design 4

2.1 Slab Design 4

2.2 Beam Design 4

2.3 Column Base Design 6

3.0 Conclusion 8

4.0 Reference 3

5.0 Appendix 3

6.0 Drawing 3
Project Title - Design of four storied ‘’U’’ shape school building for Yasodara
Balika Vidyalya.

Outline of project -

Yasodara Balika Vidyalaya which is the one of most important school in the Colombo
area, studied more than 3000 students. There for school building act as the major role in the
school. Day by day student are increased (school become famous categories). As a results
school’s physical resources must be increased to full fill the school requirement. In this school
have limited space and all around built buildings. Therefor government decided to build 4
storied school building in limited area.
Site Location and Description –
It situated in kynsey road and near the carey college and soysa ladies hospital.

Before doing the construction we did the soil test to select the correct foundation. (4 bore hole
investigations). It was done by Engineering Laboratory Services (pvt) ltd. According to the bore
hole investigation, site presence of the very dense sand layer of thickness (5-8) m at a depth
of around 1m and ground water level 2.4m.

Specific aspects to be designed –

According to the soil investigation we selected correct

foundation detail. In this site recommended that the foundations consist of RC strip footings or
individual pad footings or combined footings, which are placed at depth of around 1.3m.This
site no any specific aspects to be design. Normal construction method can be used. In this
project I hope to design slab, beam, column base etc.

Are there at least three clear concept alternatives?

Before doing any construction or design, we must find our alternative. There for we pay our
attention for alternatives to construct a building. We can get three alternatives to construct
buildings. They are,

1.Using concrete structure,

2.Using steel structure,

3.Using timber structure,

This is the school building. Normally it designed in more than twenty-year

life span. There for its design bay be critical. It must be environmental friendly structure and
also it must be cost effective structure. Sustainability is most important section in any
construction. As a result, among this alternative we selected concrete structure to construct
the 4 storied building.
Is this a real project?

This is the real project. Before getting the funds we went to the school and discussed
with principal about the building. He told us they had limited space to construct a building and
their main requirements, they wanted to one Home science room, seven sectional office
rooms, fourteen class rooms and three stores.
According to these requirement we decided to built 4 storied “ u “
shape building. After collecting these information, we design the floor arrangements.

Ground floor – Home science room,2 class room & office room

First floor – 4 class room, 2 sectional office, stores

Second floor - 4 class room, 2 sectional office, stores

Third floor - 4 class room, 2 sectional office, stores

Budget and Time Requirements

Before budgeting, the education department requested us to made a approximately

estimate for the proposed building for allocate the money from central government. The full
amount of proposed building is 5.4 million. Then we divide project in stages.

1. Stage 01 - substructure ( 1.30 Million - Done )

2. Stage 02 - Ground floor to 1st floor ( 1.00 Million - Done )
3. Stage 03 - 1st floor to 2nd floor ( 1.00 Million - Done )
4. Stage 04 - 2nd floor to 3rd floor ( 1.00 Million - On going )
5. Stage 05 - 3rd floor to roof level ( 1.10 Million - Not Done )

Government did the tender procedure and select the correct contractor for the
relevant stages. Selected contractor hopes to do his work in relevant time. If he cannot
complete his duty government, consider their reason for delay the work and finally gave the
warning for LD.
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
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Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output
Slab Beam and Column Arrangement

Find Type of slab;

LY / LX > = 2 (One Way slab) One Way

LY / LX > 2 (Two Way slab)

6000/3000 = 2
Hence design this slab as a One Way slab
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Reference Calculations Output

Find Clear Cover

Clause Cnom = Cmin + ∆Cdev

Clause ∆Cdev = 10mm

Clause Cmin= max {Cmin,b; Cmin,dur+ ∆Cdur,γ - ∆Cdur,st-∆Cdur,add; 10 mm}

Clause ∆Cdur,γ = 0

Clause ∆Cdur,st =0
Clause ∆Cdur,add =0

Clause Structural class = S4

EC2 Table - 4.1 Exposure Class = XC3

EC2 Table - 4.4N Cmin,dur = 25mm

Assume Bar diameter = 10mm

EC2 Table - 4.2 Cmin,b = 10mm

Cmin= max {Cmin,b; Cmin,dur; 10 mm}

Cmin= max {10; 25; 10 mm}
Cmin= 25mm

Cover 35mm
Cnom = Cmin + ∆Cdev
Cnom = 25 + 10 = 35mm

Find Effective Depth (d) ;

