Comparison of DAB and LLC DC-DC Converters in High-Step-Down Fixed-Conversion-Ratio (DCX) Applications

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Comparison of DAB and LLC DC-DC Converters in High-Step-Down Fixed-

Conversion-Ratio (DCX) Applications

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics · August 2020

DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3019796


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3 authors, including:

Satyaki Mukherjee
University of Colorado Boulder


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Comparison of DAB and LLC DC-DC Converters

in High-Step-Down Fixed-Conversion-Ratio (DCX)
Satyaki Mukherjee, Student Member, IEEE, Ashish Kumar, Member, IEEE,
Sombuddha Chakraborty, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper compares the dual active bridge (DAB)

and LLC converter topologies when utilized in a high-step-down
fixed-conversion-ratio application, such as the dc-dc stage in
laptop and LED TV adapters. Multiple candidate topologies for
this application are compared, motivating the selection of the
DAB and the LLC for further investigation. The two converters
are first compared using first-order insights, and then using a
detailed analytical design methodology focused on zero-voltage
switching (ZVS). Fundamental trade offs between conduction
and switching losses are analyzed, predicting that the DAB
Fig. 1: Typical two-stage ac-dc power delivery architecture, comprising a
converter should achieve higher efficiency at heavy loads due to front-end PFC stage, an energy buffering capacitor and an isolated high-step-
lower conduction losses, while the LLC converter should achieve down fixed-conversion-ratio (DCX) dc-dc stage.
higher efficiency at lighter loads due to lower switching losses.
To validate these predictions, design examples are developed
for a 1-MHz 400 V-to-20 V 330-W application, and experimental and datacenter applications. Suitable high-density solutions
prototypes for both converters are built based on these designs. have been enabled by the emergence of wide-bandgap devices,
Measured results match well with the predictions. The DAB
prototype achieves a peak efficiency of 94.9% at full load,
together with the use of soft-switching topologies, which allow
corresponding to a 27% reduction in losses compared to the the isolated dc-dc stage to operate efficiently at high switching
LLC prototype. frequencies [9]–[12].
Index Terms—fixed conversion ratio (DCX) converters, high Two popular choices for high-step-down isolated DCX
step down dc-dc Converters, Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS), high- converters are the dual active bridge (DAB) converter and
efficiency and high power density converters, design with optimal the LLC resonant converter [11]–[21]. These converters share
trade-off between switching and conduction losses many desirable characteristics, including the design flexibility
to achieve zero-voltage switching (ZVS) over a wide load
I. I NTRODUCTION range, easy-to-implement control strategies (frequency con-
trol for LLC, phase-shift control for DAB), and a relatively
FF-LINE power supplies rated for hundreds of watts
O and providing high step-down, including adapters for
gaming laptops and LED TVs [1]–[3], and datacenter power
low component count. Among the two topologies, the LLC
converter offers an advantage in control, since the secondary-
side devices can be driven synchronously without the need
distribution systems [4]–[8], typically employ a two-stage for communication across the isolation barrier [22]–[24]. On
architecture with a front-end power-factor correction (PFC) the other hand, the DAB converter can potentially deliver
ac-dc stage followed by an isolated step-down dc-dc stage, as higher efficiencies due to lower rms and circulating currents
shown in Fig. 1. The PFC stage generates a well-regulated [16], [25]. The relative merits of DAB and LLC converters
intermediate bus voltage (typically 400 V for universal input (along with other isolated topologies suitable for high step-
applications) and the dc-dc stage converts it down to the down, e.g.: phase-shifted full-bridge) have been extensively
load voltage (for e.g.: 20 V for laptop adapter applications). studied for higher power applications (≥ 1 kW) [25]–[28].
Designing this isolated dc-dc converter to provide a fixed At these power levels, the switching frequency is relatively
conversion ratio (like a DC transformer, or DCX) allows it low (< 100 kHz) and ZVS is not always vital to achieving
to be optimized for high efficiency. In addition, this converter high efficiency [25]. However, for the lower power levels
must maintain high power density to comply with increasingly (100 W − 1 kW) and higher switching frequencies (> 500 kHz)
stringent area and height constraints in consumer electronics targeted in this paper, zero-voltage switching is critical to the
converter’s performance.
S.Mukherjee is with the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy
Engineering, University of Colorado at Boudler, Boulder, CO, USA (e-mail: This paper presents a comparison between DAB and LLC
{satyaki.mukherjee} converters for a high-step-down fixed-conversion-ratio (DCX)
A.Kumar and S.Chakraborty are with Kilby Labs, Texas Instruments, Santa application, wherein power density requirements necessitate
Clara, CA, USA (e-mail: {ashish,s-chakraborty}
The authors would like to acknowledge Texas Instruments for supporting high-frequency operation. First, a brief overview of isolated
the research reported in this paper. dc-dc topologies suitable for such an application is provided

to motivate the selection of the DAB and LLC converters.

Following this, an analytical comparison between the two
converters is performed – initially based on first-order insights
and then using a ZVS-oriented design methodology – to
establish their relative merits. This analysis concludes that
the DAB converter is likely to achieve higher efficiency at
heavy loads, while the LLC converter is likely to be more
efficient at lighter loads. These predictions are validated using
1-MHz 400 V-to-20 V 330-W prototypes of the DAB and
LLC converters. The DAB converter prototype achieves 94.9%
efficiency at full load, corresponding to 27% lower losses than
the LLC converter prototype.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion II compares and downselects suitable topologies for a
high-frequency high-step-down DCX application. Section III
presents fundamental insights into the relative merits of DAB (a)
and LLC converters. A more detailed comparison including
ZVS transitions is performed in Section IV. Section V uses
the preceding analysis to develop design examples for both
converters. Section VI presents experimental results to validate
the theoretical comparison. Finally, Section VII summarizes
and concludes the paper.


