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22 August 1969, Volume 165, Number 3895 SCIENCE

ence of a magnetic charge would lead

to a quantization of electric charge in
which only integral multiples of a
fundamental unit could occur. I have
never seriously doubted that here was
A Magnetic Model of Matiter the missing general principle referred
to in 2). And Dirac himself noted the
basis for the reconciliation called for
A speculation probes deep within the structure of in 1). The law of reciprocal electric
and magnetic charge quantization is
nuclear particles and predicts a new form of matter. such that the unit of magnetic charge,
deduced from the known unit of elec-
Julian Schwringer tric charge, is quite large. It should be
very difficult to separate opposite mag-
netic charges in what is normally mag-
netically neutral matter. Thus, through
the unquestioned quantitative asym-
And now we might add sotmething and hypercharge, whiich serve also to metry between electric and magnetic
concerning a certain most s,ubtle specify the electric cilarge of the par- charge, their qualitative relationship
Spirit, which. pervades and lies hid ticle. What is the dyinamical meaning might be upheld.
in all gross bodies. of these properties th at are related to What is new is the proposed contact
-Newton but distinct from ele ctric charge? In with the mysteries noted under 3) and
addition, more inclussive classification 4), which are testimonials to the ad-
Although electromagnetic phenom- schemes have been proposed, which vance of experimental science. This
ena are the best understood of all na- lend themselves to t:he interpretation appears if one considers the proper-
ture's manifestations, ther e are still that nuclear particles have constituents ties of particles that carry both electric
great mysteries in this and related with fractional electric charges. In view and magnetic charges. Now the condi-
areas. Here are four of the]m: of the strict regulariity noted in 2), tions of charge quantization are less
1) The fundamental electtromagnetic how can such models have physical stringent, and fractional electric charge
equations of Maxwell show an intrinsic significance? becomes a physical possibility, conso-
symmetry between electric and mag- 4) The behavior of all particles with nant with the integral charges neces-
netic quantities which, inci dentally, is respect to strong, elecctromagnetic, and sarily carried by magnetically neutral
unique to the four dimensio Ins of space weak interactions has; seemed consist- particles. Such dual-charged particles
and time. Yet no magnetic icounterpart ent with a general syrmmetry property supply a physical realization for the
to electric charge is known experimen- in which the interch;ange of left and constituents used in the empirical mod-
tally. How can one accournt for this, right, symbolized by I"(parity), is com- els of the so-called hadrons (2), which
while retaining the qualitat ive idea of bined with the exchan ge of positive and are the strongly interacting nuclear
reciprocity between electric charge and negative charge, C. E3ut recently, phe- particles. Furthermore, in the introduc-
magnetic charge? nomena have been olbserved that indi- tion of particles with definite ratios be-
2) The unit of electric chlarge is uni- cate a weak violation of this CP sym- tween electric and magnetic charges, a
versal. It is observed, witth fantastic metry. What dynami4 cal mechanism is mechanism for CP violation has made
precision, to be identical on all charged responsible? its appearance. Electric and magnetic
particles, despite wide variatiions in their I shall put forwaLrd a speculative charges, like electric and magnetic
other characteristics. Wha t unknown hypothesis, which has in its favor only fields, behave oppositely under spatial
general principle is at work one argument-that it does connect and reflection, whereas the equations of
3) A new periodic table is coming give tentative answers to all these ques- electromagnetism are symmetrical be-
into being through the art ificial crea- tions. However wide of the truth this tween positive and negative charges,
tion of subnuclear particles and their hypothesis may be, it can serve to bring when both types are considered to-
tentative grouping into farnilies. Two into better focus the niature of the quest gether. If the dual-charged particles, and
approximate but significantt properties for order and understzanding that under- their antiparticles, realize a certain ra-
have been recognized, is(otopic spin lies the activity of the high-energy tio between electric and magnetic
The author is Higgins Professor of Physics at physicist. charge, but not its negative value, the
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. It began long ago when Dirac (1) rule of CP invariance is broken. This
This article is based on lectures
several years, most recently at Lin
over pointed out that, acco rding to the quan- physical model requires further elabora-