IStructE manual depth= 71.42
Span/ Effective Depth = 42
Table 4.2 mm
Effective Depth(d) = 3000/42 = 71.42 mm

Find Slab Thickness

Assume bar diameter = 10mm
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Reference Calculations Output

h = 71.42+35+5 = 111.42mm
Hence take slab thickness h =112.5mm (4 ½’’)

d = 112.5-35-5 = 72.5mm
Hence take effective depth 72.5 mm
depth= 72.5
Load Evaluation

Floor Finishes = 0.75kN/m2

Services = 1.5kN/m2
Partitions = 1kN/m2
Imposed load = 5kN/m2
Concrete Density = 25kN/m3

fyk = 460 N/mm2

fck = 25N/mm2

Design Life 50 years

Considering 1m width strip,

Self-weight of slab = (25 x 0.1125x1) = 2.81kN/m

Floor finishes = (0.75x1) = 0.75kN/m
Services = (1.5x1) = 1kN/m
Total Dead Load ( Gk) = 5.06kN/m 5.06kN/m

Imposed Load = (5x1) = 5kN/m

Partitions = (1x1) = 1kN/m
Total Dead Load ( Qk) = 6.00kN/m
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Reference Calculations Output

Considering 1m width strip;

Total Design load = 1.35( Gk)+1.5 ( Qk) Total Design

(UDL) load=
Total Design load = 1.35(5.06) + 1.5(6) = 15.83kN/m 15.83kN/m

Bending moment Span MB=

IStructE manual
Table 5.2 Span Moment = 0.063FL= 0.063 x 15.83 x 3 x 3 = 8.98kN/m

Support Moment = -0.063FL= 0.063 x 15.83 x 3 x 3 = - Support MB=


Design Reinforcement for span moment

Design equation K=0.085

K = M/ bd2fck = 8.98 x 106 /(1000 x 72.52 x 25 )
= 0.085 < 0.167

Z = [0.5 + √0.25 − 𝑘/1.134 ] d <=0.95d

= [0.5 + √0.25 − 0.085/1.134 ] x72.5<=0.95d

= 66.58 < = 68.875

Z = 66.58mm
Z = 66.58mm

As , req =337
As , req = M/(0.87 x fyk x z ) = 8.98 x106/ (0.87 x 460 x 66.58)
= 337 mm

No.of bars required = 337 / π 52 = 4.29brs

Hence take 5 bars

Suggested space = 1000/ 5 = 200 mm

Used T10 @ 200mm ( 392.5 mm2)

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Reference Calculations Output

Minimum reinforcement area,

Clause As , min = 0.26 fctm bd/fyk > 0.0013b bt d

= 0.26 x 2.6 x 1000 x 72.5 / 460 >0.0013 x 1000 x 72.5
= 106.543 > 94.25
As , min =
Hence , As , min = 106.543 mm2 106.543 mm2
As , prov = 392.5 mm2
As , prov > As , min

Clause Maximum spacing for main reinforcement,

3h < 400 mm
3 x 112.5 < 400 mm
337.5 < 400 mm
s , max =
337.5 mm
s, max = 337.5 mm
s, pro = 200 mm
s, max > s, pro T10 @
2 200mm
Used T10 @ 200mm ( 392.5 mm )

Maximum reinforcement area,

Clause As , max = 0.04 AC =0.04 x112.5 x 1000

= 4500 mm2
As , max =
4500 mm2
As , prov = 392.5 mm
As , max > As , pro

Secondary reinforcement area,

Clause As , secondary = 0.2 As , pro or As , min ( Take min value)

= 0.2 x 392.5 or 106.543 mm2
= 78.5 mm2 or 106.543 mm2 As , secondary =

2 78.5 mm2
Hence Take As , secondary = 78.5 mm
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Reference Calculations Output

Maximum spacing for secondary reinforcement,

3.5h < 450 mm
3.5 x 112.5 < 450 mm
393.75 < 450 mm

s , max = 300
s, max = 393.75 mm
s, pro = 300 mm
s, max > s, pro

T10 @
Used T10 @ 300mm ( 392.5 mm2)

