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"My Best Day During Corona Times"

Many things have changed as a result of COVID-19. Some of us have said that the
pandemic has altered their ability to socialize with their friends and family. Includes
the ability to spend more time with spouses, children or other family members who
will no longer spend their days at work or school. There are also some of us who have
lost loved ones and lost their jobs because of the crisis we face today. But despite
this they were still resilient and positive to face every challenge that came into their

I can share with you some of my experiences during corona times. Like everyone else,
I lost a loved one and there are also times when we encounter family and financial
problems. But in spite of all the challenges my family and I faced during the
pandemic, we still remain positive even though we are in this situation now because we
believe that one day everything will return to normal. When it comes to my
relationships with my friends some of my relationships with them have deepened and
also I have met new ones and they have become my friends as well. For some of my
friends, distance makes no difference as we know our hearts and minds are
connected. Perhaps a pandemic is what one needs to really know that true love lasts.

For me, I can say that the best day ever I had was the day I cycled with my friends
and had a picnic with them. And another was that we witnessed the blood moon
together that night. On that day that I was with them I was feeling like everything
was just normal as if there was no virus spreading around. Maybe it's because we
just missed doing the things we did when our situation was normal. That is why now I
am still happy because despite the crisis we are facing nowadays I am still able to do
the things I used to do such as having a bonding moment with my family and friends.
But every day I wake up I consider it my best day ever because in our time today we
need to enjoy every hour and day that we spend with our loved ones because we do
not know and no one knows what will happen tomorrow or the day after. So we should
just enjoy and make the most of our time and days with them as if there is no

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