Theories of The Origin of Solar System

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- Types of Root System

- Basic building blocks. 1. Tap root - Found mostly in dicot, long and
- Can specialize in form and function thick, and it reach deep into the soil to
obtain water/nutrients
2. Fibrous Root - Found mostly in monocot,
many thin roots, and spread out away from
1. Dermal Tissue
the plants to find water & nutrients quickly
- Outermost surface of the plants
- Epidermis – outermost layer of cells
- Mycorrhizal Association –
- Stomata (opening in the epidermis) –
Mycorrhizae/Mycorrhiza (Mycorrhizas) is a
regulate the passage of gases into and out of
symbiotic association between a fungus and
the plant.
the roots of a vascular host plant
- Trichomes – outgrowths of the epidermis
that are found on the surface of the shoot, 2. Stem
stems, and leaves. It also regulates the heat
- Produce leaves, branches, and flowers
and water balance of the leaf.
- Hold leaves up
- Root Hairs – absorption of water and
- Transport substance between roots and
minerals from the soil.
- Periderm – corky outer layer of cells
- Types of Stem
- For protection and prevention of water loss
1. Herbaceous Stem
2. Woody Stem
2. Ground Tissue
- Makes up the bulk of the inner part of the
plants or the plant organs.
• Cutting around a tree
- Photosynthesis, food storage, regeneration,
• Damages the phloem and xylem, eventually killing
support, and protection.
the tree!
- 3 kinds of Tissues: PARENCHYMA
(photosynthesis, food storage, and cell
repair), COLLENCHYMA (support for
thickening or growing regions of the plants),
SCLERENCHYMA – made up of walls of dead
cells at maturity (support and strengthen
the plant). (2 types of SCLERENCHYMA:
FIBERS (long, slender cells that usually form
strands) and SCLEREIDS (vary in shape but
are often branched) (sometimes called “stone
cells” because they make up the bulk of the
stones of peaches and nut shells).
3. Vascular Tissue
- Enables water, minerals, and sugars (made
through photosynthesis) to move through
the roots, stems, and leaves of the plants.
- It includes 2 vessels: XYLEM (transports
water from roots to other parts of the
plants) (WATER IN), PHLOEM (transports
sugar from leaves to other parts of the plant 3. Leaves
that need sugars) (GLUCOSE OUT). - Main site of photosynthesis
- Composed of epidermis
- Primary Function: Intercepts light, Exchange
gases, dissipate heat, and defend the plant
1. Roots from herbivores and pathogens
- -Expanded and flattened green structures
- Anchors the plant to the ground.
growing out at the node of the stem
- Absorb and Transport water and nutrients
- Green due to chlorophyll
from the soil.
• Blade – dicots; thin, flattened
- Storage of sugars made in photosynthesis
• Petiole/Leaf stalk – cylindrical or
flattened narrow structure; provides 1. Meristematic - Continuously growing and
maximum exposure, not present in dividing, Responsible for the production of
monocot (leaf sheath) new cells
• Stipule – with stipulate; without • Apical Meristems – adds primary growth,
estipulate; pair of appendages or located at tips of stems and roots; for
outgrowth increase in length
- Monocots & eudicots differ in the • Lateral Meristems – adds secondary
arrangement of veins, the vascular tissue of growth, along the sides of certain roots
leaves. and stems; for increase in width and
• Most monocots have parallel veins diameter (thickness)
• Most eudicots have branching veins • Intercalary Meristems – happens in
monocots; bases of young leaves and
**Monocot (one cotyledon) and internodes; further lengthening of stems
Dicot (two cotyledons)
and leaves far away from the tips of the

• Primary Growth of Roots

- The root tip is covered by a root cap, which
protects the root apical meristem as the
root pushes through the soil.
- Growth occurs just behind the root tip, in
three zones of cells:
• Zone of cell division
- Mesophyll (Meso = middle) • Zone of elongation
1. Palisade Mesophyll • Zone of differentiation, or maturation
• Site of most photosynthesis
2. Spongy Mesophyll • Secondary Growth
• Some photosynthesis - Secondary growth occurs in stems and roots
of woody plants but rarely in leaves
- Stomata – pores in the underside of the leaf, - Secondary growth consists of the tissues
gas exchange: CO2 in; O2 out produced by the vascular cambium and cork
- Guard cells – surround the stomata, open and cambium
closes stomata
**Primary growth and secondary
**Stomata closed at night to growth occur simultaneously
prevent water loss
- Transport in Leaves: Vein (Vascular Tissue) – GROWTH; WOODY, SECONDARY
XYLEM: Water in for photosynthesis and GROWTH
PHLOEM: Glucose out for photosynthesis
- Root Tip – Organized into 3 regions with
specific functions

