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PROFESOR: Brenda Luisa Ortiz Torres

ALUMNO: Javier Alonso Gutiérrez Vanegas

MATRICULA: 1191207


Universidad Politècnica de Zacatecas

What is this thing we call self-awareness anyway? It's the ability to see ourselves
clearly, to understand who we are, how others see us and how we fit into the
world. Self-awareness gives us power.

We start from the point where today we care so much about ourselves that it is
there where the complacency arrives in which we think in which we are so sure of
ourselves about ourselves factors such as feelings, well-being, thoughts, influence,
self esteem, etc. But we can live fooling ourselves at the same time.

This because many times we think that we do not have enough as what we could
actually think we deserve and that can be a factor against, since it is known that
people who are self-sufficient for themselves tend to think that they are the same.
they deserve and they have obtained everything based on effort and constant
work, in turn they tend to perform tasks better, be more reliable without the need
to lie or steal from people.

It is therefore impressive to know how much people are self-satisfied with their
lives, what seems to be a self-satisfied person can actually have a very opposite
reality. For this reason it is attributed to self-knowledge knowing how to be happy
with what we have within our reach that if it is not mine to dream up high but we
must stop for a minute and reflect on everything we have and see that in reality
everything that we already fear is very valuable.

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