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Pf, y es W1-2-60-1-6 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2018/2019 FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOSTATISTICS, OPERATIONS RESEARCH, STATISTICS, ACTURIAL SCIENCE AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING. STA 2104: CALCULUS FOR STATISTICS I DATE: DECEMBER 2018 ‘TIME: 2HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question one (compulsory) any other two questions QUESTION ONE G0 MARKS) a) Evaluate the following limits @ lim [ats (marks) ale ) tin( 9-82") (Gmarks) Ml 2a? 14x+5 (marks) b) The sales (in million Dollars) of a laser dise recording of a hit movie, ¢ years from the date of SoA lasts r ven by S(#) = 100] release is given by S(t) ( ara (i) Find the rate at which the sales are changing at timer. How fast are the sales changing at the time the laser discs are released (¢ = 0)? Two years from the date of release. (4 marks) c) Find the value of x for which the function f(x) = is continuous. (3 marks) 4) Use the first principle of differentiation to find given f(x) = (4 marks) ak on f(2)=5* on | and find the values of (4 marks) sf turtle’s eggs t0 Pe it is hoped that 00 os 510 he turtle €) State the Rolle’s Theorem hence use it to determine whether the functic [0,5] sitisties the hypothesis of Rele's theorem o” interval x in the interval [0,5] that satisfies the conclusion © f) A certain species of turtles faces extincti sold as aphrodisiacs. After severe conser the turtle population will grow according to the ule N()= 2 +30 — where 1V(1) denotes the population atthe end of the year ¢ Find the rate of “What will be the population be 10 years af the indicate: the theorem lers called truckloads re implemented, gt +10 f growth of t! + the conservation (4 marks) (3 marks) jon since deal -vation measures We population when ¢=2 and ‘measures are implemented. .2) Use linear approximation to estimate t QUESTION TWO 20 MARKS) .e given function is continuous he value of cos(32") va) Find the values of the constant a and B for which th ee (0,0). fay=fareb f -1Sx 0 without using tables or a calculator. marks) ‘A sequence of numbers is formed by adding the corresponding terms of an AP and GP. The common ratio of the G of the AP and GP How many different arrangements of the word PARRAMATTA are possible? (2 marks) (5 marks) Expand (4-+x)'up to and including the term inx*, Hence evaluate 4.01° giving your answer correct to 5 decimal places. (4 marks) P is 4. The first 3 terms of the sequence are 8, 20 and 59. Find the term {y- and we 5. Aman buys premium bonds every year. In the first year, he buys sh. 2000 worth of bonds. If every year he increases his annual investment by sh 600, how long will he take for his total investment in bonds to be sh. 37,000? 6. Study the table below and answer the i CAT 1 DURATION 1 HR. ‘ALGEBRA FOR STATISTICS AND. FINANCE (2+ 4x)” in ascending powers of 3 QI) Write down the first four terms of the expansion of ; : 1510 correct to the nearest whole number, determine also the (4mks) x. Hence find the value of 2.02 constant term in x* Q2) A committee of six is to be formed from nine woinen and three men, In how many ways can the members be chosen in order to have. i) At most two men ii) At least one man (4mks) Q3) Ifin an A.P the fourth term is 13 and the seventh term 22. Determine. i. The first term and common differenice i. The value of the n if the nth term is 100 iii, ‘The value of m if the sum to m term of the series is 175 (4mks) Q4) Solve the simultaneous equation below using Cramers rule x+3y-2z=9 3x—6y+2z=1 x+ 6y-32=13 ; (4mks QS) i)If f(x) =x? -4x42 and’ g(x) =3x-7, find (fog)x and Gos : ; find (go f)x ahd (g 0 f)2 ; : (Gmks) Pe fra . ii fG) ==, find the domain and the range . Gmks) 6) A star's diameter D (as a multiple ofthe sus’s diameter) varies directly with the square se Lae es cay ee sun’s luminosity) and inversely with the a) Write an equation relating D, L, T, and a cons‘ant k. ©) The luminosity of Polaris i 10,000 times the iminsiy ofthe sun. The surface semper of Polaris pout 5800 kelvins. Using k = 33,640,000, find how the diameter of compares \eter of the sun. ©) The sun’s diameter is 1,390,000 kilometers, What is the diameter of Polaris? (Smks) Q7) Obtain the standard : acter tad Bade equation of the circle 3? + y? — 10x + 8y-8=0. a Gmks) Zs W1-2-60-1-6 