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Internship Report on

Marketing Strategy of Global Islami Bank Limited.

Date of Submission: December 29, 2021

Title page

Supervised By
Wahida Shahan Tinne

Senior Lecturer,

Department of Business Administration,

ASA University Bangladesh

Prepared By
Jannatul Ferdous

ID No: 18-01-12-0032

Major in Marketing Program: BBA

ASA University Bangladesh

Letter of Transmittal

Date- 29/12/2021

Wahida Shahan Tinne,

Senior Lecturer,

Department of Business Administration,

ASA University Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report.

With due respect, I am submitting my Internship Report on “Marketing Strategy of Global Islami
Bank Limited.” I am very happy and delighting to submit here with a copy of internship report
for your kind evaluation and appreciation. I would be honored if you go through my report
and find it worthwhile as really put in a lot of effort while preparing it. I have immense
pleasure to have the opportunity to prepare the internship report entitled “Marketing Strategy
of Global Islami Bank Limited”. I believe that this report has enriched my knowledge. If you
have further queries regarding the report, please let me know, I would be obliged to avail at
your convenience.

Thanking You

Jannatul Ferdous

ID No: 18-01-12-0032

Major in Marketing Program: BBA

ASA University Bangladesh


First of all, I’m thankful to my almighty Allah as I’ve successfully completed my Internship
report. I completed my report by his Marcy within schedule time. This is internship report on
digital marketing’s impact on consumer behavior. The report would never be completed
without the necessary theoretical knowledge, assistance of many books, article, websites and
primary data. It enhanced my knowledge on marketing management as well as overall
marketing activities. Thanks to all those persons, those who assisted me, providing
cooperation, books, and articles. I would like to express my special gratitude to my
supervisor, Wahida Shahan Tinne for her guidance and motivating inspiration, kind direction,
valuable suggestion and advice during my project period which helped me to complete this
report successfully. Finally, I want to express my special thanks to all teacher, friends and
family who have supported me all kinds of situation.

Table of Contents
SL Name of the Content Page

Title page ................................................................................................................................................ i

Letter of Transmittal ........................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................................ iv
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. v
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .................................................................................................................................... vii
Chapter-1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Origin of the report ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Methodology of study ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Limitations..................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter: 2 Organization Overview ..................................................................................................... 5
Overview of Global Islami Bank Ltd. ................................................................................................... 6
2.1TheBank Global Islami Bank Ltd. .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 NRB Global Bank turns Global Islami Bank Ltd .................................................................. 7
2.2 Vision of the Bank ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Mission of the Bank....................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Goals ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.5 GIB Commitments ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 GIB Corporate Milestones ............................................................................................................. 9
2.7 GIB Corporate Info ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 BRANCH INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 13
2.8.1 Global Islami Bank Ltd Corporate Head Office .................................................................. 13
2.9 Management of Global Islamic Bank .......................................................................................... 13
2.9.1 Board of Directors................................................................................................................ 14
2.10 GIB CORPORATE ORGANOGRAM .............................................................................................. 15
2.11 The Major Products and Services of Global Islami Bank Ltd ..................................................... 16
2.11.1 GIB Asset Products ............................................................................................................ 16
2.11.2 GIB Liability Products ....................................................................................................... 16
2.11.3 Other Financial Products and Services .............................................................................. 17

2.11.3 GIB Card Products ............................................................................................................. 18
2.11.4 Main Banking Services ...................................................................................................... 19
2.12 Brief of Shyamoli Global Islami Bank Ltd .................................................................................. 20
Chapter 3 Marketing Strategies ........................................................................................................ 21
3.1 Marketing Strategies of Global Islami Bank Ltd ....................................................................... 22
3.1.1 Gofast ................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 General Marketing Strategy Practices..................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Product Strategy ................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Pricing Strategy .................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.3 Distribution Strategy ............................................................................................................ 24
3.2.4 Promotion Strategy .............................................................................................................. 26
3.3 Some of Promotional Activities................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Training services: ................................................................................................................. 26
3.3.2 Corporate Social Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 26
Chapter- 4 Analysis............................................................................................................................. 28
4.1 SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................................. 29
4.1.1 Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 29
STRENGTHS: .............................................................................................................................. 29
WEAKNESS ................................................................................................................................. 29
OPPORTINITIES ......................................................................................................................... 30
Chapter-5 Findings ............................................................................................................................. 31
5.1 Findings ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Chapter-6 Recommendation & Conclusion ...................................................................................... 33
6.1 Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 34
Things I learned from my Internship................................................................................................ 35
Reference ............................................................................................................................................. 36
Prospectors ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Websites ........................................................................................................................................... 36

List of Tables

SL Name of the Content Page

1 GIB Corporate Milestone 9

2 Board of Directors 14

3 Brief of Shyamoli Global Islami Bank 20

List of Figures

SL Name of the Content Page

1 GIB Corporate Organogram 15

Chapter-1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

A Marketing Strategy is the long-term planning of business objectives that the company
wants to achieve. Marketing principles are evolving day after day. Every day, new marketing
tools are emerging in the market and also in the business. A company’s development is
mostly depending on strong marketing strategy. So, it is important to have strong marketing
plan for any individual business people.

