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ES 653: Basic Thermodynamics





1. Thermodynamics
- It is a branch of physical sciences that treats various phenomena of energy and the related properties of matter, especially
of the laws of transformation of heat into other forms of energy and vice versa.
2. Surroundings
- It is the mass or region outside the system.
3. Boundary
- It is the real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its surroundings. It can be either fixed or movable.
4. Thermodynamic system
- It refers to the quantity of matter or certain volume in space chosen for study.
5. Closed system
- It is a system in which there is no transfer of matter across the boundary. It consists of a fixed amount of mass, and no
mass can cross its boundary. That is, no mass can enter or leave a closed system.
6. Open system
- It is a system in which there is a flow of matter through the boundary. It usually encloses the device that involves mass
flow, such as: compressor, turbine, or nozzle.
7. Isolated system
- It is a system in which neither mass nor energy cross the boundaries and it is not influenced by the surroundings.
8. State properties
- It refers to the physical condition of the working substance such as temperature, pressure, density, specific volume,
specific gravity or relative density.
9. Transport properties
- It refers to the measurement of diffusion within the working medium resulting from molecular activity, like; viscosities,
thermal conductivities, etc.
10. Intensive properties
- These are properties which are size independent such as temperature, pressure, and density.
11. Extensive properties
- These are properties which depend on the size or extent of the system.
12. Temperature
- It is an indication or degree of hotness and coldness and therefore a measure of intensity of heat.
13. Absolute temperature
- It is the temperature measured from absolute zero.
14. Absolute zero
- It is the temperature at which the molecules stop moving. It is equivalent to 0 K or 0 °R.
15. Temperature interval
- It is the difference between two temperature readings from the same scale, and the change in temperature through which
the body is heated.
16. Pressure
- It is the force exerted per unit area.
17. Absolute pressure
- It is the true pressure measured above a perfect vacuum.
18. Gage pressure
- It is the pressure measured from the level of atmospheric pressure by most pressure recording instrument like pressure
gage and open-ended manometer.
19. Atmospheric pressure
- It is the pressure obtained from barometric reading.
20. Density
- It is the mass per unit volume, and is also known as mass density.
21. Specific volume
- It is the volume per unit mass.
22. Specific gravity
- It is the ratio of the density of a certain substance to the density of water.

23. Heat
- It is a form of energy associated with the kinetic random motion of large number of molecules.
24. Sensible heat
- It is the heat needed to change the temperature of the body without changing its phase.
25. Latent heat
- It is the heat needed by the body to change its phase without changing its temperature.
26. Sublimation
- It is the term used to describe the process of changing solid to gas without passing the liquid state.
27. Deposition
- It is the reversed of sublimation. It is the process of changing gas to solid without passing the liquid state.
28. Entropy
- It is the measure of randomness of the molecules of a substance.
29. Enthalpy
- It is the heat energy transferred to a substance at a constant pressure process.
30. Internal energy
- It is the energy stored within the body. It is the sum of the kinetic energies of all its constituent particles plus the sum of
all the potential energies of interaction among these particles.
31. First law of thermodynamics
- It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather it can only be transformed from one form to another.
32. Second law of thermodynamics
- It states that heat cannot be transferred from cold body to a hot body without an input of work. It similarly states that heat
cannot be converted 100% into work. The bottom line is that an engine must operate between a hot and a cold reservoir.
Also indicated, is that energy has different levels of potential to do work, and that energy cannot naturally move from
one realm of lower potential to a realm of higher potential.
33. Kelvin-Planck statement
- It is impossible to construct a heat engine which operates in a cycle and receives a given amount of heat from a high
temperature body and does an equal amount of work.
34. Third law of thermodynamics
- The total entropy of pure substances approaches zero as the absolute thermodynamic temperature approaches zero.
35. Zeroth law of thermodynamics
- It states that when any two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with the third body, then they are in thermal equilibrium
with each other.
36. Perfect gas
- It is a theoretically ideal gas which strictly follows Boyle’s Law and Charle’s Law of gasses.
37. Thermodynamic process
- It is any change in that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to another.
38. Path
- It is the series of states through which a system passes during a process.
39. Reversible process
- It is the process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on the surroundings. That is, both the system and the
surroundings are returned to their initial states at the end of process. It is also known as quasi-equilibrium process.
40. Irreversible process
- It is the process that proceeds spontaneously in one direction but the other. Once having taken place, the process cannot
reverse itself and always results in an increase of molecular disorder.
41. Cyclic process
- It is a process which gives the same states/conditions after the system undergoes a series of processes.
42. Isometric process
- It is an internally reversible constant volume process of a working substance. It is also known as isochoric or isovolumic
43. Isobaric process
- It is an internally reversible constant pressure process of a working substance.
44. Isothermal process
- It is an internally reversible constant temperature process of a working substance.