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY University Examinations 2018/2019 v i F’ BACHELOR IRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BA I a NANCIAL ENGINEERING, STA TISTICS OF SCIENCE IN; ACTUARIAL SCIE! OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND BIOSTATISTICS STA 2101 ALGEBRA FOR STATISTICS AND FINANCE DATE DECEMBER, 2018 TIME 2 HOURS Instructions i) Answer questio ii) Strictly submit this question paper togethei QUESTION ONE (30 MARKS) function f(x) = 3+ 4e*, find the inverse function f"'(x) . State the domain and the mn one and nay other two questions. r with the answer booklet a) Given the range of f(x). (4 marks) b) If(y+1) varies directly as cube root of x and y=14 when x=27, find the value of y when x=64. (4 marks) 2x-3y+z=-1 Solve the following linear system using Cramer’s rule, x+2y-2=4 (4. marks) 2xty-z=3 hop sold 150 computers. Each year the shop sold 10 more computers than hat the shop sold 160 computers in 2001, 170 computers in 2002 and so on ©) d In the year 2000 as! the year before, so t forming an arithmetic sequence. i) Show that the shop sold 220 computers in the year 2007 (1 mark) ii) Caleulate the total number of computers the shop sold 1 from 2000 to 2013 inclusive (1. mark) iii) In the year 2000 the selling price of each computer was $900.Tthe selling price fell by $20 so that in 2001 the selling price was $880, in 2002 the selling price was $860 and so on forming an arithmetic sequence. In a particular year, the selling price of each computers ‘was equal to 3 times the number of computer the shop sold in that year, find the year in which this occurred. (2 marks) e) Factor the polynomial f(x) =x? +3x?-4x-12 b i i i y grouping hence or otherwise of x°+3x?—4x-12=0 sad se marks) 3r+5 Gg 23245 Graph oO. eee es of the graph of the funct (5 marks) £) Identify the horizontal and vertical asymptot 2 the function. What are the domain and range of this function® The figure alongside shows a sketch of the parabola C with equation y? = 36x and focus S. The point P on C and the point Q lies on the directrix of C such that the line segment Qp is parallel to the x-axis. i) Find the coordinates of § and the equation of the directrix. (2 marks) toi) Given that the distance PS is 25 write down the distance QP hence find the coordinate of P. 3 marks) ‘eiii) Find the area of trapezium OSPQ (1 mark) QUESTION TWO (20 MARKS) a) If y* varies directly as (x+6) and y=6 when x=13, also y=9 when x= 463, find the value of b, the relation between x and y and the value of x when y=16 (6 marks) b) Accompany predicts a yearly profit of $20,000 in the year 2018. The company predicts that the yearly profit will rise each year by 5%. The predicted yearly profit form a geometric sequence with common ratio 1.05. i) Show that the predicted profit in the year 2023 is $ 25525.63 (1 mark) ii) Find the first year in which the yearly predicted profit exceeds $50,000 (2 marks) iii) Find the total predicted profit for the 2018 to 2028 inclusive. Give your answer to the nearest dollar (2 marks) c) The diagram shows part of the graph of f(x) = Ae“ +2. The y-intercept is (0,10). i) Show that A (1 mark) . Mi) Given that f(8)=3.62 (to 3 significant d figures), find the value of k. (2 mks) Se iii) Find the equation of the horizontal X asymptote of the graph f, (1 mark) ‘ 2 4) A potter has 70 pounds of clay and 40 hours to make soup bows ana ties ae a . <- y 10, craft fair. A soup bowl uses 3 pounds of clay and a dinner plate uses eee fe ieee Bows tomale soup ba at Louro mate diner pla, If the profit on a soup bowl is and the profit on a dinner plate is $20, tow many bowls should the potter make in order to maximize profit? = ee bx (5 marks) a) The table at the right shows the typical wingspans x (in feet) and the typical weights y (in pounds) for several types of birds a Bird Cuckoo [Grow] Curlew | Goose | Vulture - Wingspan (xf) [1.90 [2.92 [341 [535 [840 Weight (Ib y) | 0.23 1.04 [1.69 [6.76 | 16.03 2 Ee i) Draw a scatter plot of the data pairs (In x, in ). Is a power model a good fit for fae original data pairs (x, y)? ey ii) Find a power model for the original data Se eee b) A.cup of hot tea is placed on a table to cool. The temperature of the room is 24°C. This tan be modelled by the exponential function T = a-+bk-" where T'is the temperature of the te3, in®C, and mis the number of minutes for which the cup has been placed on the table. : i) write