Deflection check

ϱ = As , req / bd = 337 / 1000 x 112.5= 0.0029 >0.0025

ϱ = 0.0025
Clause Hence ϱ = 0.0025
ϱo = 10-3√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 10-3√25 = 0.005 ϱo= 0.005
ϱ < ϱo

use equation 7.16a

Table 7.4N k = 1.5

Equation 7.16a l/d = 1.5 [11 + 1.5√𝑓𝑐𝑘 (ϱ/ ϱo )+ 3.2 √𝑓𝑐𝑘 ((ϱ/ ϱo) - 1)1/3]

= 1.5 [11 + 1.5√25 (0.005/ 0.0025 )+ 3.2 √25 ((0.005/

0.0025) - 1)1/3]
= 63

310 / Ϭs = 500 / (fyk As , req / As , prov )

Equation 7.17
= 500 / (460x 392.5 / 337)
= 1.266
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Reference Calculations Output
(l/d)allowable =
(l/d)allowable = 63 x 1.266 = 75.6

(l/d)actual =
(l/d)actual = 3000/72.5 = 41.37

(l/d)actual < (l/d)allowable

Deflection ok
Hence deflection is ok

Shear check
VEd =
Shear Force = 0.5FL =0.5 x 15.83 x 3 = 23.745KN
BSEN-1991-1-1 23.745KN
( VEd )

VRd,c= [CRd,c k (100 ϱ1 fck )1/3 + k1 Ϭcp ] bw d > (Vmin +k1 Ϭcp) bw d
Clause 6.2.2(1)
Ϭcp = 0 ; no axial tension
fck = 25 N/mm2

VRd,c= [CRd,c k (100 ϱ1 fck )1/3] bw d > (0.035k3/2 fck1/2) bw d

CRd,c = 1.18/ɤc = 1.18/1.5 = 0.12

k = 1 + √200/𝑑 = 1 + √200/72.5 = 2.66 < 2

ϱ1 = Asl/bwd = 392.5 / (1000 x72.5) = 0.0054< 0.02

VRd,c = [0.12x 2x (100 x 0.0054 x 25 )1/3] x 1000 x 72.5

= 41.431 KN > (0.035k3/2 fck1/2) bw d

>(0.035 x (2)3/2 x (25)1/2 + 0 ) x 1000x72.5
35.885 KN
VRd,c =41.431 KN
=41.431 KN
VEd = 23.745KN

VRd,c > VEd

Hence Shear is ok Shear ok

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Reference Calculations Output

Design Beam B6

Find Beam size,

IStructE manual Span/ Effective Depth = 14

Table 4.2 effective
Effective Depth(d) = 6000/14 = 428.57 mm
428.57 mm

Find Slab Thickness

Assume Main bar diameter 20mm , cover 35mm & Links
diameter 10mm

h = 428.57+35+20/2+10 = 483mm
Hence take slab thickness h = 500mm (1’ 8’’)

d = 500-35-20/2-10 = 445mm
Hence take effective depth 445 mm depth= 445

Load Evaluation

Imposed load = 3kN/m2

Concrete Density = 25kN/m3

fyk = 460 N/mm2

fck = 25N/mm2

Considering 1m width strip,

Self-weight of beam = (0.225 x 0.5 x 1 x 25) = 2.813kN/m

Self-weight of slab = (0.1125 x 3/2 x 2 x 25) = 8.438kN/m

Total Dead Load ( Gk) =11.251kN/m

Total Dead Load ( Qk) = ( 3 3/2 x 2) = 9.00kN/m
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
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Reference Calculations Output

Total Design load = 1.35( Gk)+1.5 ( Qk) DUL

(UDL) =
Total Design load = 1.35(11.25) + 1.5(9) = 28.689kN/m



2R=28.689 X 6
R= 86.067KN
MMAX = WL2 /8 = 86.067 x 36 /8 = 129.101 KNm KNm

Effective width ;

Clause b1 = b2= (3000 – 225)/2 = 1387.5 mm

lo = 0.85l = 0.85 x 6000 = 5100mm ; end span
beff1 = beff1= 0.2 b1+0.1 lo <=0.2 lo
=( 0.2 x 1387.5)+(0.1 x 5100) <=0.2 x 5100

beff1 = beff1<= b1
beff1 = beff2=787.5
beff = beff1+ beff2+ bw<=b
Hence beff =1800mm =1800mm
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Reference Calculations Output