45. Isentropic process

- It is an internally reversible constant entropy process of a working substance. It is also known as reversible adiabatic
46. Adiabatic process
- It is a reversible process in which there is now flow of heat between a system and its surroundings.
47. Carnot cycle
- It is the most efficient hypothetical cycle which is composed of four reversible processes: two isothermal and two
adiabatic processes.
48. Rankine cycle
- It is a thermodynamic cycle derived from Carnot vapour power cycle for overcoming its limitations. It composed of the
following cycles: two isobaric and two adiabatic processes.
49. Otto cycle
- It is a constant volume combustion cycle introduced by Nicholas A. Otto. It composed of two isentropic and two
isometric processes.
50. Diesel cycle
- It is a constant pressure combustion cycle introduced by Rudolf Diesel. It composed of two isentropic, one isobaric and
one isometric processes.

1. In an experiment to determine the specific heat of copper, a piece of copper weighing 50 g is first heated to 100 ºC in steam.
It is then immersed into water at 27 ºC. The water in the calorimeter weighs 100 g and the inner aluminum cap weighs 50 g.
If the final temperature is 30 ºC, what is the specific heat of copper, specific heat of aluminum is 0.22 Cal/g- ºC.
Given: mc = 50 g ∆Tc = 100 – 30 = 70 ºC
mw= 100 g ∆Tw= 30 – 27 = 3 ºC Cw= 1.0 Cal/g-ºC
mal= 10 g ∆Tal= 30 – 27 = 3 ºC Cal= 0.22 Cal/g-ºC
Required: Cc=?
Qlost =Q gained

Qcopper =Q water +Qaluminum

mc C c ∆T c =m w Cw ∆ T w +mal C al ∆ T al

50 ( Cc ) ( 70 ℃ )=100 ( 1.0 ) ( 3 ℃ ) +10 ( 0.22 )( 3 ℃ )

C c =0.095
g ∙℃

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

2. At STP, the density of chlorine is 3.22 kg/m3. What is the weight of this gas when it is contained in a flask of 100 cubic
centimeters at 24 ℃ and 100 kPa.
Given: ρchlorine= 3.22 kg/m3 T= 24℃
V = 100 cm3 = 0.0001 m3 P = 100 kPa
Required: mchlorine=?
P 101.325 J
R= = =0.1153
ρT 3.22 ( 273 ) g∙ K
When contained in flask:
PV 100,000(0.0001)
m= =
RT 0.1153 (24+ 273)
m=0.292 g

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

3. How much work is necessary to compress air in an insulated cylinder from 0.20 m3 to 0.01 m3? Use T1=20℃, P1=100kPa and
k=1.4 .
Given: V1= 0.20 m3 T1= 20℃ P1= 100 kPa
V2= 0.01 m3 k=1.4
Required: W=?
k k
P1 V 1 =P2 V 2
P2= =6,628.91 kPa
P2 V 2−P1 V 1
6,628.91(0.01)−100( 0.2)
W =115.72 kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

