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LAB CODE Lab Practical

1 KEC451 To study DSB/ SSB amplitude modulation & determine its

modulation factor & power in side bands.

To study amplitude demodulation by linear diode

2 KEC451

3 KEC451 To study frequency modulation and determine its

modulation factor.

To study sampling and reconstruction of pulse amplitude

4 KEC451
modulation system.
To study pulse amplitude modulation.
5 KEC451 a) Using switching method.
b) By sample and hold circuit.

6 KEC451 To demodulate the obtained PAM signal by 2nd order


7 KEC451 To study pulse width modulation and pulse position

To study pulse code modulation and demodulation
8 KEC451 technique.

9 KEC451 To study delta modulation and demodulation technique.

10 KEC451 To construct a square wave with the help of fundamental

frequency and its harmonic component.

Study of amplitude shift keying modulator and

11 KEC451 demodulator.

12 KEC451 Study of frequency shift keying modulator and


13 KEC451 Study of phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.

Study of single bit error detection and correction using

14 KEC451
hamming code.

15 KEC451 Study of quadrature phase shift keying modulator and


16 KEC451 To simulate differential phase shift keying technique using

MATLAB software.
To simulate M-ary Phase shift keying technique using
17 KEC451 MATLAB software (8PSK, 16PSK) and perform BER

18 KEC451 Design a front end BPSK modulator and demodulator.

19 KEC452
Characteristic of BJT: Study of BJT in various
configurations (such as CE/CS, CB/CG,CC/CD)

BJT in CE configuration: Graphical measurement of

20 KEC452
h-parameters from input and output characteristics,
measurement of Av, AI, Ro and Ri of CE amplifier
with potential divider biasing
21 KEC452
Study of Multi-stage amplifiers: Frequency response
of single stage and multistage amplifiers

Feedback topologies: Study of voltage series, current

22 KEC452 series, voltage shunt, current shunt, effect of
feedback on gain, bandwidth etc

23 KEC452
Measurement of Op-Amp parameters: Common
mode gain, differential mode gain, CMRR, slew rate

Applications of Op-Amp: Op-Amp as summing

24 KEC452 amplifier, difference amplifier, integrator and

Field effect transistors: Single stage common source

FET amplifier –plot of gain in dB vs frequency,
25 KEC452 measurement of bandwidth, input impedance,
maximum signal handling capacity (MSHC) of an

26 KEC452
Oscillators: Study of sinusoidal oscillators- RC
oscillators (phase shift, Wien bridge etc.).

27 KEC452 Study of LC oscillators (Hartley, Colpitt, Clapp etc.),

28 KEC452 Study of non-sinusoidal oscillators

Simulation of amplifier circuits studied in the lab

29 KEC452
using any available simulation software and
measurement of bandwidth and other parameters
with the help of simulation software

30 KEC452
ADC/DAC: Design and study of Analog to Digital

31 KEC452 Design and study of Digital to Analog Converter

32 KEC452 Add-on

33 KEC452 Add-on
Introduction to MATLAB
a. To define and use variables and functions in MATLAB.
34 KEC453 b. To define and use Vectors and Matrices in MATLAB.
c. To study various MATLAB arithmetic operators and
mathematical functions.
d. To create and use m-files.

Basic plotting of signals

a. To study various MATLAB commands for creating two
and three dimensional
b. Write a MATLAB program to plot the following
35 KEC453 continuous time and discrete
time signals.
i. Step Function
ii. Impulse Function
iii. Exponential Function
iv. Ramp Function
v. Sine Function

Time and Amplitude transformations

Write a MATLAB program to perform amplitude-scaling,
36 KEC453 time-scaling and timeshifting
on a given signal.
Convolution of given signals
37 KEC453 Write a MATLAB program to obtain linear convolution of
the given sequences.

Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation

a. Write a MATLAB program to compute autocorrelation
of a sequence x(n) and
38 KEC453 verify the property.
b. Write a MATLAB program to compute cross-correlation
of sequences x(n) and
y(n) and verify the property.

Fourier Series and Gibbs Phenomenon

a. To calculate Fourier series coefficients associated with
Square Wave.
39 KEC453 b. To Sum the first 10 terms and plot the Fourier series as
a function of time.
c. To Sum the first 50 terms and plot the Fourier series as
a function of time.

Calculating transforms using MATLAB

40 KEC453 a. Calculate and plot Fourier transform of a given signal.
b. Calculate and plot Z-transform of a given signal.

Impulse response and Step response of a given system

a. Write a MATLAB program to find the impulse response
41 KEC453 and step response of a
system form its difference equation.
b. Compute and plot the response of a given system to a
given input.
Pole-zero diagram and bode diagram
a. Write a MATLAB program to find pole-zero diagram,
bode diagram of a given
42 KEC453 system from the given system function.
b. Write a MATLAB program to find, bode diagram of a
given system from the
given system function.

Frequency response of a system

43 KEC453 Write a MATLAB program to plot magnitude and phase
response of a given system.

Checking linearity/non-linearity of a system using

44 KEC453 a. Build a system that amplifies a sine wave by a factor of
b. Test the linearity of this system using SIMULINK.
45 REC651 To study microwave test bench.
46 REC651 To study the characteristics of reflex klystron tube and to
determine its electronic tuning range.
To determine the frequency and wavelength in a
47 REC651 rectangular waveguide working on TE01 mode.
To study measurement of reflection coefficient and
48 REC651 standing wave ratio using double minima method.
49 REC651 To study V-I characteristic of Gunn diode.
50 REC651 To measure an unknown impedance with Smith chart.
51 REC651 Study of Circulator/Isolator.
52 REC651 Study of Attenuator (Fixed and Variable type).

53 REC651 To study simple dipole ⁄ antenna and to calculate beam-

width, front / back ratio, and gain of the antenna.

To study folded dipole antenna and to calculate beam-

54 REC651 width, front / back ratio, and gain of the antenna.

55 REC651 To study ⁄ phase array end-fire antenna and to calculate

beam-width, front / back ratio, and gain of the antenna.

56 REC651 To study broadside array antenna and to calculate beam-

width, front / back ratio, and gain of the antenna.

57 REC652 To construct a Square wave with the help of Fundamental

Frequency and its Harmonic component

58 REC652 Study of pulse data coding & decoding techniques for NRZ
and RZ formats.
59 REC652 Study of Manchester coding and Decoding.
60 REC652 Study of Amplitude shift keying modulator and
Study of Frequency shift keying modulator and
61 REC652 demodulator.

62 REC652 Study of Phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.

63 REC652 Study of single bit error detection and correction using

Hamming code.
Study of Quadrature Phase shift keying modulator and
64 REC652 demodulator.
To simulate Differential Phase shift keying technique
65 REC652 using MATLAB software.
To simulate M-ary Phase shift keying technique using
66 REC652 MATLAB software (example8PSK, 16PSK) and perform
BER calculations.

67 REC652 To simulate convolutional coding using MATLAB software.

68 REC652 Design a front end BPSK modulator and demodulator.

Different Toolboxes in MATLAB, Introduction to Control

69 RIC653 Systems Toolboxor its equivalent open source freeware
software like Scilabusing Spoken Tutorial MOOCs

70 RIC653 Determine transpose, inverse values of given matrix.

71 RIC653 Plot the pole-zero configuration in s-plane for the given
transfer function.

72 RIC653 Determine the transfer function for given closed loop

system in block diagram representation.