Design Reinforcement for span moment

K = M/ bd2fck = 129.101 x 106 /(1800 x 4452 x 25 )

Design equation K = 0.014
= 0.014 < 0.167

Z = [0.5 + √0.25 − 𝑘/1.134 ] d <=0.95d

= [0.5 + √0.25 − 0.014/1.134 ] d<=0.95d

= 0.99d < = 0.95d
= 0.99 x 445
Z = 422.75mm

X = ( d-Z)/0.4 = (445-422.75)/0.4
X= 55.625mm

In this slab thickness is taken 112.5mm.Hence neutral axis in

fact with in the flange & beam can be design as flange beam.

As , req = M/(0.87 x fyk x z ) = 129.101 x106/ (0.87 x 460 x

As , req =
= 763.078 mm2 763.078 mm2

No of bars required = 763.078 / π 10 2 = 2.42brs

As , pro =
Hence take 3 bars
942.4 mm2

Can provide 3T20 (942.4 mm2)

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Reference Calculations Output

Minimum reinforcement area,

As , min = 0.26 fctm bd/fyk > 0.0013b bt d

= 0.26 x 2.6 x 225 x 445 / 460 >0.0013 x 225 x 445
= 147 > 130.16
As , min = 147
Hence , As , min = 147 mm2 mm2
As , prov = 942.4 mm2
As , prov > As , min

This is the simple support beam Hence min reinforcement

provide top side

2 T16

3 T20

Deflection check

ϱ = As , req / bd = 763.078 / 1800 x 445= 0.00095< 0.0025

Hence ϱ = 0.0025 ϱ = 0.0025

ϱo = 10-3√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 10-3√25 = 0.005 ϱo= 0.005

ϱ < ϱo

use equation 7.16a

Table 7.4N
k =1
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Reference Calculations Output

Equation 7.16a l/d = 1 [11 + 1.5√𝑓𝑐𝑘 (ϱ/ ϱo )+ 3.2 √𝑓𝑐𝑘 ((ϱ/ ϱo) - 1)1/3]

= 1[11 + 1.5√25 (0.005/ 0.0025 )+ 3.2 √25 ((0.005/ 0.0025)

- 1)1/3]
= 42

310 / Ϭs = 500 / (fyk As , req / As , prov )

Equation 7.17 = 500 / (460x 783.078 / 942.4)
= 1.34

l/d)allowable =
(l/d)allowable = 42 x 1.34 = 56.28

(l/d)actual = 6000/445 = 13.48

(l/d)actual =
(l/d)actual < (l/d)allowable

Deflection ok
Hence deflection is ok

Shear check at support

VEd =
Shear force = 86.067KN
( VEd )


225 6000
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Reference Calculations Output




Maximum shear = 86.067/3000 = VEd/ /(3000-112.5) VEd =

VEd = 82.839KNm 82.839KNm

VRd,max = αcw x bwz v1 fcd / (cotθ + tan θ )

Eq 6.9
V1 = 0.6[1-25/250] = 0.54

z = 0.9d = 0.9 x445 = 400.5

fcd = 25 x 0.567 = 14.175

θ = 22o

VRd,max = 1 x 225x400.5x 0.54 x 14.175 / (cot22+ tan 22 ) VRd,max =

= 238.308 KN 238.308 KN

VEd < VRd,max

Hence face of support shear is ok

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Reference Calculations Output

Shear check at ‘d’ distance from the support





VEd =
Maximum shear = 86.067/3000 = VEd/ /(3000-112.5-445)
BSEN-1991-1-1 70.07KNm
( VEd ) = 70.07KNm
Without shear links VRd,c
Clause 6.2.2(1)
VRd,c= [CRd,c k (100 ϱ1 fck )1/3 + k1 Ϭcp ] bw d > (Vmin +k1 Ϭcp) bw
Ϭcp = 0 ; no axial tension
Eq 6.2.a
fck = 25 N/mm2
Eq 6.2.b

VRd,c= [CRd,c k (100 ϱ1 fck )1/3] bw d > (0.035k3/2 fck1/2) bw d

CRd,c = 1.18/ɤc = 1.18/1.5 = 0.12

k = 1 + √200/𝑑 = 1 + √200/445 = 1.67 < 2

k = 1.67
ϱ1 = Asl/bwd = 942.4 / (225 x445) = 0.0094< 0.02

VRd,c = [0.12x 1.67x (100 x 0.009 x 25 )1/3] x 225 x 445

= 566.458 KN > (0.035k3/2 fck1/2) bw d

>(0.035 x (1.67)3/2 x (25)1/2 + 0 ) x 225 x 445
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Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

VRd,c =566.458 KN
VEd = 70.07KN VRd,c
=566.458 KN
VRd,c < VEd

Hence Shear is ok & no need to provide shear reinforcement. Shear is ok

But provide vertical shear reinforcement for binge it.