Global Islami Bank Ltd, switches to Islamic banking under new name. This bank started
operating as a full-fledged Islamic bank as Global Islami Bank Ltd also gives emphasis on
proper marketing strategy rather than other activities of an organization. To become
exceptional brand in the financial sector by offering service excellence and creating value for
everybody encompassing customers, shareholders, partners, society and economy through
transparency, technology, innovation & integrity.

Individuals, business and governments need a full range of services which now commercial
banks doing dominant the industries. At present in Bangladesh, primary source or contributor
are the commercial Banks. It was a great opportunity to work with this emerging organization
and experiencing the corporate life. This internship gave me the chance to understand and
explore the practical business world after completing the theoretical courses. The period of
my internship was for three months, starting on 03th October, 2021 and ending of 03th of
January, 2022.

My internship work experience was very optimism and consisted of large variety of
appealing assignments including accounts opening, customer service, clearing house (Cash),
etc. These activities have sharpened my skills and given me the relish of practical work. I was
assigned in the general banking department whose work to evaluate and measure the general
banking activities of the branch. Overall general banking activities of Global Bank Islami
Bank, Shaymoli branch are done and maintain by this department. In my internship report,
my target is to identify all the marketing tools that are used by Global Islami Bank Ltd. My
internship report topic is “Marketing Strategies of Global Islami Bank Limited”. It is
appreciable that, this paper was done to study the marketing strategies of Global Islami Bank
Ltd. depending on the current marketing approaches and the expectation of the consumers in
the banking sector. In order to keep customer satisfy we must know the level of customer
satisfaction in bank. Reason for choosing the marketing strategy as a main part is to gain

customer satisfaction and marketing mix of Global Islamic bank Ltd. I have tried to find
and make differences in banking performances, employs performance and customer
satisfaction in this bank. I have also tried to come across with some major findings and based
on that provide valuable recommendations.

1.2 Origin of the report

As a required for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree of The ASA
University Bangladesh, I had been selected to work as an Internee in Global Islami Bank
Limited, Shymoli Branch for a period of 3 months from 03th October, 2022 to 03th January,
2022. & Manager of Global Islamic Bank Ltd employed me as an Internee. With
conversation and getting consent, I have started to work on Global Islami Bank Ltd with the
titled ‘Marketing Strategies”. BBA program has been designed in such a way that a student
can get practical knowledge because without practical exposure, theory can never be as good
as practical knowledge.

1.3 Methodology of study

This study is based on theoretical and practical orientation. If we talk about primary data it
includes observation method, Interview/ questionnaire method, case study method, projective
techniques and sociometer. Whereas, secondary data is one which is already collected by some other
researcher not for the reason for particular study or research. In order to make the report more
meaningful and presentable, this research is done with both primary and secondary data collection

Primary Data: Primary data is mainly collected through informal interviews with bank executives
and customer interactions on different occasion.

Secondary Data: Secondary data are collected from the following sources:

❖ Annual reports of Global Islami Bank Ltd.

• Published documents & and magazines.
• Information collected by internal employees.
• Bangladesh bank report.
❖ Data from new products & services.
❖ Data available with the website of Global islami Bank Ltd.

1.4 Limitations
The study was limited to a number of factors. It would have been a lot better without
these limitations. Some of the constraints are set out below:-
• Availability of more realistic and contemporary data.
• Extensive rashness with everyone's own work is a hindrance to my gathering of
• Information.
• Most of the internal information of Global Islami Bank is confidential and critical.

Chapter: 2 Organization Overview

Overview of Global Islami Bank Ltd.
2.1 The Bank Global Islami Bank Ltd.

in the era Globalization, no one can survive alone. Modern Technology and foreign policies
have brought the people of the world very close to each other. At present, this world is a
global village. Now, the communication among people is very faster than any previous time.
Connectivity is very crucial in this village. So, Bangladesh cannot live alone in this fastest
growing village.

