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Adann’ya Carriel

Career Ex 1

Lesson 8

Teachers are under the direction of the principal, maintaining and supervising order and
discipline among the students. While they are in the school or on the school grounds they use
those skills. While they are attending or participating in activities that are determined by the
principal, with the teachers of the school, to be school activities they also use them . Teachers
are promoting goals and standards applicable to the provision of education, while providing
instruction to students and encouraging and fostering student learning.

Teachers need certain skills and abilities for teaching, such as asking questions,
providing feedback, planning instruction, diagnosing student needs and learning di culties,
and being able to work in varying learning situations. Teachers also need ve components of
an e ective teaching framework, their heart, head, hands, and feet. Their head is for
knowledge; content, theory, and development (what does the teacher need to know?). Their
heart is for compassion; positive attitudes towards yourself, children, peers, and adults, and
learning, profession, and subject matter (what kind of person should a teacher be?). Their
hands are for skill; classroom management-discipline and motivation, assessment,
questioning, planning, record-keeping, and organization (what does a teacher need to know
how to do?). Their feet are for wisdom; strategies for developing teacher wisdom: re ect, seek
feedback, make small changes over time (how does a teacher continue to improve?).

$22,000 is the average annual salary for a preschool teacher. Elementary and secondary
teachers earn an average salary between $26,730 and $71,370.Earnings for post secondary
teachers vary widely depending on subject, academic credits, experience and region of the
country. A bachelor's degree is the minimum requirement for the majority of the careers in this

Private tutoring, youth worker, student learning support are related careers. Private
tutoring is the same as teaching just with a di erent setting and not most of the supplies or
kids at the same time. Youth working is like teaching but with more community projects and
outdoor activities and learning emotional support. Student learning support is like teaching but
with physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development and well-being for students to

My social, artistic, and enterprising skills are good for teaching, creativity and leading.
Being a teacher requires those skills. I value helping people and nding new ways to grow to
success and I think they will be helpful in this career.

Works Cited:

Betterteam: “Teacher Job Description.” Indeed Editorial Team, February 02, 2022. https://

Bright Network: “How to develop the 10 key skills you need to work in Education.” 29 June

theOECD: “Teachers - Teachers' salaries - OECD Data.” February 02, 2022. https://

Money.usnews: “High School Teacher Salary | US News Best Jobs.” February 2, 2022. https://

Credential in Single Subject Teaching Curriculum Plan | Alliant Intl University: “Credential in
Single Subject Teaching Curriculum Plan.” February 02, 2022.

The Guardian: “Alternative careers for teachers.” February 02, 2022. https://

Indeed Career Guide: “20 Alternative Jobs for Teachers.” February 02, 2022. https:// nding-a-job/alternative-jobs-for-teachers.


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