4. A heat engine is operated between temperature limits of 1370℃ and 260℃. Engine is supplied with 14,142 kJ/kWh. Find the
Carnot cycle efficiency in percent.
Given: T1= 1370℃ + 273 = 1643 K
T2= 260℃ + 273 = 533 K
Required: e c= ?
T 1−T 2

e c =67.56

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

5. A closed vessel contains air at a pressure of 160 kN/m2 gauge and temperature of 30℃. The air is heated at constant volume
to 60℃ with the atmospheric pressure of 759 mmHg. What is the final gauge pressure?
Given: Patm= 759 mmHg = 101.20 kPa P1(gauge)= 160 kPa
T1= 30℃ + 273 = 303 K T2= 60℃ + 273 = 333K
Required: P2(gauge)= ?
P1=P1 ( gauge )+ P atm

P1=160+101.20=261.20 kPa

P1 P2
T1 T 2

P1T 2
P 2=

( 261.20 )( 333 )
P 2= =287.06 kPa
P2(gauge) =P2−Patm

P2(gauge) =287.06−101.20

P2(gauge) =185.86 kPa

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

6. A volume of 450 cm3 of air is measured at a pressure of 740 mmHg absolute and a temperature of 20℃. What is the volume
in cm3 at 750 mmHg and 0℃?
Given: V1= 450 cm3 P1= 740 mmHg T1= 20℃ + 273 = 293 K
P2= 750 mmHg T2= 0℃ + 273= 273 K
Required: V2= ?
P1 V 1 P 2 V 2
T1 T2

P1 V 1 T 2 740 ( 450 ) (273)

V 2= =
P2 T 1 750(293)
V 2=408.25 cm3

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

7. A steam condenser receives 10 kg per second of steam with an enthalpy of 2570 kJ/kg. Steam condenses into liquid and
leaves with an enthalpy of 160 kJ/kg. Cooling water passes through the condenser with temperature increases from 13℃ to
24℃. Calculate the cooling water flow rate in kg/s.
Given: ms= 10 kg/s H1= 160 kJ/kg H2= 2570 kJ/kg
T1= 13℃ T2= 24℃
Required: m w= ?
Heat loss by t h e steam=Heat gain of water

ms ( H 2−H 1 )=mw C pw ∆ T w

ms ( H 2−H 1 )
mw =
C pw ∆T w

10 ( 2570−160 )
mw =
4.187( 24−13)
mw =523 kg /s

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

8. Ammonia weighing 22 kg is confined inside a cylinder equipped with a piston which has an initial pressure of 413 kPa at
38℃. If 2900 kJ of heat is added to ammonia until its pressure and temperature are 413 kPa and 100℃, respectively. What
is the amount of work done by the fluid in kJ? (Note: Molecular weight of NH3= 17)
Given: P1= 413 kPa T1= 38℃ + 273= 311 K m= 22 kg
P2= 413 kPa T2= 100℃ + 273 = 373 K Q= 2900 kJ
MWNH3=17 kg/mol
Required: W=?
W =P (V 2−V 1)
Solving for V1 and V2:
P1 V 1=mR T 1

R o 8.314 kJ
R= = =0.489
MW 17 kg ∙ K

mR T 1 22(0.489)(311) mR T 2 22( 0.489)(373)

V 1= = =8.101 m 3 V 2= = =9.716 m 3
P1 413 P2 413

W =413 ( 9.716−8.101 )
W =667 kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

9. Compute the gas constant of a mixture of 10 kg of oxygen and 20 kg of nitrogen.

Given: m(O2) = 10 kg MW = 32 kg/mol
m(N2) = 20 kg MW = 28 kg/mol
Required: Rmix = ?

Rmix =
∑ mi Ri
∑ mi

Rmix =
10 ( 8.314
32 ) +20 (
28 )
Rmix =0.2845
kg ∙ K

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

10. The maximum thermal efficiency possible for a power cycle operating between 1200 ℉ and 225 ℉ is:

Given: T1 = 1200 ℉ + 460 = 1660 R

T2 = 225 ℉ + 460 = 685 R

Required: ec=?

e c =58.73

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

11. A 30 kg iron was put in a container with water. The water is at 10℃ and the iron has an initial temperature of 493 K., until
the iron was in thermal equilibrium with the water. Find the change in entropy.
Given: m= 30 kg T2 = 10℃ + 273= 283K T1= 493K
Required: ΔS=?
∆ S=mC p ln

∆ S=30 ( 0.4 ) ln
∆ S=−6.6

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

12. Twenty grams of oxygen gas (O2) are compressed at constant temperature of 30℃ to 5% of its original volume. Find the
work done on the system.
Given: m = 20 g T = 30℃ + 273 = 303K V2 = 0.05V1
Required: W=?

