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What form of production do you intend on producing? (short film, music video, stop
motion animation, documentary)
I will be producing a stop motion as I feel that it is something I may want to bring
forward into my final production so doing it for this project would be a good first
step for my stop motion future.

Based on the performances in your previous units, what areas do you need to improve on this time
Based on my previous performances in units I will definitely need to improve on finalising my
planning, normally my planning is not finalised and this leads me to later on adjust it which wastes
time that could be spent either filming or editing.

Why have you chosen this production? What visual based skills do you feel it will help you to
I have chosen this production because I feel that if done properly I can create a humorous production
which is also visually pleasing to the eye. It will definitely help me when it comes to scheduling my
time, for example usually I don’t follow my schedule but this production relies on me to film at

Will you be working individually or as part of a 2 person team? Why have you chosen this?
I will be working individually I have chosen to do this because after working in groups I want to see
how a solo production whilst given lots of freedom will work. It allows me to explore my own ideas
without being held back by anyone/anything.

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