in July 1968. tum laws of atomic Iphysics, the exist- tion to explain, rather paradoxically,
22 AUGUST 1969 757
why the observed violation of CP in- velocity v in the field of a stationary of the magnetic charge g at the origin,
variance is so remarkably weak. The body that possesses charges e2 and g2. it should not be necessary to refer to
same refinement is also relevant in the There is an equivalent description for the compensating charge -g at the
establishment of the detailed corre- the relative motion of two particles point R, if the latter is sufficiently re-
spondence with the empirical mass with arbitrary masses. The equation of mote from the origin. But, on examin-
spectrum that relates to the meaning motion is ing the additional electromagnetic an-
of isotopic spin and hypercharge. We gular momentum of this system, which
now turn from this brief survey to dv
m mdt
ddt = ei(E + vxH) +
v is
more specific but elementary discussions
of the various items. g1(H- C- v X E)
-(eg/c) [r r-R]
where the following forms of the field we see that the angular momentum
Maxwell's Equations strengths at the point with vector r, associated with the charge -g does not
of magnitude r, vanish as this particle recedes to in-
The form of these equations for the finity but contributes an additive con-
electric field E and the magnetic field E =e2 -7 9 H=g2 p stant. The total angular momentum
H, in which c is the speed of light, assign the origin of coordinates to the of the three-particle system is integral,
position of the stationary body. The as we confirm by noting that the elec-
E 47rj
c explicit statement tromagnetic angular momentum van-
ishes when R -> 0 and the magnetic
47rp e
V -E = charge is neutralized. On shifting our
m dvr
dt = (e1e2 + g9g2) r
-vxE- cOata H= 4j c
viewpoint between the physically equiv-
I alent two-particle system and the three-
V* H = 4'rp (elg2- e2gl) v X
particle system with an infinitely remote
makes evident the symmetry involves just the invariant charge com- compensating charge, paradoxical tran-
binations that were noted. The associ- sitions between (integer + 1/2) and in-
E -H, H >-E Pe -p pin --Po teger values of the angular momentum
ated moment equation is
with the electric and magnetic currents, will be avoided if eglhc is restricted to
je and jm, following the pattern of the r X m ddt= (elg2 - e2gl) I r_X (VX r) integral values.
charge densities Pe and Pm. This is a It can be useful to regard
particular example of the invariance - (e1g2 - e.2gl) c dt r
expressed by the rotation through the 1
- -(e,g2- e wg,)
arbitrary angle 0. and we recognize the conserved angular
momentum vector as the radial component of a spin an-
E' Ecos 6 + H sin e gular momentum vector S (5)
H' =-E sin 0 + H cos 0
Pe =pe cos + pm sin 0
J =r X mnv-(e1g2-e2g1) c r clr -- (eig - eg,) = S r/r
Pm = -pe sin 0 + pm COS 0 The quantization of the component of
In purely electromagnetic considera- this angular momentum along the con- The complete spin vector is introduced
tions, the observed absence of magnetic necting line of the particles then gives by defining the momentum p
charge is equally well described as the the charge quantization condition (2 7rh mv=p+S xr/r2
coexistence of electric and magnetic is Planck's constant)
charge in the universal ratio indicated which gives
by (e,g2- e±gg)/Iic = v
J=r X p+S=L+S
where v' is an integer. The exclusion of
pimi/pe = tan 0 (integer + ½2) values, which were ad- The properties of p and S are indeed
We also note that the following com- mitted by Dirac, seems plausible in this those suggested by this familiar combi-
binations formed from electric charges purely orbital situation, but it requires nation involving the orbital angular
el,e2 and magnetic charges g1,g2 are a rather subtle argument in support. momentum vector L. On introducing
invariant under the redefini;tions pro- Equally subtle is the suggestion that, if the radial momentum Pr according to
duced by the rotation through the there are dual-charged particles, rather
angle 0: than just electrically charged particles P = r pr + L2
and magnetically charged particles, the
ele2 + gig!, eig2- e2g1 integer v must be even (4). we infer the kinetic energy
I shall try only to indicate what is
involved in these arguments through the T-2mv2- 21 p+ J2
(2 (JPr/r)2)
Charge Quantization following consideration on behalf of where
integer quantization. Since matter is
Here is an elementary argument in normally magnetically neutral, any r
support of the existence of charge purely magnetically charged particle, J.rrr Sr-=-ph
quantization (3). Consider the non- for example, has an oppositely charged The total angular momentum spectrum
relativistic behavior of a particle with counterpart somewhere. If one is inter- is, correspondingly
mass m, carrying electric charge e1 and ested in an electric charge e, at the
magnetic charge g1, which moves with point r, which is in the neighborhood J2=j(j+ 1)h2, j= fvj, lvl + 1, . . .

