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Case Management – Introduction

1. What is Case?

Case defines work.

Example: Flow of a CASE

2. How a case can be broken down in PEGA?

3. What is Remote Case Type?

It comes under Federated Case Management (FCM): It enables to access cases from different

4. What are the backend rules created after creating a Case Type?

(A) Case Type

(B) Flow – pyStartCase

This flow uses ‘pxStartCaseType’ as sub process and invoke case stages.

(C) Data Transform – pyDefault and pySetFieldDefaults

Used to initialize certain values for the case ex: pyWorkIDPrefix (A-101, B-102)

(D) Work Party – pyCaseManagementDefault

This can be extended based on your business requirement
(E) Class – PKS-KnowPega-Work-Claim


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