73 RIC653 Plot unit step response of given transfer function and find
delay time, rise time, peak time and peak overshoot.

Determine the time response of the given system

74 RIC653 subjected to any arbitrary input
Plot root locus of given transfer function, locate closed
75 RIC653 loop poles for different values of k. Also find out Wd and
Wnat for a given root.
Create the state space model of a linear continuous
76 RIC653 system
Determine the State Space representation of the given
77 RIC653 transfer function
Plot bode plot of given transfer function. Also determine
78 RIC653 the relative stability by measuring gain and phase
Determine the steady state errors of a given transfer
79 RIC653 function.

Plot Nyquist plot for given transfer function and to

80 RIC653 discuss closed loop stability. Also determine the relative
stability by measuring gain and phase margin.

81 RIC651
Write a program of Flashing LED connected to port 1
of the 8051 Micro Controller

82 RIC651
Write a program to generate 10 kHz square wave
using 8051.

83 RIC651
Write a program to show the use of INT0 and INT1
of 8051

84 RIC651
Write a program for temperature & to display on
intelligent LCD display

85 RIC651
Write a program to generate a Ramp waveform
using DAC with micro controller.
86 RIC651
Write a program to Interface GPIO ports in C using
MSP430 (blinking LEDs , push buttons)

87 RIC651 Write a program Interface potentiometer with GPIO.

Write a program of PWM based Speed Control of

88 RIC651 Motor controlled by potentiometer connected to

89 RIC651
Write a program of PWM generation using Timer on

90 RIC651 Write a program to Interface an accelerometer.

91 RIC651
Write a program using USB (Sending data back and
forth across a bulk transfer-mode USB connection.)

92 RIC651
Write a program for Master Slave Communication
between 2 MSP430s using SPI
Write a program of basic Wi-Fi application –
93 RIC651 Communication between two MSP430 based sensor
94 RIC651 Setting up the CC3100 as a HTTP server.

95 RIC651
Review of User APIs for TI CC3100 & Initialization
and Setting of IP addresses
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. Lab Code Lab Practical
1 KEE201 Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws

2 KEE201 Verification of Superposition and Thevenin Theorem.

Measurement of power and power factor in a single-

3 KEE201 phase ac series inductive circuit and study improvement
of power factor using capacitor
Study of phenomenon of resonance in RLC series circuit
4 KEE201 and obtain resonant frequency.

5 KEE201 Connection and measurement of power consumption of

a fluorescent lamp (tube light).
Measurement of power in 3- phase circuit by two
6 KEE201 wattmeter method and determination of its power factor
for star as well as delta connected load.

7 KEE201 Determination of parameters of ac single phase series

RLC circuit

8 KEE201 To observe the B-H loop of a ferromagnetic material in


Determination of (i) Voltage ratio (ii) polarity and (iii)

9 KEE201 efficiency by load test of a single phase transformer

10 KEE201 Determination of efficiency of a dc shunt motor by load


To study running and speed reversal of a three-phase

11 KEE201 induction motor and record speed in both directions.

Demonstration of cut-out sections of machines: dc

12 KEE201 machine, three phase induction machine, single-phase
induction machine and synchronous machine.

13 KEE451

Verification of principle of Superposition with AC sources

14 KEE451 using Multisim/ PSPICE.

15 KEE451 Verification of Thevenin and Maximum Power Transfer

theorems in AC Circuits using Multisim/ PSPICE.

16 KEE451 Verification of Norton theorems in ACCircuits using

Multisim/ PSPICE.

17 KEE451 Verification of Tellegen’s theorem for two networks of

the same topology using Multisim/PSPICE.
Determination of Z and h-parameters (DC only) for a
18 KEE451 network and computation of Y and ABCD Parameters
using Multisim/ PSPICE.
Determination of driving point and transfer functions of
19 KEE451 a two port ladder network and verify with theoretical
values using Multisim/ PSPICE.
Determination of transient response of current in RL and
20 RC circuits with step voltageinput.


Determination of transient response of current in RLC

21 KEE451 circuit with step voltage input forunder damped, critically
damped and over damped cases.

22 KEE451 Determination of image impedance and characteristic

impedance of T and Πnetworks, using O.C. and S.C. tests.

Verification of parameter properties in inter-connected

23 KEE451 two port networks: series, parallel and cascade using
Multisim/ PSPICE.

24 KEE451 Determination of frequency response of a Twin – T-

notch filter.

25 KEE451 To determine attenuation characteristics of a low pass /

high pass active filters.

26 KEE451 Verification of Reciprocity Theorem

27 KEE452

28 KEE452 To obtain magnetization characteristics of a DC shunt


To obtain load characteristics of a DC shunt generator

29 KEE452 and compound generator (a) Cumulatively compounded
(b) Differentially compounded.

30 KEE452 To obtain efficiency of a DC shunt machine using

Swinburne’s test.
To perform Hopkinson’s test and determine losses and
31 KEE452 efficiency of DC machine.
To obtain speed- torque characteristics of a DC shunt
32 KEE452
To obtain speed control of DC shunt motor using (a)
33 KEE452 armature resistance control (b) field control

To obtain speed control of DC separately excited motor

34 KEE452 using Ward-Leonard.

To obtain equivalent circuit, efficiency and voltage

35 KEE452 regulation of a single-phase transformer using O.C. and
S.C. tests.

36 KEE452 9. To obtain efficiency and voltage regulation of a single-

phase transformer by Sumpner’s test.
10. To obtain 3-phase to2-phase conversion by Scott
37 KEE452 connection.

38 KEE452 11. To demonstrate the parallel operation of three phase

transformer and to obtain the load sharing at a load.

Introduction to digital electronics lab- nomenclature of

39 KEE453 digital ICs, specifications, study of the data sheet,
Concept of Vcc and ground, verification of the truth
tables of logic gates using TTL ICs.

Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic

40 KEE453 gates in both SOP and POS forms.

Verification of state tables of RS, JK, T and D flip-flops

41 KEE453 using NAND & NOR gates.

42 KEE453 Implementation and verification of Decoder using logic

Implementation and verification of Encoder using logic
43 KEE453 gates.

44 KEE453 Implementation of 4:1 multiplexer using logic gates.

45 KEE453 Implementation of 1:4 demultiplexer using logic gates.

46 KEE453 Implementation of 4-bit parallel adder using 7483 IC.

47 KEE453 Design, and verify the 4-bit synchronous counter.

48 KEE453 Design, and verify the 4-bit asynchronous counter.

49 KEE453 Implementation of Mini Project using digital integrated

circuit’s and other components.
50 REE661
To study triggering of (i) IGBT (ii) MOSFET (iii) power
51 REE661 transistor

52 REE661 To study V-I characteristics of SCR and measure latching

and holding currents.
53 REE661 To compare the R, RC &UJT trigger circuit for SCR.
54 REE661 To study the commutation circuit for SCR.
To study single phase fully controlled bridge rectifiers
55 REE661
with resistiveand inductive loads.

56 REE661 To study single phase fully controlled bridge rectifiers

with DC motor load.