down the value of a (1 mar 2 ii) Initially the temperature of the tea is 92°C. write down the value of b. (1 mark) iif) After one minute, the temperature of the tea is 74°C. find the value of k. (2 marks) iv) Find the temperature of the tea three minutes after it has been placed on the table v) Find the total time needed for the tea to reach a temperature of 30°C. Give your answer it minutes and seconds, correct to the nearest second. (3 marks) c) The cubic equation 2x? + px? +gx—8=0 where p and g are rational numbers hasa,B and y as its roots. (seo 4) (K-P) (e-¥ i) Given that @ =2+2¥3 write down another root, fF, of the function. (1 mark) ii) Find the thirdroot y © (3 marks) iii) Find the values of p and q J ( marks) QUESTION FOUR (20 MARKS) a) The points A and B have coordinates (-2 , 11) and (8 , 1) respectively. Given that AB is a diameter of the circle C. - i) Obtain the radius and center of the circle hence write it’s equation. (3 marks) ii) Verify that the point P(10., 7) lies on C hence find the equation of the tangent at P. give your answer inthe form y=mx+e (3 marks) b) A tour boat travels between two islands that are 12 miles apart. For a trip between the islands, there is enough fuel for a 20-mile tour. The region in which the boat can travel is bounded by an ellipse. (i) Let (0, 0) be the center of the ellipse. Find the coordinates of each island (ii) Suppose the boat travels from one ——— island, straight past the other island to the vertex of the ellipse, and back os to the 2" island. How many miles a does the boat travel? What are the coordinates of the vertices?(2 marks) ‘ii)Use your ans i ii i i ea ( ee ms era and (ii) to write an equation for the ellipse that pete : e) Classify the conic section and write its equation i ES 0 ite its equation in standard form. Then graph the equation (6 marks) (1 mark) _ 3 e sound waves form a cone behind \ d) When an airplane travels faster than the speed of sound, th the airplane. If the airplane is flying parallel to the ground, the sound waves intersect the ground in a hyperbola with the airplane directly above its center. A sonic boom is heard along the hyperbola. If you hear a sonic boom that is audible along a hyperbola with the 2 2 equation at aaa =1 where x and y are measured in miles; () What is the shortest horizontal dist (ii) Obtain the equations of the asymp' ance you could be to the airplane? (1 mark) totes and the coordinates of the foci. (2 marks) W1-2-60-1-6 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2018/2019 FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BAS/BFE/BBS/BST/BOR. STA 2102: INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR STATISTICS DATE: DECEMBER, 2018 TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer question ONE (section A) and any other two questions in section B. 2. All questions except question one carry equal marks SECTION A (30 MARKS) aw, QUESTION ONE eee ‘2, State and explain the three major components of information téchnology and communication That would facilitate secure storage, remote access and transmission of information (6 marks) b. Discuss any three characteristics of operating systems. ~ Gmarks) Rn, tee ahmegts > teayerty { ©. i. Explain the function of a comy (3 marks) | ‘tate and explain the three b: (G Marks) « 4. Discuss the following terms: . i. System management program. (3 marks) © ee ii. User interface. -.te + ‘se aes (3 marks) e. State and explain any three eqmponents of World Wide Web. (6 marks) QUESTION TWO a, Discuss any three types of computers. (6 marks) b, Explain discuss the following terms i, Information technology. (@ Marks) _ ii, Instruction Registers. G Marks) ¢. Explain the difference between data and information. (marks) 4. Explain the followings: i, Word processor. (2 marks) ii, Spread sheet. @ marks) QUESTION THREE a, i, Explain the difference between operators and logical operations. (4 Marks) ii, State and explain any three properties of digital signals. (6 marks) b, i, State and explain the basic registers in the CPU. (6 Marks) cles 79° “2 Teane = Mpa STA 2102 ed to as grid storage, is a new technology paradigm that pushes ae ‘orks (SANS) to new levels, explain ii, Storage clustering, also referr \daries of storage area netw (4marks) the scalability and efficiency boun the concept. 9 QUESTION FOUR ‘a. Define the following terms as used in Ms Excel. ) Workbook.