At power levels below ~200 W, low component count and
simple control make flyback and forward converters the most
popular choices for high-step-down isolated power conversion
[29]–[31]. However, the basic versions of these topologies

Fig. 3: Isolated dc-dc converter topologies suitable for voltage step-down and
high-frequency operation: (a) dual active bridge (DAB) converter (b) LLC
suffer from relatively high device stresses, and additional
components are typically needed to lower device stresses and
efficiently achieve large step down at higher power levels [32].
For power levels higher than ~200 W, bridge type converters
are typically preferred [33], [34].
The simplest such converter is the duty-ratio controlled
half-bridge converter [35], a version of which with a current-
(a) doubler rectifier is shown in Fig. 2(a). The half-bridge con-
verter can share its large step-down burden between duty ratio
and transformer turns ratio. However, it does not lend itself
well to high-frequency operation (and hence, high power den-
sity) due to its inability to incorporate circuit parasitics such
as transformer leakage inductance, and because its inverter
devices are hard-switched.
Another topology suitable for high step-down is the phase-
shifted full-bridge (PSFB) converter, shown with a center-
tapped rectifier in Fig. 2(b). Here, the step-down burden is
shared between the transformer turns ratio and the phase-
shift between the two legs of the full-bridge inverter. The
PSFB converter can achieve ZVS of its inverter devices for
(b) a limited load range, but the leading inverter leg (passive to
Fig. 2: Isolated dc-dc converter topologies suitable for voltage step-down: (a) active transition) loses ZVS at light loads [36], necessitating
duty-cycle controlled half-bridge converter with current doubler rectifier (b) a relatively low switching frequency. This, combined with the
phase-shifted full-bridge (PSFB) converter. use of an additional magnetic component in the form of the

TABLE I: Comparison of state-of-the-art bridge-type converter topologies for

high step down isolated DCX converters inductance. In the DAB converter the transformer is gapless
and the magnetizing inductance is large, whereas in the LLC
Number of
Topology high voltage
Soft Output DC
Control converter the transformer is gapped, resulting in a smaller
switching Inductor(s) magnetizing inductance. This has important implications in
Isolated half
2 No Yes
Duty cycle terms of soft-switching: since its gapless transformer stores
bridge (Fig. 2(a)) control very little energy, the DAB converter utilizes the energy
Phase shifted full Phase shift
bridge (Fig. 2(b))
4 Yes Yes
control stored in its inductor Ll (which can in some designs be
Frequency the leakage inductance of the transformer) to discharge the
LLC (Fig. 3(a)) 2 Yes No
control inverter output capacitance and achieve ZVS. This energy
Phase shift
DAB (Fig. 3(b)) 2 Yes No
is purely determined by the load current; hence, ZVS can
be lost below a certain load as determined by the value of
Ll . In contrast, the LLC converter utilizes the energy stored
output filter inductor, limits the power densities achievable in its transformer’s magnetizing inductance to achieve ZVS.
with this topology. Furthermore, this particular topology with Therefore, given a certain output voltage, once the magnetizing
diode rectification, also suffers from substantial secondary-side inductance is designed to achieve ZVS, it is maintained for
ringing due to resonance between the tank inductance and all loads. These ZVS considerations will be analyzed in detail
the parasitic switch-node capacitance during diode turn off, in Section IV. Since both the DAB and LLC converters are
necessitating additional snubber circuits to maintain reliable capable of achieving ZVS, conduction losses and core losses
operation, further increasing the volume of the converter [37]. in the magnetic structures are the major sources of loss,
Two isolated topologies better suited for high-frequency particularly at medium to high loads. Transformer core losses
operation are the DAB converter and the LLC converter, in both converters are identical due to the same volt-seconds
shown in Fig. 3(a) and 3(b), respectively. Compared to the being applied. Inductor winding and core losses both depend
PSFB converter, the DAB and LLC converters (when appro- on the tank currents, a fundamental understanding of which is
priately designed) can achieve soft-switching over a wider developed next.
load range with reduced circulating currents. Note that the
efficiency of DAB and LLC converters falls off rather rapidly A. DAB Converter
when the conversion ratio changes from its optimal value of It is assumed that the DAB converter switches at a fixed
VIN /VOU T = 2n [38], [39]. This study is limited to a fixed frequency and each device operates with 50% duty ratio.
conversion-ratio application, and hence, is unaffected by this Output voltage is regulated using single phase-shift control
drawback. [13], [14], i.e., by controlling the phase-shift between the
In summary, among the topologies considered above, the inverter and the leading leg of the rectifier, as illustrated in
DAB and LLC converters are the most suitable alternatives Fig. 4. Here v1 and v2 correspond to the inverter output
for high-power-density high-step-down fixed-conversion-ratio voltage vsw,inv and the primary-referred rectifier input voltage
applications in the >200 W power range, and are selected nvsw,rec , respectively. When the transformer turns ratio is
for further investigation. Salient features of the bridge-type selected to be n = VIN /2VOU T , the DAB tank current takes
converter topologies compared in this section are summarized a trapezoidal shape (neglecting ZVS transitions, which add a
in Table I. sinusoidal fragment to the current and will be addressed in the
next section). As shown in Fig. 4, the phase-shift φ controls
III. F IRST-O RDER C OMPARISON OF DAB AND LLC the peak value of tank current, and hence, the converter’s
CONVERTERS output current (which is the secondary-referred, rectified and
averaged version of the tank current). The rated output current
As can be seen from Fig. 3, the DAB and LLC con-
verters are structurally very similar. Both comprise a high-
frequency inverter and rectifier, interfaced by an LC tank and
a transformer. The inverter is selected to be a half-bridge
and the rectifier a full-bridge to obtain an effective step-
down of two, allowing the turns ratio of the transformer –
which provides the bulk of the step-down – to be reduced.
Despite the structural similarity, the two converters differ
greatly in design and operation. In the DAB converter, the
capacitor of the LC tank is large and serves the purpose of
dc blocking; therefore, at the converter’s switching frequency
the DAB tank is purely inductive. On the other hand, in the
LLC converter the capacitor is small and resonates with the
inductor at (or close to) the switching frequency; hence, the
LLC tank has an arbitrary small impedance at the converter’s
switching frequency. Another distinction between the two Fig. 4: Operation of DAB converter: equivalent circuit model (top), and
converters is in the transformer’s construction and magnetizing idealized switch node voltage and tank current waveforms at partial and rated
power levels (bottom).

