General Science Natural Science Exam

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General Science/ Natural Science

1. A student conducted an experiment to see the effect of light intensity on the growth of a
certain plant. Which could be the independent, dependent and control variables of his
a. Height of the plant, light intensity, weight of the plant
b. Height of the plant, light intensity, color of light used
c. Light intensity, height of the plant, the amount of nutrients the plants receives
d. Light intensity, size of leaves, the size of flower pots used
2. What Fahrenheit temperature is twice the Celsius temperature?
a. 64°F
b. 200°F
c. 320°F
d. 546°F
3. Arrange in increasing order: 1.2m, 123 cm, 1180 mm
a. 1180 mm, 123 cm, 1.2 m
b. 1180 mm, 1.2 m, 123 cm
c. 1.2 m, 123cm, 1180 mm
d. 1.2 m, 1180 mm, 123 cm
4. One should not connect a number of electrical appliances to the same power socket
a. This can damage the domestic wiring due to overloading
b. This can damage the electric meter
c. The appliance will not get the full voltage
d. This can damage the appliances due to overloading
5. Kepler’s second law or the equal area law states that the closer a planet is to the sun the
_______ it travels.
a. Slower
b. Higher
c. Lower
d. Faster
6. The ________ tells you how many energy levels are used in an element.
a. Group number
b. Protons
c. Atom
d. Period number
7. A Solid formed by chemical reaction of some solution is a ____________.
a. Precipitate
b. Mixture
c. Base
d. Reactant
8. The current explanation of the geologic processes behind the ‘Ring of Fire’ is the large
pieces of earth surface called plates are moving around. What is the name for the field of
study which investigates this motion?
a. Plates tectonics
b. Crust kinematics
c. Oceanography
d. Terrology
9. Which rock will most likely contain fossils?
a. Intrusive rock
b. Extrusive rock
c. Metamorphic rock
d. Sedimentary rock
10. The transfer of heat by movement of fluid is called?
a. Radiation
b. Conduction
c. Thermal transfer
d. Convection
11. A student mixes apple juice, water, and cinnamon together. Did a chemical reaction occur?
a. No, because the properties stayed the same.
b. Yes, because dissolving is always a chemical reaction.
c. Yes, because the temperature stayed the same.
d. Yes, because the apple juice change the color of the water.
12. Which layer of earth has the greatest density and is solid?
a. Mantle
b. Crust
c. Inner core
d. Outer core
13. Metamorphic rock can form from:
a. Igneous of sedimentary rock
b. Magma
c. Igneous rock only
d. Sedimentary rock only
14. If a 10 kilogram object accelerates suddenly at 15m/s2, how much force was applied to the
a. 150 Kilograms
b. 150 Newtons
c. 15 Newtons
d. 100 Kilograms
15. Organisms in temperate zones are able to time their activities to cues given by photoperiod,
a. All organisms have biological clock.
b. Day length is always constant for a specific locality and season.
c. All organisms needs time to rest.
d. Light is a limiting factor.
16. Which particle contributes the negative charge to the atom?
a. Nucleus
b. Electron
c. Neutron
d. Proton
17. When Velocity is doubled:
a. Potential Energy is doubled.
b. Acceleration is doubled.
c. Kinetic Energy is doubled.
d. Momentum is doubled.
18. The earth’s diameter is approximately how many kilometers?
a. 15, 448
b. 6, 542
c. 9, 655
d. 12, 756
19. The element tellurium has the atomic mass of 127.60 and its atomic number is 52. How
many neutrons are in the element Tellurium?
a. 127.6
b. 76
c. 52
d. 179.6
20. Which is the following is the source of methane emission into the atmosphere?
a. Wetland
b. Industrial Chimney
c. Mining
d. Automobile exhaust fume
21. Deep blue color is imparted to glass by the presence of:
a. Iron Oxide
b. Cupric Oxide
c. Nickel Oxide
d. Cobalt Oxide
22. Smoke is an example of a _________ because its suspended particles are just small enough not
to layer out.
a. Negative
b. Suspension
c. Positive
d. Colloid
23. Peanut run 50 meters in 10 seconds. What was peanut’s average speed?
a. 5 m/s
b. 5 km/h
c. 5 m/s North
d. 2 m/s
24. A person weighs more in an elevator, which is:
a. Accelerating upward
b. Moving down with constant velocity
c. Accelerating downward
d. Moving up with constant velocity
25. Metamorphic rocks forms as a result of:
a. Heat and pressure
b. Cooling Magma
c. Compaction and cementation
d. Volcanoes
26. What is/are the important raw material(s) required in cement industry?
a. Gypsum and clay
b. Limestone
c. Clay
d. Limestone and clay
27. Hardest form of carbon is?
a. Graphite
b. Diamond
c. Charcoal
d. Coke
28. Universal law of gravitation was propounded by:
a. Nicolas Copernicus
b. Galileo Galilei
c. Johannes Kepler