-7*4 Worksheet.* 2 iii,)Formula. =~" iv.) Function. =~ (8 marks) b.The grading system for the JKUAT Degree program is given below: ~ ‘Average Mark Grade 70 — 100 A 60-70 B 50-60 a 40-50 D 0-40 E Assuming the Average mark for Simon is in cell H5, come up with a nested IF statement to obtain his grade. (4 marks) G; State and explain-any four features of Microsoft word processor (4 Mavis) Rees, Cast Duden, currear ome MNT L 4, State anid explain any three components of Computer network. (4 Marks) ap Com ede om earl coe Ay cma» ® Strathmore CIENCES. STRATHMORE INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL S BBS-Financial Economies & Financial Engineering END OF SEMESTER EXAMINATION BSE 1101: MICROECONOMICS 1 DATE: Wednesday, 18th July 2018 Instructions 1, This examination consists of FIVE questions. 2. Answer Question ONE (COMPULSORY) and any other TWO questions. QUESTION ONE (30 marks) a) Assume that consumers consider popcorn and dried potato chips to be substitutes. Use a demand and supply diagram to illustrate and explain how a significant decrease in the supply of popcorn will affect the dried potato chips market. (5 marks) b) Evaluate the following statements, give diagram illustrations and explain: i, In the short run, some average costs must continuously decrease as output produced increases. (3 marks) ii, To reduce the consumption of cigarettes, the government must increase the price of the cigarettes. (4 marks) In acase where the price elasticity of demand is less than the price elasticity of supply, the supplies bears a higher burden of tax imposed on a commodity by the government. (5 marks) iv. _A firm should immediately leave the market so long as it is making losses in the short run, (6 marks) Page 1of3 the monopoly power to sell a certain type of drug through a marginal cost per unit. Iu .e drug runs out and new firms gives a firm The government gives a fir strate the monopoly price incurs a constant patent. The firm it eS ate, ‘Afier some time however, the patent on th e prices and it competitive. Use a diagram to compare t he monopoly and competi makin; output. Briefly explain your diagram. (7 marks) QUESTION TWO (20 marks) 2) Suppose that a firm begins to hire workers for a newly completed factory with a fixed ‘The firm does not plan to inerease the amount of space or machinery. amount of machinery. [As the firm hires additional workers, use an appropriate diagram to illustrate what ould expect in the change in output, That is total output, marginal output and average one. output. Clearly explain your diagram. (7 marks) b) Use a diagram to illustrate the long-run equilibrium in a monopolistically competitive market. Clearly explain how the price is related to the average total cost and the marginal cost and how that relationship would be different for a firm in a perfectly competitive market. (8 marks) c) Consider the market for white wine. Draw a diagram and use it to explain what would happen in that market if a new study is released that indicates that drinking white wine is hazardous to human health, (S marks) QUESTION THREE (20 marks) 4) Give a brief meaning of price discrimination and outline four circumstances under which price discrimination is possible. (6 marks) b) Given the following scenario: Two towns A and B are less than half an hour away via road. ‘Town A’s administration enacts a rent control law on apartments that put a ceiling on rents below their competitive market value. Predict the impact of this law on the competitive equilibrium rent in town B which does not have a rent control law. (7 marks) ©) The total cost function for a firm in a perfectly competitively market is given by the equation TC =Q' ~24Q? + 600Q where TC = total cost in and Q is quantity. Page 2 of 3 Compute the average cost and output level at which the firm will operate on in the long- run. (7 marks) QUESTION FOUR (20 marks) ) Discuss four internal economies of scale that arise from the expansion of a firm. (6 marks) b) In the last season, the rainfall destroyed the food crops such as maize and potatoes which are staple foods in Kenya. It takes several months to grow the food crops. Use the concept of elasticity of demand and supply to explain why farmers whose crops were not destroyed benefitted from the rainfall destruction, Use a suitable diagram to explain. (8 marks) c) To cut grass, a man uses one slasher. Explain