• Root Cap – for protection, lubrication,

Plants are able to grow throughout their water and nutrient absorption
lifetime due to the presence of (mucigel)
undifferentiated tissues called Meristems • Meristematic Region or Region of
Cell Division – growing region;
positively dividing cells(mitosis)
Hormones • Region of Elongation – root increases
• Produced by plants to regulate in length; cells increase in size
• Region of Maturation – cells mature
growth & development
and differentiated
• Chemical substances that the body
• Root Epidermis – outermost, single
produces in very small amounts
layer of cells that: protect (from
• Are transported to different parts
diseases), absorbs water and • Secondary Growth occurs in the
nutrients. stems and roots of woody plants but
• Root Hairs – tubular extension of rarely in leaves
epidermal cells, increase the surface • Secondary Growth consists of the
tissues produced by the vascular
2. Permanent - Attained their mature form cambium & cork cambium
• Simple Permanent – consist of 1 type • Primary Growth & Secondary Growth
of cells; similar structure and occur simultaneously
function - Flowering plants
A. Epidermis (Dermal T.) – external • Annual – 1 year life
tissue and outermost • Biennials – 2 seasons
B. Parenchyma Cells (Ground T.) – • Perennials – it can last forever if
uniformly thin walls; with walang mangyayaring bad
chloroplasts(chlorenchyma); for
food manufacturing and storage
C. Collenchyma Cells (Ground T.) – - Reproduction in Angiosperms
uneven thickness of walls; for 1. Flowers – reproductive structures of
strength and support angiosperms sporophytes, both male
D. Sclerenchyma Cells (Ground T.) – and female organs are present in
walls are thickened(lignin); can some
be formed as fibers or sclereids; - Structure of the mature seed
for strength and support • A seed consists of a dormant plant
E. Cork Cells – external tissue; embryo, surrounded by its food
mature epidermis; with waxy supply (cotyledon, endosperm, or
substance(suberin); for both)
protection • The seed is surrounded by a hard,
• Complex – consist of several kinds; protective seed coat
with 1 or more specific function - Two common types of Germination
A. Phloem – conducts dissolved • Germination begins with imbibition,
organic food materials the uptake of water by the dry seed.
- Sieve Tube Elements – main conducting part; Rupturing of the seed coats triggers
no nucleus; perforated end walls (sieve metabolic changes that allow the
plates) plant embryo to resume growth
- Companion cells – parenchymatous cells - Growing without seeds
beside sieve tubes; small elongated with • It’s called vegetative reproduction
nucleus and occurs with roots, stems, or
B. Xylem – conducts water and • Helps allow plants to cover areas
mineral salts; for strength faster
- Vessel - main conducting part; heavily
• 100’s and 1000’s from one single plant
thickened walls
• Examples: runners (Bermuda grass),
- Tracheid – help in the movement of water
bulb (onion or tulip), corn (gladiolus),
rhizome (fern), tuber (potato)
Will develop in primary meristem – Alternative
1. Runners – Specialized stems,
(some develop as cambium or cork cambium)
horizontal above ground stem
• Cells near the meristems are younger
that helps the plant spread
• Cells farther the meristems are older within an area
(outer layer of trees) 2. Bulb – Very short stem with
thick fleshy leaves
- Primary tissue in younger roots – still has 3. Corn – Very short thick
epidermis underground stem with thin
- Formation of Lateral Roots (roots that grow scaly leaves
simultaneously), arises from the PERICLE 4. Rhizome – Horizontal
- Primary growth of shoots: underground stem
• Protoderm - epidermis 5. Tubers – swollen fleshy
• Pre-cambium – ground tissue underground stem
- Secondary Growth – (corky bark)
• Example: Winter Dormancy – as
winter draws near, many plants go
- Two Organ System into a state of dormancy
1. Root System • DORMANCY – is the period when an
2. Shoot System organism’s growth or activity stops
(period of inactivity)
• Dormancy help plants survive during
the winter months. It helps them
- Hormones - Chemical substances that the
body produces in very small amounts, survive freezing temperatures and
lack of water
produced by plants to regulate growth &
development **DORMANCY (to sleep); TROPISM (to
1. Auxin - Plant growth, they stimulate the
cells to divide & elongate, produced in - Hydrotropism - Plants response to water
the root & short apical meristem (stimulus=water) **Roots have positive
Sensitive to light & tends to move
away from it, Phototropism - the growth - Chemotropism - Plants response to
movement of a plant or plant part in
response to light as the external
2. Gibberellins - Stimulates dramatic
increase, involved in the promotion of - Structural Adaptation: are the way
fruit development, produced in seeds & something is built or made.
juvenile plants, promotes seed • Adaptation for defense: spines and
germination thorns (protects plants from
3. Cytokinin - Works in combination with predators), poison ivy & poison oak
auxin to stimulate cell division & have toxins that give predator a
differentiation, promotes cell division painful itchy rash
& growth of lateral buds (width • Adaptations to get water and
increase). nutrients: roots soak up water &
4. Ethylene - Promotes ripening of fruits, nutrients from soil
stimulating the production of flowers, • Desert Adaptations: small leaves or
influence abscission spines on desert plant conserve
5. Abscisic Acid - Growth inhibitor, water, thick waxy skin holds in
stomata closing (prevents dehydration), water, roots near the soils surface
seed dormancy, promote bud dormancy, soak up rain water quickly before it
work antagonistically with other evaporates
hormones, help the plant cope with • Rainforest Adaptations: smooth,
environmental stresses, such as extreme slippery bark keeps vines from
cold and drought. killing trees, slide-shaped leaves let
rain runoff, so fungus doesn’t grow on
- Tropism - Response of plants to hormones,
growing toward or away from the stimulus - Behavioral Adaptations: are the way
(moving away-negative; moving towards- something acts naturally or by instinct
positive) • Adaptations to get food: plants like
- Phototropism - Plants response to light the ventis fly trap, trap insects for
(stimulus=light) **Leaves have positive food
phototropism • Adaptations for reproduction: plants
- Geotropism / Gravitropism - Plants response drop seeds to grow new offspring.
to gravity (stimulus=gravity) **Roots have
positive gravitropism
- Thigmotropism - Plants response to touch - Space living things occupy
(stimulus=touch) **Vines have positive - ATOM – MOLECULE – CELL – TISSUE – ORGAN –
- Photoperiodism - Plants response to changes COMMUNITY – POPULATION
in the photoperiod
- Primary Succession environmental conditions – sufficient food supply,
• Begins with no life no predators, and a lack of disease.
• No soil is present
• New area Biomes – biological communities that have formed
• Lichen and moss come first in response to a shared climate
• Biomass is low
- Secondary Succession Freshwater Ecosystem: standing water – lakes and
• Following removal of existing biota ponds; moving water – rivers and streams
• Soil already present
• Old area (following a bush fire) Transitional Communities: Estuaries, Wetlands
(bogs/tens, swamps, marshes)
• Seeds and roots already present
• Biomass is high
Marine Ecosystem: Shorelines, barrier islands, coral
• “wipeout all organisms”
reefs, open oceans