Keeping all these in mind, Bangladesh Bank approved nine banks as fourth generation banks
in which, three banks have the funding of Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) people. This
bank is one of those three banks to materialize the dream of people having the goal to keep
Bangladesh well connected with other advanced nations. It is the brainchild of 25 (twenty-
five) well reputed visionary Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) people residing in different
countries of the world.

After hard labor of almost three years complying with all regulatory rules and regulations, it
has got the final approval on July 25, 2013 from the regulatory body to run the banking
business in Bangladesh. Gradually, the mentioned brainchild of those NRBs has become the
reality. At present, its Corporate Head Office and Gulshan Corporate Branch situated
at Saiham Tower, 34 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, which is a great example of
postmodern structure and one of the finest building in Bangladesh.

Mr. Nizam Chowdhury is the founder Chairman of this bank having a long professional
experience for about 03 (three) decades in the U.S.A and other Directors are also well reputed
in their own sectors of profession. These nice personalities have well defined mission and
vision. Their mission is not to restrict the Bank to a particular group of people but to bring the
huge unbanked people under banking. Their vision is to make the Bank truly global providing
world class services throughout the world.

There is a milestone in the Bank operation that the Bank got the license as first bank amongst
all fourth generation banks to operate Islamic Banking side by side of existing Conventional
Banking and subsequently got approval from the Bangladesh Bank to convert the Bank from
conventional to full-fledged Islami Bank to start full-fledged Islamic Banking Operations

under Islamic Shariah Principles as “Global Islami Bank Limited” changing the name from
“NRB Global Bank Limited”.

GIB offers a wide range of banking products and services based on islami shariah principles
to corporate, SME and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels. With a vast
branches and sub-branches network along with agent banking, remittance services, internet
banking, and card business and with dedicated human resources the bank has already made a
distinct mark in the realm of private commercial banking through boutique service,
innovative practices, dynamic problem-solving approach and efficient management. Moving
forward, the Bank has clear strategy to rationalize the portfolio, managing risks while
accelerating the delivery of consistently strong results with special focus on people, planet,
islami shariah and profit to embrace sustainability.

2.1.1 NRB Global Bank turns Global Islami Bank Ltd

NRB Global Bank is switching to Shariah-based Islami banking operations and thus is
changing its names as Global Islami Bank Ltd

Said the bank in a press release issued on Thursday. The Islamic banking service will start
from January 3, 2021.Earlier, with the official permission of Bangladesh Bank, the bank had
finalized all its preparations to turn its operations based on Shariah principles. The bank,
which has 90 branches, 76 sub-branches, and 78 ATM booths, was converting all its previous
portfolios to Islamic banking mode in the last few weeks.

2.2 Vision of the Bank

To become exceptional brand in the financial sector by offering service excellence and
creating value for everybody encompassing customers, shareholders, partners, society and
economy through transparency, technology, innovation & integrity.

2.3 Mission of the Bank

To build confidence among the NRBs for investment.

To provide fast, accurate and adequate customer service upholding business ethics and

To strengthen inflow of remittance.

To create value for communities, societies and economies in which we operate by ensuring
growth and sustainability.

To match technology with the help of well-educated professionals and experienced sponsors
of the Bank.

To create dignified working environment for Employees.

2.4 Goals

After creating the feature of “Great Experience” among all our customers and stakeholders,
we are moving ahead keeping “Banking with Faith” as the ultimate goal.

2.5 GIB Commitments

• To the Islami Shariah. • To the Customers.

• To the Regulators. • To the Employees.
• To the Shareholders. • To the Environment.
• To the Nation. • To the other Stakeholders.
• To the Society.
• To the NRBs.

2.6 GIB Corporate Milestones

Particular Date

Getting NOC from Bangladesh Bank 19-Jun-13

Consent from BSEC for raising Paid up Capital 07-Jul-13

Incorporation from RJSC 21-Jul-13

Commencement of Business 21-Jul-13

License from Bangladesh Bank for Banking


Enlistment as a Scheduled Bank 29-Jul-13

First Board of Directors Meeting of the Bank 04-Aug-13

Opening of GIB Corporate Head Office 09-Sep-13

Start of Banking Business through GIB Gulshan

Corporate Branch
Obtain License from Bangladesh Bank as
Authorized Dealer
Opening of GIB Agrabad Corporate Branch as
1st Branch in Chattogram
Approval from Bangladesh Bank for BACH live
Statutory Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Approval from Bangladesh Bank for BEFTN live