758 SCIENCE, VOL. 165

In the present experimental situation, which asserts that e1 - e2 is a multiple pattern illustrated by go, -go, for it
with only electric charge known, the of the charge unit but does not deter- means that the antibaryon, with con-
consideration of a hypothetical mag- mine the individual charges. Alterna- stituent magnetic charges - 2go, go, go,
netic charge g gives the electric charge tively, by forming a composite of the is a fundamentally different particle.
quantization condition particle having charges e1,go with the Magnetic charge thus supplies an in-
antiparticle of charges - e2, -g0, we terpretation for the empirical prop-
eg/hc = 2n produce a magnetically neutral particle erty of nucleonic charge. The latter
in which the evenness of the integer with electric charge e1 - e2, which must could be identified, for example, with
v = 2n is assumed. From the observed submit to normal charge quantization. the total magnetic charge on doubly
unit of electric charge, as measured by If there are dual-charged particles with charged constituents measured in units
magnetic charges different from go, of 2go.
e'/hc_ 1/137 they must carry integral multiples of As in the unification of neutron and
we deduce a unit of magnetic charge, this smallest value to be consistent with proton into the nucleon, which was the
on choosing n = 1
the reciprocal quantization enforced on first use of isotopic spin, it is natural
magnetic charge by the electrical charge to regard the three values of magnetic
g02/hc 4(137) -unit e. If we compare the charges charge as three choices available to the
e3,2go, for example, with e1,go, the fundamental dual-charged particle. And
Forces between magnetic charges are charge quantization condition asserts the heuristic power of the theoretical
superstrong, in comparison with the that reciprocity between electric and mag-
strong nuclear forces for which coup- netic charges becomes apparent in the
ling constants are 10. The above
(e3 - 2ei) go/hc = 2n suggestion that the electric charge of
electric-charge quantization condition The conclusion that e3- 2e1 is a mul- this fundamental particle has the same
also governs the total electric charge tiple of e is again equivalent to the pro- threefold option: 2e0, - eo, - eo. On
of a magnetically neutral aggregate of duction of a magnetically neutral com- equating the nonvanishing difference of
dual-charged particles. Let ea,ga de- posite whose electric charge must have these charge values to the known unit
note the various dual-charge assign- e as a unit. In this way it is seen that e, we identify the new charge unit
ments, which obey the electric charge on a dual-charged
particle with magnetic charge go pro- eo = ½13e
Xg11=O , 2;e,=e
a a vides a new charge unit that is distinct The pattern of fractional electric
Allowing for the possibility that the from the known unit e. charges, 2/3, - 1/3, - 13, is just the one
smallest magnetic charge go resides on used in the empirical models. It has
a particle with electric charge eo, we now been traced back to the qualitative
conclude from Hadron Models symmetry between electric and mag-
netic charge, and the requirement of
2 (e.go - eoga)/hc = 2fna We are being led to a picture in magnetic neutrality. We should note the
a a which hadronic matter is viewed as a consistency of the hypothesis that the
that magnetically neutral composite of dual- electric-charge pattern is independent
charged particles that are based elec- of the magnetic charge, which again
eg0/hc = 2n trically upon a new unit of charge. states that 2eo differs from -e,, by an
The importance of the latter remark Such a picture must have enough va- integer. Incidentally, the relation be-
is that the electric charge on a dual- riety to account for the two different tween the electric-charge unit of dual-
charged particle need not be an integral kinds of hadrons: mesons, which are charged particles and the unit of pure
multiple of the charge unit. Let us Bose-Einstein particles, and baryons, electric charge has its magnetic analog
imagine a situation in which all par- which are Fermi-Dirac particles. In in
ticles are dually charged with a univer- perhaps the simplest kind of model,
sal charge ratio all dual-charged particles are alike, at go ½13 g

least with regard to statistics, which The unit of pure magnetic charge has
g/e=tan 0 must be Fermi-Dirac if baryons are a magnitude given by
Then the integer in any charge-quanti- to be built from them. It would not do
to have only one value of magnetic g2/hc 36(137)
zation condition vanishes, and no fur-
ther restrictions appear. Of course, as charge, for then magnetically neutral We come now to a very important
the use of the angle 0 signals, this situa- composites could be produced in only question. What name shall we give to
tion is just a charge-rotated version of one way, namely, by the combination the fundamental dual-charged particle
pure electric charges, where no charge of particle and antiparticle. That would (6)? The particle ending -on is obliga-