- Interactions Among Organisms - organisms

live together because they depend each
1. Competition
• Problem: competition for food and
- same organisms or different species
territory in the animal world
attempt to use an ecological resource in the
• Solution: find a specific niche
same place and the same time
within their environment; form a
- harmful for all participating beings
stable relationship with another
● Intraspecific – same species
species, one other than a predator –
● Interspecific – different species
prey relationship
2. Predation
- organism capture and feeds on another
- Biological community of interacting organism
organisms and their physical environment - prey (being killed) and predator (kills & eats)
- Two types of ecosystem: Aquatic and relationship
- Principles of Ecosystem: Defense against the enemy:
1. Speciation: formation of new species
2. Adaptation: change to survive 1. Mimicry – resemblance ∙
3. Diversity: variety of ecosystems - Batesian – harmless species resembles
4. Habitat: where organisms live dangerous species
5. Interdependence: interaction with others - Mullerian – dangerous species resembles
6. Evolution: permanent change each other
2. Camouflage – coloration or pattern that
Speciation – results when a subpopulation is helps to blend with its surroundings; to
prevented from interbreeding (between different disguise from predator
species/are) 3. Cooperation – same organism work in a way
that benefits them all
Adaptation – to the environment and the origin of _________________________________________
new species are closely related processes Symbiosis
- relationship between individual of 2
Diversity: different species who live together in a
1. Area: larger area has more species than close relationship
smaller area
2. Climate: number of species increase poles
towards the equator
3. Niche: It is the organism’s role in the
community (more niche more diverse)
4. Co-evolution: organism evolving together

