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6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

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What is rule availability in Pega?  116

Published June 26, 2017 by Premkumar G


In this post we will see more in details about the rule availability.

Let me start this post with a story.

I invited my close friends for a party in a whatsapp group. I asked them to send a
confirmation reply. 1/46
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Friend 1: I am always ready to attend the party (Bestie :D)

Friend 2: I am not available for the party.

Friend 3: I won’t come for the party. I will not allow my friends too !!

Friend 4: I am ready to come for the party, but I got a family function blocking that day

Friend 5: I am coming. This is my decision and no one can change it.

So sad. I got positive response from only two people. I cancelled the party and started
writing a new post for you guys. ‘Rule availability’

I find there are many similarities between my friends availability and rule

I asked 5 rules to run 😀

Rule 1: I will run for you (Available)

Rule 2: I will not run for you. (Not available)

Rule 3: I will not run for you, I will not allow rules in my lower version to run. (Withdrawn)

Rule 4: I can run for you, but I am blocked (Blocked) 2/46
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Rule 5: I will run for you. You cannot update me (can be updated in same open version)

What is rule availability?

Rule availability helps in managing rules. They can determine, if the rule is eligible
to run or not. They can also determine the availability of rule in lower versions.
In the rule form, you can configure the rule availability.

Why do you use rule availability?

Scenario: there may be some scenario, where don’t want a particular rule to run in the
application. You can use the availability feature in the rule form to make the rule not
available  for rule resolution.

We know, Pega use di erent  rules to support a business process.

For example – when you create a new work item, there are many rules involved to
complete the task like flows, activities, when etc. Some rules in the framework can be
overridden in the Implementation layer.

Rule resolution, helps in picking the right rule.

What are the types of rule availability in Pega?

1. Available
2. Not Available
3. Withdrawn
4. Blocked
5. Final

We will explore all the possible by rule availability scenarios with examples.

What are the pre-requisites to test rule availability?

You can test using any rule. In this tutorial I am going to guide you through activity rules.

Create 2 new activities.

1. ParentAvailable 3/46
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2. ChildAvailable

Parent activity – Use ‘Call’ keyword and call child activity from parent activity.

Child activity – For testing purpose, use a property-set to set pyLabel – “Child rule is

Create a new section, and include some fields. Have a button control. In the
button, On click event add an action set to call the parent activity. 4/46
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How do you configure rule availability?

You can use Live UI and check the property involved in holding the availability value in
rule form. – ‘pyRuleAvailable’.

You can see the property ‘pyRuleAvailable’ in the rule class contains the availability value. 5/46
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How do you use di erent availablity options?

a) Available – As the name suggests, the rule is always available to run.

Here I have configured both the activities, parent & child activities  ‘Available’.

This is very simple to test. The rule will run anyways 😀

Step 1: Open the section in user portal.

Step 2: Start the tracer & click on the check availability button.

you can see the child activity ran. It is available 🙂

I think its enough for rule available

b) Not Available 6/46
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Using this option, you can make a rule not available in particular version.

For example – Say you have a rule in 2 versions : 01-01-01 & 01-01-02. Default rule
resolution always picks the highest version. In our case 01-01-02.

Now, here if you want your rule in 01-01-01 to run, then you can make the rule availability
in 01-01-02 to ‘No’

Note: You always use this in development environment. There is no use in moving a
rule to higher environment with rule availablity set to ‘No’. You can just delete it right

So when you actually use?

In development environment, say you have a rule in 01-01-01.

You saved the rule in higher version 01-01-02 and did some drastic changes. When
you test the rule, it throws error.
You need to check, how it worked previously 🙂

So instead of deleting the rule in 01-01-02, you can make the rule availability to ‘No’.

The rule resolution invalidates the rule with availability set to ‘Not Available’, so it runs the
rule in 01-01-01.

We will test and check how this works.

Step 1: Save As the child activity in 01-01-02 and set pyLabel to ‘Availability No checking’.