Asw/s = VRd,max / 0.87 x z fyk cotθ

= 70.07 x103 / 0.87 x 400.5 x 460 x cot 22 = 0.176
Asw = (π(102/4 ) x 2 = 157.07 mm2
s = 157 / 0.176 = 892mm

Maximum spacing

Clause 9.2.2.(6) Smax = 0.75d(1 + cotα) = 0.75 x 445 = 333.75mm

Eq 9.6 Smax < s
Smax =
provide spacing 300 mm 333.75mm

Mimimum area of reinforcement

ϱw = Asw/sbwsinα
Eq 9.4
= 157 /300 x 225 x Sin 90o = 0.0069

ϱw,min = ( 0.08 √𝑓𝑐𝑘 )/ 𝑓𝑦𝑘

Eq 9.5N
= ( 0.08 √25 )/ 460 = 0.00087
ϱw > ϱw,min

Hence ok
Provide T 10@300mm
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Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

Design Column Base C1

• ULS Load = {1.35( Gk)+1.5 ( Qk)} Area

• SLS Loa= {( Gk)+( Qk)} Area
• Roof Dead Load 1.5kN/m2
• Roof Service Load 0.5kN/m2
• Roof tie beam /Plinth tie beam 0.225 x 0.225
• Column size 375 x 300
• Half brick Load 2.5 kN/m2
• Base 1.35m below the ground level
• Bearing pressure of the soil 200 kN/m2

Load Evaluation

Load Type ULS Load SLS Load

Load from the ={1.35( Gk)+1.5 ( ={( Gk)+( Qk)}
roof Qk)} Area Area
={1.35(1.5+0.5)+(1.5 ={(1.5+0.5)+(
x 0.75)}2.453 x 3 x0.75)}2.453 x 3
=28.148KN =22.997KN

Load due to roof =1.35( Gk) =1( Gk)

tie beam =1.35 x 0.225 = x 0.225 x0.225 x
x0.225 x 25 x1.5 x 2 25 x1.5 x 2
=5.126KN =3.797KN

Load due to 3rd =1.35( Gk) =1( Gk)

Floor Column =1.35 x 0.375 =1 x 0.375 x0.300
x0.300 x 25 x2.5 x 25 x2.5
=9.492KN =7.031KN
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

Load due =1.35(0.225 x0.225 x =1(0.225 x0.225 x 25

to 3rd 25 x1.5 x 2)+1.35( 0.5 x x1.5 x 2)+1( 0.5 x 0.225
Floor 0.225 x 25 x 1.5)+1.35 ( x 25 x 1.5)+1( 2.5 x 2.5
beam & 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 x3) x 1.5 x3)
wall =48.789KN =36.141KN

Load due =(1.35{(0.1125 x25)+ =(1{(0.1125 x25)+ 0.75

to 3rd 0.75 +1.5}+1(1+5))x(2.4x3)
floor slab +1.5}+1.5(1+5))x(2.4x3) =79.65KN

Load due =1.35( Gk) =1( Gk)

to 2 =1.35 x 0.375 x0.300 x =1 x 0.375 x0.300 x 25
Floor 25 x2.5 x2.5
Column =9.492KN =7.031KN

Load due =1.35(0.225 x0.225 x =1(0.225 x0.225 x 25

to 2nd 25 x1.5 x 2)+1.35( 0.5 x x1.5 x 2)+1( 0.5 x 0.225
Floor 0.225 x 25 x 1.5)+1.35 ( x 25 x 1.5)+1( 2.5 x 2.5
beam & 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 x3) x 1.5 x3)
wall =48.789KN =36.141KN