W =−∫ PdV

W =−mRT ln

R o 1.98 Cal
R= = =0.0619
MW 32 g∙ K
0.05V 1
W =−(20)(0.0619)( 303) ln
W =1124 Cal

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

13. A device produces 37.5 joules per cycle. There is one power stroke per cycle. Calculate the power output if the device is run
at 45 rpm.
Given: 37.5 J/cycle 45 rpm
Required: Po

37.5 J 45 cycle
cycle (min )( 160mins )
P=28.125 W

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

14. Five moles of water vapor at 100℃ and 1 atmospheric pressure are compressed isobarically to form liquid at 100℃. The
process is reversible and the ideal gas laws apply. Compute the work, in joules, done on the system. Note: R= 0.0821 L-
atm/mol-°R, υf= 0.001044 m3/kg, MH2O= 18.016 kg/mol.
Given: n= 5 mol T= 100℃ + 273 = 373 K P= 1 atm= 101.325 kPa
Required: W=?

V= =153 L=0.153 m3
V 2=n M H 2 O υ f =5 ( 18.016 )( 0.001044 )=0.094 m

W =−P ( V 2−V 1 )

W =−101,325( 0.094−0.153)
W =5.97 kJ ≅ 6 kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

15. A gas at 65 kPa, 200°C is heated in a closed, rigid vessel till it reaches to 400°C. Determine the amount of heat required for
0.5 kg of this gas if internal energy at 200°C and 400°C are 26.6 kJ/kg and 37.8 kJ/kg respectively.
Given: m = 0.5 kg u1 = 26.6 kJ/kg u2= 37.8 kJ/kg
Required: Q=?
As the vessel is rigid therefore work done shall be zero.
W =0
From first law of thermodynamics:
Q=U 2 −U 1+ W =m ( u2−u 1 ) +0

Q=0.5 ( 37.8−26.6 )
Q=5.6 kJ

Source: Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh

16. Find out the pressure difference shown by the manometer deflection of 30 cm of Mercury. Take local acceleration of gravity
as 9.78 m/s2 and density of mercury at room temperature as 13,550 kg/m3.
Given: ρ= 13,550 kg/m3 h=30 cm g= 9.78 m/s2
Required: P=?
P=ρg h=13,550(30 ×10 )(9.78)
P=39,755.70 Pa
Source: Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh
17. In a cinema hall with a seating capacity of 500 persons the comfort conditions are created by circulating hot water through
pipes in winter season. Hot water enters the pipe with enthalpy of 80 kcal/kg and leaves the pipe with enthalpy of 45 kcal/kg.
The difference in elevation of inlet pipe and exit pipe is 10 m with exit pipe being higher than inlet pipe. Heat requirement
per person is 50 kcal/hr. Estimate the quantity of water circulated per minute, neglecting changes in velocity.
Given: h1= 80 kcal/kg h2=45 kcal/kg z= 10m
Required: m= kg/min
Heat lost =−500 (50 )=−25000 kcal/h r

Q+m 1 ( h 1+ gz 1 )=m2 (h 2+ g z 2)

Q+m ( h1−h2 ) =m ( gz 2−g z 1 )

−25000 ×10 3 ( 4.18 ) +m ( 80−45 )=m ( 9.81 )( 10 )

m=714.75 kg /hr
m=11.91 kg /min

Source: Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh

18. A gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted piston as the top boundary. The gas is heated and expands from a volume of
0.04 m3 to 0.10 m3 at a constant pressure of 200 kPa. Find the work done on the system.
Given: V1= 0.04 m3 V2= 0.10 m3 P= 200 kPa
Required: W=?
W =∫ PdV

W =P ( V 2 −V 1 )

