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Laboratory Exercise
Continuous-Time Signal Manipulation

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

▪ Create and manipulate continuous-time signals using Scilab.

▪ Computer unit with installed Scilab 6.1.0 software

Basic Principles:
A continuous-time signal has three essential parts that can be manipulated: the amplitude, the frequency, and
the phase. It is given by the function:
𝑋(𝑡) = 𝑉𝑚 sin(2𝑓𝑡 )

• Where Vm is the amplitude,

o F is the frequency in hertz and
o  is the phase in radians.

• Harmonics are the multiples or submultiples of a fundamental frequency.

01 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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1. Generate a sine signal x(t) with an amplitude of 5v, frequency of 100Hz, and 0 phase. Use the commands
below and execute these commands in the Console workspace. It will display a new Graphical Window
where the commands entered are plotted in a waveform. Draw its waveform in the table below.

t = 1:1e4;
x = 5*sin(2*3.1416*100*t);

2. Modify the signal's amplitude to have amplitudes of 10V, 15V, 20V, 1V, and 0.5V. What have you observed
on the signal?

3. Modify the signal's frequency to have frequencies of 200Hz, 300Hz, 500Hz, 10Hz, and 1Hz. What have you
observed on the signal?

4. Modify the phase of the signal to have phases of /2, /3, -/2, - and . What have you observed on the

5. Using the form Xk(t) = (1/k) sin(2  kf t ) and the t=1e4, f=100 and zero phase, generate 20
harmonics or signals having values of k=1-20. Add these signals and plot the sum of the signals. Draw the
signal below and write your observation.

01 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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6. Using the form Xk(t) = (1/k) sin(2  kf t ) and the t=1e4, f=100, and zero phase, generate 20
harmonics using odd values of k. Add these signals and plot the sum of the signals. Draw the signal below
and write your observation.

7. Using the form Xk(t) = (1/k) sin(2  kf t ) and the t=1e4, f=100, and zero phase, generate 20
harmonics using even values of k. Add these signals and plot the sum of the signals. Draw the signal below
and write your observation.

Grading Rubric
Criteria/Scoring Indicator Score
Write-up Expressed own observation with correct assessment 20
Plotting Correct inputs and diagrams 10
Total 30

01 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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