Step 2: Click on the button. As of now keep it available and use tracer to check the value. 7/46
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You can see ChildAvailable in MyKnowPega 01-01-02 gets picked and pyLabel is
‘Availability No checking’

Step 3: Now update the availability in 01-01-02 to ‘Not Available’.

Step 4: Lets check the same in user portal again. trace it. 8/46
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See, now you can see the rule in 01-01-01 is picked.

You can use this for testing in development environment 🙂

c) Withdrawn

Selection this option makes the rule in the current version and previous versions in
the same ruleset, withdrawn from the rule resolution. It means rule resolution,
invalidates the withdrawn rule and its other lower versions in the same ruleset.

For example – You have your rule in MyKnowPega 01-01-01 version and updated the rule
in MyKnowPega 01-01-02 version. When you withdraw the rule in 01-01-02 version, then
the rule resolution never pick the rule in both 01-01-02 & underlying versions – 01-01-01.

What are the other scenarios , you withdraw a rule?

You override an pega OOTB rule in your application ruleset. You started
implementing your own requirement. In later release, Pega provides the same
feature in their OOTB activity, So you no longer required the overridden activity in
your application ruleset.

What will you do here?

You cannot delete the rule, since the rule is packed and moved to higher environment.

All you can do is save as the rule in higher application ruleset and withdraw the rule. You
can move the withdrawn rule to higher environment. So it invalidates rule in lower
versions too 🙂 9/46
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You have a rule say – ‘discount flow’ in ‘OIKGGB-MyKnowPega-Work’ .

You Overridden the flow in ‘OIKGGB-MyKnowPega-Work-AmazonSales’ class for
Amazon sales case.
A er some particular release, You included all the Amazon sales discount process
in the ‘OIKGGB-MyKnowPega-Work’ class generic flow. So now, no use in having a
specialized version in Amazon sales class.

What will you do here?

You can withdraw the rule you specified in the ‘OIKGGB-MyKnowPega-Work-AmazonSales’

class. So rule resolution picks the rule from ‘OIKGGB-MyKnowPega-Work’ class.

Let’s test the withdrawn rules

Step 1: Create a new copy of the ChildAvailable rule in Application Integration ruleset.

Note: But this MyKnowPegaInt ruleset always comes under MyKnowPega

(Implementation ruleset) in ruleset hierarchy. Rule resolution always picks the rule
 in higher ruleset in the hierarchy. In our case – MyKnowPega

Step 2: let’s test using tracer. 10/46
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You can see the rule in MyKnowPega 01-01-02 is picked.

Step 3: Now let’s withdraw the rule from MyKnowPega 01-01-02 version.

Step 4: Let’ check in the user portal using tracer.

You can see the rule is picked from MyKnowPegaInt ruleset 🙂

What are the di erences between ‘Not Available’ and ‘Withdrawn’ rule? 11/46
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‘Not Available’ invalidates the rule only in the current version, where as the
‘Withdrawn’ invalidates the rule in the current version and lower versions in the
same ruleset.
Mostly we use ‘Not Available’ only in development environment and don’t
promote those to higher environments, where as the ‘Withdrawn’ rules can be
moved to higher environment 🙂

d) Blocked

Selecting this option will not invalidate the blocked rule for rule resolution. Still
the blocked rule is right candidate and if the rule gets picked by rule resolution,
then the process returns not found.

When do you block a rule?

Say for example, Amazon needs to stop their online electronics sales for a
particular country. It can be resumed in later point of time. In this case you can
block the respective rules. The rules just throw the error to end user.
In development environment, If you didn’t complete the entire development, you
can block the corresponding rule till then.

Let’ test a blocked rule.

Step 1: Save As the child activity and make the availability to ‘Blocked’.

Step 2: Check in the user portal. Trace it. 12/46
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You can see the exception thrown. Since we are testing it using button call, it never stops
flow processing(kind of local action). So let’s test by using the activity in flow action post
processing activity.

