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NAME: _____________________________________

1. A comparison of two or more things using LIKE or AS is a

a. simile.

b. rhyme.

c. metaphor.

d. hyperbole.

2. Which of the following sentences is an example of personification?

a. The slimy eel slithered through the seaweed.

b. The stand of trees was a festival of color that fall.

c. The dandelions stood tall, proudly surveying the rest of the yard.

d. The snails crept along the sidewalk, moving as slowly as a glacier.

3. Which is an example of hyperbole?

a. My feet are very sore.

b. I have more homework than you.

c. I have a ton of homework.

d. This sweet tea tastes fantastic.

4. What type of figurative language is being used in the following sentence?

Mary looked at the clock. Time was crawling.

a. simile
b. metaphor

c. personification

d. hyperbole

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of personification?

a. The star I wished on winked at me.

b. The trout danced on the water's surface.

c. The angry mirror showed every wrinkle on his face.

d. The sun was warm on the child's face.

6. What type of figurative language is being used in the following sentence?

It's going to take a thousand years to finish all this homework.

a. simile

b. metaphor

c. idiom

d. hyperbole

7. Which of the following is an example of personification?

a. The cookies smelled like a delicious cake.

b. The cookies smell delicious.

c. The delicious smell of cookies walked me to the kitchen.

d. The delicious cookies are a dream.

8. Identify the type of figurative language being used.

The shortstop was as quick as a cat to the ball.

a. simile
b. metaphor

c. personification

d. idiom

9. Which is an example of hyperbole?

a. The apple is as red as a rose.

b. I am freezing to death.

c. The trees bow their heads in the wind.

d. His legs move like a well oiled machine.

10.My grandfather is the funniest man in the whole world. He is so funny that
when he tells jokes in public the whole town has to go to the hospital for
side pains.

This is an example of:

a. Hyperbole

b. Simile

c. Idiom

d. Personification

11.Which is NOT an example of hyperbole?

a. I ate so much I might explode.

b. The noise was so loud it shook the earth.

c. The tree was so tall it may have touched space.

d. The smoke smelled so bad it made my nose burn.

12.This question is a part of a group with common instructions. 

Which line from the poem contains a metaphor?

a. "I am a bee shuffling through the leaves"

b. "She leans her pink elbow on the green grass"

c. "and my sneakers imprint dents on the field"

d. "We are a world apart in the same backyard"

13.Giving human qualities to an animal, object, or idea is:

a. tone

b. simile

c. onomatopoeia

d. personification

14. Which is an example of personification?

a. The wind grabbed onto my arms.

b. The wind is like a thundering sea.

c. The wind is the sea.

d. The wind winds wondrously without a witness

15.Which of the following is an example of a simile?

a. He had big feet.

b. His feet were huge dolphins.

c. His feet were like baby dolphins.

d. His feet looked enormous.

16. Which of the following is an example of a simile?

a. "Her hair was gleaming."

b. "His feet were like baby dolphins."

c. "The house was monstrous."

d. "The beetle stank!"

17. In poetry, meaning can be emphasized by

a. crafting the poem in the shape of the main idea.

b. capitalizing certain words or phrases.

c. breaking the poem up into stanzas.

d. all of the above.

18. Which of the following examples is a simile?

a. The lake was as smooth as glass.

b. The lake was really smooth.

c. The lake was flat.

d. The lake was shiny.

19. "BANG" is an example of onomatopoeia.

a. True

b. False


20.If I wanted to say doing math expressions is easy, I could say

expressions are "a piece of                               ."

a. cake

b. pie

c. math

d. pizza

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