57 REE661 To study three-phase fully controlled bridge rectifier with

resistive and inductive loads.
To study single-phase ac voltage regulator with resistive
58 REE661 and inductive loads.
59 REE661 To study single phase cyclo-converter
60 REE661 To study the four quadrant operation of chopper circuit

To study MOSFET/IGBT based single-phase bridge

61 REE661 inverter.
Software based experiments (PSPICE/MATLAB or
62 REE661 equivalent open source freeware software like Scilab
using Spoken Tutorial MOOCs)
To obtain the simulation of single phase half wave
63 REE661 controlled rectifier with R and RL load and plot load
voltage and load current waveforms.
To obtain simulation of single phase fully controlled
64 REE661 bridge rectifier and plot load voltage and load current
waveform for inductive load.
To obtain simulation of single phase full wave ac voltage
65 REE661 controller and draw load voltage and load current
waveforms for inductive load.
To obtain simulation of step down dc chopper with L-C
output filter for inductive load and determine steady-
66 REE661 state values of output voltage ripples in output voltage
and load current.
67 REE662

68 REE662 To study 8085 based microprocessor system

69 REE662 To study 8086 and 8086A based microprocessor system

70 REE662 To study Pentium Processor
71 REE662 To develop and run a program for finding out the
largest/smallest number from a given set of numbers.

72 REE662 To develop and run a program for arranging in

ascending/descending order of a set of Numbers

73 REE662 To perform multiplication/division of given numbers

74 REE662 To perform conversion of temperature from 0F to 0C and


75 REE662 To perform computation of square root of a given


76 REE662 To perform floating point mathematical operations

(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)

77 REE662 To obtain interfacing of RAM chip to 8085/8086 based

78 REE662 To obtain interfacing of keyboard controller
79 REE662 To obtain interfacing of DMA controller
80 REE662 To obtain interfacing of PPI
81 REE662 To obtain interfacing of UART/USART
82 REE662 To perform microprocessor based stepper motor
operation through 8085 kit

83 REE662 To perform microprocessor based traffic light control

84 REE662 To perform microprocessor based temperature control

of hot water.

85 REE664 PCB Design & Fabrication.

86 REE664 Transformer design & Fabrication.

87 REE664 Small Power Supply design & Fabrication.
88 REE664 Filter design & Fabrication.
89 REE664 Controller design & Fabrication.
90 REE664 Inductor design and Fabrication.
Measurement of electrical parameters of AC & DC
91 REE664 machine.

92 REE664 Design & Fabrication of High Power factor controlled


93 REE664 Design & Fabrication of Microcontroller based digital

energy meters / sensors.
94 REE664 Design & Fabrication of Power amplifier.
Design Fabrication of AC phase converter and its firing
95 REE664 circuit.

96 REE664 IGBT based single phase inverter design and Fabrication.

97 REE664 Design & Fabrication of chopper.
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network_lab/labs/r-c-network-pvg/index.html a)
S.No. LAB CODE Lab Practical

1 KBT-451 Flow measurement by orificemeter and venturimeter

2 KBT-451 Heat transfer in a double pipe heat exchanger (Counter

and Parallel flow)

3 KBT-451 Nature of Flow (Laminar and Turbulent flow)

4 KBT-451 Thermal Conductivity of a metal rod

5 KBT-451 Heat transfer in Plate type heat exchangers
6 KBT-451 Heat transfer in Natural Convection
7 KBT-452 Experiment of Bernoulli's Theorem
8 KBT-452 Estimation of DNA content in the given sample by
9 KBT-452 Determination of Tm of DNA.
10 KBT-452 Isolation of bacterial genomic DNA.
Purification of DNA through Electrophoresis &
11 KBT-452 visualization under UV transilluminator.

12 KBT-452 PCR amplification of DNA and visualization by gel


13 KBT-452 Isolation and study of polytene chromosome in Drosophila

Production of commercially important enzymes from

14 KBT-453
microbial sources.

15 KBT-453 Determination of enzyme activity and specific activity.

16 KBT-453 Partial purification of isolated enzymes.
17 KBT-453 Method of checking the purity of the enzyme -SDS-PAGE
18 KBT-453 Isolation of beta amylase from plant source
19 KBT-453 Characterization of enzymes-effect of pH , temperature
and inhibitors on enzyme activity etc.

20 KBT-453 Identification of Enzyme by different assay

21 KBT-453 Purification of enzymes by different methods
22 KBT-453 Immobilization of enzymes –
23 KBT-453 Enzyme inhibition
24 RBT-651 Determine the effect of temperature and pH on microbial
Upstream and downstream processes for the production
25 RBT-651 of citric acid by Aspergillus niger
Upstream and downstream processes for the production
26 RBT-651 of alpha amylase by Aspergillus niger
Identification of Distantly related homologous sequences
27 RBT-653 of a given query protein sequence
using PSI-BLAST.
Construct Phylogenetic tree of five evolutionary related
28 RBT-653 protein/nucleotide sequences.
Prediction of secondary structure of RNA using any web
29 RBT-653 server.

30 RBT-653 Construction and analysis of Ramachandran Plot using any

suitable web server.
Align two homologous protein structure and calculation
31 RBT-653 the RMSD for the superposition
Comparative assessment of best available tools for
32 RBT-653 genome annotation.
Construction of restriction maps for various vectors used
33 RBT-653 in genetic engineering using tool
Primer Design: Construct primers for the given DNA
34 RBT-653 sequence using any suitable web based

35 RBT-653 Generate 2D QSAR model of a set of legend descriptor

data using any web based tool.
Preparation of Stocks solution for plant tissue culture
36 RBT-652 media.

37 RBT-652 Preparation of MS/B5 medium (semi-solid) and


38 RBT-652 Explant selection, preparation and surface sterilization

To learn culturing, sub culturing and maintenance using

39 RBT-652 selected explants
40 RBT-652 Initiation of callus cultures from different explants
41 RBT-652 Initiation of in vitro cultures through axillary bud induction

42 RBT-652 Preparation of artificial seed/synthetic seed for

conservation of germplasm
43 RBT-652 Extraction of DNA/RNA from plants and its estimation
Isolation and characterization of plant secondary
44 RBT-652 metabolites from selected medicinal plants
45 RBT-652 Extraction of proteins from plants and its estimation
Isolation and Characterization of food fermenting
46 RBT-654 organisms from idli batter
Estimation of ascorbic acid from given food sample by
47 RBT-654 titrimetric method

48 RBT-654 Analysis of mycotoxin in fungus contaminated food

49 RBT-654 Microscopic examination of Food by breed method
50 RBT-654 Estimation of lactose from milk
Quality characterization of pasteurized milk by MBRT
51 RBT-654 method
To judge efficiency of pasteurization of milk by
52 RBT-654 Phosphatase test
53 RBT-654 Detection of microbial count in milk by SPC method
Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration of
54 RBT-654 antibiotics
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. LAB CODE Lab Practical
1 KME-451 Study of Fire Tube boiler.
2 KME-451 Study of Water Tube boiler.
3 KME-451 Study and working of Two stroke petrol Engine.
4 KME-451 Study and working of Four stroke petrol Engine.
5 KME-451 Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse

6 KME-451 Prepare the heat balance sheet for Diesel Engine test rig.

7 KME-451 Prepare the heat balance sheet for Petrol Engine test rig.

8 KME-451 Study and working of two stroke Diesel Engine.

9 KME-451 Study and working of four stroke Diesel Engine.
10 KME-451 Study of Velocity compounded steam turbine.
11 KME-451 Study of Pressure compounded steam turbine.
12 KME-451 Study of Impulse & Reaction turbine.
13 KME-451 Study of steam Engine model.
14 KME-451 Study of Gas Turbine Model.
15 KME-452 Shear-angle determination (using formula) with tube
cutting (for orthogonal) on lathe machine
16 KME-452 Bolt (thread) making on Lathe machine
Tool grinding (to provide tool angles) on tool-grinder
17 KME-452 machine
18 KME-452 Gear cutting on Milling machine
19 KME-452 Machining a block on shaper machine.
20 KME-452 Finishing of a surface on surface-grinding machine.
21 KME-452 Drilling holes on drilling machine and study of twist-drill

22 KME-452 Study of different types of tools and its angles & materials

23 KME-452 Experiment on tool wear and tool life

24 KME-452 Experiment on jigs/Fixtures and its uses

25 KME-452 Gas welding experiment
26 KME-452 Arc welding experiment
27 KME-452 Resistance welding experiment
28 KME-452 Soldering & Brazing experiment
29 KME-452 Study and understanding of limits, fits & tolerances
30 KME-452 Study of temperature measuring equipment’s.
31 KME-452 Measurement using Strain gauge
32 KME-452 Experiment on dynamometers
33 KME-452 To study the displacement using LVDT
Conventional representation of surface finish, Roughness
34 KME453 number symbol
35 KME453 Study of welding symbols
36 KME453 Classification of Drawings
37 KME453 Limits, Fits – Tolerancing of individual dimensions
38 KME453 Study of drafting software- Autodesk Inventor
39 KME453 Basic 2d drawing - Autodesk Inventor
40 KME453 3D Geometric Modeling
41 KME453 Exercise of PAD, MULTI PAD
42 KME453 Exercise of SHAFT & GROOVE
43 KME453 Exercise of Profile commands
44 KME453 Exercise of TRIM, MIRROR, PROFILE
45 KME453 Exercise of 3D part modeling
46 KME453 3D Assembly of Flange couplings
47 KME453 3D Assembly of Knuckle Joint
48 RME 651 Impact of Jet experiment

49 RME 651 Experiment on Pelton wheel

50 RME 651 Experiment on Francis turbine

51 RME 651 Experiment on Kaplan turbine

52 RME 651 Experiment on Reciprocating pump.

53 RME 651 Experiment on Hydraulic Jack/Press

54 RME 651 Experiment on Hydraulic Brake

55 RME 651 Experiment on Hydraulic Ram

56 RME 651 Study through visit of any water pumping station/plant

Any other suitable experiment/test rig such as comparison

57 RME 651 & performance of different types of pumps and turbines

58 RME 651 Experiment on Compressor

59 RME 651 Experiment for measurement of drag and lift on aerofoil in
wind tunnel
60 RME 652 Study of simple linkage models/mechanisms.
61 RME 652 Study of inversions of four bar linkage.
Study of inversions of single/double slider crank
62 RME 652 mechanisms.
63 RME 652 Experiment on Gears tooth profile, interference etc.
64 RME 652 Experiment on Gear trains.
65 RME 652 Experiment on longitudinal vibration.
66 RME 652 Experiment on transverse vibration.
67 RME 652 Experiments on dead weight type governor.
68 RME 652 Experiment on spring controlled governor.
69 RME 652 Experiment on critical speed of shaft.
70 RME 652 Experiment on gyroscope.

71 RME 652 Experiment on static/dynamic balancing.

72 RME 652 Experiment on Brake.

73 RME 652 Experiment on clutch.

A. Computer and Language :students are required to learn

RME-653 the basics of compu
74 ter language such as Cand C++ so that they should be
able to write the computer programme (3practical turns)
B. Writing Computer programme for conventional design:
Students are required to write computerprogram and
75 RME-653 validate
it for the design of machine components done in theory
subject (5practical turns)

C. Mini Project: Each student will be given a real life

problem for the complete
design of asubsystem/system using either manual
76 RME-653 calculation with the help of design handbook or through
computer programme, if needed. This will be done as
home assignment to be submitted at the end of the
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. Lab Code Lab Practicals

1 KCE451 Normal Consistency of cement

2 KCE451 Initial & final setting time of cement

3 KCE451 Compressive strength of cement

Fineness of cement by air permeability and Le-chatalier’s
4 KCE451 apparatus
5 KCE451 Soundness of cement
6 KCE451 Tensile strength
7 KCE451 Water absorption of aggregate

8 KCE451 Sieve Analysis of Aggregate

9 KCE451 Specific gravity &bulk density

10 KCE451 Grading of aggregates

11 KCE451 Sieve analysis of sand

12 KCE451 Silt content of sand

13 KCE451 Bulking of sand
14 KCE451 Water absorption
15 KCE451 Dimension Tolerances
16 KCE451 Compressive strength
17 KCE451 Efflorescence
18 KCE451 Water absorption
19 KCE451 Dimension Tolerances
20 KCE451 Compressive strength
21 KCE451 Efflorescence
22 KCE452 Tension test on Mild Steel

Bending tests on simply supported beam and Cantilever

23 KCE452

24 KCE452 Determination of torsion and deflection

Measurement of forces on supports in statically

25 KCE452 determinate beam
26 KCE452 Determination of shear forces in beams
27 KCE452 Determination of bending moments in beams
28 KCE452 Measurement of deflections in statically determinate
29 KCE452 To determine Flexural Rigidity (EI) of a given beam
30 KCE452 To find deflection of curved members

31 KCE452 To find Critical load in Struts with different end conditions

32 KCE452 Hardness Test (Brinnel’s and Rockwell)
33 KCE452 Impact test ( Charpy and IZOD)
To determine the Manning’s coefficient of roughness ‘n’
34 KCE 453
for the bed of a given flume
To study the velocity distribution in an open channel and
35 KCE 453 to determine the energy and momentum correction
To study the flow characteristics over a hump placed in an
36 KCE 453 open channel

37 KCE 453 To study the flow through a horizontal contraction in a

rectangular channel

38 KCE 453 To calibrate a broad-crested weir

39 KCE 453 To study the characteristics of free hydraulic jump

40 KCE 453 To study centrifugal pump and their characteristics

41 KCE 453 To study characteristics of Pelton Turbine

42 KCE 453 To study characteristics Francis Turbine

43 KCE 453 To study characteristics of Kaplan Turbine

To study the free over-fall phenomenon in an open

44 KCE 453 channel and to determine the end depth

45 KCE 453 To determine coefficient of discharge for given rectangular

46 RCE 651 Introduction to GIS software: Arc GIS Pro
47 RCE 651 To perform georeferencing using Arc GIS Pro
48 RCE 651 Digitization of physical features on a map/image using Arc
49 RCE 651 Introduction to Plaxis

50 RCE 651 Settlement of a rigid circular footing on sand (with defined

phreatic line) using a fine element software Plaxis.

Settlement of a flexible circular footing on sand (with

51 RCE 651 defined phreatic line) using a fine element software Plaxis.

52 RCE 651 Study of various Layouts of Distribution System and draw

these with help of WaterGem.

53 RCE 651 To build a network and perform a Steady-State Analysis

using WaterGem.

54 RCE 651 To create a pattern for residential & commercial demand

& perform extended period simulation.