Load due =(1.35{(0.1125 x25)+ =(1{(0.1125 x25)+ 0.75

to 2nd 0.75 +1.5}+1(1+5))x(2.4x3)
floor slab +1.5}+1.5(1+5))x(2.4x3) =79.651KN

Load due =1.35( Gk) =1( Gk)

to 1st =1.35 x 0.375 x0.300 x =1 x 0.375 x0.300 x 25
Floor 25 x2.5 x2.5
Column =9.492KN =7.031KN
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

Load due to 1st =1.35(0.225 =1(0.225 x0.225 x

Floor beam & wall x0.225 x 25 x1.5 x 25 x1.5 x 2)+1( 0.5
2)+1.35( 0.5 x x 0.225 x 25 x
0.225 x 25 x 1.5)+1( 2.5 x 2.5 x
1.5)+1.35 ( 2.5 x 1.5 x3)
2.5 x 1.5 x3) =36.141KN

Load due to 1st =(1.35{(0.1125 =(1{(0.1125 x25)+

floor slab x25)+ 0.75 0.75
+1.5}+1.5(1+5))x(2 +1.5}+1(1+5))x(2.4
.4x3) x3)
=114.005KN =79.65KN

Load due to =1.35( Gk) =1( Gk)

Ground Floor =1.35 x 0.375 =1 x 0.375 x0.300
Column x0.300 x 25 x2.5 x 25 x2.5
=9.492KN =7.031KN

Load due to 1st =1.35(0.225 =1(0.225 x0.225 x

Floor ground tie x0.225 x 25 x1.5 x 25 x1.5 x 2)+1( 0.5
beam & wall 2)+1.35( 0.5 x x 0.225 x 25 x
0.225 x 25 x 1.5)+1( 2.5 x 2.5 x
1.5)+1.35 ( 2.5 x 1.5 x3)
2.5 x 1.5 x3) =36.141KN

Load due to =1.35( Gk) =1( Gk)

Ground Floor =1.35 x 0.375 =1 x 0.375 x0.300
Column below the x0.300 x 25 x 25 x1.350
Ground x1.350 =3.780KN
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output
ULS Load =
Total Axial load ULS (N) = 613.539KN 613.539KN
Total Axial load SLS = 442.212KN
SLS Load =
Dimension of Base 442.212KN

Expected load =1.08 x 422.212 = 477.589 KN

Required area of base = 477.589/200 = 2.38 m2
Base size = (2.38)1/2 =1.543m L =1.650m
Hence take Base size as 1.650m

Base Effective depth = 10 (N)1/2 = 10 (613.539)1/2

= 248mm
W\6 = 1650/6 = 275 mm H =0.3m
Take cover 40mm and bar diameter 12mm

H = 248+40+12/2 = 294mm
Hence take depth of base 300mm

Actual pressure = (442.212+{25 x1.65 x1.65 x0.3})/(1.65 x1.65)

=169.930 kN/m2<200 kN/m2

Design for bending

ULS load on soil = 613.539+1.35(1.65 x1.65 x0.3 x25)

= 641.100KN
Ultimate bearing pressure =641.100/(1.650 x1.650)
=235.48 kN/m2
Bending moment =235.48(1.650-0.375) 2x 1.650 /2 KNm

Effective depth = 300-40-12-12/2 =242mm d=242mm
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

Design Reinforcement for bending moment

Design equation
K = M/ bd2fck = 315.812 x 106 /(1650 x 2422 x 25 )
K = 0.131
= 0.131 < 0.167

Z = [0.5 + √0.25 − 𝑘/1.134 ] d <=0.95d

= [0.5 + √0.25 − 0.131/1.134 ] d<=0.95d

= 0.87d < = 0.95d
= 0.87 x 242
Z = 210.54mm

As , req = M/(0.87 x fyk x z ) = 315.812 x106/ (0.87 x 460 x

As , req =
= 3748.150 mm2

IStructE manual cx + 3d =(3 x375 + {3 x242})

Lx<1.5(cx + 3d)

No of bars required = 3748.150 / π 6 2 = 33brs

Hence take 34 bars

Can provide 34T12 (3845.310 mm2) both ways

As , req =3748.150 mm2 As , pro

As , pro =3845.310 mm2
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

Minimum reinforcement area,

As , min = 0.26 fctm bd/fyk > 0.0013b bt d

= 0.26 x 2.6 x 1650 x 242 / 460 >0.0013 x 1650 x 242
= 586.797 > 519.09
Hence , As , min = 586.0797 mm2
As , min =
As , prov = 3845.310 mm2
586.797 mm2
As , prov > As , min