First GIB ATM Booth Installation 23-Jun-14

First Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank 14-Jul-14

Launching of GIB Credit Card 16-Jun-15

Launching of GIB Debit Card 23-Aug-15

Inauguration of GIB Training Institute 31-Jul-16

First Dividend Declared for the Shareholders 18-Apr-18

Opening of 50th Branch as GIB Aturar Depot

Branch, Chattogram
Approval from BB for Opening of GIB Islami
Banking Window/Branch
Opening of First Islami Banking Window at GIB
Gulshan Corporate Branch, Dhaka
Opening of First GIB Islami Banking Branch at
Pacchor, Madaripur

Opening of GIB Call Center 15-Oct-19

Opening of First GIB Sub-Branch 05-Nov-20

Approval for Full-fledged Islami Banking 31-Dec-20

2.7 GIB Corporate Info

Registered Name Global Islami Bank Ltd Limited

Legal Form Public Limited Company

Date of Incorporation 21-Jul-13

Date of Commencement of
Company Registration

Bangladesh Bank BRPD(P-3)/745(62)/2013-3453

Approval Number (repeal)

Banking License Number

Full-fledged Islami
Banking Approval Number
Full-fledged Islami
Banking License Number

Trade License Number 183954/2021

Authorized Capital BDT 12,000.00 Million

Paid Up Capital BDT 4,908.750 Million

Saiham Tower, House – 34, Road – 136, Block # S.E (C-

Registered Address
1), Gulshan 1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Tax Payer Identification

VAT Registration Number 18141110984

Number of Sponsors 25 (Twenty Five)

Chairman Mr. Nizam Chowdhury

Vice Chairperson Mrs. Maimuna Khanam

Managing Director Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat

Company Secretary Mr. Md. Manjur Hossain

Chief Financial Officer Mr. Md. Zillur Rahman FCA FCS

Head of IACD Mr. Ali Akbar Quoreshi

External Auditors HodaVasi Chowdhury & Co. Chartered Accountants

Compliance Auditors Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co. Chartered Accountants

Tax Consultants Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co. Chartered Accountants

Credit Rating Agency Alpha Credit Rating Limited


Long Term Rating “A+”, Short Term Rating “ST-2” and

Rating Outlook “Stable”
Date of Opening of First
Date of Opening of First
Islami Window
Date of Opening of First
Islami Branch
Date of Opening of First
Commencement of Full-
fledged Islami Banking

Total No. of Branches 80 (Eighty) Branches

Total No. of Sub-Branches 27 (Twenty Seven) Sub-Branches

Number of ATM Booths 78 ATMs

Number of Employees 1528 employees (including support staffs)

Bank Website



Phone +88 09617176037

Fax +88 029860598

Call Center 16671

Trading Symbol GIB


GIB have 54 branches in Dhaka Division, 76 in Chattogram Division, 2 in Barishal Division,

13 in Khulna Division, 12 in Rajshahi Division, 3 in Sylhet Division, 2 in Mymensingh
Division, 1 in Rangpur Division. Total 163 branches in 8 division of Bangladesh.

2.8.1 Global Islami Bank Ltd Corporate Head Office

Saiham Tower, House No:34, Road No:136, Block: S.E(C-1)
Gulshan Model Town, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Phone: +8809617176037
Fax: +88029860598
Call Center: 16671 or (from Overseas: +88) 096100 16671

2.9 Management of Global Islamic Bank

Global Islami Bank Ltd is being managed by a highly professional and dedicated team with
long experience in banking as a fully licensed professional bank Board of directors of this
bank has the sole power to take decision about the affairs of the business. Now there are 20
directors in the management in this bank. The board of directors holds meetings on a regular
basis. All the committees meet on a regular basis for discussing various topic and proposals
submitted for decisions. Here are the committees are:

• Board of Directors
• Executive Committee
• Audit Committee
• Risk Management Committee
• Shahriah Supervisory
• Committee
• Management Committee

2.9.1 Board of Directors

SL Name Designation

1 Mr. Nizam Chowdhury Chairman

2 Mrs. Maimuna Khanam Vice Chairperson

3 Dr. Mohammed Faruque Director

4 Mr. Shahidul Alam Director

5 Ms. Shahana Ferdous Director

6 Mr. Arif Ahmed Director

7 Mr. Md. MostanBillah Adil Director

8 Mr. Bourhanul Hassan Chowdhury Director

9 Mr. Wahidul Alam Seth Director

10 Ms. Rokeya Yesmin Director

11 Mr. Subrata Kumar Bhowmick FCA Director

12 Ms. Farzana Begum Director

13 Mr. Mohammed Oheidul Alam Director

14 Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan Meah Director

15 Mr. Hasan Mansur Director

16 Mr. Mohammed KutubUddowllah Independent Director

17 Mr. S.A.M. Salimullah Independent Director

18 Dr. Md. Nizamul Hoque Bhuiyan Independent Director

19 Mr. Ahmed MuktadirArif Independent Director

20 Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat Managing Director


(As on September 19, 2021)