55 RCE652 Determination of Turbidity

56 RCE652 Determination of pH

57 RCE652 Determination of Alkalinity of water

58 RCE652 Determination of Total Hardness

59 RCE652 Determination of Chlorides

60 RCE652 Determination of residual chlorine.

Determination of total dissolved & suspended solids in

61 RCE652 water.

62 RCE652 Determination of BOD (Design Based Expt.)

63 RCE652 Determination of COD

64 RCE652 Determination of optimum dose of coagulants by Jar Test


65 RCE652 Determination of fluorides

66 RCE652 Determination of MPN (most probable number) of


67 RCE652 Measurement of SPM and PM10 with high volume

68 RCE652 Measurement of sound level with sound level meter
69 RCE652 Determination of kjeldahl nitrogen.
70 RCE652 Field Visit of Water/ Sewage Treatment Plant of a nearby
71 RCE652 Determination of conductivity
72 RCE652 Determination of acidity
73 RCE653 To Determine the Crushing Value of Coarse Aggregates.
74 RCE653 To Determine the Impact Value of Coarse Aggregates.
To determine the Flakiness Index and Elongation Index of
75 RCE653 Coarse Aggregates.
To determine the Los Angeles Abrasion Value of Coarse
76 RCE653 Aggregates.

77 RCE653 To determine the Stripping Value of Coarse Aggregates.

78 RCE653 To determine the penetration Value of Bitumen.
79 RCE653 To determine the Softening Point of Bituminous material.

80 RCE653 To determine the Ductility Value of Bituminous material.

81 RCE653 To determine the Flash and Fire Point of Bituminous


82 RCE653 To determine the Stripping Value of Bituminous material.

83 RCE653 Classified both directional Traffic Volume Study.
84 RCE653 Traffic Speed Study. (Using Radar Speedometer or

85 RCE653 Determination of CBR Value of soil sample in the Lab or in

To Prepare the working drawing for the singly reinforced
86 RCE 654 beam using AUTOCAD software.
To Prepare the working drawing for the doubly reinforced
87 RCE 654 beam using AUTOCAD software.

88 RCE 654 To Prepare the working drawing for the T-beam/ L-beam
floor using AUTOCAD software.
To draw the reinforcement detailing of Slab – Simply
89 RCE 654 supported, continuous, one way and two way slabs.

90 RCE 654 To draw the reinforcement detailing o tied column and

spirally reinforced columns.

91 RCE 654 To draw the reinforcement detailing of Isolated footings

for RC columns.
To draw the reinforcement detailing of Combined
92 RCE 654 rectangular and trapezoidal footings.
To study and detail building with respect to earthquake
93 RCE 654 resistant code IS1893:2016.
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. Lab Code Lab Practicals

WAP that accepts the marks of 5 subjects and finds the

1 KCS-101/KCS-201 sum and percentage marks obtained by the student.

WAP that calculates the Simple Interest and Compound

2 KCS-101/KCS-201 Interest. The Principal, Amount, Rate of Interest and Time
are entered through the keyboard.

3 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to calculate the area and circumference of a circle.

4 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP that accepts the temperature in Centigrade and

converts into Fahrenheit using the formula C/5=(F32)/9.

WAP that swaps values of two variables using a third

5 KCS-101/KCS-201 variable.
WAP that checks whether the two numbers entered by
6 KCS-101/KCS-201
the user are equal or not.
7 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to find the greatest of three numbers.
8 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP that finds whether a given number is even or odd.

9 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP that tells whether a given year is a leap year or not.

WAP that accepts marks of five subjects and finds

percentage and prints grades according to the following
10 KCS-101/KCS-201 criteria: Between 90-100%--------------Print ‘A’ 80-
90%----------------------------Print ‘B’ 60-
80%---------------------------Print ‘C’ Below
60%----------------------Print ‘D’

WAP that takes two operands and one operator from the
11 KCS-101/KCS-201 user and perform the operation and prints the result by
using Switch statement.
WAP to print the sum of all numbers up to a given
12 KCS-101/KCS-201 number.

13 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to find the factorial of a given number.

WAP to print sum of even and odd numbers from 1 to N

14 KCS-101/KCS-201 numbers.
15 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to print the Fibonacci series.
16 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to check whether the entered number is prime or
17 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to find the sum of digits of the entered number.
18 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to find the reverse of a number.
19 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to print Armstrong numbers from 1 to 100.
20 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to convert binary number into decimal number and
vice versa.

21 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP that simply takes elements of the array from the
user and finds the sum of these elements.
WAP that inputs two arrays and saves sum of
22 KCS-101/KCS-201 corresponding elements of these arrays in a third array
and prints them.

23 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to find the minimum and maximum element of the


24 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to search an element in a array using Linear Search.

25 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to sort the elements of the array in ascending order

using Bubble Sort technique.
26 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to add and multiply two matrices of order nxn.
WAP that finds the sum of diagonal elements of a mxn
27 KCS-101/KCS-201 matrix.
WAP to implement strlen (), strcat (),strcpy () using the
28 KCS-101/KCS-201
concept of Functions.

Define a structure data type TRAIN_INFO. The type

contain Train No.: integer type Train name: string
Departure Time: aggregate type TIME Arrival Time:
aggregate type TIME Start station: string End station:
29 KCS-101/KCS-201 string The structure type Time contains two integer
members: hour and minute. Maintain a train timetable
and implement the following operations: (i) List all the
trains (sorted according to train number) that depart from
a particular section. (ii) List all the trains that depart from
a particular station at a particular time. (iii) List all he
trains that depart from a particular station within the next
one hour of a given time. (iv) List all the trains between a
pair of start station and end station.
30 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to swap two elements using the concept of pointers.

31 KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to compare the contents of two files and determine

whether they are same or not.
WAP to check whether a given word exists in a file or not.
32 KCS-101/KCS-201 If yes then find the number of times it occurs.

33 KCS-451 Implement following sorting algorithms a.)Insertion Sort

b.)Bubble Sort c.)Selection Sort

Simulation of following CPU scheduling algorithm a.) First

34 KCS-451
Come First Serve (FCFS) b.)Shortest Job First (SJF)

35 KCS-451 Simulation of following CPU scheduling algorithm a.)

Priority Scheduling b.)Round Robin Scheduling
Execute various UNIX system calls for a.)Process
36 KCS-451 management b.) File management c.)Input/output
Systems calls
37 KCS-451 Implementation of Banker’s algorithm

Implement the solution for Bounded Buffer (producer-

38 KCS-451 consumer) problem using inter process communication.

Implement the solutions for Readers-Writers problem

39 KCS-451 using inter-process communication technique -
Implement the solution for the dinning philosophers
40 KCS-451 problem for inter process communication.
Implementation of contiguous allocation techniques:
41 KCS-451 Worst-Fit, Best- Fit, First- Fit
Implement file storage allocation technique:
42 KCS-451 Contiguous(using array), Linked –list(using linked-list),
Indirect allocation (indexing)

Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for Decimal,

43 KCS-452 Hexadecimal addition and subtraction of two Numbers.

44 KCS-452 Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for addition

and subtraction of two BCD numbers
To perform multiplication and division of two 8 bit
45 KCS-452 numbers using 8085.
To find the largest and smallest number in an array of
46 KCS-452 data using 8085 instruction set.

47 KCS-452 To write a program to arrange an array of data in

ascending and descending order.