Clause Maximum spacing for main reinforcement,

3h < 400 mm
3 x 300 >400 mm ( not satisfied)
337.5 > 400 mm s , max = 400

s, max = 400 mm
s, pro = 50 mm
34T10 @
s, max > s, pro 50mm
Used 34T10 @ 50mm ( 3845.310mm2)

Vertical Shear check ( ‘d’ distance away from the face of


Shear Force = 315.812 x1.650 (1.650/2-0.375/2-0.242) VEd=

( VEd ) = 206.091KN

6.4.4 (1) Eq 6.47 VRd,c= [CRd,c k (100 ϱ1 fck )1/3 + k1 Ϭcp ] bw d > (Vmin +k1 Ϭcp) bw d
Ϭcp = 0 ; no axial tension
fck = 25 N/mm2
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

VRd,c= [CRd,c k (100 ϱ1 fck )1/3] bw d > (0.035k3/2 fck1/2) bw d

CRd,c = 1.18/ɤc = 1.18/1.5 = 0.12

BSEN-1991-1-1 k = 1 + √200/𝑑 = 1 + √200/242 = 1.91 < 2

:2004 k = 1.91
ϱ1 = Asl/bwd = 3845.310 / (1650 x242) = 0.0096< 0.02
Clause 6.2.2(1)

VRd,c = [0.12x 1.91x (100 x 0.0096 x 25 )1/3] x 1650 x 242

= 263.988 KN > (0.035k3/2 fck1/2) bw d

>(0.035 x (1.91)3/2 x (25)1/2 ) x 1650 x242
131.752 KN
VRd,c =263.988 KN =263.988 KN
VEd = 206.091KN

VRd,c > VEd

6.4.3(2) Shear ok

Hence Shear is ok

Punching Shear check (column perimeter)

Dx =300-40-12/2 =254mm
Dy =300-40-12/2-12 =242mm
6.4.2(1)Eq 6.32 Dmean =(254+242)/2 =248mm

Column perimer shear,

VEd =F-N(A) =641.100-{(0.3 X 0.375)(235.48)}

=614.491KN VEd=614.491

VEd = VEd / U0 d =614.491 x 103/{2(375+300) x248}

VEd= 1.835
= 1.835 N/mm2 N/mm2
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

VRd,max = αcw x bwz v1 fcd / (cotθ + tan θ )

6.2.3(1)Eq 6.9

V1 = 0.6[1-25/250] = 0.54
6.2.2(6)Eq 6.6N

z = 0.9d = 0.9 x242 = 217.8


fcd = 25 x 0.567 = 14.175


θ = 45o
VRd,max=1 x 2(375+300)x217.8x 0.54 x 14.175 / (cot45+ tan 45 ) VRd,max=1125.
= 1125.326 KN 326 KN

Vrd.max = VRd,max / U0 d =1125.326 x 103/{2(375+300) x242}

= 3.444 N/mm2 Vrd.max
VEd < VRd,max N/mm2

Hence punching shear is ok
shear ok

Punching Shear check (column perimeter 2D distance)

2d distance area = (0.3 x0.375) +(3.14x (2d)2)+{(300 x 2d)

+ +(375 x2d)}2
=1.502 m2

2d distance perimeter =2(0.375+0.3) +(2 x3.14 x2d)


VEd =F-N(A) =641.100-{(1.502)(235.48)}

6.4.4(2) VEd=287.409

VEd = VEd / U0 d =287.409 x 103/{(4.391) x242}

6.4.4(2) Eq 6.49 VEd= 0.270
= 0.270 N/mm2
Project: UBGLT4-30-3 Civil Engineering Design Project
Page of
Dwg Ref: Calc by: Date: Chk Date
Faculty of Environment & Technology D.H.S 02/07/2016 by
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay
Bristol, BS16 1QY
Reference Calculations Output

6.4.4(2) Eq 6.50 Moadification factor =2d/a

VRd,c =0.66
Final VRd,c =VRd,c x 2d/a
But a = 2d
Final VRd,c =VRd,c =0.66 N/mm2

VRd,c > VEd

6.4.3(2) shear ok
Hence punching shear is ok

Design building is huge task for any structural engineers. He always responsible for
structure. Therefor he must do his work accurately and precisely.