nI rms/IOUT

1.08 LLC

1.04 nILl,rms/IOUT
Fig. 7: Operation of LLC converter: equivalent circuit model (left), and
nI /I idealized voltage and current waveforms (right).
rec,p,rms OUT
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 The rms tank current ILl,rms , normalized with respect to
[°] the rated output current IOU T , is plotted as a function of
the maximum phase-shift φmax in Fig. 5. For each value
Fig. 5: Comparison of normalized rms tank currents in DAB (red) and LLC of φmax , the tank inductance is computed using (2) and the
(blue) converters, as a function of the maximum phase-shift (φmax ) of the
DAB converter, neglecting ZVS transitions. normalized rms current is obtained from (3). The rms current
can be expressed in terms of the maximum phase-shift φmax is a monotonically increasing function of φmax .
as [21], [40]: This can be intuitively understood from Fig. 6, which shows
the DAB tank current for two different values of φmax , and
IOU T = nILl,pk (1 − ) (1) for the same output current. As can be seen, for the larger
π value of φmax , the current spends a longer time transitioning
where ILl,pk is the peak value of the primary- referred tank from its negative peak to its positive peak, resulting in higher
current when delivering rated output current. The tank induc- peaks, and hence, a higher rms value.
tance required to deliver rated output current with φ = φmax
is given by [21], [40]:
B. LLC Converter
VIN φmax n(1 − π ) Figure 7 shows equivalent circuit of the LLC converter
Ll = (2)
4πfs IOU T under fundamental-frequency approximation [41], with vac =
(vsw,inv − VIN 2 ) being the ac component of the inverter
where fs is the converter switching frequency. It should be output voltage vsw,inv , and the load resistor representing
noted that the maximum phase-shift φmax is a design choice. the equivalent resistance presented by the rectifier. When
Different selected values for φmax will result in different operated at the resonant frequency of Lr and Cr , the LLC
required values for Ll . converter behaves as a voltage source and achieves perfect
Once φmax and Ll are determined, the rms value of the load regulation if the input voltage is constant. In a practical
DAB converter’s tank current when delivering rated output scenario, narrowband frequency variation may be required to
current can be found as: compensate for converter losses, component tolerances and
aging effects. With n = 2VVOUIN
, the equivalent circuit of Fig. 7
2φmax T
ILl,rms = ILl,pk 1 − can be solved to express the rms value of the primary-referred
r3π (3) rectifier input current (irec,p in Fig. 7) as:
IOU T 2φmax
=⇒ ILl,rms = 1 − π π
n(1 − φmax
π )
3π Irec,p,pk = IOU T =⇒ Irec,p,rms = √ IOU T (4)
2n 2 2n
As shown in Fig. 7, the LLC converter’s tank current iLr , is
the sum of the current given by (4) and the transformer mag-
netizing current. To simplify this analysis and draw insights,
the transformer magnetizing current (which enables ZVS) is
neglected in this section. Hence, the rms current in the LLC
tank can be approximated by the expression given in (4). As
can be seen, this current is independent of the tank component
values and is fixed, given a rated output current IOU T .

C. Comparison
The rms currents in the DAB and LLC tanks can now
be compared. Since the DAB tank current is trapezoidal,
it should follow that its rms value is lower than that of
the LLC tank current, which is sinusoidal. However, from
the fundamental-frequency perspective, the LLC tank with
Fig. 6: Impact of two different maximum phase-shifts (φmax1 < φmax2 ) its resonating inductance and capacitance presents a resistive
on the waveshape of the DAB converter tank current, for the same output load to its inverter (neglecting the relatively small inductive


1.4 nIrec,p,pk/IOUT
nI pk/IOUT



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 8: Comparison of normalized peak tank currents in DAB (red) and LLC
(blue) converters as a function of the maximum phase-shift (φmax ) of the
DAB converter, neglecting ZVS transitions.

component introduced by the magnetizing inductance); while

the DAB tank presents a substantially inductive load to its
inverter. The resultant phase lag between the DAB inverter’s Fig. 9: ZVS transition in DAB converter: equivalent circuit model (top),
and switch-node voltage and tank current (bottom) in time domain and on
output voltage and current (proportional to the phase-shift apnormalized state-plane with base voltage VIN and characteristic impedance
φ) introduces circulating currents with associated losses. In Ll /Coss,inv,e .
order to still reap the benefit of trapezoidal current, the DAB
with relatively low output voltages and relatively high output
converter must be designed with a relatively low maximum
currents, ZVS of rectifier devices is easier to achieve. Hence,
phase-shift φmax . This is confirmed in Fig. 5, which compares
in the following, ZVS considerations are discussed only for
the normalized rms currents in the DAB and LLC tanks,
the inverter.
obtained from (3) and (4), respectively. The DAB rms current
is lower than its LLC counterpart for all values of φmax < 26◦ .
Hence, under the approximations made in this section and A. DAB Converter
assuming the same switches and similar magnetics designs, In the DAB converter, ZVS is achieved when the inverter
a low phase-shift DAB converter is expected to have lower output capacitance is discharged through resonance with the
conduction losses than an LLC converter. tank inductance Ll [12], [16], [21]. As shown in Fig. 9, at
Inductor core losses can be addressed through a similar the beginning of the ZVS transition, the tank current is at a
analysis of peak tank currents. Normalized peak currents for peak value that is determined by the load current. The tank
the two converters evaluated using (1) and (4) are plotted in inductance then resonates with the inverter output capacitance,
Fig. 8. The DAB tank has lower peak current across the entire and the tank current reduces as the capacitance discharges. The
range of phase-shifts considered. Assuming similar inductor scenario shown in Fig. 9 represents optimal ZVS: the tank
design and construction in the two converters, peak currents current reaches zero at the same instant at which the inverter
are a reasonable indicator of core losses. Hence, the DAB output capacitance is fully discharged, meaning that the tank
converter is also expected to have lower inductor core losses current carries just enough energy for ZVS. Less energy would
than the LLC converter. lead to hard-switching; more energy would lead to higher
The analysis presented above derives first-order insights circulating current, which would then necessitate higher tank
while neglecting ZVS transitions, which can significantly current (and hence, losses) for the same power delivery. To
impact the operation and waveforms of both DAB and LLC achieve the optimal ZVS scenario of Fig. 9, the resonant
converters [16], [39]. Hence, to better inform the conclusions transition period must equal one quarter of the resonant period
drawn here, ZVS considerations are addressed next. [21], that is:
1 πp
tr,opt = = Ll Coss,inv,e (5)
AND LLC C ONVERTERS Here, Coss,inv,e is the effective output capacitance of the
In order to achieve high efficiency and minimize thermal inverter, which includes the energy-equivalent output capac-
management needs, MHz-frequency converters must achieve itance of the two inverter devices [43], and other parasitic
ZVS. This is critical for high-input-voltage, medium-power ap- capacitances such as those originating from printed circuit
plications, even with the smaller parasitic capacitances enabled board (PCB) layout and transformer windings; and fres is the
by wide-bandgap devices. For example, consider a half-bridge resonant frequency of the tank inductance and the inverter
inverter switching at 1 MHz, where the high-side device is output capacitance. This optimal ZVS condition translates to
hard-switched across 400 V. With a typical high-voltage GaN a unique design of the DAB converter, in which the tank
device [42], this amounts to a turn-on switching loss (exclud- inductance and phase-shift are given, respectively, by:
ing V-I overlap) of ~20 W, which, for <1 kW applications, is 1
prohibitive from both the efficiency and thermal management Ll,opt = h i2 (6)
IOU T ,opt