To convert given Hexadecimal number into its equivalent

48 KCS-452 ASCII number and vice versa using 8085 instruction set

To write a program to initiate 8251 and to check the

49 KCS-452 transmission and reception of character.

50 KCS-452 To interface 8253 programmable interval timer to 8085

and verify the operation of 8253 in six different modes.

To interface DAC with 8085 to demonstrate the

51 KCS-452
generation of square, saw tooth and triangular wave.

52 KCS-452 Serial communication between two 8085 through RS-232

C port.

To write a python program that takes in command line

53 KCS-453 arguments as input and print the number of arguments.

54 KCS-453 To write a python program to perform Matrix

To write a python program to compute the GCD of two
55 KCS-453 numbers
To write a python program to find the most frequent
56 KCS-453 words in a text file.

57 KCS-453 To write a python program find the square root of a

number (Newton’s method).

58 KCS-453 To write a python program exponentiation (power of a


59 KCS-453 To write a python program find the maximum of a list of

60 KCS-453 To write a python program linear search.
61 KCS-453 To write a python program Binary search.
62 KCS-453 To write a python program selection sort.
63 KCS-453 To write a python program Insertion sort.
64 KCS-453 To write a python program merge sort.
65 KCS-453 To write a python program first n prime numbers.
To write a python program simulate bouncing ball in
66 KCS-453 Pygame.
To learn handling and configuration of networking
67 RCS-651 hardware like RJ-45 connector, CAT-6 cable, crimping tool,
Configuration of router, hub, switch etc. (using real
68 RCS-651 devices or simulators)
Running and using services/commands like ping, trace
69 RCS-651 route, nslookup, arp, telnet, ftp, etc.

70 RCS-651 Network packet analysis using tools like Wireshark,

tcpdump, etc.
Network simulation using tools like Cisco Packet Tracer,
71 RCS-651 NetSim, OMNeT++, NS2, NS3, etc
Socket programming using UDP and TCP (e.g., simple DNS,
72 RCS-651 data & time client/server, echo client/server, iterative &
concurrent servers)
73 RCS-651 Programming using raw sockets
74 RCS-651 Programming using RPC
Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical
analyzer should ignore redundant spaces,tabs and new
lines. It should also ignore comments. Although the syntax
75 RCS 652 specification states that identifiers can be arbitrarily long,
you may restrict the length to some reasonable value.
Simulate the same in C language.

Write a C program to identify whether a given line is a

76 RCS 652 comment or not.

77 RCS 652 Write a C program to recognize strings under 'a', 'a*b+',

Write a C program to test whether a given identifier is
78 RCS 652 valid or not.
Write a C program to simulate lexical analyzer for
79 RCS 652 validating operators.

80 RCS 652 Implement the lexical analyzer using JLex, flex or other
lexical analyzer generating tools.
Write a C program for implementing the functionalities of
81 RCS 652 predictive parser for the mini language specified in Note

a) *Write a C program for constructing of LL (1) parsing.

82 RCS 652 b) *Write a C program for constructing recursive descent

83 RCS 652 Write a C program to implement LALR parsing.

a) *Write a C program to implement operator precedence

84 RCS 652 b) *Write a C program to implement Program semantic
rules to expression that takes an expression with digits, +
and * and computes the value.

85 RCS-653 To implement DDA algorithms for line and circle.

To implement Bresenham’s algorithms for line, circle and

86 RCS-653 ellipse drawing

87 RCS-653 To implement Mid Point Circle algorithm using C .

88 RCS-653 To implement Mid Point Ellipse algorithm using C .

89 RCS-653 To perform 2D Transformations such as translation,

rotation, scaling, reflection and sharing.

To implement Cohen–Sutherland 2D clipping and

90 RCS-653 window–viewport mapping.
91 RCS-653 To implement Liang Barksy Line Clipping Algorithm.
92 RCS-653 To perform 3D Transformations such as translation,
rotation and scaling.
93 RCS-653 To convert between color models.
94 RCS-653 To perform animation using any Animation software
To perform basic operations on image using any image
95 RCS-653 editing software

96 RCS-653 To draw different shapes such as hut, face, kite, fish etc.
Exploration of WEKA tool and Schema introduction on
97 RCS-654 Oracle
98 RCS-654 Demonstration of any ETL tool
Write a program of Apriori algorithm using any
99 RCS-654
programming language

100 RCS-654 Create data-set in .arff file format. Demonstration of

preprocessing on WEKA data-set.
Demonstration of Association rule process on data-set
101 RCS-654 contact lenses.arff /supermarket (or any other data set)
using apriori algorithm.

102 RCS-654 Demonstration of classification rule process on WEKA

data-set using j48 algorithm
Demonstration of classification rule process on WEKA
103 RCS-654 data-set using Naive Bayes algorithm
Demonstration of clustering rule process on data-set
104 RCS-654 iris.arff using simple k-means
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. Lab Code Lab Practicals

Study of hardware and software requirements of different

1 KCS451 operating systems (UNIX,LINUX,WINDOWS XP,

Execute various UNIX system calls for

2 KCS451 i. Process management
ii. File management
iii. Input/output Systems calls

Implement CPU Scheduling Policies:

i. SJF
3 KCS451 ii. Priority
iii. FCFS
iv. Multi-level Queue

Implement file storage allocation technique:

4 KCS451 i. Contiguous(using array)
ii. Linked –list(using linked-list)
iii. Indirect allocation (indexing)

Implementation of contiguous allocation techniques:

i. Worst-Fit
5 KCS451 ii. Best- Fit
iii. First- Fit
Calculation of external and internal fragmentation
6 KCS451 i. Free space list of blocks from system
ii. List process file from the system

Implementation of compaction for the continually

7 KCS451 changing memory layout and calculate total movement
of data

8 KCS451 Implementation of resource allocation graph RAG)

9 KCS451 Implementation of Banker‟s algorithm
Conversion of resource allocation graph (RAG) to wait for
10 KCS451 graph (WFG) for each type of method used
for storing graph.
Implement the solution for Bounded Buffer (producer-
11 KCS451 consumer)problem using inter process
Implement the solutions for Readers-Writers problem
12 KCS451 using inter process communication
technique -Semaphore

13 KIT451 To create a simple html file to demonstrate the use of

different tags.
To create an html file to link to different html page which
14 KIT451 contains images, tables, and also
link within a page.
To create an html page with different types of frames such
15 KIT451 as floating frame, navigation frame &
mixed frame.
To create a registration form as mentioned below.
Procedure: Create an html page named as
16 KIT451 “registration.html” a) set background colors b) use table
for alignment c) provide font colors & size
To create an html file by applying the different styles using
17 KIT451 inline, external & internal style sheets.
To write a Javascript program to define a user defined
18 KIT451 function for sorting the values in an array.
To create an html page to explain the use of various
19 KIT451 predefined functions in a string and math
object in java script.

To create an html page to explain the use of various

20 KIT451 predefined functions in a array & Date object in Javascript.

21 KIT451 To create an html page to demonstrate exception handling

in javascript
To display the calendar using javascript code by getting the
22 KIT451 year from the user.
To create a html registration form and to validate the form
23 KIT451
using javascript code.

24 KIT451 To create a html file. To open new window from the

current window using javascript.

25 KIT451 To create an html page to change the background color for

every click of a button using javascript.