At Global Islami Bank Ltd, we possess a streamlined organogram, or organizational

structure, with clear line of reporting. This framework enables rapid communication and
direct engagement across the various levels of the bank, thereby supporting quick and quality

Figure 1: GIB Corporate Organogram

decision-making. This represents a core competitive advantage in a rapidly changing business


2.11 The Major Products and Services of Global Islami Bank Ltd

2.11.1 GIB Asset Products

o Bai Muajjal - FO
o Bai Murabaha - Hypo
o Bai Murabaha – General
o Bai Muajjal - Professional/ Executive/ Festival/ Adhoc/ Marriage/ Travel
o Bai Muajjal - Uddom/ Nandini/ Utshoho/ Shohoyata/ Proshar/ Kishan
o HPSM - Industrial/ Commercial/ Consumer/ Retail/ Auto/ Staff
o Local Documentary Bill Purchased (LDBP)
o Foreign Documentary Bill Purchased (FDBP)
o Bai-Murabaha Post Import (MPI) - Trust Receipt
o Murabaha Import Bills (MIB) – Cash LC

2.11.2 GIB Liability Products

o Al-Wadeeah Current Account
o Mudaraba Short Notice Deposit Account
o Mudaraba Savings Account
o Mudaraba Queen Savings Account
o Mudaraba Perfect Savings Account
o Mudaraba Junior Savings Account
o Mudaraba Freshers Savings Account
o Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account
o Mudaraba Salary Savings Account
o Mudaraba Term Deposit Account
o Mudaraba Student Savings Account
o Mudaraba Swadesh Savings Account
o Mudaraba Foreign Currency Savings Account
o Mudaraba Waqf Cash Deposit Account
o MudarabaMuhor Savings Account
o MudarabaTawfiq (Probable Lakhpoti) Deposit Scheme
o MudarabaTayeba (Probable Millionaire) Deposit Scheme
o MudarabaHasanah (Probable Kotipoti) Deposit Scheme
o Mudaraba Tahseen (Probable Double) Deposit Scheme

o Mudaraba Deposit Pension Scheme
o Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit Scheme
o Mudaraba Marriage Savings Scheme
o Mudaraba Rural Deposit Scheme
o Mudaraba Higher Education Deposit Scheme
o MudarabaLabbaik Hajj Deposit Scheme
o Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond Scheme
o Non-Residence Foreign Currency Deposit Account

2.11.3 Other Financial Products and Services

o GIB Internet Banking (Gofast)
o GIB ATM 24/7 Services
o GIB Agent Banking
o GIB Automated Clearing Services
o GIB Electronic Fund Transfer Services
o GIB RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) Services
o GIB Call Centre Services
o GIB Locker Service
o GIB Online Banking Services
o GIB Evening Banking Services
o GIB SMS Banking
o GIB POS (point of Sale)
o GIB Centralized Trade Processing Services
o Foreign Remittance Services
o Export Services
o Import Services
o Bank Guarantee Services
o Utility Bills Services
o Correspondent Banking Services

2.11.3 GIB Card Products
o GIB Debit Card
o GIB Local Classic Card
o GIB Local Gold Card
o GIB Dual Gold Card
o GIB Platinum Card

2.11.4 Main Banking Services
There are numerous services which GIB is providing:

• Consumer Banking
1. Consumer Liabilities Products
I. Deposit account
III. Team Deposit
2. Consumer Asset (Investment)
3. Products
4. Card Services

• SME Banking



2.12 Brief of Shyamoli Global Islami Bank Ltd

Shyamoli Branch would be the good choice for whom who finds a branch of Global Islami
Bank Ltd nearby in Dhaka. It is located in Aroni Razzaque Homes, Holding no. 12/B, Ring
Road, Shyamoli. This Bank is close to our location physical address, contract number,
routing number. This branch has an ATM both in their Down floor.

Bank Name Global Islami Bank Ltd Limited

Branch Name Shyamoli Islamic Banking Branch

Aroni Razzaque Homes, Holding No. 12/B, Ring Road,

Shyamoli, Dhaka


Routing Number 300261299

District Dhaka

Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Service Hours Wednesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Working Days Sunday - Thursday (Except Holidays)

Figure 2: Brief of Shyamoli Global Islami Bank Ltd

Chapter 3 Marketing Strategies

3.1 Marketing Strategies of Global Islami Bank Ltd

3.1.1 Gofast
Global Islami Bank Ltd recently launched a
banking system name Gofast. This banking
service system basically based on Mobile
app and people can use it through their
smartphone as well as tap. People can get
this service from anywhere by just clicking
the list of menus when they needed.