Biotic population – the ability of a population of

living species to increase under ideal
• Mutualism – both organism benefit
and that is obligatory for them to - Satellites travel here because there is very
survive little friction with air.
• Commensalism – one individual - outermost layer
benefit while the other is neither - from the exobase: 600 km
affected nor benefit - atoms and molecules are so far apart that
• Parasitism - one benefits at the this layer no longer behaves like gas
expense of the other, sometimes - KARMAN LINE – Theodore von Kármán
without killing the host organism,
• first to calculate that around this altitude,
PARASITE obtain all or parts of its
the atmosphere becomes too thin to support
nutritional needs from the other
aeronautical flight
organism, called the HOST
1. Ectoparasite – parasite lives
outside the body of organism
2. Endoparasite – parasite lives - warmest layer (1,000ºC – 1,500ºC)
inside the body of organism - absorption of very short-wave, high-
energy solar radiation by oxygen and
• Greek term “ATMOS” meaning AIR
- Blocks cosmic radiation
• The atmosphere is primarily composed of
nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). - exobase: top of thermosphere, base of
Other components exist in small quantities exosphere
• It is matter! Sound can travel through it. - Satellites & Radio waves travel in
this layer

1. Contains the gases that living organisms need for

2. Heat transfer. - from the stratopause: 50-85 km
3. Protects Earth’s surface from being struck by - coldest layer: -85ºC to -100ºC (coldest
meteors. place on Earth)
4. Protects the biosphere form UV radiation (Ozone). - least explored regions of the
5. Plays a part in weathering and erosion.
- mesopause: outer boundary of the
I. The early atmosphere did not support life. mesosphere
Methane and Ammonia. Little Oxygen. - Meteors burn up when they hit this
II. Over time, gases were added to the atmosphere by layer.
volcanic eruptions, and as a result of chemical
reactions due to sunlight.
III. The OZONE LAYER formed as a result of the
chemical reactions. It blocks out ultraviolet - contains the ozonosphere (ozone
radiation from the sun. layer)
IV. The formation of the ozone layer allowed MICRO- - temperatures increase in the
ORGANISMS such as Blue-Green Algae to appear on stratosphere because it is in this
layer that the atmosphere’s ozone is
- stratopause: outer boundary of the
- Rivers of air, called Jet Streams, can
be found at the base of this layer
- They are interdependent and function
- Contains Convection Currents created as a whole
by the sun’s heat which cause most of
our weather
- 75% of the atmosphere’s mass
- tropopause: outer boundary of the
- Harmful ozone is found here…IT

The gases of the atmosphere

readily exchange with those dissolved in
water bodies (e.g. oceans, lakes, etc.)
The atmosphere supplies oxygen
and carbon dioxide that form the basis of
life processes (photosynthesis and
Gases in the atmosphere react
with water to produce weak acids that aid in
the breakdown of rock.

** Hurricanes (atmosphere) sweep

across the ocean (hydrosphere) and
onto the land (geosphere), • Earth is a closed system, but its four
damaging the dwellings of people
(biosphere) who live along the
subsystems are open systems
coast. • Matter and energy freely transfer
between them

➢ ’
- hydrogen and oxygen atoms (H2O)
- only substance that exists in the
atmosphere as a solid (ice), liquid
(liquid water) and gas (water vapor)
• Not too CLOSE or FAR from Sun • differ only in the arrangement of the
(preventing life from freezing or water molecules
frying) • the higher the temperature, the more
• Large enough to hold atmosphere vigorous the movement resulting to
• Abundance of WATER its distinct property
• Temperature range allows water to
exist as SOLID as well as LIQUID and
GAS form
• Interactions of four SPHERES
- The earth is made up of several
subsystems that interact to form a
complex and continuously changing
1. Moderate climate
2. Heat transfer
3. Organisms need water to transport
nutrients and waste
4. Water is essential in many of Earth’s
processes (mineral formation, erosion,

• Process by which plants lose water
out of their leaves. Water is transferred between
the hydrosphere and biosphere by
• Gives evaporation a bit of a hand in
evaporation and precipitation. Energy is
getting the water vapor back up into
also exchanged in this process.
the air
Water is necessary for the
transport of nutrients and waste products in
Water is the primary agent for

the chemical and mechanical breakdown of
- Free water that is beneath Earth's
rock (weathering), to form loose rock
surface. Surface or near surface can be
fragments and soil, and sculpts the surface
dry, but deeper parts are saturated
of the Earth.
with water.

• FACTORS: earth's rotation the wind

the temperature salinity differences
the gravitation of the moon
- They are very important in
determining the climates of the
continents, especially those regions
bordering on the ocean.
- Deep ocean currents are driven by
density and temperature gradients.
- These currents, which flow under the
surface of the ocean and are thus
hidden from immediate detection, are
called submarine rivers.