To create an html page with 2 combo box populated with

26 KIT451 month & year, to display the calendar for the selected
month & year from combo box using javascript.

27 KIT451 To create a html page to display a new image & text when
the mouse comes over the existing content in the page.

28 KCS453 To write a python program that takes in command line

arguments as input and print the number of arguments.

29 KCS453 To write a python program to perform Matrix


30 KCS453 To write a python program to compute the GCD of two

To write a python program to find the most frequent
31 KCS453 words in a text file.
To write a python program find the square root of a
32 KCS453 number (Newton’s method).

33 KCS453 To write a python program exponentiation (power of a

To write a python program find the maximum of a list of
34 KCS453 numbers.
35 KCS453 To write a python program linear search.
36 KCS453 To write a python program Binary search.
37 KCS453 To write a python program selection sort.
38 KCS453 To write a python program Insertion sort.
39 KCS453 To write a python program merge sort.
40 KCS453 To write a python program first n prime numbers.
To write a python program simulate bouncing ball in
41 KCS453 Pygame.
To learn handling and configuration of networking
42 RCS-651 hardware like RJ-45 connector, CAT-6 cable, crimping tool,
Configuration of router, hub, switch etc. (using real devices
43 RCS-651 or simulators)
Running and using services/commands like ping,
44 RCS-651 traceroute, nslookup, arp, telnet, ftp, etc.

45 RCS-651 Network packet analysis using tools like Wireshark,

tcpdump, etc.

46 RCS-651 Network simulation using tools like Cisco Packet Tracer,

NetSim, OMNeT++, NS2, NS3, etc.
Socket programming using UDP and TCP (e.g., simple DNS,
47 RCS-651 data & time client/server, echo client/server, iterative
&concurrent servers)
48 RCS-651 Programming using raw sockets
49 RCS-651 Programming using RPC
50 RCS-652 Implementation of LEXICAL ANALYZER for IF STATEMENT


51 RCS-652
52 RCS-652 Construction of NFA from REGULAR EXPRESSION
53 RCS-652 Construction of DFA from NFA
56 RCS-652 Implementation of RECURSIVE DESCENT PARSER
58 RCS-652 Implementation of CODE GENERATOR
Write HTML/Java scripts to display your CV in navigator,
59 RIT-651 your Institute website, Department Website and
Tutorialwebsite for specific subject
Design HTML form for keeping student record and validate
60 RIT-651 it using Java script.
Write an HTML program to design an entry form of
61 RIT-651 student details and send it to store at database server like
SQL,Oracle or MS Access.
Write programs using Java script for Web Page to display
62 RIT-651 browsers information.
Write a Java applet to display the Application Program
63 RIT-651 screen i.e. calculator and other.
Writing program in XML for creation of DTD, which
64 RIT-651 specifies set of rules. Create a style sheet in CSS/ XSL &
displaythe document in internet explorer.

Program to illustrate JDBC connectivity. Program for

maintaining database by sending queries. Design and
65 RIT-651 implementa simple servlet book query with the help of
JDBC & SQL. Create MS Access Database, Create on ODBC
link, Compile& execute JAVA JDVC Socket.

Install TOMCAT web server and APACHE. Access the above

66 RIT-651 developed static web pages for books web site, usingthese
servers by putting the web pages developed
Assume four users user1, user2, user3 and user4 having
the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3 and pwd4 respectively.
Writea servlet for doing the following. Create a Cookie and
67 RIT-651 add these four user id’s and passwords to this Cookie. 2.
Read theuser id and passwords entered in the Login form
and authenticate with the values available in the cookies.

Install a database (Mysql or Oracle). Create a table which

should contain at least the following fields: name,
password,email-id, phone number Write a java
68 RIT-651 program/servlet/JSP to connect to that database and
extract data from the tables and display them. Insert the
details of the users who register with the web site,
whenever a new user clicks the submit button in the
registration page.

Write a JSP which insert the details of the 3 or 4 users who

register with the web site by using registration
69 RIT-651 form.Authenticate the user when he submits the login
form using the user name and password from the

70 RIT-651 Design and implement a simple shopping cart example

with session tracking API.
71 RCS-654 Implementation of OLAP operations
72 RCS-654 Implementation of Varying Arrays
73 RCS-654 Implementation of Nested Tables
74 RCS-654 Demonstration of any ETL tool
75 RCS-654 Write a program of Apriori algorithm using any
programming language.
Create data-set in .arff file format. Demonstration of
76 RCS-654 preprocessing on WEKA data-set.
Demonstration of Association rule process on data-set
77 RCS-654 contact lenses.arff /supermarket (or any other data set)
using apriori algorithm.

78 RCS-654 Demonstration of classification rule process on WEKA

data-set using j48 algorithm.
Demonstration of classification rule process on WEKA
79 RCS-654 data-set using Naive Bayes algorithm.
Demonstration of clustering rule process on data-set
80 RCS-654
iris.arff using simple k-means.
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. LAB CODE Lab Practical
1 RCA251

2 RCA252

3 RCA252

4 RCA252

5 RCA252

6 RCA252

7 RCA252

8 RCA252

9 RCA252

10 RCA252

11 RCA252

12 RCA252

Database Management
13 Systems Lab Installing oracle.

Database Management
Systems Lab Creating Entity-Relationship Diagram using case tools.

Database Management
15 Systems Lab a) Writing basic SQL SELECT statements.
Database Management
16 Systems Lab b) Restricting and sorting data.

Database Management
Systems Lab c) Displaying data from multiple tables.

Database Management
18 Systems Lab d) Aggregating data using group function.

Database Management
Systems Lab e) Manipulating data.

Database Management
20 Systems Lab f) Creating and managing tables.

Database Management
Systems Lab Normalization in ORACLE.

Database Management
Systems Lab Creating cursor in oracle.

Database Management
23 Systems Lab Creating procedure and functions in oracle.

Database Management
Systems Lab Creating packages and triggers in oracle
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. LAB CODE Lab Practical
To determine the wavelength of sodium light by
1 KAS251 (Group A) Newton‟s ring experiment.

To determine the wavelength of different spectral lines of

2 KAS251 (Group A) mercury light using plane transmission grating

3 KAS251 (Group A) To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution

using polarimeter.

To determine the focal length of the combination of two

4 KAS251 (Group A) lenses separated by a distance and verify the formula for
the focal length of combination of lenses.

5 KAS251 (Group A) To measure attenuation in an optical fiber.

To determine the wavelength of He-Ne laser light using

6 KAS251 (Group A)
single slit diffraction

7 KAS251 (Group A) To study the polarization of light using He-Ne laser light.

To determine the wavelength of sodium light with the

8 KAS251 (Group A) help of Fresnel‟s bi-prism

9 KAS251 (Group A) To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given liquid.

To determine the value of acceleration due to gravity (g)

10 KAS251 (Group A) using compound pendulum

To determine the energy band gap of a given

11 KAS251 (Group B) semiconductor material.

To study Hall effect and determine Hall coefficient, carrier

12 KAS251 (Group B) density and mobility of a given semiconductor material
using Hall effect setup.
To determine the variation of magnetic field with the
13 KAS251 (Group B) distance along the axis of a current carrying coil and
estimate the radius of the coil

14 KAS251 (Group B) To verify Stefan‟s law by electric method.

To determine resistance per unit length and specific

15 KAS251 (Group B) resistance of a given resistance using Carey Foster's

16 KAS251 (Group B) To study the resonance condition of a series LCR circuit.

17 KAS251 (Group B) To determine the electrochemical equivalent (ECE) of


18 KAS251 (Group B) To calibrate the given ammeter and voltmeter by


To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form

19 KAS251 (Group B)
of a transformer and to determine its hysteresis loss

20 KAS251 (Group B) To measure high resistance by leakage method.

Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. LAB CODE Lab Practical
1 KAS252
Determination of alkalinity in the given water sample.

