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Teacher: Brenda Luisa Ortiz Torres

Student: Javier Alonso Gutiérrez Vanegas

Enrollment: 1191207

Date: January 29th 2022

Universidad Politécnica de Zacatecas. Automotive Engineering


Universidad Politécnica de Zacatecas. Automotive Engineering

We begin with a great reflection from TED about how we live our day to day and
see all that time in which we are in front of a screen, be it a cell phone,
computer, television, smart watches, etc. It is due to the advancement of
technology and how it has impacted our lives since we see even minors who
already know how to use a computer more than an adult could use it in some
cases and that is why evolution as a society could not be entirely positive.

What I think about the video is something that has already been seen as part of
conferences of great personalities that take advantage of their time almost
entirely and how it seems to be the battle against technologies for a better use
of our time. Dopamine is a brain stimulus that is released when we do
something pleasurable for him, it seems to be difficult to reverse the situation
but in my opinion thanks to great personalities we can reverse the situation and
it is something interesting that you seem to change your mind, from spending a
lot of time in the cell phone in taking more time and the trick is in the daily
constancy in short periods of time and increasing the time in the absence of the
cell phone and how it gives us advantages.

In my opinion I have already suffered this before and I have used the method
called dopamine fasting which consists of spending a whole day without
technology which seems impossible from the beginning because if we wanted
to take that challenge it would be very difficult to assume it since for a tiny task
would need a cell phone either to call a relative or receive a call, etc.

That can be taken as something valid and it would not have to hinder the fasting
process and for me it was something amazing not to depend so much on the
cell phone to spend the day as even for going through a 24-hour dopamine
absence and any activity is even entertaining reading is fun.

As a conclusion, I can say that today we are inundated with the great
innovations in technology and this results in affecting us, but if we become
aware of this and propose to change, rest assured that it is a change that will

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