- El Niño- (Christ child)
- Waters began warming towards the
end of November and early December.
- Strong warming brings abundant rains
to the region
- One hypothesis is that tornadic
waterspouts sometimes pick up
creatures such as fish or frogs and
carry them for up to several miles.
- prevailing wind patterns affecting a
large area - It is the solid Earth that includes the
• Northeast Monsoon (Amihan) continental and ocean crust as well
- cold wind usually coming from China the various layers of Earth’s interior.
and Siberia (Nov. – Feb.) - The geosphere is not static
• Southwest Monsoon (Habagat) (unchanging), its surface (crust) is in
- wind from Australia that flows in a a constant state of motion.
southwest direction going towards - Mineral resources are mined from the
the equator (May – Oct.) geosphere.

- A region where the atmospheric ➢ Inaccessible
pressure is lower than that of ➢ Studied through seismic information and
surrounding locations. form under computer models
areas of wind divergence that occur in ➢ Composed of Fe and small amount of Ni
the upper levels of the troposphere.
Hot solid spherical Mostly made of
iron and nickel
Atlantic Ocean - hurricane 1250 km (thick) 2300 km (thick)
Pacific Ocean - typhoon
Consists of iron- Very hot (4000°C –
Indian Ocean - cyclone
nickel alloy 5000°C)
Magnetic Liquid
6000°C (almost as Magnetic
- Lightning heats the surrounding air
hot as the surface of
as much as 50,000 °F. the sun)
- When air is heated it expands and High pressure Cause of earth’s
this tremendous expansion is what (alloy cannot melt) magnetic field
causing the sound of thunder. - Lehmann discontinuity Boundary
- The expansion is happening faster between the outer and inner core
than the speed of sound, which creates
a sonic boom.
’ • South American Plate
➢ Intermediate layer (longest part) • African Plate Antarctic Plate
➢ Made up of molten rocks (magma)
➢ Thickness: 2900 km
➢ 70% of Earth’s volume
➢ Composed primarily of peridotite - a theory that explained how
Plate tectonic theory Balances continents shift position on Earth's
temperature and pressure Causes surface.
formation of minerals that are - also explained why look-alike animal
different from the upper layer and plant fossils, and similar rock
formations, are found on different
Asthenosphere Lithosphere
Hot Rigid/Solid
Exhibits plasticity 660 km
1. Divergent: Occurs when plates slide
Produces higher
apart from each other
2,240 km 2. Convergent: Occurs when two plates
Soft Magma slide towards each other
- Gutenberg discontinuity: Boundary 3. Transform: Occurs when plates slid
between outer core and lower mantle
- Mohorovicic discontinuity: Boundary
between crust and upper mantle

Light-colored Dark-colored
Rock Sample: Rock Sample: Basalt
Less Dense Denser
Coarse-textured Thin layer
Thick Layer 50 km
40 – 70 km

- Tectonics Process that deform the

earth’s crust

- Plates that move around on top of

asthenosphere Large scale
movements of earths lithosphere
- The Earth’s lithosphere (outermost
layer) is broken into the following 7
large plates:
• Eurasian Plate
• Indo-Australian Plate
• Pacific Plate
• North American Plate
- Internal process
- In the mantle hot material rises - Reshaping of the earth’s landforms
towards the lithosphere - Volcanism, folding, faulting, earthquake,
- The hot material reaches the base of
the lithosphere where it cools and
sinks back down through the mantle.
- Also called Gradational Processes, they
- The cool material is replaced by more comprise degradation and aggradation – they
hot material, and so on forming a modify relief
large “convection cell” - carried through Geomorphic Agents: gravity,
- This slow but incessant movement in flowing water (rivers), moving ice (glaciers),
waves and tides (oceans and lakes), wind,
the mantle causes the rigid tectonic
plants, organisms, animals and humans
plates to move (float) around the
• 1. Degradation Processes
earth surface (at an equally slow • 2. Aggradation Processes

- is disintegration and decomposition of

rocks – no transportation involved
• Physical or Mechanical Weathering
- (Disintegration, exfoliation, frost action)
• Chemical Weathering
- (Oxidation, carbonation, hydration, solution)
• Biological Weathering
- (Plants, Animals, Humans)

- process by which soil, sand, and rock move

downslope typically as a mass, largely under
the force of gravity, but frequently affected
by water
• Wind
• Water
• Ice