2 KAS252
Determination of temporary and permanent
hardness in water sample using EDTA.
3 KAS252 Determination of iron content in the given solution
by Mohr’s method.
4 KAS252

5 KAS252
Determination of viscosity of given liquid.
6 KAS252
Determination of surface tension of given liquid.

7 KAS252
Determination of chloride content in water sample.
8 KAS252 Determination of available chlorine in bleaching
9 KAS252
Determination of pH by pH-metric titration.
10 KAS252 Preparation of Phenol-formaldehyde and Urea-
formaldehyde resin.
11 KAS252
To detect the Element in the given organic sample.*
12 KAS252 Functional Group Identification in organic
13 KAS252 Determination of Cell constant and conductance of a

14 KAS252 Determination of rate constant of hydrolysis of

15 KAS252 Verification of Beer’s law.
16 KAS252 To determine the equivalent weight of iron by the
chemical displacement method. *
To determine iron concentration in a given water
17 KAS252 sample by calorimetric method. *
Virtual Lab Link Alternate Lab Link
S.No. LAB CODE Lab Practical
Determination of average particle size of a mixture
1 KCH451 of particles by sieve analysis.
Study and operation of Jaw crusher and thereby
2 KCH451
verification of Ritinger’s constant.

3 KCH451 Determination of reduction ratio, maximum feed

size and theoretical capacity of crushing rolls.

Study of Ball mill and comparison of its critical

4 KCH451 speed with the operating speed.

5 KCH451 Study and operation of a Hammer mill thereby

finding its reduction ratio.

6 KCH451 Study and operation of a cyclone separator and

thereby finding its efficiency of separation.

7 KCH451 Study and operation of a Magnetic separator and

thereby finding its efficiency of separation.

8 KCH451 Study and operation of a Gyratory Crusher and

thereby finding its reduction ratio
To find the cake and filter medium resistance of
9 KCH451 Plate and Frame Filter press.

10 KCH451 To find the filter medium resistance of a Vacuum

Leaf Filter.
Find out kinetic constant and study conversion of a
11 KCH452 given reaction in a batch reactor
Find out kinetic constant and study conversion of a
12 KCH452
given reaction in a plug flowreactor

13 KCH452 Find out kinetic constant and study conversion of a

given reaction in a CSTR

14 KCH452 Study and operation of an adiabatic batch reactor

15 KCH452 Study of a reversible reaction in a batch reactor

16 KCH452 To determine energy of activation of reaction of

ethyl acetate with sodium hydroxide
Find out specific rate contant and activation energy
17 KCH452 of a reaction in a plug flow reactor
To determine reaction equilibrium constant of
18 KCH452
reaction of acetic acid with ethanol.
To determine changes in free energy, enthalpy and
19 KCH452 entropy for the reaction of potassium iodide with
20 KCH452 Study and operation of a cascade CSTR
21 KCH453 Solution of single non-linear algebraic equations by
Newton Raphson method.

22 KCH453 Solution of single non-linear equations by

Regulafalsi method.

Solution of system of linear simultaneous by Gauss

23 KCH453 Elimination method.
Solution of system of linear simultaneous equation
24 KCH453 by gauss seidel method and successive over
relaxation method.

25 KCH453 Solution of single first order ordinary differential

equations by fourth order Runge-Kutta method.

26 KCH453 Solution of Heat equations (Parabolic equations) by

finite difference method.

27 KCH453 Solution of Laplace equations (elliptic equation) by

finite difference method.

Solution of wave equations (Hyperbolic equation)

28 KCH453 by finite difference method.
Finding Newton’s interpolatory polynomial for n
29 KCH453 points.

30 KCH453 Finding Newton’s interpolatory polynomial based

on finite difference table for n points.
31 KCH453 Simpson’s 3/8-rule.9.
32 RCH651 Flowsheet preparation and drawing
Equipment selection, Equipment numbering,
33 RCH651 stream designation
34 RCH651 Preparation of plant layouts
35 RCH651 Piping layouts

Steady state flowsheeting using propositional logic

36 RCH651 in process synthesis
Steady state flowsheeting using resolution based
37 RCH651 synthesis procedure

38 RCH651 Steady state flowsheeting of processes with recycle

(recycle calculation sequence)

39 RCH651 Network of heat exchangers

40 RCH651 Sequencing of distillation columns
Development of process flowsheet for a specific
41 RCH651 chemical plan
Transient response to single tank system with
42 RCH652 storage & Flow to (a) step change (b) impulse
change in put.
Transient response of non-interacting system in
43 RCH652 series.

44 RCH652 Transient response of interacting system in series.

Study the operation of ON-OFF electronic

temperature controller & determination of its
45 RCH652 performance to control the temperature of a
system having capacity to store thermal energy.

Study the principle of operation & working of

46 RCH652 pneumatic servo system with various input
Transient response of a CSTR System to step
47 RCH652
Controlling a batch reactor using digital PID
48 RCH652 controller.
Study the dynamics of parallel & counter flow shell
49 RCH652 & tube heat exchanger.

50 RCH652 Controlling of Parallel Flow & counter flow STHE

using digital PI controller to have desired output.

Dynamics characteristics of mercury & water

51 RCH652 manometers.
52 RCH652 Study of control value characteristics.

53 RCH653 Study the performance of cascade control system &

to maintain desired level in a tank, with flow.

Study the dynamics of bubble cap distillation

54 RCH653 column.

55 RCH653 Control of a bubble cap distillation column using

digital PID controller.

56 RCH653 Study of effect of PID controller on pressure

process trainer.
Calibration of thermocouple/Bimetallic
57 RCH653 thermocouple/Resistance thermocouple.

58 RCH653 Calibration of Pressure gauge/ Pnuematic pressure

recorder/ Differential pressure recorder.

Calibration of Orificemeter/Venturimeter
59 RCH653 /Rotameter/ Gas flow meter.
Estimation of viscosity by
60 RCH653
Redwood/Saybolt/Ostwald viscometer.
61 RCH653 Calibration of pH meter.
62 RCH653 Calibration of conductivity meter.
63 RCH654 Study and operation Trickle bed reactor
64 RCH654 Study and operation Condensation polymerization
Study and operation Emulsion polymerization
65 RCH654 reactor
66 RCH654 RTD study in a CSTR
67 RCH654 RTD study in a plug flow reactor

68 RCH654 Study and operation of a coiled tubular reactor

69 RCH654 Study of heterogeneous catalytic reactor

Determination of porosity and pore volume of a
70 RCH654 substance. (kieselguhr, alkaline earth or alumina
may be used as substance)
9. To study toluene hydrogenation over Raney
71 RCH654 nickel catalyst

72 RCH654 10. To study acetaldehyde decomposition over

copper gauze catalyst
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Stirred Tank

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