viewpoints. Since this work focuses on step-down applications + (3 + π)fs Coss,inv,e
nVIN Coss,inv,e

h p i
φopt = π 1 − (2 + π) Ll,opt Coss,inv,e fs 1.3
√ (7) 1.25
4π 2 fs IOU T ,opt Ll,opt
− π 2 [1−(2+π) Ll,opt Coss,inv,e fs ]2 − nVIN nILl,rms,opt/I OUT

nIrms/I OUT
These expressions are obtained by relating the phase-shift DAB nIrec,p,rms /I OUT
and tank inductance to the output current of the DAB converter 1.15
under the optimal ZVS condition, assuming instantaneous 1.1
secondary side ZVS transitions, as described in Appendix
1.05 LLC
A. Incorporating effects of secondary side ZVS transitions
prohibit closed form design equations for the tank inductance 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
[21]. The term IOU T,opt in (6) and (7) is a design choice,
representing the output current level for which it is desired to opt
achieve optimal ZVS; and φopt is the phase-shift correspond- Fig. 11: ZVS-inclusive comparison of normalized rms tank currents in DAB
ing to this output current. When a DAB converter is designed (red) and LLC (blue) converters, as a function of the optimal-ZVS phase-shift
according to (6) and (7), it will achieve partial soft-switching (φopt ) of the DAB converter.
while delivering output currents lower than IOU T,opt , and seen, in order to limit the frequency ratio below a practical
achieve ZVS with circulating tank current while delivering value (for example, F = 0.4, which, from (5) and (8), corre-
output currents higher than IOU T,opt . The value chosen for sponds to the resonant transition period tr,opt taking up one-
IOU T,opt impacts the DAB converter’s efficiency profile over tenth of the switching period), IOU T,opt needs to be higher
its load range, by altering the tradeoff between switching and than a certain value. Note that IOU T,opt is normalized in
conduction losses. A smaller value of IOU T,opt enables ZVS Fig. 10 with respect to the product of the angular switching
over a larger load range down from rated load, and hence, frequency, transformer turns ratio, input voltage and inverter
lower switching losses, but at the cost of higher circulating output capacitance. Therefore, once these parameters are de-
current over this range, and hence, higher conduction losses. termined, Fig. 10 can be used to determine a feasible range for
A feasible range for IOU T,opt can be obtained from practical IOU T,opt . A loss model can then be utilized to determine the
considerations. For example, to achieve a reasonably high value of IOU T,opt within this range that produces a satisfactory
efficiency, the resonant transition period during which ZVS efficiency profile over the converter’s load range.
is achieved but negligible power is transferred to the output, In the optimal-ZVS design given by (6) and (7), the rms
should be a small fraction of the switching period [21]. This value of the DAB tank current can be expressed as:
can be expressed in terms of the resonant transition frequency r
fres and switching frequency fs as: φopt π 4
ILl,rms,opt = ILl,pk,opt 1 − ( + )
fs fs 2π 2 3
F = = p 1 (8) q
φopt π 4 (10)
fres 1/(2π Ll,opt Coss,inv,e ) IOU T,opt 1 − 2π ( 2 + 3 )
= φ
An alternative expression for this frequency ratio can be n 1 − opt (3 + π) 2π
obtained by rearranging (6) as:
1 This expression is derived in Appendix A. The normalized
F = (9) rms current (nILl,rms,opt /IOU T,opt ) is plotted as a function
3+π IOU T,opt
+ of the optimal-ZVS phase-shift φopt in Fig. 11, where φopt
2π 2πfs nVIN Coss,inv,e
is varied across the shown range by varying the inverter’s
Figure 10 shows how the choice of the optimal-ZVS output effective output capacitance Coss,inv,e . As can be seen, the
current IOU T,opt impacts the frequency ratio F . As can be rms current increases monotonically with φopt . This behavior
can be understood from Fig. 12, which shows the dependence
of the optimal tank inductance Ll,opt and φopt on Coss,inv,e ,

Optimal inductance (Ll,opt) [ H]

Optimal phase shift ( opt) [°]

10 20


0.4 10

0.3 2

0 0
10 60 110 160 210 260 310 10 60 110 160 210 260 310
Inverter output capacitance (Coss,inv,e) [pF] Inverter output capacitance (Coss,inv,e) [pF]

0.1 (a) (b)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 12: Variation in: (a) the optimal-ZVS tank inductance Ll,opt and (b) the
optimal-ZVS phase shift (φopt ) with the effective inverter output capacitance
Coss,inv,e of the DAB converter, for fs = 1 MHz, VIN = 400 V, n = 10
Fig. 10: Normalized switching frequency of the DAB converter as a function and IOU T,opt = 16.5 A.
of its normalized output current, for an optimal-ZVS design.

computed using (6) and (7), respectively. Figure 12(a) shows
that the optimal inductance increases monotonically with the 1.5
inverter output capacitance, which is expected since a larger LLC

output capacitance demands greater energy (and hence, larger
inductance) to be discharged. Figure 12(b) shows that the 1.3
optimal phase-shift also increases monotonically with the 1.2 nI /I
Ll,pk,opt OUT,opt
inverter output capacitance. This is because, the larger the nI /I
1.1 rec,p,pk OUT,opt
output capacitance, the larger the required tank inductance,
and in turn, the longer the time (and hence, the larger the 1
phase-shift) needed to ramp the tank current up to its peak 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
value. From this it is clear that increasing φopt in Fig. 11 is opt
equivalent to increasing Coss,inv,e , which increases the current Fig. 13: ZVS-inclusive comparison of normalized peak tank currents in DAB
required to achieve ZVS, and hence, the tank rms current. (red) and LLC (blue) converters as a function of the optimal-ZVS phase-shift
(φopt ) of the DAB converter.

