Project Report On Smart City Bachelor of Computer Applications

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(Asst. Professor-Dept of BCA)



East Point Campus Jnana Prabha Virgo Nagar Post


Department of Computer Science-BCA-(BNU)
East Point Campus, Jnana Prabha Virgo Nagar Post Bengaluru-560049

Date: __________


This is to certify that the following students have done their project work on
SMART CITY submitted to the Bengaluru North University in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of work carried
out, under the guidance and supervision of Ms. Alafia J.
1.Naveen Prakash G [R1918058]
2.Pragathi S [R1918066]
This report does not form part of any previous dissertation or reports previously
Submitted to this university or any other universities for the award of degree or

…............ …............ …............



I do hereby declare that the project work entitled SMART CITY Submitted to the
Bengaluru North University in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of degree of Bachelor of Computer Applications is a record of confide and
independent project work carried out by us under guidance and supervision of Ms.
Alafia j (Asst. Professor, Dept of BCA) and this report does not form any part of
any previous dissertations or reports previously submitted to this University or
any other Universities for the award of degree or diploma.


Naveen Prakash G

Pragathi S




I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Project guide Ms.

Alafia J and our principal, Prof. Dr. Vijaya Bhaskaran Director of East Point
College of Higher Education who gave us the wonderful opportunity to do this
project on the topic Smart City Information System. It helped me in doing a lot of
Research and I came to know about a lot of things related to this topic.
Finally, I would also like to thank my friends, staff and all other faculty who
helped me directly and indirectly a lot in finalizing and in the successful
completion of this project within the limited time frame.

Date: __________
Place: Bengaluru

Naveen Prakash G[R1918058]
Pragathi S[R1918066]


City guide is an essential whenever we are visiting a particular city. It gives us the
valuable information about the city and saves the time. Our project laid a web-
based platform for the city guide and can search every place in the city without
taking the help of personal guide. It is a web-based product which gives
explanation about a particular city. This website contains the complete
information about particular city like places to be visited, city map, route maps,
business environment, job portals, information about organization, that provide
transport, hospitality and total history of city.

The main aim of this project is to provide the services to the users who have
registered in the site. The services regarding to city politics, historical and
conventional places, bus routes, business companies' profiles and job details. It
facilitates communication between users, experts, and general public through
chat/polls/mail. This will definitely help the users for the purpose of saving their
valuable time and also economically viable.


➢ It can be accessed by unlimited number of users.

➢ Each user will be assigned a different set of permissions for each module
of the system.
➢ The user can have access to all the information in the site with limited
services and provides extra services to registered users.
➢ Track all the transaction details of the customer.
➢ Every user must have their ID and PASSWORD for security purpose.
➢ All the job seekers must have their resume document to submit to
➢ Administrator is created in the system already.
➢ The administrator has to generate daily/weekly/monthly reports of
business and political news of the city.
➢ This site is best designed to be useful through internet to people of
different places.

System Requirement

Hardware Requirement
Processor - I3 intel processor

RAM - 4 GB

Hard Disk - 160 GB

Keyboard - Standard windows keyboard

Software Requirement
Operating System - Windows 10

Application Server - Tom Cat 7.0

Frontend - Java

Working platform - NetBeans IDE

Database - My SQL 5.0

Database Connectivity - JDBC

Modules Overview

1.ADMINISTRATOR MODULE: The admin module is the major module as it is

responsible for carrying out the major operations regarding updates, business
updates, job alerts and it maintains information regarding other four modules. The
various components of admin module are update alerts, update industries, update
hotels, view resumes, site information. The details regarding jobs Such as job title,
vacancies, companies' profile Emergency phone no. regarding emergency,
Conventional places description, location, address and images.

2.TOUIST MODULE: Tourist module is about maintaining the information

regarding the city tourist spots, hotels, city entertainment. Various software
components of tourist module are view theatres, city maps, ATM locations, city
history, view travel agencies, view bus routes.

3.STUDENT MODULE: The student module maintains the various information

regarding various institutions, library and hostels in the city. The various software
components of student module are view libraries, view institutes, view colleges,
view coaching centres, view journals.