the meaning of an isoquant and illustrate an isoquant and illustrate an isoquant that represents the relationship between the inputs. Explain your diagram. (5 marks) QUESTION FIVE (20 marks) a) Explain four factors that influence the wage elasticity of labor. (6 marks) b) Increase in the labor wage could have either of two effects on an individual worker, the income or the substitution effect. Draw the individual labor supply curve and explain the two effects. (6 marks) ©) Briefly discuss four justifications of government intervention in an economy. (8 marks) W1-2-60-6 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION 2018/2019 EXAMINATION FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACTUARIAL SCIENCE/ BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FINANCIAL ENGINEERING AND BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN STATISTICS YEAR ONE SEMESTER ONE SINESS ECONOMICS ONE ‘TIME: 2 HOUR: DAT! EMBE} INSTRUCTION: Answer Question One and any Other TWO Questions QUESTION ONE a) Briefly explain the following terms as used in economics. i Demand ii, Marginal rate of substitution (MRS) iii, Indifference curve iv. Demand economy v. Opportunity cost (6 marks) b) Comment on the statement from an opportunity cost perspective: “The major cost of going to Assume that a person could have earned $30,000 a college is the $15,000 per year in tuition.” year if the person did not go to college. (3 marks) ©). Explain and evaluate: “If resources were infigitely abundant in relation to the demand for them, the economizing problem would dissolve in a sea of affluence.” (2 marks) 4) The production possibilities curve below shows the hypothetical relationship between the production of guns (national defense) and butter (social goods) in an economy. n ns tt A 0 4 B 14 4 cS 26 2 D 36 1 E 44 0 Page 1 of 4 @ What is the marginal opportunity cost of producing the second unit of butter? cost of producing the second unit of butter? (i) What is the ‘otal opportunity ¢: cost of producing the third unit of butter? ii) What is the marginal opportunity portunity cost of producing the third unit of butter? sul 1c ? substitution and income effect (iv) What is the “otal op (4 marks) ©) How can the utilty-maximizing rule be used to explain the s (8 marks) ee errite) Dineen, cobet f) Explain why average fixed cost curve slopes downwards from left to right. (2marks) : SF dente tht ©, Quttty h Fousd ‘As a result of an increase in the price of Dail .© Kshs 40, there is an y Nation from Kshs 8) increase in the demand for East African Standard from 25 million to 30 million papers (@ State the type of elasticity above > (om (grant ma © (2 marks) (@ Calculate the above elasticity of demand (2 marks) ii) Explain the calculated elasticity in (i) above. °!«* (2 marks) .QUESTION TWO a) Suppose the price of beef fell dramatically as the price of feed grain decreased. Use the income effect and the substitution effect to explain why there was an increase in the quantity of beef purchased. (6 marks) b) Differentiate between a normal (superior) and an inferiar good (2 marks) ©) Whats the difference between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded? Give graphical illustration (8 marks) 4) Explain how the prices of related goods also affect demand. (4 marks) ,/ QUESTION THREE (2 marks) 4) Explain the difference between marginal and total utility? < pon the supply of television sets in a competitive b) What effect will each of the following have w 12 Explain your reasoning in each case. the price of electronic equipment used in p sue marke roducing television sets @ an increase in (i) a decline in the number of firms producing television se TV sets (i) large new tariff on imported ‘onsumers make televisions more popular among c new inexpensive satellite dishes which (8 marks) @) Page 2 of 4 ©) Deseribe in wor ‘) ibe in words how one can recognize the market equilibrium point in a graph of a demand schedule and a supply schedule @ marks) ) Using the schedules given, plot the demand curve and the supply curve on the below graph. Label the axes and indicate for each axis the units being used to measure price and quantity ‘Then answer the questions. Quantity demanded Quantity supplied hels Pri dhels of oa $1.50 10,000 $1.50 40,000 1.40 15,000 1.40 35,000 1.30 20,000 1.30 30,000 1.20 25,000 1.20 25,000 4.10 30,000 1.10 20,000 1.00 35,000 1.00 15,000 (@) Give the equilibrium price and quantity for oats. (©) Indicate the equilibrium price and quantity on the graph by drawing lines from the intersection of the supply and demand curves to the price and quantity axes. (0) Ifthe government decided to support the price of oats at $1.40 per bushel, tell whether there would be a surplus or shortage and how much it would be. @ Demonstrate your answer to part (c) on your graph being sure to label the quantity you designated as the shortage or surplus. (8 marks) QUESTION FOUR JA) Explain the concept of kinked demand curve in oligopoly market structure, Graphically illustrate Myerin Frek 4e Tgleshe y nek (@ marks) Dieaes gant vb) How do you interpret the coefficient of the price elasticity of demand? we Ob5eka Explain when Ey is 1,5, 0,7, and 1.0. (4-marks) ©) Explain why products sold in oligopoly markets have high cro®s elasticity.(2 marks) 4) Discuss business applications of the concept of elasticity (marks) Page 3 of 4 QUESTION FIVE a) Explain the factors that would cause increase in supply.¢ ce (4 marks) b) Giving graphical illustration, distinguish between fixed cost and variable cost. , t J (4 marks) a (2 marks) ©) Why is the distinction between fixed and variable cost important? 4) Describe how pure competition differs from other basic market models? (10 marks) pos co “Poco gree ana pm dbilts* x GS ) JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2017/2018 FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FINANCIAL ENGINEERING STA 2120: FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL ENGINEERING parr. } JANUARY, 2018 _TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt section A and any other two questions in section B. SECTION A (30 MARKS) 1. fa) Describe Financial engineering. , _ [2marks] (by Discuss the roles of financial markets. - Liquichly Reduce {4'marks] Explain the role of a financial engineer.» 9 aay ng abt fahre FEOE aris] Ki eve “we Distingnish between capital market and money market instruments giving examples. [3 marks} [3 mark: a) John te es, monet 2%, pa simple: intcrestitte years, At the end of n years, John got back 4 times his original investment. What is the value of n?_ [3 marks J Mike receives cash flows of 100 today, 200 in one year and 100 in2 years. The present value of this cash ow is 346.46 at an annual effective rate of interest 2. Calculate 7. _{4 marks] Fo Simple interest of i = 5% is being credited to a fund. In which period is this equivalent to an effective rate of 2.5% {5 marks} Misa 7. 0:08 + Heed | o0ass — et A ag I+ 9.05n- 0-08 092529 -—— Ay | 0.08 | Me dimainy ‘tied be. 4 0-95 +0-051 ‘ Oos Gsin)-(rilo-d) | ogspoosns See 441 (0-1) | 0-954 00SN = 2 wsical assets. [Smarks] I te a get P < wy ao /\> W1-2-60-1» oh! ng amma | Beat op gy eR Pathan ne (bee te Se 33 seeyela J vas ate A / | SECTION B es ral Se ACH) Oy nd dernd fa ' eRe aK t bee on zi fae Pega anat cod eee By f (a) isowa the fect of ec monetary pola inca dcr seaiscoRe? Tey » You deposit 2,000 today and anotiver 3,000 in five years into a fund that pays at6% per year. Your friend makes the same deposits into another fund, but at time n and ctively. This fund credits interest at an annual effective rate of 12%. At the end le di ry ‘co tocat” & Z 2n, respe of 10 years, the accumulated value of your deposits is exactly the same as the accumulated value of your friend’s deposits. Calculate m. (10 marks} Qocol 1+ oa) / Qooo + Adon QUES! pM) Bt? al f = S000( 1 +o-24) \nf la ie Cede B00 + 1200" f (a) Discuss the determinants of interest rates > Vega\ - [5 marks) $ Hn et (b) Differentiate between margin buying and repurchase agreement with regards to collateralized borrowing arrangements. [4 marks} (c) Discuss the carat Financial Markets and the components that comprise the Kenyan financial mit [4 marks) national financial institutions-since the end of the second world (d) Discuss the ee of intern growth of fiyancial parkets that have lel to war clearly bringing out traceable aspects of the Se HE financial globaligation Td goers eke acta pent d Finan zishahte omed Git pulp of tT cafes 4 ve ite Mick meedoy mt Ca A aad Sch ee a SS Hees ELA EE gat Seif QUESTION zr a er cee Galt $i So Se (a) Differentiate between the following terms. cht) Effective rate of interest and nominal rate of interest fi) Simple interest and simple discount . (iii) Affirmative covenants and Negative covenants [Gmarkes} with 6000sh interest at the v(by-An investor makes an initial investment of 100,000 sh and is credited [2 marks fective rate of interest for this investment end of the year. What is the e A Calculate the effgetive monthly rate and biennial rate equivalent to 10% p.a effective [3 marks) Ut Show that d) = p[1 ~ v'/*] _ [4 marks] x{e) At a certain rate of compound interest, 1 will increase to 2 in a years. 