Step 3: Open the flowaction – add the ‘ParentAvailable’ activity in Post-processing


step 4: Now submit the flowaction in user portal. 13/46
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You can see the error thrown. the process is blocked 🙂

e) Final

On Selecting this option, you are making a rule as final rule. You cannot override a
final rule in another ruleset.
When you try save as the rule, you will get an error.

Note: You can save as the Final rule in the same ruleset in higher versions 🙂

When do you make a rule final?

In my point of view, Pega introduced the ‘Final’ availability to restrict developers

updating the core designer studio engine rules.
If you are sure that the rule cannot be reused in any other rulesets. It means you
will never Save As the same rule to use in other rulesets ( We use it rarely 🙂 )

For example: You can check underlying sections in any rule form header. Pega makes the
sections, rules final, because they don’t want us to update those in rules in our
application rulesets. 14/46
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Let’ test the final rule availability

Step 1: Open any final rule OOTB rule.

Section – RuleFormHeader

Step 2: Try Save As the rule in  your application ruleset.

It means you cannot copy a Final rule in di erent rulesets 🙂

We can try copying a final rule in same ruleset higher version

Step 1: Open the child activity and set the availability to ‘Final’. 15/46
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Step 2: Now try Save As in the next ruleset version 01-01-02.

You are able to make a copy only in the same ruleset higher versions 😊

What are the things to remember?

Rule availability: Available – Rule is always ready to run

Rule availability: Not available – Rule is not available to run. Rule resolution
invalidates the rule.
Rule availability: Withdrawn – The withdrawn rule as well as the lower versions in
the same ruleset are not available to run
Rule availability: Blocked – the blocked rule throws exception when it runs. Rule
resolution don’t invalidate the rule
Rule availability: Final – You cannot specialize the Final rule in other rulesets. You
can Save As only in higher versions in same ruleset.

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Premkumar G

Published in Application Structure

Available Blocked Final Not available Rule availability rule resolution


Raghav  Reply

Good one, keep posting, thanks a lot !!

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Raghav. 🙂

I’ll keep on posting for sure. Glad to know that you like it. 🙂

Bramha  Reply

Good Explanation Bro…. 17/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Thanks for Posting….

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, bro. 🙂

You are welcome bro. 🙂

Bhagiradha  Reply

Good comparison with real time example

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your appreciation, Bhagiradha 🙂

swapna  Reply

Very good explanation. Can u please give more explanations with real time scenarios. And
one more request pl can u explain all the topics by creating an example application.

Premkumar G  Reply

Thanks for your comments, Swapna. Once I complete some important topics, I
will connect all dots by creating a sample application. 18/46
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Thejaswi  Reply

Easily understandable.Thank you so much ☺

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Thejaswi. 🙂

Glad to hear that you like it. 🙂

Suresh  Reply

So nice of your explanation and sharing info to all.

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your appreciation, Suresh. 🙂

Glad that you like it. 🙂

Rama krishna  Reply

You are really great bro…Keep posting. Thanks a lot 🙂

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Rama krishna. 🙂

Yeah bro, I will definitely keep on posting.
It is my pleasure bro. 🙂 19/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Suresh  Reply

Bro the way u r explained good

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Suresh. 🙂

Navakanth  Reply

Good Explanation Prem…..with the examples…

Thx for ur posts.

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your words, Navakanth. 🙂

You are welcome. 🙂

Ravi  Reply

good explanation. Thanks Prem.

Premkumar G  Reply 20/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Thank you so much, Ravi. 🙂

You are most welcome. 🙂

Manju  Reply

Thank u so much….

Premkumar G  Reply

You are most welcome, Manju. 🙂

Ashwini  Reply

Good work Prem… 🙂 The explanation given is simple and easy to understand. Keep
doing this work… Very helpful for learning guys like me 🙂

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Ashwini. 🙂

Happy to hear that you find it useful. Yeah, I’ll keep on posting new stu s. 🙂
Stay tuned. 🙂

Ajay  Reply

Very Nicely Explained . Keep the Good work. 21/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Can you please explain Cover ,Folder and also their locking and other dependency
features on Cover ,Folder and Work Object.
It will be great help.