Key Features of GIB Gofast-

1. Check all kind of information for savings,

current, DPS, FDR and so on.

2. Interbank money transfer

3. Credit card bill payment

4. Instant Mobile Recharge

5. Instant WASA Bill Payment

6. Contact Global Islami Bank limited

7. Notify various updates about bank or branch

8. GIB discount offer and EMI information

3.2 General Marketing Strategy Practices

Marketing strategy is commonly defined as a strategy employed by a firm to attain its
marketing objectives, which in turn is related to the achievement of the firm’s business
objectives. In other words, marketing strategy refers to the marketing goals and action
plans that address matters of product/ service price, distribution, communication, and the

process of new product development. The adaptation of any strategy depends much on
factors such as management style and experience of the top management, age of the
institution, economic environment, and regulations. Generally, we can safely identify
whether a particular bank is a market leader, challenger, follower and niche by identifying
its vision, mission, objectives, and marketing strategies. The market leader strategy is for
those banks that occupy a dominating position in the market and have established their
reputation as a leader. By virtue of having a leadership in the market, it is natural that the
market share of the concerned bank is the biggest. Banks belonging to the challenger group
are those occupying second, third and lower rank and are always formulating and pursuing
strategies to expand their market share by targeting the territory of the market leader.
Whereas, strategies adopted by the followers would normally be to maintain its current
customers base and win a fair share of new customers by bringing distinctive advantageous
to their target market. The market niche is for the smaller banks, which have limited
resources and generally focused on selected customers. Banks that falls under this category
often concentrates on only one market segment of the market. Usually, only one marketing
strategy, which is well, tailored to meet the needs of a specific target-market group, is

3.2.1 Product Strategy

As a service-oriented business, image is a central factor in a bank’s effort to differentiate
itself from competitors. Generally, the way products or services are made available to
customers helps to create the image of the particular institution in the mind of the
customers. This image is reflected in the customers’ perceptions and feelings about the
products or services offered. This is important because customers experience with a
particular product or services will affect their attitude towards the bank and other product
and services as well even if they had never used the other products. Under product strategy,
customer must also be able to link a specific image with a specific Since customers
purchase products and services to satisfy their needs and wants, Islamic banks have to
understand the nature of these needs and want in order to appreciate the kind benefits
customers expect to receive. Among the different kinds of benefits that people expect to get
when buying goods and services includes good value for money, novelty, availability, and
ease of use. Benefits enter into the equation when a customer decides to use one product in
preference to another. It is the benefits received, which makes a product or services

attractive to a customer. In view of this, banks should give more attention to the benefits it
creates for the users when marketing a product or a service. Relating this to Islamic banks,
they have to be able to communicate these benefits convincingly to public, either directly
or indirectly, in order to persuade the public to use the facilities and products being offered.
Since Islamic banking is an alternative to conventional banking, Islamic banks needs to
innovative in terms of products and services. Only through innovation in products and
services can Islamic banks sustain their competitive advantage against other conventional
or foreign banks that offer similar Shariah compliance facilities.

3.2.2 Pricing Strategy

The second element in the marketing mix is pricing. Pricing strategy is another marketing
technique that can be used to improve a bank’s overall competitiveness. The key to success
is to have a well-planned strategy, to establish policies and to constantly monitor prices and
operating costs to ensure profits. An important part of the pricing strategy is determining
how product or service is priced. It has been proven in many previous researches that
majority of customers do not use religion as the main factor when establishing a
relationship with Islamic banks. In the case of corporate customers for example, they
believe that it is the cost and benefit element that is the most important factor when
selecting financial institution (Ahmad and Haron, 2002). Most customers still seek the
highest return and lowest charges imposed when deciding which bank to place a deposit or
obtain funding from. Generally, marketing textbooks recommend three types of pricing
strategies: skimming, penetration, and competitive pricing strategy.