- removal of material from one place to

- Increase with depth PRESSURE another at a greater rate than its
- Increase with depth WATER CONTENT replacement
- Decrease melting point MINERAL
- Different minerals, melting points
- process in which sediments, soil and rocks are
added to a landform or land mass.
• Physical processes which create and modify
landforms on the surface of the earth
- they create relief.
- large-scale landform building and
- External process: Transforms rocks to transforming processes
- Weathering, mass wasting, erosion,
• 4. Important contributor of atmospheric gases
- a. Volcanism: Volcanic eruptions and (volcanoes).
Volcanoes 5. Movement of plates that serves as barriers in the
isolation of population of organisms (influences


a. Folding: anticlines, synclines, mountains

b. Faulting: rift valleys, graben, escarpments
volcanism spews significant amounts of
**Earthquakes - evidence of gases into the atmosphere. For example, volcanoes inject
present-day tectonic activity large amounts of Sulphur dioxide to the upper
atmosphere, resulting in global cooling.
The formation of many minerals
involves incorporation or release of water. Also, water
- Eruption of molten rock (magma) onto Earth’s speeds up chemical reactions that produce or destroy
surface minerals, and aids in the melting of rock.
Nutrients released from rocks during their
• Volcanism is mostly focused at plate
breakdown are dissolved in water (to be used by aquatic
• Pacific Ring of Fire

- Two forces push towards each other from

opposite sides, the rock layers will bend
into folds
• There are large-scale and small-scale folds.
Large-scale folds are found mainly along
destructive plate boundaries

- 12 destructive earthquakes
- fracturing and displacement of more brittle - except Palawan, there have been earthquakes
rock strata along a fault plane either caused in the whole Philippines
by tension or compression. - Pacific Ring of Fire
- line of fault which appears on land surface is
known as fault line. (allow molten rock to
rise up onto the earth surface when there is 1. Surigao del Sur 6. Tarlac
active volcanic activity nearby) 2. La Union 7. Ifugao
• There are three types of fault: 3. Benguet 8. Davao Oriental
- Normal fault 4. Pangasinan 9. Nueva Vizcaya
5. Pampanga 10. Nueva Ecija
- Reverse fault
- Transform fault
- usually induced by earthquakes
- greater risk in manmade embankments and
mountainous areas

1. Ifugao 6. Bukidnon
2. Lanao del Sur 7. Aurora
3. Saranggani 8. Davao del Sur
4. Benguet 9. Davao del Oriental
5. Mountain Province 10. Rizal

1. Contributor of particulate matter (e.g. volcanic - Pacific Ring of Fire = lots of volcanoes!
ash) to atmosphere. - Mt. Pinatubo (1991)
2. Ultimate contributor of salts to the ocean (ions - 22 historically active volcanoes
released from weathered rock and minerals).
3. Ultimate source of nutrients for all living
• If layers are folded, episode of deformation
must have occurred after rocks formed. Age
1. Camiguin 6. Sorsogon of folding is younger than youngest
2. Sulu 7. South Cotabato deformed rock unit.
3. Biliran 8. Laguna
4. Albay 9. Camarines Sur
5. Bataan 10. Batanes

- caused by earthquakes and other seismic

activities in bodies of water
- Mindoro (1994) – 41 dead
1. Sulu 6. Romblon • Rock layer above is younger than the ones
2. Tawi-tawi 7. Siquijor below it. (Oldest on bottom, youngest on top)
3. Basilan 8. Surigao del Norte • May not apply to rocks that have been folded
4. Batanes 9. Masbate (can get turned upside-down).
5. Guimaras 10. Camiguin • Nicolas Steno

- Earthquakes (geosphere) can damage

buildings which may kill people (biosphere),
as well as cause fires which release gases
into the air (atmosphere). Earthquakes in
the ocean may cause a tsunami (hydrosphere) -
which can eventually hit land and kill both • Any feature (e.g. fault or intrusion) that
animals and people (biosphere). cuts across rocks is younger than the
youngest rock that is cut.

- approximately 4.6B years old
- rocks of the crust provide clues to Earth’s
- by analyzing these clues, we can infer
events from the past
• Objects enclosed in a rock must be older than
- Major assumption in geology: events in the the time of rock formation.
past occurred the same way that they are
occurring today.

- determines how many years old something
- (radiometric)