W =200 ( 0.10−0.04 )
W =12kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

19. In the process where the product of pressure and volume is constant, a gas compression is carried out from an initial pressure
of 200 kPa to a final pressure of 800 kPa. Considering that the initial specific volume is 0.10 m 3/kg, determine the work done
per kilogram of gas.
Given: P1= 200 kPa P2= 800 kPa ν= 0.10 m3/kg
Required: Work per kilogram=?
P1 V 1=P 2 V 2

( 200 ) (0.10) m3
V 2= =0.025=0.025
800 kg
W =P 1 V 1 ln

W =200(0.10)ln
W =−27.7

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

20. A steady state device has the following conditions of the working substance at the entrance: pressure equals 100 psia and
density is 62.4 lbm/ft3. If 10,000 ft3/min of this fluid enters the system, determine the exit velocity if the exit area is 2 ft 2.
Given: P= 100 psia ρ= 62.4 lbm/ft3 υ1= 10,000 ft3/min A= 2 ft2
Required: υ2=?
' '

ρ 1 A 1 V 1= ρ 2 A 2 V 2

ρ 1 υ 1 = ρ 2 A2 V 2

62.4 ( 10,000 )=62.4 ( 2 ) V 2

V 2=5000

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

21. In a nozzle air at 627°C and twice atmospheric pressure enters with negligible velocity and leaves at a temperature of 27°C.
Determine velocity of air at exit, assuming no heat loss and nozzle being horizontal. Take C P = 1.005 kJ/kg.K for air.
Given: T1= 627℃ + 273= 900 K T2= 27℃ + 273 = 300 K
Required: υ2=?

C2 =√ 2 ( h 1−h2 ) C2 =√ 2 C p ( T 1−T 2 )

C2 =√ 2(1.005) ( 900−300 )
C2 =1098.2
Source: Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh

22. Nitrogen is isentropically expanded from 620℉ to 60℉ with volumetric ratio (V2/V1) equal to 6.22. If the value of the gas
constant (R) is 0.0787 Btu/lbm-R, compute the work done by the gas.
Given: T1= 620℉ T2= 60℉ R= 0.0787 Btu/lbm-R
Required: W=?
R(T 1−T 2)
0.0787 (620−60)
W =99.22
lb m

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

23. Helium is compressed isothermally from 14.7 psi and 68℉. The compression ratio is 4. Determine the change in entropy of
the gas if the gas is 0.4961 Btu/lbm-R.
Given: V1/V2= 4 R= 0.4961 Btu/lbm-R P= 14.7 psi
Required: ∆S
∆ S=Rln

∆ S=0.4961 ln

∆ S=−0.689
lb m ∙ R

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

24. A carnot engine operates between 800 R and 1000 R. What is its thermal efficiency?
Given: TL= 800 R TH= 1000 R
Required: e=?


Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

25. In a steam power plant 5 kW of heat is supplied in boiler and turbine produces 25% of heat added while 75% of heat added is
rejected in condenser. Feed water pump consumes 0.2% of this heat added for pumping condensate to boiler. Determine the
capacity of generator which could be used with this plant.
Given: Qadd= 5000 J/s Wt= 0.25(5000) = 1250 J/s
Qrejected= 0.75(5000) = 3750 J/s Wp= -(0.002)(5000) = 10 J/s
Required: Capacity of generator
Capacity of generator=W t −W p

Capacity of generator=1250−10
Capacity of generator=1.24 kW

Source: Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh

26. A rigid and insulated tank of 1 m3 volume is divided by partition into two equal volume chambers having air at 0.5 MPa,
27℃ and 1 MPa, 500 K. Determine final pressure and temperature if the partition is removed.
Given: V= 1 m3 P1= 0.5 MPa T1= 27℃ + 273= 300 K
P2= 1 MPa T2= 500 K
Required: Pf, Tf
P1 V 1 0.5 ×106 (0.5)
n1 = = =0.1002 mol
RT 1 8314 (300)