3.2.3 Distribution Strategy

This component of the marketing mix is related to the distribution of services to the
ultimate customers. Services that require the customer to go to the producer must be as
accessible as possible. Hence, an important consideration in the distribution strategy for
banks is location of their branches. The task before the management is to select the place
where the actual sale is to take place and this should be in the face of conveniences a
comfort to the customers. To the extent it is possible; they should reach to the doorsteps of
the customers. Thus, it is pertinent that the branches are located at a suitable point.
However, a study conducted on Bangladeshi customers by Haron et al. (1994) found

otherwise. For example, the authors reported that the top five factors that are considered as
important by Bangladeshi Muslim when selecting their banks are:
1. Fast and efficient services
2. Speed of transactions
3. Friendliness of bank personnel
4. Confidentiality of bank
5. Knowledgeable about the needs of customers
Non-Muslim customers ranked the following as important when selecting their banks:
1. Friendliness of bank personnel
2. Fast and efficient services
3. Reputation and image of bank
4. Speed of transactions
5. Confidentiality of bank
Although Bangladeshi customers do not perceive location as one of the top priorities,
nevertheless policy in ensuring the accessibility of banking services to customers is
regarded an important distribution strategy by most banks. Table 6 (see page 14) presents
the number of branches and Islamic Banking Scheme (IBS) counters for the year-end 1999
to 2003. Since sales and market share are contingent upon distribution (i.e. market
coverage and distribution intensity), products and services must be made easily accessible
to the end-users. Para 2.11 clearly shows that conventional banks offering Islamic windows
place more importance on their distribution strategy than their Islamic counterparts. With
248 branches opened by Islamic banks, conventional banks have a strong channel network
that is deemed as a crucial way to gain competitive advantage since distribution channel
provides access to market targets. Recognizing the importance of distribution strategy as
one of the keys to successful and effective marketing strategy, Islamic banks had recently
introduced the concept of mini-branch and kiosk to their customers in which basic banking
facilities are provided
Through this new distribution channels. These mini branches and kiosks are strategically
located at departmental stores and shopping complexes so as they are accessible to the
general public.

3.2.4 Promotion Strategy
Promotion is the function of informing, persuading, and influencing the customer’s
decision process. Usually the bank’s marketing manager will respond to the goals and
objectives of the bank by formulating various elements of the promotional strategy i.e.
personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and public relations. Promotional
strategy is closely related to the process of communication. A standard definition of
communication is the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver. Marketing
communication, then are those messages that deal with buyer-seller relationships.
Marketing communication is a broader concept than promotional strategy, because it
includes word-of-mouth advertising and other forms of unsystematic communication. A
planned promotional strategy, however, is certainly the most important part of any
marketing communications. Table highlights the existing promotional strategies adopted by
selected Islamic banks and conventional Bank in Bangladesh.

3.3 Some of Promotional Activities

3.3.1 Training services:

1. International; Training to Foreigners on Islamic Banking.
2. National: Training to others on Islamic Banking
3. Islamic Banking Diploma.

3.3.2 Corporate Social Responsibilities

Islam Bank Bangladesh Limited being one of the most important corporate citizens of the
country has been discharging its responsibilities to the society in general, both directly
through its mainstream operations as well as indirectly through its fully owned subsidiary
‘Islami Bank Foundation’ since inception.
Social Services provided through Islami Bank Foundation are as follows:

Health Care Services

• Islami Bank Hospitals • Charitable Dispensaries
• Islami Bank Community Hospitals • Islami Bank Homeopathy Clinic
• Low Cost Eye Treatment Project
• Circumcision Camp

Health Care Education:
• Islami Bank Medical College
• Islami Bank Nursing Training Institute
• Islami Bank Health Technology Institute
• Midwifery Training Institute

Technical Education:
• Islami Bank institute of Technology

General Education:
• Islami Bank International School and College
• Islami Bank Model School and College
• Islami Bank Mohila Mrdrasha
• Scholarship Program
• Model Forquania Maktab

Other Programs:
• Bangladesh Sangskritic Kendra
• Islami Bank Women Rehabilitation Centre
• Islami Bank Service Centre
• Monorom-Islami Bank Crafts and Fashions

Chapter- 4 Analysis

4.1 SWOT Analysis

4.1.1 Analysis

• Global Islami Bank Ltd, Shyamoli Branch provides a quality full service to their
customers and uses many tactics to attract more customers.
• Global Islami Bank limited has a very great adaptability quality for new changes and
strategies which make them able to match the world class banking service.
• Global Islami Bank limited has already accomplished a high growth rate accompanied by
attractive profit growth rate in 2016. Their recent deposit and other products amount
increased vastly.

• This branch has fewer numbers of human resources or employees than its financial and
other banking activities for those services are provided slowly.
• There are no incentives for extra work or overtime and for that employees feel burned.
• Now-a-days technology is advancing quickly. Though Global Islami Bank limited has
taken initiative to add the information technology, it is impossible to compete with the
goal with high technology system.
• There are so many unsatisfied employees because lack of motivation and encourage for
the employees and I think it is a big weakness for the organization.

