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CEA 102 – Water Heaters

What are the two types of water heater?

The two types of water heaters are tankless water heaters and tank water heaters.

Give the several types of these two styles, identify and distinguish.


Conventional storage tank water heater – the most common water heater, with a tank of hot water that
is maintained for 24 hours a day. The tank keeps gallons of water heated for use whenever it is called
for. These units can run on natural gas, propane, oil or electricity which also offer a few high efficiency
units in a condensing style.



Heat pump – is essentially act as reverse refrigerator

Tankless water

Heat pump (hybrid) water heater – heat pump capture heat from the air and transfer it to the water.
They use about 60% less energy than standard electric water heaters and while they cost more than
electric only models. Installation is similar and payback time is short and because the heat pump is on
top, a hybrid water heater needs as much as 7ft clearance from floor to ceiling. They also need about a
thousand cubic feet of uncooled space to capture enough heat from the air as well as a nearby drain to
discharge the condensate heat.

Solar water heaters – solar water heaters use the sun’s heat to provide hot water. Solar heating systems
are composed of solar panels, or solar thermal collectors, fastened to a roof facing the sun.

Condensing water heaters -

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