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Joint City Council/* Redevelopment Agency
Special and Regular Meeting

April 15, 2009

5:30 P.M.
Special Meeting

Mayor/Chairman Richard Ortiz called the Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Special
meeting to order at 6.30 p.m.

Fire Chief Richard Foster led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present when the meeting was called to order were: Councilmember/Agencymember Richard J
Perez, Councilmember/Agencymember Juan Saavedra, Councilmember/Agencymember Patricia
^u Stephens, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Martha Camacho and Mayor/Chairman Richard Ortiz.



Presentation by Mike Sakamoto regarding activities for housing assistance programs using
allocated Federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds.

City Manager/Executive Director Adela Gonzalez introduced Miriam Casillas, Housing

Coordinator to introduce the staff report and the consultants.

Housing Coordinator Casillas presented the staff report. She introduced Mike Sakamoto and
Nelson Ohva. He said that the City needs to have a good education program and added that this
is an emergency program. He recommended the lease/purchase program and reviewed the
implementation schedule. He explained the three phases of how the process will work. He said
he would work with the new or current homeowner through education programs.

Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Camacho asked if the education programs would be in Spamsh along
with the materials. Mr Ohva replied yes because of a lot of the homeowners are Hispanic.

Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Special and Regular Meeting - Minutes 4/15/09

Councilmember/Agencymember Perez asked if the education programs were structured for a

group or individuals and if this program takes in everyone or targeted for low to moderate
income or first time homebuyers. Mr Ohva said they offer a two-hour one-on-one after the
initial program information has been provided. He said the program is offered to everyone.

City Manager/Executive Director Gonzalez said that the NSP federal program has specific
requirements which are for the low and very low incomes. She asked the City Council if they
agree in the concept. The consensus of the Council was to go forward with the program.

There being no other business to come before the Council/Agency, Mayor/Chairman Ortiz
adjourned the meeting at 6*00 p.m.

6;30 P.M.
Regular Meeting

Mayor/Chairman Richard Ortiz called the Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Regular
meeting to order at 6.30 p.m.

Police Chief Richard Cox led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor/Chairman Ortiz led the Peacebuilders' Pledge.

Present when the meeting was called to order were: Councilmember/Agencymember Richard J
Perez, Councilmember/Agencymember Juan Saavedra, Councilmember/Agencymember Patricia
Stephens, Mayor Pro Tern/Vice Chair Martha Camacho and Mayor/Chairman Richard Ortiz.

Mayor/Chairman Ortiz reported that on Monday, April 13th he and Public Works Director Clif
Price went to Sacramento to rally and support the Assembly Bill 344 authored by Assembly
Member Anna Caballero in the Transportation Committee meeting. He said it went smooth.


Announcements and Reports on meetings attended by Councilmembers/Agencymembers at City of
Soledad expense as required by State law (AB1234)

Councilmember/Agencymember Stephens invited everyone to the AMBAG Conference in

Salinas at the Steinbeck Center on April 25 th She said she attended the League of California
Cities Policy Committee meeting for the State Housing and Community Development. She said
she had placed the agenda on the dais for each Councilmember

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Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Special and Regular Meeting - Minutes 4/15/09

Councilmember/Agencymember Perez said he attended the Gang Task Force Community

meeting on Monday

Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Camacho said she met with Frances Bengston, Executive Director of
the Soledad Mission Recreation District regarding a proposal they will be making to the City for
services. Tomorrow she will attend the Fiesta Days Committee meeting.

Councilmember/Agencymember Stephens praised Officer Mungia, the Soledad Fire Department
and Soledad Police Department for all their roles in the "Every 15" program at the High School.

Councilmember/Agencymember Perez added his kudos.

Mayor/Chairman Ortiz praised all the other agencies that participated and the local departments
for their participation. He also apologized to the families that phoned him and all the other
parents for the surprise event. He said this was the only way to bring in the element of surprise.

None, but Mayor/Chairman Ortiz asked Uma Chokkahngam, Interim Finance Director to
approach the podium. He said that this was the last Council meeting she would be attending and
her last day will be April 23 rd He presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation for all her
accomplishments done in a short time.


1. Approval of Minutes

a) Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Minutes of March

18, 2009 (continued from April 1, 2009)

b) Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting March 30,2009

c) Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Minutes April 1,


2. Approval of Warrants


3. Street Closure of Andalucia Drive Between Ticino Street and Metz Road/North Street for
Each Saturday During the 2009 Little League Baseball Season, as Required.

4. Resolution No. 4354, "Approving a Temporary Use Permit Submitted by the Oldtown
fa Soledad Beautification Association ("OSBA") to Close Soledad Street between Front

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Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Special and Regular Meeting - Minutes 4/15/09

Street and Monterey Street for a Weekly Farmer's Market from May 21, 2009 to
September 17, 2009"

Mayor Pro Tern/Vice Chair Camacho pulled item #4 for discussion. She said she was
uncomfortable approving the in-kind services and wanted to see if there were other
options instead of paying $800 to pick up the trash.

Colby Bell, 239 Mazolo Court in Salinas representing the Farmer's Market said they are
willing to work with the City and the other agencies for the waste disposal and they also
work with the Monterey County Food Bank.