P2 V 2 1× 106 (0.5)
n2= = =0.1203 mol
RT 2 8314 (500)
Since the tank is insulated and rigid, we can assume ∆U = 0, W= 0, Q= 0, so writing ∆U
∆ U =n1 C V ( T f −T 1 ) +n 2 C V ( T f −T 2 )=0

T f =409.11 K

( n1 +n2 ) R T f ( 0.1002+ 0.1203 )( 287 )( 409.11 )

P 3= = =0.75 MPa
V 1
T f =409.11 K , P f =0.75 MPa

Source: Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh

27. Ethyl alcohol vaporizes at 78℃, what is the change in entropy if 0.25 kg vaporizes at its boiling point considering that the
latent heat of vaporization (Lv) is 1.0 x 105 J/kg.
Given: m= 0. 25 kg Lv= 1.0 x 105 J/kgT= 78℃ + 273 = 351 K
Required: ∆S =?
Q=m Lv

Q=0.25 ( 1.0 ×10 5 )

Q=2.5 ×10 J
Q 2.5 ×10
∆ S= =
T 351
∆ S=71 J / K

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

28. An ideal gas (at STP) occupies a volume of 22.4 L. While absorbing heat from the surroundings, the gas isobarically expands
to 32.4 L. What is the change in the internal energy of the gas?
Given: Vi= 22.4 L Vf= 32.4 L T= 273 K P= 101.325 kPa
Required: ∆U=?
W =P ∆V

W = (101.325 )( 32.4 )
W =1.01kJ
Q=W + ∆ U
∆ U =Q−W =2.53−1.0
∆ U =1.52 kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

29. A small gasoline-powered engine leaf blower removes 800 J heat energy from a high temperature reservoir and exhausts 700
J to a low temperature reservoir. What is its engine’s thermal efficiency?
Given: Qhot= 800 J Qcold= 700J
Required: eth=?
W net =Qhot −Q cold

W net =800−700=100 J

W net 100
e th = =
Qhot 800
e th =12.5

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

30. The volumetric flow rate of standard air is 120 m3/s at dry bulb temperature of 18℃. Compute the standard air volume
considering that standard air pressure is 101.325 kPa and standard air temperature at 21.11℃.
Given: V1= 120 m3/s T1= 18℃ + 273= 291 K T2= 21.11℃ + 273 = 294.11 K
Required: V2=?
V1 V2
T 1 T2

V 1T 2
V 2=
V 2=
V 2=121.3 m /s

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

31. A gaseous mixture has a dew point temperature of 15℃. The total pressure is 143.27 kPa. Determine the amount of water
vapor present in a 100 moles of the mixture if the saturation pressure at 15℃ is 1.7051 kPa.
Given: P1= 143.27 kPa P2= 1.7051 kPa
V1= 100 moles T= 15℃
Required: V2=?
P2 P1
V2 V1

P2 V 1
V 2=

V 2=
V 2=1.19 moles

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

32. A sealed tank contains oxygen at 27℃ at a pressure of 2 atm. If the temperature increases to 100℃, what will be pressure
inside the tank?
Given: T1= 27℃ T2= 100℃
P1= 2 atm
Required: P2=?
P1 P2
T1 T 2

P1T 2
P 2=

P 2=
P2=2.49 atm

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

33. The pressure of the nitrogen has thermometer is 78 cm at 0℃. What is the temperature of a liquid in which the bulb of the
thermometer is immersed when the pressure is seen to be 87.7 cm?
Given: P1= 78 cm T1= 0℃
P2= 87.7 cm
Required: T2=?
P1 P2
T1 T 2

T 1 P2

( 0+273 )( 87.7 )
T 2 =306.95 K =34 ℃

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

34. A 20 liter sample of gas exerts a pressure of 1atm at 25℃. It is allowed to expand into a 40 liter vessel that is held constant at
100℃, compute the final pressure?
Given: P1= 1 atm T1= 25℃ V1= 20 L
T2= 100℃ V2= 40L
Required: P2=?
P1 V 1 P 2 V 2
T1 T2

T 2 P1 V 1
P 2=
V 2 T1

( 100+273 ) (1 )( 20 )
P 2=
40 ( 25+ 273 )

