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Science 9 Activity 8

1. Clean Air Act – It is a law which regulate emissions of hazardous air pollutants. It also
maintains the amount of air that the people ‘cause. This law protects the public health
from hazardous pollutant. Its goal is to minimize air pollution. Also, it tells the risk of
hazardous air pollutants to people.
2. Kyoto Protocol-It talks about how to reduce greenhouse gasses. It fights the global
warming. It is responsible for reducing the Carbon dioxide that people cause. And
responsible for the current level of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Also, it
prevent dangerous effect of greenhouse gasses to the environment.
3. Sagip Pasig-It is a project we’re people will clean the pasig. Its objective is to remove
waste from the river. It also help the river Pasig to improve. Another goal of it is to
restore the real appearance of the river. And it maintain the cleanliness of the Pasig
4. Tour of the Fireflies-It helps the environment to reduce air pollution. It is good for the
person’s health. It is campaigning for road sharing. And everyone has a benefits on it.
Also, It doesn’t create pollution.
5. Save La Mesa Watershed/Ecopark-It provides water reservoir. It is a friend of nature. It’s
attractive to the people, especially tourist. It doesn’t destroy the ecosystem. It provides
healthful outdoor recreation and true forest experience.
6. Smoke-free Zone(Ordinance in Makati and Marikina)-It reduces people who uses the
cigarette. A person under 18 cannot smoke. Smoking is probihited in all public areas. It
discourages people to smoke. It will make people to realize that smoking is dangerous to
a persons health.
7. Wastes Segregation Schemes(in your community)-It helps the environment to reduce
wastes. It helps people to learn how to segregate their trashes. It reduce the production
of waste. Some garbage can be recycled. People can learn to manage their waste.
8. International Day for Coastal Clean Up-It removes the debris and rubbish from water. It
Heighten public awareness of the cause of litter and debris. I also make a positive
changes to the environment. also, it promote water pollution prevention worldwide.
And it gives home for marine and aquatic animals.
9. “Tapat Mo, Linis Mo”-A project help to maintain environmental cleanliness. It teaches
people to clean their repective areas. It makes a community free from diseases and
natural calamities. Pollution can also be prevented. It is also a solution to environmental
10. Reforestation in Mountains and Mangrove Areas-It provides habitat for animals. Trees in
the mountains will help to stop erosion. Mangroves will afford protection for coral and
prevent coastal erosion. Trees will help to reduce carbon dioxide. Mangrove will provide
home for marine life.

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