4.JOB SEEKER MODULE: In this module the job seeker views the job portal
and find a job availability. He then posts his resume to admin. The various
software components are view jobs, view city info, view city locations, view
updates, post resume.

5.BUSINESS MODULE: Business module consists of information regarding

various business industries in the city with social and political influence of the
city. The various software components are view city history, view markets, view
alerts, view industries, view hotels, view labours, view jobs.

Existing System:
In existing system, the person who are visiting a particular city need to gather
information from the person who is staying in the city or take the help of the city
guide. Gathering of all these information you need to visit the city. This possesses
a lot of time and pre-planning. In order to get each piece of information we need
to go for help desk.

Limitations Of Existing System:

➢ The existing system is a manual system. Here the city info needs to save
the info in the form of excel sheet or disk drivers.
➢ There is no sharing is possible if data is in the form of paper or disk
➢ The manual system gives us very less security for saving data Some data
may be lost due to mismanagement.
➢ It is a limited system and fewer user friendly.

Proposed System:
The Proposed System provides an online information about the particular city
going to visit. It also provides additional services to the registered user. The
development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to
automate the entire process keeping in the view of database system integration

➢ User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls

provided by rich user interface.
➢ The system makes the overall project management much easier and
➢ The city information files can be stored in centralized database which can
be maintained by the system.


System analysis is a process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing

problems and the information is recommend improvements on the system.
It is a problem-solving activity that requires intensive communication between
the system users and system developers. System analysis or study is an important
phrase of any system development process.
The system is studied to the minutes details and analysed. The system analyst
plays the role of the interrogator and wells deep into working of the present
system. The system is viewed as a whole and the input to the systems are
identified. The outputs from the organizations are trace to the various processes.
System analysis concerned with becoming aware of the problem, identifying the
element and decisional variables, analysis and synthesizing the various factors
and determining an optimal or at least a satisfactory solution or program of action.

A detailed study of the process must by various techniques like interviews,

questionnaires etc. The data collected by these sources must be scrutinized to a
conclusion. The conclusion is an understanding of how the system functions.
This system is called the existing system. Now the existing system is subjected to
close study and problem areas are identified. The designer now functions as a
problem solver and tries to sort out the difficulties that the enterprise faces.
Solution is given as proposals. The proposal is then weighed with the existing
system analytically and the best one is selected. The proposal is presented to the
user for an endorsement by the user. The proposal is reviewed on user request and
suitable changes are made. This is the loop that and as soon as that is satisfied
with the proposal.


Feasibility study is conducted once the problem is clearly understood. Feasibility

study is a high-level capsule version of the entire system analysis and design
process. The objective is to determine quickly at a minimum expense how to solve
a problem. The purpose of feasibility is not to solve the problem but to determine
if the problem is worth solving.

The system has been tested for feasibility in the following points:
➢ Technical Feasibility
➢ Economic Feasibility
➢ Operational Feasibility


The project entitles “Smart City Information System” is technically feasible. The
more important thing is given to the hardware interaction part of the system. The
assessment of the technical feasibility centre on the existing to what extent, it can
support the proposed addition. This was based on an outline design of the system
requirements in turns of inputs, files, programs, procedures and involves
financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancements.


Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the
effectiveness of a proposed system. Its more commonly known as cost benefit
analysis, the procedure to determinate benefits and saving that are expected from
a candidate system and compare with costs. If the benefits outweigh costs, the
decision and implement the system. Otherwise, make alternations in the proposed
The innovation of the new system has much influence on the economical side of
the company. Manual system is highly cost driven due to high labour costs. Thus,
the system is economically feasible.


In this project, the management will know the details of each project where he
may be presented and the data will be maintained as decentralized and if any
enquires for that particular contract can be known as per their requirements and


Crystal Report is a business intelligence application used to create custom reports

from a variety of data sources. The package includes the major features needed
for a business to create a database reporting environment, such as data access,
report design/formatting, report viewing, and application integration. This allows
the application to be enterprise-wide, available to users, and to support data
reporting from report creation to upload ans execution.

Crystal Reports Features

The main purpose of crystal reports is to allow users to pull their desired data from
a data source, such as an Oracle or MY SQL server database, and present the data
in a repeatable and organised way. Crystal Reports provides you with a powerful,
dynamic and actionable reporting solution that helps you design, explore,
visualise and deliver reports via the web or embedded in enterprise applications.

