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Levels of the Rainforest

Emergent Level

● Tallest trees in the rainforest

● Bright sunlight and plenty of rain, and is also very windy
● Many birds live in the Emergent level of the rainforest
Canopy Level

● 60-90% of life in the rainforest can be found in the canopy layer

● Is made up of the overlapping branches and leaves of rainforest trees
● Many well-known animals including monkeys, frogs, lizards, birds,
snakes, sloths, and small cats are found in the canopy.

Understory Layer
● It is darker, there is less wind, and it is more humid than the canopy above
● Most reptiles living in the rainforest understory are camouflaged.
● Made up of small trees, shrubs, and plants.

Forest Floor

● is the lowest layer where it is dark, hot, and damp.

● Only two per cent of sunlight gets through to the floor
● Many reptiles and insects live on the forest floor.

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