2 will increase to 3 in b years, and 3 will increase to 15 in ¢ years. If 6 will increase to 0 inn years. Find an expression {5 marks} for n in terms of a, b and c. ae STA 2102 Introduction to information technology for statistics. CAT C ty Explain the term computer and explain their classifications. (5 marks) (2) Define computer operating systems and discuss any three characteristics. (5 marks) 8) . Discuss any three components of a computer. (5 marks) LA). State and explain the suocr any three parts of the CPU. (5 Marks) Set =F WI-2-60-1-6 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2017/2018 YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACTUARIAL, FINANCIAL ENGINEERING, BIOSTATISTICS, OPERATION RESEARCH, STATISTICS STA 2104: CALCULUS 1 FOR STATISTICS I DATE: JANUARY 2018 TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER QUESTION ONE AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS QUESTION ONE: (30 marks) gf Evaluate the following fits 2 i) tin(* or #2) (@marks) P16 (Gmarks (4) : ko The total worldwide box office receipts for approximated by the function T(x) ae where T(x) is measured in millions of + be the and x is the number of months since the movie’s release. What will (2marks) if lim By i a long running blockbuster movies are ay dollars movie gross in the long ru x42 ifxsl S find the value of k that will make f(x) be continuous on Yo) Let ste-{r ee (2,0) : FO Use first princi 2 pf) The sales (in millions of dollars) of a laser dise recording a hit movie t, years from the i = St ~ Uvev't date of release is given s() => a d the rate at which the sales are changing at time t. (2marks) time the laser discs are released (t=0), two (2marks) (3marks) din ple of differentiation to find S given y(x)=x+- (Smarks) hx x i) Fin i, How fast ae sales changing at (5 2 1 4) - QE (St) years from date of release ot O42 1 Find the rate of change of y(x) with respect to x Bivens aor r Gmas) ii) xyscos(e+y) (marks) ii) yoxte™ (marks) QUESTION TWO: (20 marks) (mark) ay State Rolle’s Theorem Hence investigate whether /( 3] satisfies Rolle’s theorem (x) =14 2-1] in 3 A (Gmarks) 2B Determine the values of m and n for which the function f(x) is continuous every here —4x if x2 on the real number line given f(x)= j mx-nif 2Sx<3 (6marks) [14 fx>3 ©) The weekly demand for pulsar VCRs (video cassette recorders) is given by the demand equation p = -0.02x+300 (0. x<15000) where P denotes the wholesale unit price in dollars and x denotes the quantity demanded. The weekly total cost function associated with manufacturing these VRCs is p(x) = 0.000003x* -0.04x? +200x+ 70000 dollars. i) Find the revenue function R(x) and the profit function P(x) (2marks) ii) Find the marginal cost function C, the marginal revenue R’ and the marginal profit function P”. a (marks) itty Compute ©°(G000), R’(3000) and P’(3000) and interpret your results (Smark QUESTION THREE: (20 marks) a) Identify and classify the stationary points of yx): se -28 -2x7+3 [2,3] (marks) r OS ») Find ® given Q & ysl raw itu (amarks) bee (marks) C08 at i) fay -2( -xVy)=4°y at (LI) = sere os. ate ii) x=4-124? y= y=x?cos'(2x)+In(-+e*) (marks) nae QUESTION FOUR: (20 marks) a) Use linear approximation to estimate value of 1999 (marks) (marks) b) Given the function ie=y show that for the interval. [26] there exists no real os number ¢ such that p(9-LOL8) _ State whether this contradicts the mean value ive the reason for your answer. (4marks) U {aot by Y Jes ee = Qs atk 4 a los a . Iony Sie peciilios: gee iia ets ©) Using first principle of differentiation show that given f(x)=“@) Fat then hence use your result to find g'(x)given a(x)= (Be xem) (eran) x+sin3x d) A retailer has determined that the cost C for ordering and storing x units of a certain product is e(x) =2x+ B0g00 0< x <300 Find the order size that will minimize ——s 2 cost if the delivery ee can bring a maximum of 300 units per order. (4marks)

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