7 Science QP Annual Exam

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NAME: ……………………..

Class: VII Section…….. Time Allowed: 1½ Hr.
Roll No……… Maximum Marks: 35


Q1. Assertion – Reasoning Questions:

Direction: In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason
(R). Mark the correct choice as:

(i) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(ii) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(iii) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(iv) Assertion is false, but reason is true.
a) Assertion (A): Explosion of fireworks is a chemical change. 1 Mark
Reason (R): It produces new substances like heat, light, sound and unpleasant gases that pollute the
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
b) Assertion (A): Arteries does not have thick walls. 1 Mark
Reason ( R): Veins carry blood from different parts of the body to the heart.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
c) Assertion (A):We should not drink contaminated water. 1 Mark
Reason (R): Dirty water contains toxic chemicals and germs that can cause diseases.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
d) Assertion (A): It is fatal to touch a live electric wire as the person gets a severe electric shock. 1 Mark
Reason (R): The electric current cannot pass through the human body.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
a) Complete the chemical reaction. 1 Mark
Sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid …………..+………………
b) The distance time graph helps us to find the ………. covered by an object during a particular interval of 1 Mark
c) The blood vessel which carry oxygen rich blood from lungs to the heart is called …………….. while the 1 Mark
vessel which carries carbon dioxide rich blood from the heart to the lungs is called ………………

Q3. Answer the following in one word.

a) A rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood flows through them. 1 Mark
b) The type of image formed on a cinema screen. 1 Mark
c) The branchy part of a tree above the stem. 1 Mark
Answer the following in short. Q4-Q7
Q4. Jai was very fond of collecting iron items. One day he observed that the color of the items changed. He 2 Mark
discussed about this with his science teacher who explained him the reason and made him aware of the
preventive measure.
a) Justify the reason for the change in the colour of the iron items.
b) What preventive measures will you take to save the iron items from changing colour?
Q.5 An element ‘X’ burns with a dazzling white light forming a compound ‘Y’ which when dissolved in water to 2 Marks
form ‘Z’ which changes red litmus paper to blue.
Write down the reaction in which:
a) A dazzling light is formed on burning the element ‘X’.
b) The ash ‘Y’ formed is dissolved in water.
Q.6 Suggest any two methods to increase the strength of an electromagnet. 2 Marks
Q.7 Comment on the following statements. 2 Marks
a) Eucalyptus trees are planted along the sewage ponds.
b) Vermicomposting toilets are a better alternative to normal toilets.
Answer the following in short. Q8-Q10
Q.8 Explain how nutrients are recycled when an animal dies in a forest? Write an example of food chain. 3 Marks
Q.9 a) What types of mirrors are formed by the inner and the outer curved surfaces of a spoon? 3 Marks
b) Write a point of difference related to the image formed by the two mirrors formed by a spoon.
c) Name the mirror used -
i) By a dentist
ii) For rear viewing in vehicles
Q.10 a) A simple pendulum completes its 40 oscillations in 60 seconds. Find the time-period. 3 Marks
b) Write any two information which we observe in a distance time graph.

Q.11 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 4 Marks
Nikita after returning from her school called her friends and explained to them about the preciousness of
water. They read an article of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring focused attention on environmental
damage caused by improper use of pesticides such as DDT and other persistent chemicals that
accumulate in the food chain and disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems on a wide scale. They
prepared pamphlets on tips to save water and distributed it in their colony.

a) Why was the year 2003 observed as the international year of freshwater?
b) Write any one effect of pesticides on animals living in the water bodies?
c) What happens to the water table during –
i) Drought
ii) Heavy rain
Q.12 a) What is seed dispersal? 4 Marks
b) How are plants benefited from seed dispersal?
c) Identify the mode by which the seeds are dispersed
in the given figure.
d) What are the characteristics of the seeds dispersed
by the above method?

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