quantization exists. But it emphasizes only manufacture mesons. But it is tory. As evidenced by the use of the
the weakening of charge quantization enough to have just two different values provisional phrase "dual-charged par-
that the consideration of dual-charged of magnetic charge, which we take to ticle," the basic aspect that should be
particles entails. Suppose there are two be 2go and - go. Now a magnetically commemorated in the name is the du-
kinds of dual-charged particles with a neutral composite is also formed from alistic or dyadic character of the charge
common magnetic charge go, but dif- three constituents, of magnetic charges that the particle bears. There are vari-
ferent electric charges, el and e2. The 2go,-go,-go, and this is a Fermi- ous short Greek and Latin combining
charge quantization condition is Dirac particle. It is satisfactory that forms that could be applied: bi-, di-,
this pattern of magnetic charge is un- duo-, dyo-, as well as longer words such
(ei-e2) go/hc = 2n symmetrical, in contrast with the meson as dyadikos-, of two. Dyadikon surely
22 AUGUST 1969 759
has a ring to it. But being mindful that This formula can be compared with Charge Exchange
mesotron became shortened to meson, empirical meson mass spectra (7).
I believe that dyon is a better choice. Simple but accurate representations of Are other known phenomena omitted
The symbol D will not often lead to the mass splittings within the known in this dynamical scheme? Although
confusion with deuterium, particularly families of 9 = 3 X 3 particles enable conventional electromagnetic and strong
if we add labels that indicate the elec- one to remove this mass structure, and interactions have been given a general-
tric and magnetic charges, for which the resulting squared masses are pro- ized electromagnetic interpretation,
we use e and g as units. Thus FD½ portional to an integer with actual there is no reference to the so-called
is the dyon with electric charge -3e values of 0, 1, 2, or 3. The scale is weak interactions. This type of inter-
=-eo and magnetic charge 2/3g- 2go. supplied by the mass of the p-meson, action can be viewed as a mechanism
What is the mass of a dyon? Let which gives the identification of electric-charge exchange among
us be clear about this; any estimate is members of the same particle family,
sheer guesswork. We do not have the (2MD)2 = 1/2 nompo_ including the lepton family (L) of
wit to connect the known properties of The specific value of no noted above electron, muon, and neutrino. It is pos-
the composites-hadrons-with the un- refers to the individual magnetic charge sible, but not necessary, to regard this
known properties of the constituents- magnitude g0. If 2go were considered, charge exchange as proceeding through
dyons.The interaction strength far sur- no would be four times larger. We the intermediary of an unknown, heavy,
passes anything for which such skill shall use a weighted mean of these charged boson, as has been proposed
exists. But a beginning must be made. values, which effectively equates no to several times under different names.
Consider the nonrelativistic behavior 4(137), and then The commonly employed symbol is
of two widely separated dyons, of W(weak), which we use in writing
common mass MD, that are combined MD (137/2)½ mp -
some typical particle reactions
in a hydrogenlike structure. The energy 6 billion electron volts
I would not risk more than three L+ *L + W+, -½D%Y-½D-D± +W+
expression is
groschen on the likelihood of this esti- There is a striking analogy with elec-
21 Pr,+
(h)21 + mate, but at least it is an optimistic tromagnetic emission and absorption of
one, in relation to current accelerator photons (which motivated my own ear-
(giga + e1e2)/r plans. ly speculations in this direction) since
where m is the reduced -mass, 1/2MD. Let us return to what was termed the observed interactions are essentially
Hydrogen energy levels depend only the fine and hyperfine structure of the vectorial in character and have a cer-
upon the principal quantum number mass spectrum. The hyperfine structure tain universality in strength. In more
n =nr + I + 1, where I is here given is an electric-charge dependence which detail, these weak interactions are
by causes the interaction strength to vary known to be CP-conserving, but C-
by a fraction and P-violating, in a way that depends
1(1 + 1) =j( + 1)-a upon the sign of the electric charge
As an initial approximation, let us
e2/gO that is exchanged. It would seem that
ignore the fine structure of order ego/ The corresponding change in squared they destroy the charge rotational in-
hc 1, and the hyperfine structure of mass is variance of the Maxwell equations and
order e2/lhc- 1/137. The appearance thereby help to establish the absolute
of the formulas will also be simplified
~ MD2 e2/go- (1/137) mp' distinction between electric and mag-
by the adoption of atomic units for That is indeed the magnitude observed netic charge.
