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Philosophy & Virtues

of Earthquake

Disha Karanjawala 19122013

Pallavi Sudhaker 19122042
Waves MINOR SHAKING- Assumed to occur frequently.

Earthquake shaking Can be MODERATE SHAKING- Assumed to occur ocassionally

divided into 3 types STRONG SHAKING- Assumd to occur rarely.


CASE 1- Under minor but CASE 2-Under Moderate but Case 3- Under strong but
Frequent shaking ocassional shaking Repairable shaking
Beams and columns or other Main members may undergo repairable Main members may undergo
members (like shear walls), carries damage. irreparable damage but no building
horizontal and vertical forces. collapse occurs.

Repairable damage. Other members may be replaced

Seismic Zone

The Map of India shows different seismic zones.

Virtue of Earthquake resistant Structure
Virtues of Earthquake Resistant
The virtues of earthquake resistant buildings are structural configurations, lateral strength of
the building, adequate stiffness, and ductility. A building is a vertical cantilever supported on

When the earth moves, building experiences inertial forces. Inertial force is a displacement
type of load. i.e, the force is generated due to the movement of the ground and is not a force
as such.
In a building, mass of building accelerate or we can
say that earthquake resitant construction, the fabrication of a building or structure that is
able to withstand the sudden ground shaking that is characteristic of earthquake, thereby
minimizing structural damage and human deaths and injuries.
An Earthquake- Resistant Building has four points in it:-
Good Structural Confrigution: The form of the building should be simple so that the form do

not introduce newer complexities than the seismic forces itself.

Lateral Strength: Sufficient lateral strength that the building do not undergo irreparable damage.

Adequate Stiffness: Minimum initial stiffness (size of members so that the building do not

deflect and rotate and thereby occupants are comfortable.

Ductility: Sufficient ductility ( By choosing ductile detailing thereby providing enough time for

occupants to evacuate incase of a failure.


Main elements of Earthquake Resistant Buildings should be designed with

properties of Ductility.

Ductility enables structures, which do not have adequate elastic energy to survive ground
motions, through its inelastic i.e. ability of the structures to deform plastically without

Beams and other structural Members should be designed ductile to transfer these forces.
Architectural Plan
Vertically & Horizontally symmetrical plan.

Soft Storey
Ductility enables structures, which do not have adequate elastic energy to survive ground
motions, through its inelastic i.e. ability of the structures to deform plastically without
Weak Storey
Avoid weak storey and provide strong diaphragm

Door Openings
To be provided 0.6 m away from column.

Locations Of Water Tanks

Follow codal provisions,for determining water tank location and swimmimg pool as it may
affect the location of the centre of the mass and the shear centre.
Techniques :-

Note :- Your structure must integrated to

your architectural design criteria.

- Program
- Design concept
Some Principles what should be followed :-
Principle 1 :-
Provide seismic resistant structure in plan in two direction at right angle.

Resistant in two orthogonal direction to

resist shaking in any direction

Principle 2 :-
In each direction in plan, provide a minimum of two lines of seperated structure.
Principle 3 :-
In each primary direction, choose just one structural system (out of three that rises from foundation

to roof to resist seismic forces .

Principle 4 :-
Provide sufficient structure in each direction to resist seismic forces.
Principle 5:-
Provide a structural diaphragm at roof and each floor level.

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