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(The last time I felt valued)

● Incident:

-It happened when I was still in Junior High School when one of my classmates defended me
from being bullied and said that I don't deserve to be treated like that because we all deserve to
be respected and we are more than enough to be in this world. And since then our friendship
started and I considered him one of my best friends.

● Thoughts:

-What I think is that I wondered why he helped and defended me from those who bullied me
even though we didn't know each other at that time, maybe because he just didn't want to see
someone being bullied.

● Feelings:

-I felt happy because in all my life he was the one who made me feel important so I am very
thankful because I met him and our path met.

● Behavior:

-I was amazed to find out and see that there are still people who are willing to stand up and
help you when you need help even if a stranger or not, because of that, I myself was inspired
by the actions of my classmate so just like he did to defend me then I do the same now that
when I see a child being bullied I help because I don't want others to experience what I
experienced then.
(The last time I made others felt valued)

● Incident:

-The last time I made others felt valued was during Christmas when I gave everyone in my
family a simple gift.

● Thoughts:

-I believe by giving other people gifts even just a simple one, will make them feel valued
because they thought of you while buying that gift.

● Feelings:

-I certainly felt that they know I value them because of those gifts. Everyone was happy and
surprised when the moment of opening the presents during Christmas arrived.

● Behavior:

-My Family is really appreciative of the gifts I gave them. Although they know those are not
really expensive, they are very surprised and assuring that they love what I gave them.

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