- Radioactive decay (half-life)
- used to determine if one thing is younger or • occurs when the nuclei of unstable atoms
older than another break down, changing the original atoms
into atoms of another element.
- (superposition, index fossils, correlation of
rock layers) • half-life is the amount of time it takes for
half the atoms of a substance to decay into
another element
- different substances have different half-
• Sedimentary layers are deposited in
- examples are Uranium 238 and Carbon 14
approximately horizontal sheets.
- Remains of Ancient Plants and Animals,
Evidence of Life Commonly Preserved (Hard
Parts of Organisms)
• Bones, Shells, Hard Parts of Insects, Woody
Material Rarely Preserved (Easily Decayed
Parts of Organisms), Internal Organs, Skin,
Hair, Feathers
- preserved remnant, remains, or impression of
a prehistoric organism
- classified based on their formation
- – represents the first 85% of
Earth’s history (mostly devoid of fossils).
- fossils of the actual animal or animal part - Era – represents ~ 8.5% of
- formed when the tissues of animals didn’t Earth’s history (invertebrates, fishes,
decay over the years amphibians, vertebrates and land plants
- commonly found in ice, tar (natural asphalt) first appear).
and amber (tree resin)
- – rep. ~ 3.5% of Earth’s
history (dinosaurs, earliest birds, and
- hollow impressions of living thing in a rock - – rep. ~ 1.4% of Earth’s
- formed when sediments fill the inside or history (humanoids show up late ~0.04% of
outside the dead organism history).
- the organisms remain will not persist
~ 4.1

- created when minerals and sediments enter

- Earth’s atmosphere evolves!
a cavity or a mold (sometimes from a mold
- Earth’s original atmosphere was made up of
fossil) and hardens, creating a cast
gases similar to those released in volcanic
eruptions today—water vapor, carbon
dioxide, nitrogen, and several trace gases,
- impressions of rocks that showed various
but no oxygen.
- Cyanobacteria (blue - green algae) used
- fossils of footprints, burrow, trail, and or
photosynthesis and released oxygen.
other trace of the animals (but not the
- Oxygen began to accumulate in the
animal itself)
atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago.
• the most common Precambrian fossils
- Almost exclusively in Sedimentary Rocks
• distinctively layered mounds or columns of
- heat of melting or metamorphism would
calcium carbonate
destroy almost every type of fossil
• they are not the remains of actual
- To be preserved, organisms have to be:
organisms but are the material deposited by
buried rapidly after death or preserved from
• lasted for 800 million years
• Earth’s surface was continually bombarded
by meteorites and the very hot mantle
caused severe volcanism
• ocean and atmosphere were formed, and the
core, as well as the crust were stabilized
• lasted for 1.3 billion years
• Earth was warm and the atmosphere
contained mostly methane and little to no
• most of Earth was covered with ocean - existence of reptiles (first true terrestrial
• continent formation began vertebrates) flourished
- - A major event of the Mesozoic era was the
• lasted for 1.9 billion years (longest period breakup of Pangaea.
that lasted almost half the age of Earth) - Dinosaurs were land-dwelling reptiles that
• atmosphere became oxygenated thrived during the Mesozoic era.
• eukaryotic life began and diversified - Gymnosperms are seedbearing plants that do
(multicellularity) not depend on freestanding water for
• motion of continental drift fertilization; enabled them to be the
dominant plants.

- succession of marine organisms (clams and

fishes) - mountains were uplifted and volcanic
- appearance of amphibians (the first animal activity was widespread
to succeed in adapting itself to breathe air) - succession of warm-blooded animals
- appearance of land plants and giant ferns - (kangaroo) and primitive mammals
succession of reptiles - development of the modern horse, modern
- During the Cambrian, Ordovician, and birds, and deciduous trees
Silurian periods, the vast southern - era that marks the existence of man
continent of Gondwana encompassed five - The Cenozoic era is divided into two periods
continents (South America, Africa, of very unequal duration, the Tertiary
Australia, Antarctica, and part of Asia). period and the Quaternary period.
- Laurasia is the continental mass that - Plate interactions during the Cenozoic era
formed the northern portion of Pangaea, caused many events of mountain building,
consisting of present-day North America and volcanism, and earthquakes in the West.
Eurasia. - (animals that bear live young and
- By the end of the Paleozoic, all the maintain a steady body temperature)
continents had fused into the replaced reptiles as the dominant land
supercontinent of Pangaea animals in the Cenozoic era.
• PANGAEA: “ALL LAND” PANTHALASSA: “ALL - (flowering plants with
SEA” covered seeds) replaced gymnosperms as the
dominant land plants.
- Adaptations
- Some 400 million years ago, plants that had like being warm blooded, developing
adapted to survive at the water’s edge began insulating body hair, and having more
to move inland, becoming land plants. efficient heart and lungs allow mammals to
- The amphibians rapidly diversified because lead more active lives than reptiles.
they had minimal competition from other
land dwellers.

- The world’s climate became very seasonal
plus a series of volcanic eruptions, probably
caused the dramatic extinction of many
- The late Paleozoic extinction (Permian
Period) was the greatest of at least five
mass extinctions to occur over the past 500
million years.