Premkumar G  Reply

Yeah sure Ajay. You will get that on my case management post 🙂

Veera  Reply

Really nice and learning so many things from the blog.

Thank you so much for your e orts.

Premkumar G  Reply

Excited to hear that you find my website useful. 🙂

You are most welcome, Veera. 🙂

syamson  Reply

great help pavan.. thanks a lot..

Sruthi  Reply

Thank you for the post 🙂 22/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Could you post info on harnesses and portals ?

Premkumar G  Reply

You are welcome, Sruthi. 🙂

Yeah, I’ll post about them soon, Sruthi. Stay tuned. 🙂

Pradeep  Reply

Great work Prem, keep continue with real time scenarios

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Pradeep. 🙂

Yeah sure, Pradeep. I’ll keep on explaining with real time cases.

Veera  Reply

Prem, It would be great if you can provide some main OOTB activities and its purpose.

Thank you.

Premkumar G  Reply

Yeah sure Veera. I will try to make a post on commonly used OOTB activities.

Meanwhile you can check the main OOTB activities in the below path 23/46
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Designer studio -> Process and rules -> Processes -> API s

Udhay  Reply

Neeyellam nalla varanum da..keep up the good work….:)

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Udhay. 🙂

Shweta  Reply

Very Nice and simple Explanation.

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Shweta. 🙂

Chethan  Reply

Good work buddy as always 🙂

Premkumar G  Reply 24/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Thank you so much, Chethan. 🙂

subbaraju chitamaneni  Reply

Wonderful example, we never forget.

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Subbaraju. 🙂

Glad that you like it. 🙂

Rupesh  Reply

Hi Prem,

Good Explaination.

can you please post case management concepts and report definition asap.


Premkumar G  Reply

Hi Rupesh,

Thank you so much. 🙂

Yeah, I will post about that soon. 🙂 25/46
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soumya  Reply

Hi prem
I need some information regarding rule delegation ,pls explain me .

Premkumar G  Reply

Hi soumya,

I will try to make a post on rule delegation soon 🙂

Vasanth  Reply

Hi Prem,

Great blogs on rule availability.

Can you please clarify one thing – blocking a rule means is it block for specific ruleset or
all ruleset?

Premkumar G  Reply

Hi Vasanth,

Sorry for the late reply.

I hope you meant to ask for specific version or all versions.
It is always specific to a particular version alone 🙂 26/46
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Chandra  Reply

Thanks Prem.. your post cleared many of my doubts about rule resolution. That’s a great

Premkumar G  Reply

You are most welcome, Chandra. 🙂

Thank you. 🙂

Sathish  Reply

good example. u doing great dear

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Sathish. 🙂

Sathish  Reply

good example. u doing great dear

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Sathish. 🙂 27/46
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Ashwani Mishra  Reply

Could you please post an article about Rule Resolution?

Premkumar G  Reply

Sure Ashwani. I will try to make it soon 🙂

Vasanth  Reply

Can you please leave your comments

ramachandra  Reply

Hii Prem,
Could you make a post on Rule Resolution…

Premkumar G  Reply

Hi Ramachandra,

I’ve noted down about Rule resolution. I will try to post about it soon. 🙂

Bhanu  Reply 28/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Excellent portal to go through Pega in simple words with superb examples. Keep up the
good work Prem. Will be looking for more and more posts.😃

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your appreciation, Bhanu. 🙂

Glad to hear from you. 😀
Stay tuned for more posts. 🙂

PMK  Reply

Thank you very much really I am enjoying to learn with your explanation Keep going

Premkumar G  Reply

Glad to hear from you that you like it. 🙂

Charan  Reply

Nice Explanation Prem. Your posts are very useful. Thanks for the posts. Can you please
post an article on Page context in activities ?
Thanks inadvance.

