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Political elections

How political elections have affected Kenya’s cost of living.


Daystar University


School of Communication

Department of Language and Performing arts

Political elections

Subject: Elections


Political elections have affected Kenya’s cost of living.

Thesis statement

Political elections have affected Kenya’s cost of living by fluctuating prices of basic

commodities, cost of fuel, electricity and housing.

Political elections


I. Introduction

A. Definition of terms

B. Background information

C. Thesis statement

D. Personal narrative

II. Reasons cost of living shoots up during political elections

A. Persistent drought in various parts of the country

B. Global forces

C. Politicians role on regulating Kenya cost of living

III. Effects of political election on Kenya’s cost of living on

A. Fluctuating prices of basic commodities,

B. Transport and cost of fuel

C. water, power and housing

IV. Ways to ease the cost of living pressures

A. Government subsidy of food prices

B. Find ways to ensure food security

C. Better budgetary disaster management allocation

D. Proactive approach to reduce the cost of fuel

V. Conclusion

VI. Reference list

Political elections

Real income refers to the income of an individual after taking into consideration the effects of

inflation on purchasing power

Inflation is a general rise and fall of money.

Global forces; our society is becoming increasingly globalised meaning that its influenced by

world events, since we connect into a worldwide web of content, networks, people, media and


A subsidy is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically

given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the

public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy.

First and foremost the cost of living in a Kenyan situation is what one earn compared to how

they spend the money they earn. The high cost of living is brought by some people increasing the

price of basic commodities. Most things are impacted by politics for instance your safe streets

and highways are possible because of politicians. Taxes, laws, water and health are all impacted

by politics. Political elections pretty much affect every aspect of our lives because the

government is in control of the country.

Political elections have affected Kenya’s cost of living by fluctuating prices of basic

commodities, cost of fuel, electricity and housing.

My personal life was affected by political elections. During the 2017 elections the fares to up

country rose the point they weren’t affordable. I was forced to fork out three times the normal

charges during the election fever. At the coast terminus most buses were booked and the few

available buses were going at a fee of two thousand shillings up from the normal standard fee of
Political elections

one thousand five hundred shillings. In addition to that there were long queues where hundreds

of passengers carrying luggage were forced to either sleep at the terminus or wake up early to

catch early buses.

One of the reasons that cause a high cost of living includes drought since the type of agriculture

in Kenya is rain fed. Persistent drought in various parts of the country contributed to the rise in

food prices. This means that if there is improved harvests after the long rains the prices of food

will come down. For instance in the long rains the price of milk declines by ten shillings (Otieno,

2017). Farming is usually disrupted due drought and famine.

Kenya imports most if its fuels, so the prices of the commodities are largely at the mercy of

global forces, with tax being the only aspect that government can influence.

A USAID report from 2015 stated that Kenya could achieve self-sufficiency in maize without

increasing the area under the crop, through modest yield increases and reducing post harvest loss.

The housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels index increased by almost three per cent in

2017 , Kenyans struggle to make ends meet despite the subsidies for maize millers, tax waivers

on milk, maize grain and flour as well as tax breaks for lowest income earners. Real wages

increased at an annual rate of 2.7 per cent from 2010 to 2016. (Otieno, 2017)

There are scenarios where individual productivity is suffocated by politicians. It is said that

politicians use the tax paid by the common mwananchi and personalize it when they do some

project with the money and claim that they are the ones who did them. Politician plays a key role

in regulating the cost of living because of poor policies, corruption and failed system.
Political elections

In the 2017 elections drew there was an overall spike in the prices of basic commodities. When

people fail to diversify the food they eat it raises the cost of living in the sense that the demand

for the single good goes up making the price to increase hence the need to dig deeper into your

pocket to pay for goods that were meant to be sold cheaply.

This is how general elections have affected Kenya’s cost of living over the years as it shoots up

every general election. There is an almost predictable trend where inflation skyrockets every five

year. Farming is usually disrupted by land related conflict, drought and famine. All of which

drop in food production that fuels a spike on inflation. Kenya’s highest inflation rate of forty six

percent was recorded in 1993 just after the 1992 general election, when the country embraced

multi-party politics. (Kinuthia, 2017)

The high inflation rate was mainly contributed by the dramatic political reform as the country

shifted to a new political order. The new system was accompanied by ethnical clashes in some

parts of the country, leading to a fall in agricultural output particularly for basic commodities.

For example the key staple production declined from 25.4 million bags to24.3 bags in 1993. In

the 2007 elections there was a severe drought and high international commodity prices as a result

of the political elections. (Kinuthia, 2017)

In 2013 when Uhuru Kenyatta was elected there was an inflation increased from 5.7 percent to

6.9 in 2014. What caused the high of cost living included insecurity and insufficient rains. As the

2017 elections drew closer there was an overall spike in the prices of basic commodities. In

general during all the election years’ the cost of living during this period is adversely affected.

(Kinuthia, 2017)
Political elections

The worst hit during political elections is the lower income groups who spend a higher amount of

their income on food and other basic commodities. Some of the high costs of living came from

rising rent prices .Water prices rise despite heavy rationing in Nairobi and its environs, following

an upward revision of sewerage tariffs due to the introduction of value added tax

(VAT).Transport has also not been spared following increases in pump prices of diesel and


In order to overcome the cost of living during political elections, the government subsidies of

food prices can lower costs over the short term, the long term solution to perennial food

shortages can only be to implement effective policies like increasing the grain in the strategic

grain reserves. (Otieno, 2017)

Since Kenya is an agricultural country there are ways to ensure food security in case of low

rainfall and political elections. The government needs to decide not to import food products and

instead produce our own because we have that capacity. We need to encourage large scale

farming, instead of subsistent farming. In developed countries, farming is done in large scale by

chosen few. The others go to towns to manufacture what has been produced. We should emulate

that culture instead of all of us owning a small piece of land and no enough food. The only type

of farming that will help our country is large scale farming.

Investing in proper national food storage facilities to enable us to store enough food for drought

seasons, and Improving the food distribution and reservations channels in the country to ensure

food moves swiftly from areas with a surplus to areas with a deficit. Encouraging a culture
Political elections

change in the population to embrace all food types and enable us to depend on drought resistant

crops, such as sorghum and millet.

There should be better budgetary disaster management allocation such as Investing in water

reservoirs across the country to harvest rainwater and ensure water is stored for use in times of

low rainfall and doing more to preserve water catchment areas especially forests. (shawiza,


The Government can take a pro-active approach to reduce the cost of fuel. People do not

consume public transport for enjoyment as it is a result of high cost of fuel. The cost of public

transport cost can be reduced by waiving ERP charges, road tax and other levies. It can be

brought down to the marginal operating cost to cover energy, wages and depreciation.

The other way is to reduce the need for commuting. People should be encouraged to find work

near their homes or to move their homes closer to their place of work. Students should be

encouraged to study in a school near their home. This reduces the expenses on the cost of fuel.

Lastly in order to cope with high electricity bills the government can diversify sources of

electricity to reduce dependence on HEP which is reliant on good rainfall.

Political elections

In conclusion during all the election years’ the cost of living during this period is adversely

affected. Hence most households are forced to dig dipper into their pockets and to stretch their

budgets in order to meet basic needs. The prices of food, fuel, transport and house rent rise

sharply driving up the cost of living.

Political elections



Mutua, w. (2008) kenyas quest for democracy. Boulder, co: L. Rienner Publishers.

Otieno,D. (2017) Nation Media Group3

Shawiza,v. (2017) standard news paper


Kinuthia,k. (2017) business daily, how elections have

affected the economy/index.html


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