Crystal Report Viewer

Crystal report viewer is a software dedicated to business use. The software allows
you to organize and manage business updates and reports in an easy ans useful
way. It is user friendly navigation allows you to access and organize all sort of
information into files and folders.


Introduction to system design

System design is the process of defining elements of a system like modules,
architecture, components and their interfaces and data for a system based on the
specified requirements. And it is the process of defining, developing systems
which satisfies the specific needs and requirements of a business or organization.
A systematic approach is required for a coherent and well-running system.
Bottom-Up and Top-Down approach is required to take into account all related
variables of the system. A designer uses the modelling languages to express to
information and knowledge in a structure of system that is defined by a consistent
set of rules and definitions. The design can be defined as graphical or textual
modelling languages.

System Flow chart

System flowcharts are a way of displaying how data flows in a system and how
decisions are made to control events. To illustrate this, symbols are used. Data
flow charts do not include decisions, they just show the path that data takes, where
it is held. Processed and then output.


A data-flow diagram is a way of responding a flow of data through a process or a

system (usually an information system). The DFD also provides information
about the outputs and inputs of each entity and the process itself. A data-flow
diagram has no control flow, there are no decision rules and no loops. Specific
operation based on the data can be represented by flowchart.

There are several notations for displaying data-flow diagrams. For each data-flow
at least one of the endpoints (source and /or destination) must exit in a process.
The refined representation of a process can be done in another data flow diagram.
Which subdivides this process into sub processes.

The data-flow diagram is a part of the structured-analysis modelling tools. When

using UML., the activity diagram typically takes over the role of the data-flow
diagram. A special form of data-flow plan is a site-oriented data-flow plan.


An entity-relationship model (or ER model) describes interrelated things of

interest in a specific domain of knowledge. A basic ER model is composed of
entity types (which classify the things of interest) and specifies relationships that
can exist between entities (instances of those entity type).
In software engineering, an ER model is commonly formed to represent things a
business needs to remember in order to perform business processes.
Consequently, the ER model becomes an abstract model, that defines a data or
information structure which can be implemented in a database, typically a
relational database.

E-R Notations
There are three basic elements in an ER diagram: entity, attribute, relationship.
They are weak entity, multi valued attribute, derived attribute, weak relationship,
and recursive relationship. Cardinality and ordinary are two other notations used
in ER diagrams to further define relationships.


Data base design is defined as a collection of steps that help with designing,
creating, implementing and maintaining a business’s data management systems.
The main purpose of designing a database is to produce physical and logical
models of designs for the proposed database system.
A good database design process is governed by specific rules. The first rule
dictates that redundant data must be avoided as its wastes space and increases the
probability of faults and discrepancies within the database. The next rule is that
the accuracy and comprehensiveness of information is extremely imperative. If
the database contains erroneous information any documents that fetch data from
such a database will also include inaccurate information.

Code Design
A code design is a document that sets rules for the design. It is a tool that can be
used in the design and planning process, but goes further and is more regulatory
than other forms of guidance. It can be thought of as a process and document and
therefore a mechanism which operationalize design guidelines or standards which
have been established through a master plan process.

Input Design
Input design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of the inputs
to a computer-based business system into a programmer-oriented specification.
In an information system, input is the raw data is processed to produce output.
During the input design, the developers must consider the input devices such as
PC, MICR, OMR, etc.
Therefore, the quality of system input determines the quality of system output.
Well-designed input forms and have following properties:
• It should serve specific purpose effectively such as storing, recording and
retrieving the information.
• It ensures proper completion with accuracy.
• It should be easy to fill and straightforward.
• It should focus on user’s attention, consistency and simplicity.

Output Design
The design of output is the most important task of any system. During output
design, developers identify the type of outputs needed and consider the necessary
output controls and prototype report layouts.
Objective of output design:
• To develop output design that serves the intended purpose and eliminates
the production of unwanted output.
• To develop the output design that meets the end user's requirement.
• To deliver the appropriate quantity of output.
• To form the output in appropriate format and direct it to the right person.
• To make the output available on time for making good decisions.


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