P2=0.63 atm

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

35. What is the horsepower required to isothermally compressed 800 ft3 of air per minute from 14.7 psia to 120 psia?
Given: V= 800 ft3 P1= 14.7 psia P2= 120 psia
Required: W in hp
W =P 1 V 1 ln ( ) P2

( 14.7 ) ( 144 )( 800) 14.7

ln( )
W =−108 Hp

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

36. A building has to be maintained at 18℃ at all times. A heat pump is required for this when the temperature outside the
building drops to -6℃, the building losses heat at the rate of 120,000 kJ/kg. What is the least power required to drive the heat
Given: Thigh= 18℃ +273 =291 K Tlow= -6℃ + 273= 267 K Qrejected= 120,000 kJ/kg
Required: W=?
T high
T high−T low

COP= =12.125
W net =
120000( )
W net =
W net =2.75 kW

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

37. A heat engine is operated between temperature limits of 1370℃ and 260℃. Engine supplied with 14, 142 kJ per kwh. What
is the carnot cycle efficiency?
Given: Thigh= 1370℃ + 273 = 1643 K Tlow= 260℃ + 273 = 533 K
Required: e=?
T high −T low
e= (100)
T high

e= (100 )

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

38. Two pounds of air initially at 60 psia and 600℉ expands insentropically until the temperature is 200℉. Compute the work
done by the gas.
Given: m= 2 lb T1= 600℉ T2= 200℉ P= 60 psia
Required: W=?
mR (T 2−T 1)
2 ( 53.34 ) ( 200−600 )
( 1−1.4 ) (778 )
W =137 Btu

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

39. A carnot machine operates between a hot reservoir at 200℃ and a cold reservoir at 20℃. When operated as an engine, it
receives 1000 kJ/kg, find the coefficient of performance, when operated as refrigerator.
Given: Thigh= 200℃ Tlow= 20℃
Required: e=?
T low
T high −T low

( 200+273 )−( 20+ 273 )

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

40. A piston-cylinder system contains a gas which expands under a constant pressure of 1200 lbf/ft2. If the piston is displaced 12
in. during the process, and the piston diameter is 24 in., what is the work done in ft-lb by the gas on the piston?
Given: P= 1200 lb/ft2 d= 24 in l= 12 in.
Required: W=?
W =PdV

[ ]
2 2
lb π ( 24 ) ¿
W =1200 ¿
ft 4
W =3768 ft−lb f

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

41. Helium (R=0.4968 Btu/lb-R) is compressed isothermally from 14.7 psia and 68℉. The compression ratio is 4. Calculate the
work done by the gas in Btu/lbm.
Given: R= 0.4968 Btu/lb-R T= 68℉ V1/V2= 4
Required: W/m in Btu/lbm
W =mRT ln

=RT ln 2
m V1

W 1
=( 0.4968 ) (68+ 460)ln
m 4
W Btu
m lb m

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

42. An ideal gas is 45 psig and 80℉ is heated in a closed container to 130℉. What is the final pressure?
Given: P1= 45 psig T1= 80℉ T2= 130℉
Required: P2=?
P1 P2
T1 T 2

45+14.7 P2
80+ 460 130+460
P2=65.23 psia

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

43. Determine the amount of air in a room whose dimensions are 4 m x 5 m x 6 m at 100 kPa and 25℃.
Given: V= 4(5)(6)= 120 m3 P= 100 kPa T= 25℃
Required: m=?

