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Brief description of work carried out

Joined with the persons who came from the Industrial Environment Services (pvt) ltd to take the
measurements on plant's Air quality, CO2, VOC, noise level, dust level, relative humidity &
temperature. Show them relevant places inside the plant to take the measurements.

Went to the Panadura labor department to submit the relevant documents to get approval for the
night shift for female workers.

Went to the District Factory Inspecting Engineer’s office in Kalutara to submit the requested
documents with regards to the renewal of factory registration and certificate on Means of fire

Preparation for the Audit. Arranged the documents and records related to social compliance and
health & safety. 

Preparation of a list that need to be fixed under the factory occupational health & safety after the
factory inspection.

 Attach labels near the fire extinguishers. 

 Replace chemical spill kit & containers (bins) / place a label as “ Don’t put garbage here”
 Update the H&S notice boards
 Hang the emergency assembly point board & arrow path ways 
 Update the emergency contact number list and contact list of the staff members in the
guard rooms etc. 

Daily inspection inside and outside the production flow,

 Informed relevant line managers to remove the blocks/boxes/ machines from fire
extinguishers and in front of fire exit doors. 

 Informed nurse at medical center to check the Amante first aid box. (Not maintain it

 Informed to the shop owner (shop @ behind the canteen flow) to remove goods from fire
hose cabinet & fire reel system. 

Prepared a list of certificates, license that need to be renewed within this year (update the master

Did an analysis to find out how many minor injuries has been happened in the past three months.
Graphical representation of which types of injuries has happened largely / at what time injuries
has happened largely etc.

Made a list that need to be replace the chemical spill kit in the factory.

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