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your appreciation, Charan. 🙂

Glad to hear that you find my posts useful. 🙂 29/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

You are most welcome. 🙂

I’ll explain about Page context in upcoming posts. Stay tuned. 🙂

Rajesh  Reply

This is simply superb and am able to understand very easily.

Looking for many more topics . Thanks 🙂

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much for your appreciation, Rajesh. 🙂

Stay tuned and I’ll keep on updating. 🙂
You are most welcome, Rajesh. 🙂

Kumar  Reply

Ur posts r very easy to understand. Please try to cover all the topics.
i have rule with version 05-05-10 if i blocked this rule( and this rule also present in the
prerequest ) .

here my question is it will also block prerequest rule or Not

And same scenario with withdrawn rule?

Thanks in Advance

Vikas  Reply 30/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Superb work prem!!. This post help me a lot in understanding rule availability concept .

Can you please post on Case Management?

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Vikas. 🙂

Yeah, many people have asked me for that post. I’ll post about that soon. 🙂

Haranadha reddy  Reply

excellent presentation Sir… Please share more ..

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Haranadha. 🙂

I’ll post more number of posts for sure. Stay tuned. 🙂

pradeep  Reply

Hi Prem ,

if a rule blocked in lower version say 01-01-01 and the same rule in higher version say 01-
01-02 is available with in the same rule set , will this available rule will be picked at
execution time rule resolution or it will through an error ?
and what if rule is available in di erent rule set ? 31/46
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rajasekhar  Reply

Its great work prem…

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Rajasekhar. 🙂

rajasekhar  Reply

i have a doubt regarding blocked rule.

for example we have a class a-b-c

and rule 01-01-01,
01-01-03 ( blocked 01-01-03)
we have another class a-
and sme rules 01-01-01

now weather the rule will pick or not

Archana  Reply

Excellent Explanation with best Examples, I never see such explanation before, I am Pega
beginner can able to understand now.
Thanks for the Posts.

Premkumar G  Reply 32/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Thank you so much for your appreciation, Archana. 🙂

Glad to hear that you are finding it useful. 🙂
You are most welcome. 🙂

Vishnu Vardhan  Reply

Perfect, very well explained 🙂

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Vishnu Vardhan. 🙂

Manish Manikyarao  Reply

Hi Prem.. Great Job 🙂

I have activity ABC define in Ruleset A and Ruleset B.

No blocking the activity ABC in Ruleset A. During run time will it pick activity ABC defined
in ruleset B ?

Thanks in Advance 🙂

Premkumar G  Reply

Hi Manish,
This is very simple. It is based on ruleset assembly.
If Ruleset A comes over Ruleset B, then at runtime It will throw blocking error.
If ruleset B comes over ruleset A, then at runtime it runs without error.

Blocking is always version dependent. 33/46
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Prasad  Reply

Bro, really nice..

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Prasad. 🙂

Siva  Reply

Hi Prem nice job 🙂

can you please provide me full information about Activities.

Premkumar G  Reply

Hi Siva,
Thank you. 🙂
I’ll post about it soon. Stay tuned. 🙂

Ajay  Reply

Hi Prem,
I am new to Pega and looking for opportunity in Pega. I referred may material on youtube. 34/46
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they are not as useful as you content. These are really helping me as well as people like
me to understand Pega.

Premkumar G  Reply

Hi Ajay,
Thank you so much for your appreciation. I’m so much glad that my posts
helped you a lot.
You are most welcome. 🙂

Paramaguru  Reply

HI Prem,

This is really helpful for the beginner , awesome explanation . I appreciate and thanks for
the write ups.


Premkumar G  Reply

Hi Paramaguru,

Thank you so much for your appreciation. You are welcome. 🙂

Premkumar G 35/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Vidyasagar  Reply

Beautifully explained ! Thanks.

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much, Vidyasagar and you are welcome. 🙂

Nikhil  Reply

The way you have explained , it becomes so easy to understand.