which h = c = 1. With the specific for the charge dependence as illustrated I find it natural to imagine a mag-
choice by the K-mesons netic analog of these processes, with a
correspondingly stronger coupling, that
g9g2 =
-gO0 mKo - mK*' 0.7 x 10-' mP could be mediated by a boson of unit
the Bohr formula supplies the total but the sense of the splitting is oppo- magnetic charge, S (strong). A typical
mass, or better, the squared mass as site to what one would expect from the magnetic charge-exchange process for
simple mechanism considered. The fine the dyon is
MS = (2MD)' [-1
I structure is represented by a variation
in n or k that is of the order of unity. %D-½ <4 -½D-½ + +S
This result is valid only when the sec- Such is the qualitative empirical situa- It is entirely possible that both S and
ond term is small compared to unity, tion, as illustrated by a comparison of W are fictitious and should be under-
corresponding to very large quantum the K-meson, which belongs to the stood only as a shorthand for the direct
numbers, n > no, where k = 0 nonuplet, with the p-meson, a exchange of charge between pairs of
member of the k = 1 nonuplet: particles of various types. We shall not
n, = ½/2 go2 2(137) dwell on the conceivable magnetic
mK' 0.4 mp2 counterparts of leptons, except to won-
But, faute de mieux, let us abandon der if the neutral neutrino(s) could be
caution and extrapolate down to zero But the quantitative details are wrong.
Only the value of the electric charge common to both families. The mecha-
mass! That is reached at n =nO. The nism represented by the magnetic par-
neighboring states identified by n = no would seem to be relevant, whereas
+ k, where k= 1, 2, . . ., are approx- observed mass spectra are labeled by ticle S produces a rapid exchange of
imately represented by and give meaning to the properties of magnetic charge among the dyons that
isotopic spin and hypercharge. Some- constitute a hadron. It may be that the
Ma = (2MD)2(2/no)k thing is missing. result is a very short time scale aver-
760 SCIENCE, VOL. 165
aging out of the magnetic charge on that sets the scale, and one empirical erected on the basis of the speculative
an individual dyon. Indeed, that is factor of the order of unity gives a but theoretically well-founded hypoth-
what is suggested by a naive view of reasonable account of neutron and pro- esis that electric and magnetic charge
the empirical baryon situation. The ton magnetic moments. The analogous can reside on a single particle. I hope
pattern of low-lying multiplets is cor- electric dipole moment is proportional that these suggestive, if inadequate, ar-
rectly represented if we unite a three- to the sum of dyon magnetic charges guments will be sufficiently persuasive
valued electric label with a two-valued multiplied by spin vectors. Since the to encourage a determined experimental
spin index and consider only totally total magnetic charge is zero, the elec- quest for the portal to this unknown
symmetrical arrangements of three such tric dipole moment would vanish if all new world of matter, for
index pairs as though three constituents three dyons were dynamically the same
were in a symmetrical orbital state and and therefore had identical average spin Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if
obeyed Bose-Einstein statistics. Conflict vectors. But surely the dyon of mag- it be consistent with the laws of nature,
with the physical Fermi-Dirac statistics netic charge 23 is in a different environ- and in such things as these, experiment
of dyons is avoided if we recognize ment than a dyon of magnetic charge is the best test of such consistency.
the additional three-valued magnetic -1/3 and should have a somewhat dif- Faraday
labels and combine them in a totally ferent average spin; this would lead References and Notes
antisymmetric arrangement. This im- to an unacceptable electric dipole mo- 1. P. A. M. Dirac, Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser.
plies that each of the three magnetic ment, unless a mechanism restores the A 133, 60 (1931); Phys. Rev. 74, 817 (1948).
assignments is equally probable for an equivalence of all dyons by a rapid ex- 2. The term hadron has been introduced in op-
position to lepton, which designates particles,
individual dyon, thus giving an aver- change of magnetic charge which effec- other than the photon and graviton, that do
not have strong interactions. Lepton was well
age magnetic charge of zero. tively destroys the correlation between chosen since the Greek combining form lepto-
A mechanism for magnetic charge spin and magnetic charge. includes "small, weak" among its meanings.