B. LLC Converter
ZVS across its entire load range. This is in sharp constrast
ZVS transitions in the LLC converter are fundamentally to the DAB converter, which can only achieve partial soft-
different from those in the DAB converter, because ZVS switching at light loads (i.e., at output current levels lower
is facilitated not by the tank inductance but rather by the than the optimal-ZVS current IOU T,opt ).
transformer’s magnetizing inductance. Due to the square-wave
As shown in Fig. 7, the triangular magnetizing current of
voltage imposed on the transformer, the magnetizing current
the LLC converter is 90◦ phase-shifted with respect to the
(iLM ) takes a triangular shape, with a peak value given by
rectifier input current, which is assumed to be sinusoidal. The
[22], [39]:
VIN rms value of the LLC tank current, which is the sum of the
ILM,pk = (11) magnetizing current and the primary-reflected rectifier input
8LM fs
current, is given by:
Since the magnetizing inductance is relatively large, the r s
I2 V2
magnetizing current can be assumed to be constant at the ILr,rms = π2 2
IOU LM,pk π2 2 IN (13)
8n2 T+ 3 = 8n2
IOU T+ 192L2 fs
above peak value during the inverter and rectifier commutation M

transitions, which happen simultaneously. During these tran-

sitions the peak magnetizing current discharges the effective C. Comparison
output capacitances of the inverter and the rectifier. The mag- Since the magnetizing current is independent of the con-
netizing inductance required to achieve ZVS can be expressed verter’s output current, the LLC tank rms current cannot be
as [11]: normalized with respect to the output current. However, a
LM = C
(12) conservative comparison with the DAB converter can still be
16fs (Coss,inv,q + oss,rec,q
n2 ) performed by neglecting the LLC magnetizing current and
Here Coss,inv,q and Coss,rec,q are the effective output capac- normalizing the remaining portion of the LLC tank current
itances of the inverter and rectifier, respectively, including the (i.e., (13) with ILM,pk set to zero, which reduces to (4)). This
charge-equivalent output capacitance of the devices and other comparison is shown in Fig. 11. As a reminder, the x-axis of
parasitic capacitances; and tZV S is the total time duration Fig. 11 – the DAB optimal phase-shift – is a monotonically
over which the inverter and rectifier ZVS transitions take increasing function of the inverter output capacitance; hence,
place. Note that since the current discharging the capacitances Fig. 11 indicates that for inverter output capacitances that
is assumed to be constant, charge-equivalent capacitances allow the DAB optimal phase-shift to be small (<7◦ ), the DAB
are relevant for the LLC converter, as opposed to the DAB tank has lower rms current than the LLC tank. Also note that
converter where energy-equivalent capacitances are relevant with the LLC magnetizing current included, the DAB tank will
[43]. The LLC magnetizing inductance can be determined have lower rms current up to a higher phase-shift.
from (12) after selecting a reasonable value for the ZVS A similar comparison of normalized peak tank currents
duration tZV S . Prima facie, it appears that by selecting a is shown in Fig. 13, wherein the peak current expressions
large value for tZV S , one can have a larger magnetizing for the DAB and LLC converters are taken from (10) and
inductance, and hence, relatively low magnetizing current (4), respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 13 that the DAB
and associated losses. However, if tZV S is too large, the converter has much lower peak tank currents for a large range
magnetizing current is no longer constant during the ZVS of optimal phase-shifts. Note that this comparison assumes that
transition, and in some cases ZVS may even be lost, as will be the LLC magnetizing current is small enough not to change the
shown in Section VI. Furthermore, as in the DAB converter, peak tank current. If the magnetizing current does increase the
efficiency considerations dictate that the ZVS duration in the LLC peak current (as it can in many designs), the comparison
LLC converter should also be a small fraction of the switching in Fig. 13 will become more favorable for the DAB converter.
period [11]. The above ZVS-inclusive comparison of rms and peak
With the ZVS duration and magnetizing inductance appro- tank currents further supports the conclusion that for a DCX
priately selected from (12), the LLC converter can achieve application, low phase-shift designs of the DAB converter

have lower conduction losses and inductor core losses than inverter switch-node (Coss,inv,e ). For simplicity, it is assumed
the LLC converter. However, the DAB converter has higher that this capacitance mainly comprises the output capacitance
switching losses at output currents below the optimal-ZVS of the inverter devices. The inverter is constructed from Texas
current. Hence, the DAB converter is expected to have higher Instruments’ LMG3410R070 600-V 70-mΩ GaN devices, the
efficiency than the LLC converter for medium to heavy loads, non-linear (voltage-dependent) capacitance of which is illus-
where conduction and inductor core losses typically dominate, trated in Fig. 14. The capacitance Coss,inv in Fig. 14 is the
and lower efficiency for lighter loads, where switching losses sum of the non-linear output capacitances of the high-side and
are the major loss contributors. This prediction will be exper- low-side devices (Coss,inv,HS and Coss,inv,LS , respectively).
imentally validated in Section VI. The effective "energy-equivalent" linear output capacitance of
It should be noted that several strategies have been proposed the inverter, which is used in the DAB design equations of
to improve the light-load efficiency of the DAB converter Section IV, can be expressed in terms of Coss,inv as [43],
by extending its ZVS range. In one such approach, an air- [46]:
gap is inserted in the DAB transformer and its magnetizing Z VIN
inductance is utilized for ZVS, similar to the LLC converter 2
Coss,inv,e = 2 Coss,inv (vsw,inv )vsw,inv dvsw,inv
[44], [45]. Such approaches can be beneficial, provided their VIN 0
additional circulating currents do not outweigh the above- 2
outlined conduction and inductor core loss benefits of the DAB = Coss,inv,LS (vsw,inv )dvsw,inv
converter. (14)
Using (14) and the data from Fig. 14, with VIN = 400 V, the
effective output capacitance Coss,inv,e for the LMG3410R070-
In this section, the methodology of Section IV is used to based inverter is estimated to be ~275 pF.
design DAB and LLC converters for a large-step-down isolated The second step is to select the optimal-ZVS output current
DCX application, whose specifications are summarized in IOU T,opt . As discussed in Section IV, a feasible range for
Table II. These specifications are suitable for the dc-dc stage IOU T,opt can be determined using (9). With F smaller than 0.4
of laptop adapters and LED TV backlight drivers. An overall (which corresponds to the resonant transition period being less
step-down of 20:1 is required, out of which 2:1 step-down than one-tenth of the switching period), and with fs = 1 MHz,
is provided by the half-bridge inverter, and the remaining n = 10, VIN = 400 V, and Coss,inv,e = 275 pF, (9) requires
10:1 step-down is provided by the transformer. The designs IOU T,opt to be larger than 10.5 A. In this design example,
developed here also form the basis for the prototypes shown in IOU T,opt is selected to be equal to the rated load current
Section VI. The switching frequency is selected to be 1 MHz of 16.5 A. The motivation here is to maximize efficiency by
in order for these prototypes to achieve high power density. achieving optimal ZVS at rated load, where the converter in the
TABLE II: Large-Step-Down DCX Design Specifications
applications considered here needs to operate most efficiently
due to thermal constraints. A lower value of IOU T,opt would
Input Voltage (VIN ) 400 V still ensure ZVS at rated load, but at the cost of higher circu-
Output Voltage (VOU T ) 20 V
Rated Output Power (POU T ) 330 W lating currents, and hence, lower efficiency. The third step is to
Rated Load Current (IOU T ) 16.5 A determine the DAB tank inductance required for optimal ZVS,
Switching frequency (fs ) 1 MHz Ll,opt , which is obtained from (6) to be 8 µH. The optimality
of Ll,opt is visualized for this design example in Fig. 15,
which shows that with an inductance of 8 µH, the tank inductor
A. DAB Design Example carries just enough energy at the beginning of the dead-time
to fully discharge the effective inverter output capacitance
The first step in designing the DAB converter is to accu- Coss,inv,e . The time required for this optimal ZVS transition is
rately estimate the effective output capacitance seen at the
Coss,inv,LS 20
Coss,inv,HS Energy stored in Ll
Energy [ J]
Capacitance [pF]