Please keep on posting:)

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you so much Nikhil. 🙂

Yeah, I’ll keep on posting new stu s. 🙂 Stay tuned.

sagar  Reply

Superb Explanation Thanks

Premkumar G  Reply

Thank you for your appreciation and you are most welcome, Sagar. 🙂 36/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

SreeniVasulu  Reply

Thank you so much bro, The way you are explaining is really awesome

SreeniVasulu  Reply

Hi Prem,

Can you provide the information about skimming rule


jyothi  Reply

Hi….. that’s a nice explanation along with a story…

Debasish  Reply

So good….well written….Thank you very much….. 🙂

Moumita  Reply

Hi Prem ,

This post is quite enlightening as we always confuse between Blocked and Withdrawn
I have a scenario where I have two when rules : Parent A and Child B, both when rules
were in same ruleset in a branch. Now due to business requirement I have to move Child B
when rule to Production ruleset. When I am trying to run the when rule A , it is throwing
error in tracer “Unauthenticated or rule not found” . So i have to change the name of child 37/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

when rule from B to C and then run it. Could you please explain this scenario why it

Rishika  Reply

Great work !
Helped me to get a deeper insight into simple language!!!.
Thanks and keep posting !!

Bhargavesh  Reply

Description you gave with friends was too good. Keep up the good work. Superb

Bhargavesh  Reply

Description you gave with friends was too good. Keep up the good work.

Amit goyal  Reply

Hi Prem,

You are doing great work, there is no other free blog on Pega with such detailed info.
I would like to request a separate post on the debugging tools of pega if possible.
It would be a great help.

Amit 38/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Hrudai  Reply

sir !! when can i get the bulding blocks of pega !! like rules, classes !!!

i cannot figure out what is a classs and rules and layers like frame work !! can u please
explain this ! i have an test within two days ! please 🙁

Prashant Deshpande  Reply

Thanks Premkumar !

Durai  Reply

Great Post. Crisp and Clear !

Madhav  Reply

Hi Prem,

Thanks for your clear explanation.

Arkajit Dey  Reply

Hattss o to u man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Explanation…… 🙂

priyanka  Reply

please explain about Rule Resolution. 39/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Sandeep  Reply

HI Prem,

Thanks for giving clear explanation.

Sai  Reply

Nice Explanation..

vinod kumar  Reply

if i make it as rule blocked for version 01-01-03 only this 03 version will be block or child 02
and 01 also in blocked state

Premkumar G  Reply

Applying the rule availability as blocked, will impact only the exact version.
But anyway, blocked rule will get picked up and throws error. In your case, 03
will get pciked up and throw error

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6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

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▼Application Structure (3)

Enterprise Class Structure in Pega

Framework and Implementation application – with example

What is rule availability in Pega?

▼Authorization (3)

Access Deny & Privilege in Pega

Access roles & ARO configuration in Pega

Configure an access group in Pega 44/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

▼Case Management (4)

Assignments - Worklist vs Workbasket in pega

Case management - configuration settings in stages, processes and steps

Duplicate search in case management

Get Next Work in Pega

▼Data model (7)

Aggregate properties and use of Indexes inside aggregate properties in Pega

Data Pages in Pega

Data type and Cascading control example in Pega

Database class mapping wizard in Pega

Dynamic referencing and dynamic class referencing (DCR) in Pega

Field value rules in Pega

How to use data transform in Pega?

►Declarative rules (4)

►Integration (22)

►Organizational rules (1)

▼Process (7)

How to configure flows in Pega?

How to configure Service Level Agreement(SLA) in Pega?

How to configure Split Join, Split for Each & Spin O in flow rule?

Locking mechanism in Pega

Screen flow in Pega

Split Join, Split for Each & SpinO tutorial in Pega

What is workparty in Pega?

►Reporting (4)

►System Administration (7)

►Technical (5)

▼Uncategorized (2)

Case management - Introduction 45/46
6/28/2019 What is rule availability in Pega

Flow action rule in Pega

►User Interface (6)

No announcement available or all announcement expired.

Pega Knowledge Sharing

A drop from the ocean

Startup Blog by Compete Themes. 46/46

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