d. Isaac Newton
29. Natural radioactivity was discovered by:
a. Enrico Fermi
b. Henri Bacquerel
c. Ernest Rutherford
d. Marie Curie
30. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because:
a. It absorbs infrared radiation
b. It is used in photosynthesis
c. It emits visible radiation
d. Its concentration remains always higher than other gases.
31. It is easier to roll a barrel than to pull it because:
a. The full weight of the barrel comes into play when it is pulled.
b. Rolling friction is much less than sliding friction
c. None of these
d. The surface area of the barrel in contact with the road is more in case of pulling.
32. Which occurs when atoms link together in new ways to create a substance different from
the original substances?
a. Natural reaction
b. A physical change
c. A chemical change
d. An inversion
33. Earth has how many natural satellites visible to the naked eye?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 1
d. 3
34. Of the planets below, which has the largest number of satellites?
a. Mercury
b. Jupiter
c. Neptune
d. Pluto
35. A woman lifts 20 bricks, each of weight 6N. What other information is needed to calculate
the useful work done in lifting the bricks?
a. The mass of the bricks
b. The volume of the bricks
c. The time taken to lift the bricks
d. The distance she lifts the bricks
36. A force is a _____________________
a. Push or pull
b. Speed
c. Motion
d. Net force
37. Which of the following items could best be called biodegradable?
a. Cellulose
b. Phosphate detergents
c. Polystyrene Cups
d. Polyvinylchloride pipes
38. According to the Newton’s third law of motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts force on
a nail, the nail _________.
a. Moves at a constant speed.
b. Creates a friction with the hammer
c. Exerts an equal and opposite force on the hammer.
d. Disappears into the wood.
39. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is:
a. Acetylene
b. Carbon Dioxide
c. Ethane
d. Ethylene
40. Which statement is correct?
a. Energy cannot be created but never destroyed.
b. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
c. Energy can be destroyed but not created.
d. Energy is always created but never destroyed.
41. If the distance between the earth and the sun were twice what it is now, the gravitational
force exerted on the earth by the sun would be:
a. One-fourth of what it is now
b. Half of what it is now
c. Four times as large as it is now
d. Twice as large as now
42. Why should we wear light colored clothes during summer?
a. Light color is good radiator of heat
b. Light color soaks sweat faster
c. Light color allows body heat escape faster
d. Light color absorbs less heat
43. Sandra was burning a vanilla candle. Was there a chemical reaction?
a. No, because the ash formed was different substance.
b. Yes, because heat was added.
c. No, because burning is never a chemical reaction.
d. Yes, because the properties of the wick changed.
44. The living material comprising the bulk of a cell is called the:
a. Protoplasm
b. Cytochrome
c. Genes
d. Chloroplast
45. Which one of the following is not a chemical change?
a. Digestion of food
b. Rusting of iron
c. Magnetization of iron
d. Conversion of milk into curd
46. Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the:
a. Pancreas
b. Salivary Glands
c. Pituitary Glands
d. Thyroid Glands
47. Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain?
a. Sulphonates
b. Nitrates
c. Bismuthates
d. Bicarbonates
48. The gravitational force with which the sun attracts the earth:
a. Is less than the force with which the earth attracts the sun
b. Is more than the force with which the earth attracts the sun
c. Is same as the force with which the earth attracts the sun
d. Is constant throughout the year
49. What happens when two forces act in the same direction?
a. The stronger one prevails.
b. Their strength are added.
c. They cancel each other out.
d. Their sum divided by two is the total force.
50. How many valence electrons do elements in group 17 have in their outer energy level?
a. 0
b. 17
c. 1
d. 7
51. Distillation is the process of separating liquids by using ____________.
a. Evaporation and condensation
b. A catalyst
c. A centrifuge
d. Precipitation and transpiration
52. When two mercury drops are brought into the contact, they merge to a bigger drop because
liquids have tendency to possess:
a. Maximum surface area
b. Maximum volume
c. Minimum surface area
d. Minimum volume
53. Isotopes of an element contain same number of:
a. Protons but different number of neutrons
b. Electrons and neutrons.
c. Neutrons but different number of protons.
d. Protons and neutrons.

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