300 Coss,inv Energy stored in C oss,inv,e

L l,opt

0 2 4 6 8 10
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Switch node voltage (vsw,inv ) [V] DAB tank inductance [ H]
Fig. 14: Voltage dependent non-linear switch node capacitance (Coss,inv ) of Fig. 15: The energy stored in the DAB tank inductor at the low-side and high-
the low-side and high-side LMG3410R070 GaN devices (Coss,inv,LS and side device turn-off instants, as a function of its inductance, for fs = 1 MHz,
Coss,inv,HS ), and the sum of the two capacitances (Coss,inv ). VIN = 400 V, n = 10, IOU T,opt = 16.5 A, and Coss,inv,e = 275 pF.

tr,opt = 74 ns; to minimize reverse conduction, the DAB dead- of the tank, given by [11], [39]:
time is kept close to this value. Next, the phase-shift associated 1
with this design is obtained from (7) to be φopt = 16.7◦ . Qmax =
2πfs Cr Rac,min
The above-described ZVS-oriented methodology for the DAB 1 1 (15)
converter is illustrated by means of a flowchart in Fig. 16(a). fp = p ; f0 = √
2π (LM + Lr )Cr 2π Lr Cr
Finally, the rectifier is constructed from EPC2023 30-V,
1.5 mΩ GaN devices. Due to their low on-resistance, these Here, Rac,min = 8n VOU T
π 2 IOU T is the effective resistance pre-
devices facilitate low conduction losses on the high-current sented by the rectifier at rated load. Similar to the high-LM
side of the converter. Furthermore, achieving ZVS of these and low-LM designs above, high-Q and low-Q designs are
devices is straightforward and almost instantaneous due to the also performed. For the high-Q design (Qmax = 0.24), Lr =
relatively low output voltage. 4 µH and Cr = 8 nF; and for the low-Q design (Qmax =
Design examples for the LLC converter are presented next, 0.06), Lr = 1 µH and Cr = 28 nF. One benefit of the high-
following which, transformer designs for both converters will Q design is that it reduces the frequency variation required
be discussed and subsequently the converter designs compared. for regulation [47]. Another benefit is that it results in a
fairly sinusoidal tank current with relatively low peak and
rms values. However, the high-Q design requires a relatively
large tank inductance, which can offset these benefits and lead
B. LLC Design Examples to higher losses. Hence, to compensate, the high-Q design
is paired with the lower-peak magnetizing current high-LM
Following the methodology of Section IV, the LLC con- design. Similarly, the low-Q design (Qmax = 0.06) is paired
verter’s design begins by selecting a ZVS duration tZV S with the higher-peak magnetizing current low-LM design. This
(i.e, the dead-time), from which the magnetizing inductance design methodology of the LLC converter is visualised using
LM can be determined using (12). To illustrate the tradeoffs a flowchart in Fig. 16(b).
involved, two designs are pursued, one with tZV S larger
than, and the other smaller than, one-tenth of the switching C. Transformer Designs
period. For the first design (tZV S = 150 ns), the magnetizing To increase power density, the 10:1 transformers of the DAB
inductance LM comes to be 30 µH, and for the second design and LLC converters are implemented as planar structures with
(tZV S = 80 ns), LM comes out to be 16 µH. Hereafter, these PCB-integrated windings. These transformers are modeled
designs are referred to as the high-LM design and the low- using 3D finite-element analysis in Ansys HFSS, as shown
LM design, respectively. The high-LM design features low in Fig. 17. The DAB transformer is designed with no air-
magnetizing current, resulting in lower conduction losses, and gap, while the air-gaps in the two LLC designs are tuned
also requires a smaller air-gap, resulting in lower fringing- in HFSS to obtain the required magnetizing inductances.
field induced losses. However, the low magnetizing current Windings losses are estimated using the frequency-dependent
necessitates a longer ZVS transition, during which negligible impedance matrices extracted from HFSS [48], and core losses
output power is supplied. are estimated using iGSE [49] (more details are provided in
The next step is to determine the resonant tank elements Appendix B). Details of the transformer constructions are pro-
Lr and Cr , by selecting the maximum loaded quality factor vided and design is described in Table III. With these designs,
the transformers achieve a power density of 1800 W/in^3.

