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Teacher: Brenda Luisa Ortiz Torres

Student: Javier Alonso Gutiérrez Vanegas

Enrollment: 1191207

Date: January 28th 2022

Universidad Politécnica de Zacatecas. Automotive Engineering


Silent Scream Review…………………….………………………….2

Universidad Politécnica de Zacatecas. Automotive Engineering

Silent Scream, D.I Kim Stone is called to investigate

the body found dead in the bath of a house that has
been set on fire. As she and her team start to
investigate the suspicious circumstances, it
becomes clear that this isn't going to be an isolated
case and they are in a race against the clock to find
out who could be next on the killer's hit list and why.

To start with this one, in my opinion I love seeing

this kind of genre a little far from normal that try to
tell a new story in which Angela Marson
demonstrates that she has a great talent for telling
suspense stories, capturing the reader from the
beginning. in which it begins with the protagonist
called Kim Stone in the scene of the events.

At this point we can imagine endless possibilities when Kim Stone seems to find
a decisive clue to solve a case and how it influences the main plot, leading us to
know more personalities that enter the plot and/or fact that can change.

I loved the character of Kim Stone. This plot was complex and layered like an
onion; as I kept reading I kept peeling away new levels to the individual case
and to what I assume is part of the continuing storyline. I always enjoy a strong,
female detective and this book did not disappoint.

I would highly recommend those with a strong stomach and do not have trouble
sleeping at night. This hit all the feels for me with subject matter close to my
heart, as our family and extended family are adopted and came from situations
very similar to those described in Silent Scream. I found myself close to tears
multiple times. The story was complex but in the best way possible as it was
fairly easy to follow and only added to the greatness of the story.

Finally I recommend this book 100% if you have the opportunity to read it at
some point I am sure you will not be disappointed and it will be a story that will
be marked in your life after advancing more than two thirds of the story you will
be trapped in the super and it will be hard to get out of it.

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