• In Bangladesh, Government has celebrated its full support to the financial sector and this
will facilitate and support the long-term goal of Global Islami Bank Ltd.
• Big numbers of companies are launched day by day and it will create a very unique
chance to get high number of customers for their bank to open accounts.


• The worldwide propensity to meeting and winning in financial institutions is causing

intentness. The industry and competitors are rapidly increasing in power in their
respective areas.
• Dense devaluation of taka and exchange rate fluctuations and especially South-East Asian
currency crisis adversely affects the business globally.

Chapter-5 Findings

5.1 Findings

• Global Islami Bank pursues the salary-based system for their employees through
incentives, benefits and so other things like performance bonus, profit sharing, risk
• The number of ATM booths are not enough for the customers and for that sometimes
customers may not fulfill their needs on time, so its time Consuming.
• Many or Some customers can’t reach at the bank on banking transaction time for that the
bank loose a certain number of customers who are busy in their business and that’s
because of lack of Evening banking.
• In Account opening & Dispatch section, the most visible weakness has been the absence
of a marketing department. If there had been a totally different and divided marketing
division, the l work of the bank would have been easier.
• In the GB section or I would say front desk has fewer amounts of employees who can
handle maximum number of customers.
• The technological Instrument is not that much updated. For example, Shyamoli branch
has not any photocopy machine and also intercom telephone.

• General banking Sector has limited department.

Chapter-6 Recommendation &

6.1 Recommendations
• In general banking division there are six sections which are directly related with
customer, So GB division should be divided into more sections. Bank should increase
personal relationship with their clients through a well-structured GB division.
• To improve service for their clients GIB should increase number of employees in the
• There should be a Complain box for clients and also for employees. Because some
internal politics create an uncomfortable situation.
• Bank should increase the number of ATM booths and also strong their ATM booths

• GIB should have a separated marketing department.

• Proper technological Instrument should be brought in the bank.

6.2 Conclusion

Many new commercial banks have been established in last few years and these banks have
made this banking sector very competitive. Global Islami Bank Ltd is on a high course to
import services. The Global Islami Bank limited has the aim and goal to speed the growth
level and develop all the strategies and services in highest level.
I am glad to have the opportunity to work in a bank especially at Global Islami Bank Ltd
Shyamoli Branch as an internee. I have learned lots of new banking systems which I didn’t
know before. I gain practical knowledge to realize my theoretical knowledge. I believe these
three months of my internship will help me to build up my career in future and make me able
to choose the right career path.
In generalization, I would say every industry has its own positive as well as negative sites and
if I talk about Global Islami Bank Limited existence the prior one is they are very much in
improving line and trying to develop

Things I learned from my Internship

For me this internship is a successful opportunity for testing my career without making any
kind of promises and it gives me experience, knowledge. It’s all about tested the skills that I
build up in my educational institute and looking forward how they going to use in the real

From Marketing Viewpoints

In my varsity class I could methodically memorize marketing terminally but I have observed
knowledge from completing tasks during my internship period, sitting in on meetings or just
having simple conversations with coworkers. My internship at Global Islami Bank Limited
was my first professional marketing experience. My top strengths finder skill is
communication; I respond to foreign remittance customers, from instant connection with
people, love interacting with coworkers and often best by sharing my ideas. I have learned
how to interact with people and ensure about the service to customers. That taught me to be
communicator as in marketing sector. Every employee was willing to sit down with me and
explain the processes, business structure, product information, and expectations; I was not
pushed aside or patronized. I had whole new experience marketing by geography. I also
learned about employee advocacy and what it means to be an established institution vs. being
new to the scene.

From Basic View

The most important things I got from this internship is new experience and vast amount of
knowledge and this going to help me in my future career life. I acknowledged the ability to
speak with people in a professional setting. Discussions with managers or coworkers are
different from discussions with lectures or fellow students. I have learned to be proactive and
punctual. I also faced some negativity about my work through employees as well as my 2nd
manager. But I take it as a positive perspective so that it can help my betterment of work.
Most importantly I have learned about some banking procedures like foreign remittance,
receive cheque books, and maintain register book and so many things which I didn’t know
before. I met so different kind of people and deal with them in their own way. So that’s help
me to learn to be patience and calm.



1. 09.-GiB-Annual-Report-2020-Updated.
2. Articles and Leaflet of GIB.
3. GIB marketing strategy policy.
4. General Report.
5. My daily-note book, written during my internship program.






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