TABLE III: 10:1 transformer design details

PCB stackup 4 layers, 3 oz.
10 primary turns (layer 1; 1-5 turns,
Windings layer 4; 6-10 turns),
1 secondary turn (paralleled in layer 2 and 3)
Core Geometry EILP 22 (22 X 16 X 8.5)
Core material TDK N49
DAB : 0 mm
Length of
High LM , high-Q LLC : 0.18 mm
Low LM , low-Q LLC : 0.4 mm

(a) (b)
Fig. 16: Flowchart illustrating ZVS-oriented design methodology for (a) DAB
converter and (b) LLC converter Fig. 17: HFSS models (isometric view) of the ungapped DAB transformer
(left) and the gapped LLC transformer (right). Apart from the gap, the
transformers are identical in construction.

D. Design Summary
The DAB and LLC designs are summarized in Table IV.
In line with the theoretical predictions of Section IV, the
DAB converter has lower rms and peak currents than both
LLC designs. Another distinction between the DAB and LLC
designs brought out by Table IV is that, although the ZVS-
facilitating current in the low-Q LLC design (i.e., the peak
magnetizing current) is higher than its counterpart (the peak
tank current) in the DAB design, the low-Q LLC design needs
a longer ZVS transition period (or dead-time). This is because
unlike in the DAB converter where the peak tank current
discharges the inverter and rectifier output capacitances at
different times, in the LLC converter the magnetizing current
has to discharge the inverter and rectifier capacitances at
the same time, resulting in a longer transition period. The
following section describes the prototypes implemented from
the designs developed above, and compares their measured
performance. (a)

TABLE IV: Design Summary

Dead time
Topology Design of tank Tank Currents (Amps)
interval (ns)
td,DAB = ILl,rms,opt =2.13,
DAB Ll,opt =8 µH
tr,opt =74 ILl,pk,opt =2.3
Irec,p,rms =1.83,
High-LM , Lr =4 µH, Cr =8 nF, td,LLC = ILM,pk =1.67,
high-Q LLC LM = 30 µH tZV S =150 ILr,rms =2.07,
ILr,pk =2.9
Irec,p,rms =1.83,
Low-LM , Lr =1 µH, Cr =28 nF, td,LLC = ILM,pk =3.12,
low-Q LLC LM =16 µH tZV S =80 ILr,rms =2.57,
ILr,pk =3.63
Fig. 18: Photographs of the DAB converter prototype: (a) power stage and
VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS (b) planar transformer.

A DAB converter prototype and two LLC converter proto-

types conforming to the design examples of Section V are built
Measured switch-node voltages and tank current waveforms
and tested for a DCX application with 400-V input voltage,
of the DAB converter while delivering its rated power of
20-V output voltage, and 330-W rated output power. The
330 W are shown in Fig. 19. The ZVS transition period and
components common to all three prototypes are listed in Table
phase-shift are labeled. It can be seen that the inverter achieves
V. The following subsections present the measured results.
near-optimal ZVS, since the tank current approaches zero at
TABLE V: 400 V - 20 V, isolated 330 Watts prototype details the time instant when the inverter switch-node voltage com-
Texas Instruments’ LMG3410R070
pletes its transition; hence, minimizing circulating currents.
High voltage inverter (Q1 and Q2 ) This validates the optimal-ZVS design methodology of Section
EVM daughter card
Low voltage devices (Q3 -Q6 ) EPC 2023, 30 V, 1.45 mΩ IV. The rectifier switch-node voltage in Fig. 19 exhibits
Low voltage half bridge gate driver Texas Instruments’ LMG1210
Microcontroller (PWM signals) TMS320F28379D

A. DAB Results
A photograph of the DAB converter prototype is shown in
Fig. 18(a). Figure 18(b) shows the planar transformer with
the secondary-side PCB interconnects made from loops of
multi-strand wire. These loops realize most of the DAB tank
inductance. Note that the DAB inductor is realized on the
transformer’s secondary side (which can be done due to the
large magnetizing inductance). Hence, the required inductance
is only Ll,opt /n2 = 80 nH, about 70 nH of which comes
from the loops, and the remaining portion from the leakage
inductance of the transformer. Fig. 19: Measured switch-node voltages and tank current of the DAB converter
prototype operating at its rated power of 330 W.

Efficiency [%]

92.5 Measurements
150 200 250 300 350
Output Power [Watts]
Fig. 20: Measured efficiency of the DAB converter prototype.

substantial ringing. This is because although the energy in the (a)

tank inductor is just enough for achieving inverter ZVS, it is
much higher than that required for rectifier ZVS. This results
in residual energy being stored in the rectifier power loop
parasitic inductances, causing high-frequency ringing after the
rectifier commutates. This ringing has detrimental effects on
electromagnetic interference, efficiency and reliability, and can
be reduced using an optimized PCB layout, lower package-
inductance devices and/or modulation schemes that reduce the
rectifier turn-off current [21], [50].
Figure 20 shows the measured efficiency of the DAB
converter prototype for four different loads. When operating
at full load (330 W), the phase-shift is maintained at φopt , and
is reduced as the load decreases to keep the output voltage
regulated at 20 V. As expected, the converter achieves its
maximum efficiency of 94.9% at full load, where it achieves
optimal inverter ZVS. At lighter loads, partial soft-switching
leads to reduced efficiencies. This efficiency profile is well-
suited for laptop adapter and backlight driver applications, (b)
wherein full-load operation is most prevalent, and hence, due
to thermal considerations, the associated efficiency is priori-
tized. Furthermore, in these applications the converter can be
operated in burst-mode to maintain flatter efficiency across
load variation. For applications where burst-mode operation is
unsuitable and light-load efficiency is of greater importance,
the value of the optimal-ZVS output current IOU T,opt can be
selected to be lower than the rated output current, as discussed
in Section IV. (c)
Fig. 21: Photographs of the LLC converter prototypes: (a) power stage of high-
Q prototype, (b) power stage of low-Q prototype, and (c) planar transformer
B. LLC Results used in both prototypes.
Photographs of the high-Q and low-Q LLC converter pro-
totypes are shown in Fig. 21(a) and Fig. 21(b), respectively. Figure 22 shows measured waveforms of the switch-node
As can be seen, the high-Q prototype utilizes a discrete off- voltages and tank current of the high-Q prototype. It can be
the-shelf inductor (Coilcraft MA5173). This inductor real- seen that despite a substantial dead-time (140 ns), the inverter
izes three-quarters of the required tank inductance, and the is only able to achieve partial soft-switching. This is because
remaining portion is realized from the leakage inductance the magnetizing current falls due to resonance between the
of the transformer. In the low-Q prototype the entire tank magnetizing inductance and the inverter and rectifier switch-
inductance comes from the transformer’s leakage inductance, node capacitances, and hence, does not have sufficient energy
which is advantageous in terms of both efficiency and cost. to fully discharge the inverter capacitance, as mentioned in
The transformer used in both the high-Q and low-Q prototypes Section IV-B. The corresponding waveforms for the low-Q
is shown in Fig. 21(c). design are shown in Fig. 23. Here the inverter is able to