- formation of several continents

- age of the dinosaurs (believed to be
descendants of the primitive reptiles;
current theory suggests that they were
ancestors of birds)
- substantially smaller
- short orbital periods and less satellites
- made up mostly of rock and metal
- move slowly in space
- no rings and few moons (if any)
- have a diameter of less than 13,000 km

• Sun is at the center - substantially larger

• trillion of miles wide - long orbital periods and numerous satellites
• consists of eight planets and respective - made up mostly of gases (primarily hydrogen
& helium)
• asteroids, comets, meteoroids
- move quickly in space
- have rings and many moons
- have a diameter of greater than 48,000 km
• The sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion
(where hydrogen is converted to helium)
within its core. This energy is released
from the sun in the form of heat and light.
• Leftover Planetesimals
• Remember: Stars produce light. Planets
- “star-like”
reflect light.
- small bodies (planetesimals) remaining from
• A star’s temperature determines its “color.”
the formation of the solar system
The coldest stars are red. The hottest stars
- leftover debris
are blue.
- 4.6 billion years old
- 2,000 Earth-crossing asteroids

- Planets are orbiting in the same plane. ’

- Orbits are nearly circular.
- Orbits of planets are in the same plane as - Both are made of rocky or metallic material,
the rotation of the Sun. but asteroids are larger than 100 meters in
- Planets revolve around the sun in counter- diameter whereas meteoroids have
clockwise direction. diameters less than 100 meters.
- Planets and satellites contain rotational
- interplanetary debris left from the
’ … formation of the solar system
• the force of gravity, combined with the - material that is continually being ejected
tendency of a planet to remain in straight- from the asteroid belt
line motion would result in a planet having •
an elliptical orbit - object floating around in outer space,
• the combination of Earth’s forward motion asteroid or comet origin
and its “falling” motion that defines its •
orbit - space object burning up in the atmosphere
("shooting star")

- space object that made impact with the
surface of another place
- remains of meteoroids, when found on Earth

- swarm of meteoroids traveling in the same
direction at nearly the same speed as Earth
- loose collections of rocky material, dust,
water ice and frozen gases (ammonia,
methane and carbon dioxide)
- leftover material from the formation of the
solar system
- surfaces are dry and dusty (ices are hidden
beneath a rocky layer)
• –
- take hundreds of thousands of years to
complete a single orbit around the Sun
• –
- orbital periods of less than 200 years
- Halley’s Comet (76 years)
- Encke’s Comet (3 years)

- Jan Oort
- cosmographical boundary of the solar
- source of long-period comets

- Gerald Kuiper
- hosts short-period comets

• Smaller Worlds
- celestial bodies that orbit the Sun
- essentially spherical due to their own - If the universe was denser, hotter, in the
gravity past, we should see evidence of left-over
- but are not large enough to sweep their heat from early universe.
orbits clear of other debris
- “cleared the neighborhood”
• Eris, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Ceres - Abundance of light elements confirms the
occurrence of nucleosynthesis
- The universe is said to be composed of 73%
hydrogen and 25% helium by mass

- “The universe has no beginning and no end.”

- observational evidence points to a hot Big
Bang cosmology with a finite age of the
- Angular Momentum
- Offers solution to unresolved problems of - Condensation of Gas and Dust
the big bang theory. - Explosion of a star (Supernova) caused the
• collapse
- Big bang states there should be curvature - Accretion- creation of planetesimals
- Things will appear flat even though it is - Colliding planetesimals created
curved protoplanets
• 6.1
- Big bang predicts production of magnetic • High temp gas ball collapse then heats up
poles and then become disk shape
- Monopoles dropped exponentially to 6.2
undetectable level during rapid expansion • Disk spins faster and faster and temp
• decreased
- Big bang states that space in opposite 6.3
direction are so far apart they could never • Disk become sphere due to rotation, because
have contact with each other of fast rotation, some of the fog escape
- Exponential expansion in early universe 6.4
presupposes that the distant regions were • Some fog formed the core of the largest mass
much closer to each other prior to inflation in the middle, while small part formed
around cooling process
Cores of smaller mass turns into planets, while
most remain in a high-temp flare

• In the ancient Greeks’ geocentric model, the
moon, sun, and the known planets—Mercury,
Venus, Mars, and Jupiter—orbit Earth.
• In the heliocentric model, Earth and the
other planets orbit the sun.

- Solar system was formed because of the
whirlpool-like motion

3. ’

- Sun collision with a giant comet

- Collision results = release of material from
the sun
- Released material = planets (condensed
material from the sun)


- Planets torn out from the Sun as another

star passed through


- Great cloud of gas and dust (Nebula)

- Spinning cloud

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