But, unfortunately, the meanings of hadro- are
exchange is also indicated if large vio- The same mechanism for magnetic limited to "ripe, thick," which this is, a bit.
lations of CP invariance are to be avoid- charge exchange will tend to suppress 3. The argument was presented for particles with
either electric or magnetic charge in Sym-
ed. Particularly relevant is the remark- those effects of order ego/hc that were metry Principles at High Energy, A. Perlmut-
able precision with which it is known called fine structure. The exchange ter, J. Wojtaszek, G. Sudarshan, B. Kursuno-
glu, Eds. (Freeman, San Francisco, 1966). Also
that the neutron does not have an elec- mechanism itself produces mass split- noted there is the charge-quantization condi-
tric dipole moment (8). The associated tion for dual-charged particles, under the as-
tings, however. Among the conse- sumption that particles carry both charges e,g
length is measured to be S 10-22 centi- quences of these couplings is a displace- and e,-g. I was not yet ready to face the
apparently strong violation of CP invariance
meter, in contrast with 10-14 centi- ment in the masses of the individual that occurs if only one of these particles exists.
meter for the magnetic dipole moment. dyons. There is a plausible expression 4. Both arguments are presented in the language
of the new theory of sources [J. Schwinger,
We compare this situation with an for the exchange interaction that pro- Phys. Rev. 173, 1536 (1968)]. A discussion that
elementary model in which a dyon, duces a mass splitting of a threefold employed the more conventional and more
cumbersome methods of operator field theory
considered to be a particle with spin of electric multiplet into a doublet and a was given some time ago by T.-M. Yan
1/2, possesses intrinsic magnetic and singlet, which gives an elementary ac- [thesis, Harvard University (1968)]. It has
been duplicated recently by D. Zwanziger
electric dipole moments proportional count of the empirical properties of [Phys. Rev. 176, 1489 (1968)], although this
author does not recognize that two different
to its spin vector and its electric and isotopic spin and hypercharge. These factors of 2 are involved.
magnetic charge, respectively. Such considerations are too quantitative and 5. Comments in this direction were made by A.
Goldhaber [Phys. Rev. 140, B1407 (1965)]. I
models have often been applied to nu- too uncertain to merit further comment came to this approach from the opposite di-
cleon magnetic moments, with the para- here. Suffice it to say that the general rection, by asking how the spin of a particle
could be removed in favor of its helicity, the
doxical result that the constituents have outlines of a mechanism have appeared, spin component along the momentum direction.
masses smaller than the nucleon mass, which may meet the challenge posed The mathematical problem is the same, with
position and momentum vectors interchanged.
rather than the much larger values that by the regularities observed in the 6. Unfortunately, the field of choice is not free
are required physically. This is an arti- of prior incursions. In the interests of an
properties of hadronic strong, electro- obscure literary reference that celebrates the
fact of an overly naive nonrelativistic magnetic, and weak interactions. empirical aspect of triadism, an untraditional
attitude, however, and it is removed and unmellisonant term was introduced and
has found favor in some circles. I prefer to
if the magnetic (and electric) energy is respect tradition and, more important, to
incorporated as an added term in the Summary emphasize the theoretical basis of the other-
wise mysterious empirical characteristics.
relativistic expression for the squared 7. J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 20, 516 (1968).
mass of the composite particle. Then it A conceivable dynamical interpreta- 8. W. Dress, J. Baird, P. Miller, N. Ramsey,
Phys. Rev. 170, 1200 (1968); C. Schull and
is the mass of the composite particle tion of the subnuclear world has been R. Nathans, Phys. Rev. Lett. 19, 384 (1967).

22 AUGUST 1969 761

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