Mayor Pro Tern/Vice Chair Camacho asked for a point of clarification that if the
Farmer's Market group could not facilitate the removal of garbage on their own, they
would have to come back to the Council to ask for the in-kind services.

Action: Councilmember/Agencymember Perez made a motion to adopt Resolution No.

4354 with the in-kind services. Motion seconded by Councilmember/Agencymember
Stephens. Motion died due to a lack of a majority vote.

Action: Mayor Pro Tern/Vice Chair Camacho made the motion to adopt Resolution No.
4354 without the in-kind services. Motion seconded by Councilmember/Agencymember
Saavedra and carried by a majority vote. Councilmember/Agencymember Perez and
Councilmember/Agencymember Stephens cast the no votes.

5. Award a College Scholarship to Marnsa Vasquez and Fidel Perez in the Amount of
$1,500 Each, by Minute Motion.

6. Approve by Minute Motion a Request to Schedule a Study Session for May 6, 2009 at
5.30 p.m. Concerning the Proposed Changes to the "City of Soledad City Council Rules,
Policies and Procedures"

Action: Councilmember/Agencymember Stephens made a motion to approve the

Consent Calendar (la, lb, lc, 2, 3, 5 and 6) Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tern/Vice
Chair Camacho and earned by a unanimous vote.


7. Resolution No. 4355, "Supporting Amended Assembly Bill No. 644 Establishing the
Monterey-Salinas Transit District."

Public Works Director Clif Price presented the staff report.

City Manager Gonzalez said she had attended the MST Board meeting on April 13th and
the Board direction was to have the language "potential to add south county cities as

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Joint City Council/*Redevelopment Agency Special and Regular Meeting - Minutes 4/15/09

voting members" like their by-laws added. The City has proposed the language
^p differently

Carl Sedoryk, CEO for MST answered several questions by the Council. He said the
intent was to have the City of Soledad as a voting member He said that MST is
requesting and expressed interest in having Soledad as part of the joint powers
agreement. This will be a carry over provision to the new district. City Attorney
Rodriquez said there is no carry over provision in the Bill.

Consensus by the Council was to continue to support City Manager Gonzalez and staff on
all actions to make Soledad a voting member

Action: Mayor Pro Tem Camacho made a motion to adopt Resolution No 4355
Motion seconded by Councilmember Saavedra and earned by a unanimous vote.


Community Center Community Involvement
Development/Overall Landscape Review
Information Technology (IT) Finance
North End Development Oldtown Soledad Beautification Assn.
Parks Recruitment and Selection
Revolving Loan Fund Soledad Historical Society
^^ Soledad Housing Authority Wastewater Treatment Plant
Street Naming

Councilmember/Agencymember Stephens said she had attended the Soledad Historical Society
meeting last Wednesday and they are moving forward on the roll-up doors, which could be
installed in two weeks. The cleanup is on hold until after school is out.

Councilmember/Agencymember Saavedra said he attended the Soledad Housing Authority

meeting but it was cancelled.

Mayor/Chairman Ortiz said he could not attend the Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority and
asked Councilmember/Agencymember Perez to attend in his stead.


City Manager/Executive Director Gonzalez introduced Stephen Compton from Greenville, Texas
who has accepted the position of Finance Director starting April 20, 2009 All welcomed him

City Manager/Executive Director Gonzalez said she wanted to publicly thank the Finance
Department staff, Rosa Natera, Maribel Fernandez, Juan Salvador, Ana Ong, Laune Lehman and
the Public Works staff for doing an outstanding job and holding up the department.


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Comments from the Councilmembers/Agencymembers on general items of concern and on matters that

they wish to put on future agendas. <^0


Mayor/Chairman Ortiz recessed to Closed Session at 7.25 p.m. to discuss the following items.
1 The City Council will recess to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section
54956 8 to give instructions to the City's negotiator concerning the lease/purchase of
property located at APN #257-081-019, #257-081-033, #257-081-034, #257-081-035,
#257-081-041, #257-091-007, #257-091-011 and #257-091-012. Instructions to the
negotiator will concern price, terms of payment and other relevant conditions.

2 * The City Council/Redevelopment Agency will recess to closed session to consider

personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 to Review City Attorney

3 The City Council will recess to closed session to meet with its designated representatives
regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 6 The
employee organizations are Soledad Police Sergeants Association (SPSA), Soledad
Police Officers Association (SPOA), Soledad Firefighters Local #4584 (IAFF), Mid-
Management (SEIU) and all unrepresented City employees.

Mayor/Chairman Ortiz reconvened the meeting from Closed Session at 8:27 p.m.


Mayor/Chairman Ortiz reported that:

1 Staff given direction. No other reportable action taken.

2 Staff given direction. No other reportable action taken.
3 Staff given direction on the negotiations. No other reportable action taken.

There being no other business to come before the Council/Agency, Mayor/Chairman Ortiz
adjourned the meeting at 8.28 p.m.

RICHARD V ORTIZ, Mayor/Chairman

Approved. May 6,2009

ADELA P GONZALEZ, City Clerk/Agency Clerk

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