Efficiency [%]
92.5 DAB
low-Q LLC
150 200 250 300 350
Fig. 22: Measured switch-node voltages and tank current of the high-Q LLC
converter prototype operating at its rated power of 330 W.
Output Power [Watts]
Fig. 25: Comparison of the measured efficiencies of the DAB and low-Q LLC
converter prototypes.

the DAB converter achieves higher efficiency at full load,

while the low-Q LLC converter achieves higher efficiency
at lighter loads. At full load (330 W) the DAB converter
achieves 94.9% efficiency, while the LLC converter achieves
93.1% efficiency. This translates to a 27% reduction is losses,
and hence, a substantial reduction in thermal management
size and cost. It was mentioned in Section IV that the DAB
converter suffers from lower efficiency at lighter loads (i.e.,
Fig. 23: Measured switch-node voltages and tank current of the low-Q LLC at output currents lower than IOU T,opt ) due to loss of ZVS,
converter prototype operating at its rated power of 330 W. while the LLC converter can maintain ZVS across the load
range. This is also experimentally validated in Fig. 26. Finally,
loss breakdowns of the DAB and low-Q LLC prototypes
achieve ZVS, since the lower magnetizing inductance allows
the magnetizing current at the beginning of the resonant
transition (i.e., the peak magnetizing current) to be higher.
The higher magnetizing current is also evident from the tank
current assuming a more triangular shape.
Figure 24 shows the measured efficiencies of the high-Q
and low-Q prototypes. As can be seen, the low-Q prototype
maintains a higher and flatter efficiency across the load range,
with substantial benefits at light load. This is due to the high-Q
converter suffering from partial soft-switching and core losses
in its additional discrete inductor Lr .

C. Comparison
Measured efficiencies of the DAB and low-Q LLC proto-
types are compared in Fig. 25. As was predicted in Section IV,


Efficiency [%]


high-Q LLC
90 low-Q LLC
89 Fig. 26: Measured switch-node voltages and tank current of (a) DAB converter
150 200 250 300 350 and (b) low-Q LLC converter prototypes, with both prototypes operating at a
Output power [W] partial power level of 240W.

Fig. 24: Measured efficiency of high-Lm , high-Q (blue) and low-Lm , low-Q
(red) LLC converter prototypes.

at full load and at a lighter load are shown in Figs. 27(a) converter is the preferred solution for high-step down DCX
and (b), respectively; reinforcing the conclusion that at full applications where heavy-load operation is prioritized.
load the DAB losses are lower due to lower conduction and
winding losses, while at partial load, the LLC losses are lower
due to partial hard-switching losses in the DAB converter. A PPENDIX A: D ESIGN E QUATIONS FOR O PTIMAL -ZVS
It should be noted here that since the DAB tank current D ESIGN OF DAB C ONVERTER
is trapezoidal with part-linear, part-sinusoidal transitions, its This appendix derives expressions for the tank inductance,
harmonic content is substantial. Therefore, the DAB winding maximum phase-shift and rms tank current in optimal-ZVS
losses shown in Fig. 27 include the impact of higher-order design of the DAB converter, given in (6), (7) and (10),
harmonics, as discussed in Appendix B. respectively. The DAB tank current waveform corresponds to
the optimal-ZVS operation shown in Fig. 9. During each half
VII. C ONCLUSIONS of the switching period, this waveform can be decomposed
This paper presents a fundamental comparison of two pop- into two linear segments and one sinusoidal segment, given
ular converter topologies – the DAB and the LLC – when by:
employed in a high-step-down fixed-conversion-ratio (DCX) 
application. It is shown that despite structural similarities, 
 −ILl,pk,opt cos(2πfres t), 0 ≤ t ≤ tr,opt
 ILl,pk,opt 2πfs φopt

the two converters differ greatly in function, particularly (t − tr,opt ), tr,opt ≤ t ≤ tr,opt +
iLl (t) = φ opt 2πfs
with regard to their tank currents and ZVS operation. These 
 φopt Ts
 ILl,pk,opt , tr,opt + ≤t≤

differences lead to differing tradeoffs between conduction and 
2πfs 2
switching losses, as a result of which the DAB converter (16)
outperforms the LLC converter at heavy loads, and vice- where the peak tank current ILl,pk,opt can be related to the
versa at lighter loads. The comparison is first performed input voltage, the tank inductance and the phase-shift as:
analytically using a ZVS-focused design methodology for
the two converters, then numerically reinforced with design VIN φopt
ILl,pk,opt = (17)
examples, and finally experimentally validated in a 400-V 2πfs Ll
input, 20-V output, 330-W application. The DAB converter
Equating the primary-referred average output current to the
prototype is shown to achieve a peak efficiency of 94.9% at
switching-period average of (16) gives:
full load, translating to a 27% loss reduction compared to the
LLC converter prototype. Based on these results, the DAB IOU T,opt VIN φopt 2tr,opt 2 φopt
= (1 − (1 + ) − ) (18)
n 2πfs Ll Ts π 2π
To facilitate optimal ZVS, the stored energy in the inductor
at the beginning of the resonant transition needs to be equal to
the energy of the energy stored in the effective inverter output
capacitance Coss,inv,e , that is:
1 2 1 2
Ll,opt Ipk = Coss,inv,e VIN (19)
2 2
Eqs. (17), (18) and (19) can be solved to obtain (6) and (7).
The rms tank current in an optimal-ZVS DAB design can be
found using (16) as:
(a) r
ILl,rms,opt = ILl,pk,opt (1 − tr,opt fs − ) (20)

Substituting tr,opt = φopt /4fs in (20) and simplifying it
using (17) and (18) produces:
φopt π 4
ILl,rms,opt 1− 2π ( 2 + 3 )
= (21)
IOU T,opt 1−
2π (3 + π)


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