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Interview Questions on Declare Expression

1. What is Declare expression?

Ans: It helps the automatic calculations of the property value based on the changes of the other
property value.

2. What is Forward Chaining and what is Backward Chaining?

Declare expression is an example of forward and backward chaining .We have different options

available to choose those are

1. Whenever Inputs Change:   (Every time when source properties changing Declare expression
gets   executed and assign the target prop value this is FWD chaining.)

2. Whenever Used: Every time when we use target prop declare expression will be executed to
assign value to target prop. This is backward chaining.

3. What is Property-Seek-Value method?

Ans: This method is mostly used for the backward chaining purpose.

4. Give some example where forward chaining are used?

Ans: Declare Expression rules with whenever inputs change; Declare Trigger and Declare
OnChange rules.

5. Give an example where backward chaining works?

ANS: Backward chaining applies to Declare Expression rules

When used if no value present
When used, if property is missing
Whenever used
6. Can you circumstance a declarative rule?
Ans: Yes we can do.
7. What can cause declarative rules to be re-evaluated?

Ans: When a circumstance property’s value changes, the declarative network re-evaluates the
expression or constraint. However, if a circumstance property reference uses a top-level page
name, changing that property’s value does not cause the declarative network to re-evaluate the
expression or constraint.

8. Tell me some of the best practices for Declare expression

Ans: Never change the target properties manually. Also prefer to use whenever used

9. Your business wants to give provision to your end manager to adjust the calculation of final
loan disbursed amount (by offering some random discount). How you can do this?

Ans: We can delegate the declare expression rule to the manager.

10. Can you create a declare expression on a property defined in Rule-Declare class?

Ans: No

11. Can you define Declare expression on page list properties?

Ans: Yes we can. Under the page context field, identify a Page List or Page Group property
reference plus parentheses, starting with a period and omit any index between parentheses..

12. Suppose you have created two declare expression for the same property. One is with page
context: myPage.EmployeeAge and other is only the property EmployeeAge. At run time
which one will run?

Ans: The one with longer reference will execute.

13. What are the decision rules you can refer from declare expression?

Ans: Decision tree, decision table and map value

14. Can you fire a declare expression from an onChange type activity?

Ans: no you can’t

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