100 ( 120 )
0.287 ( 25+273 )
m=140.3 kg

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

44. An insulated rigid tank contains helium of 1.5 lbm at 80℉ and 50 psia. A paddle wheel with a power rating of 0.20 hp is
operated within the tank for 30 mins. Determine the final temperature of the specific heat at constant volume of 0.753
Btu/lbm-℉. (Note: 1 hp = 2545 Btu/hr)
Given: P= 0.20 hp t= 0.5 hr m= 1.5 lb Cv= 0.753 Btu/lbm-℉
T1= 80℉
Required: T2=?
W =Pt

W =0.02hp ( 2545
( 0.5 hr )=25.45 Btu

E¿ −Eout =∆ U

W =∆ U

W =mC v (T 2 −T 1 )

25.45=1.5 ( 0.753 ) ( T 2−80 )

T 2 =102.5℉

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

45. A 2.53 kJ of heat is absorbed by an ideal gas that occupies a volume of 22.4 liters at STP. If the gas expands isobarically to
32.4 liters, compute the change in the internal energy of the gas.
Given: V1= 22.4 L V2= 32.4 L Q= 2.53 kJ
Required: ∆U=?
W =P ( V 2 −V 1 )

W =101.325 ( 32.4 × 10−3−22.4 × 10−3 )

W =1.01kJ
∆ U =Q−W
∆ U =2.53−1.01
∆ U =1.52 kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

46. An engineer is to design cyclic heat engine that operates between 150℃ and 27℃. If the engine is designed to do work of
100 J per 500 J of input work per cycle, compute the relative efficiency of the engine.
Given: Thigh= 150℃ Tlow= 27℃ Wnet= 100 J Qhot= 500 J
Required: erelative=?
T high−T low ( 150+273 )−(27+273)
e max= =
T high 150+273

e max=29.1
The actual efficiency: eactual
W 100
e actual= net = =20
Q hot 500
The relative efficiency: erelative
e 0.20
e relative= actual =
e max 0.291
e relative=68.73

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

47. A cylinder is fitted with a piston that contains 0.10 mol of air at a temperature of 20℃. Find the work done if the piston is
slowly pushed so that the air within the cylinder remains essentially in thermal equilibrium with the surroundings until the
volume reaches half to its initial volume.
Given: n= 0.10 mols T= 20℃ V2= 0.5V1
Required: W=?
W =P ( V 2 −V 1 )=n Ŕ T ln

0.5 V 1
W =0.1 ( 8.314 ) (20+ 273 ) ln
W =−169 Joules

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

48. How much is heat needed to double the pressure of one-half mole of helium gas confined in a rigid container if initially the
gas is at standard pressure and temperature? Note: Helium Cv= 3.10 kJ/kg-K, M= 4 kg/mol
Given: P2= 2P1 n= 0.5 mol T= 273 K P1= 101.325 kPa
Required: Q=?
Q=m C v ∆ T
At constant volume:
P1 2 P1
T1 T2

T 2 =2T 1=2 ( 273 )=546 K

The heat needed is:
Q=n C v ∆ T

Q=( 0.5 )( 12.4 )( 546−273 )

Q=1692.6 J

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

49. When 0.05 m3 of air at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) is isothermally compressed to 0.010 m3, compute the
amount of heat flow from the gas.
Given: V1= 0.05 m3 V2= 0.010 m3 T= 273 K P= 101.325 kPa
Required: Q=?
W =P 1 V 1 ln ( )

W = (101.325 ) (0.05) ln ( 0.010

0.05 )

W =−8.154 kJ

In the first law of thermodynamics:

Q=∆U +W
For isothermal, ∆U = 0
Q=−8.154 kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

50. How much heat was removed from a cubic meter of helium at STP when cooled at constant pressure to a final volume of 0.75
m3? Note: MWhelium= 4 kg/kmol, Cv= 3.10 kJ/kg-K.
Given: V1= 1 m3 V2= 0.75 m3 T1= 273 K
P= 101.325 kPa MWhelium= 4 kg Cv= 3.10 kJ/kg-K
Required: Q?
V1 V2
T 1 T2

273( 0.75)
T2= =204.75 K
The mass of helium at STP:

( 4 )(273)

m=0.179 kg
The change in internal energy:
∆ U =mC v ∆ T

∆ U =( 0.179 ) (3.10 ) (204.75−273)

∆ U =−37.87 kJ
Using first law of thermodynamics:
Q=∆U + P ( V 2−V 1 )

Q=−37.87+101.325 ( 0.75−1 )
Q=−63.20 kJ

Source: 2001 Solved Problems, Engineering Sciences and Applied Subjects

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