When we doing the design, used design codes,

EN 1990 Eurocode 0 : Basis of Structural Design

EN 1990 Eurocode 1 : Action on Structures

EN 1990 Eurocode 2 : Design of Concrete structures

Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2


Hazard can be happening to the any time of the project. As a result of it injury, death,
diseases, environmental or property and equipment damage can be happening. Identification
of hazards is an important part of the project. Before doing the construction we must create a
safe environment. For that we must identify the types of hazards and how it will be
happening. It does not happen only in workshops. It can be happened everywhere. This
process can be called hazard identification.

Hazard Description

1. Chemical (Toxic) That exposed to the person or through the skin or

absorption to the skin or inhalation.

2. Chemical (Flammable) That exposed to the heat ignition source . As a result,

combustion will be happening.

3. Chemical (Corrosive) That contact to the skin or materials , As a result it will be


4. Electrical (fire) Mistakes or wrong set out of electric instruments can be happen

5. Excavation (Collapse) Soil collapse can be happen due to Improper shoring.

6. Fall (Slip/Trip) Uneven surface, working with edges can be happen.

7. Fire/Heat As a result of increasing temperature can be happen.

8. Mechanical/Vibration Without proper maintains this hazards can be happened.

9. Noise Noise level > 85 dBA . As a result, hearing damage can be


10.Visibility Lack of lighting that above any hazard can be happen

After identified the hazard we can control risk by change the probability and magnitude.

Risk= Likelihood X Impact

There are six processes to the project risk management. There are,

• Project risk management

• Identify Risk
• Perform Qualitative risk analysis
• Perform Quantitative risk analysis
• Plan Risk responses
• Monitor and control risk

Implementation of the health and safety plan

Safety is the one of main part of the project. Safety coordinators main obligation is to do
work without any damages in their labors.
Before construction, safety coordinator pays their attention.

✓ To provide site access

✓ To erected office & accommodation
✓ Started security system around site
✓ Supplying water/electric supply and sewerage facilities in proper manner.
✓ Start good storage facilities
✓ Create medical facilities

After doing these he must identify the risk and give some precaution for risk. He must apply
risk assessment process. After assessment he must follow some rules.

✓ Nominate a safety officer

✓ Start safety meeting every week
✓ Give some instructions about hazards and safety precaution methods
✓ Apply rules for labours
✓ Use personal protective equipment. (PPE)
Risk Assessment Table (4 x 4)


1 2 3 4

1 1 2 3 4
2 4 6 8

3 6 9 12
4 8 12 16
The Importance of numbers, and the action to take

16 &12: Top Priority – Isolate the hazard immediately. Must fix the cause(s) now
8 & 9: Medium Priority – Isolate the hazard as soon as practicable. Must fix the cause(s)
within 1 month. Regularly monitor the cause(s) and hazard until rectified
1,2,3,4 & 6: Low Priority – Must fix the cause(s) when time and resources permit, but within
3 months. Regularly monitor the cause(s) and hazard until rectified.
Hazard identification and risk Assessment

Activity Hazard Risk Risk Mitigation measures

Excavation Trenches Injuries for 2x2 Applied shoring boards for
for fdn & collapse work tranches. Used Personal
Explosive Dust Hearing loss protective equipment.
stones Noise Lung disease
Working Falling Injuries for 2x4 Edge protection, Fall
height place object & work protection cover,
Falling death Travel restraint system and
workers toe boards and provide
safety nets
Construction Falling Injuries for 3x4 follow a safe system of work
of roof object & work using a platform beneath the
Falling death roof where possible

Working on Falling permanent 1x3 Each ladder must be secured

ladders from the injuries or to prevent it moving.
ladder or death
slipping or
failure of
the ladder
Working in Falling permanent 3x3 Construct tower scaffolds with
scaffolds from injuries or a safe height-to-base area
scaffolds death ratio
Collapse Properly secure the wheels of
of mobile scaffolds
Make the upright of the
scaffold vertical and securely
braced to prevent swaying or
Working on Collapse permanent 4x4 inspected daily before use
the crane or injuries or and should be inspected
Falling the death weekly.
must be carried out with
properly, used lifting
machines and
to avoid loads falling.

All lifting operations should be

done well experience person
Site bore hole location and bore hole test

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