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Grammar & Vocabulary Verb-Adverb Collocations

Complex Sentences with “before” and


IELTS Writing Task 1 Line graphs

General Information about IELTS Writing Task 1

Statements True or False?

You need to write a 200-word report on a graph, chart, table,

map or process.

You should spend 20 minutes writing the task.

Your writing is marked using 3 criteria:

- Task achievement
- Lexical Resource
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Task 1 is worth one-third of the total writing score.

Grammar & Vocabulary

I. Verb-Adverb Collocations

1. Warm-up exercise – Translate the sentences below into English.

Vietnamese English

a. Jenny hát hay. Jenny sing well

b. Tôi ngưỡng mộ Andy bởi vì anh ấy I admire andy because he study very
học giỏi. well

c. Cậu nên đi chậm thôi kẻo ngã đấy! You should walk slowly or you will
fall down

d. Nền kinh tế đã phát triển nhanh Economy has grown up very fast
chóng từ đầu năm đến nay. since this year

e. Trời đang mưa to ngoài kia. Out side are raining very heavy

f. Đêm qua, nhiệt độ đột nhiên giảm Last night, The temperature sharply
xuống rất nhiều. decreased very low.

g. Giá của căn chung cư này đã tăng The price of this apartment has
lên đáng kể trong thời gian gần đây. increased significant recently

h. Anh ta đang ngồi lặng lẽ trong He is sitting quietly in the cofe

quán cà phê.

i. Người đàn ông mỉm cười lịch sự và The man smiled polite and left
rời đi.

j. Để em từ chối anh nhẹ nhàng thôi. Let me decline lightly

2. Structure



Forming an adverb Adverb = Adjective + ly

Examples Beautifully = beautiful + ly

Slowly = slow + ly

Rapidly = rapid + ly

Heavily = heavy + ly

Sharply = sharp + ly

Significantly = significant + ly

Quietly = quiet + ly

Politely = polite + ly

Nicely = nice + ly
II. Complex Sentences with “before” and “after”

1. Structure

S+V+O before/ after S+V+O


I played football with my friends before we came back home.

She went after she left a message.

Before you make a decision, you should think carefully about it.

After I have a cup of coffee, I often feel really energized.

2. Practice

1. Make a sentence with “before/ after”

Except breakfast, I often brush my teeth after eating lunch and dinner

2. Find the difference in the meaning of sentences a & b and c & d.

a. I played football with Andy before getting back home.

b. Andy played football with me before getting back home.

c. After having a cup of coffee, he started talking with me.

d. After having a cup of coffee, I started talking with him.

IELTS Writing Task 1 – Line graphs

I. Warm-up exercise – Describe the line graph below using the words given
in the box.

Slightly Increase

Significantly Decrease


Subject of The number of bicycles which were sold


January In January, the number of bicycles which were sold stood at 50.

Febuary In the next month, this number significantly decreased to 30.

March In the next month, this number slightly increased to 40

May Until May, the number sharply decreased to 20

June But in the next month, the number sharpy increased back to 50

sharply, dramatically, rapidly, steeply increase, rise, climb, grow

significantly, considerably, substantially decrease, reduce, drop, decline

slightly, gradually, steadily, slowly

II. How to write a full report

The line graph shows the amount of waste that was produced by three
companies from 2000 to 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

1. In pairs, discuss possible approaches to the task above.

2. Essay structure

a. Introduction: paraphrasing skills

The line graph shows the amount of waste that was produced by three
companies from 2000 to 2015.

The shows the amount of waste that was From 2000

line produced by three companies to 2015

The -Gives The quantily of waste that was Between

line information about made/dischanged/released by three 2000 and
grahp companies 2015
During a
-Demontrates period
from 2000

The quantily of + N (ko đếm đc) = the amount of +N (ko đếm đc)

The quantily of + N (đếm đc số nhiều) = the number of + N (đếm đc số nhiều)

How much N = the amount of N

How many N = the number of N

b. Overview: selecting main features

Main feature 1 – At the beginning of period – company A

the highest figure
At the end – company C

Main feature 2 – - See/experience/witness/undergo/show an upward

trends trend
- See/experience/witness/undergo/show a
downward trend
- See/experience/witness/undergo/show some

Overall, it’s clear that at the beginning of the period, Company A produce at the
most waste while the top position belong to company C at the end

Beside, the quantily of waste that was made by company A showed a downward
trend whereas that by company C witnessed and upward trend. Meanwhile, that
by company B underwent some fluctuations.
c. Body 1

The first point of time Be highest, at/with +number

Follow behide, at/ with + number

Be belowest, at/with+ number

The quantily of waste that was produced by company A was highest, at 12

tonnes. At the same time that by company B followed behide, with 8 tonnes.
Finally, the fugure for company C was belowest, with only 4 tonnes.
d. Body 2

Trends + the last point

of time
In contract/ by contract/ in comparion

Finally/ lastly/ at the same time/ meanwhile

Over the next 15 year, the watse production of company C slightly increased
to 6 tonnes in 2005 before (it rose)/rising significantly to 10 tonnes at the end of
the period

Over the next 15 year, after slightly increasing to 6 tonnes in 2005 the watse
production of company C rose significantly to 10 tonnes at the end of the period

At the sametime, after slight increasing to 10 tonnes in 2005, but the next 10
years the watse prodution of company B decreased sharply to 3 tonnes at the and
of period

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