12ch Grammar Connectors

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12 Connectors

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Toin the pairs of sentences using and, but and because.

I was hungry. I could not eat

We did not go out. It was raining

The boy saw the snake. He ran away

As you already knowa conjunction is a joining word. It can be divided into
two classes- coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.
Let us learn about them.

Coordinating conjunctions
A conjunction that joins together two statements or clauses of equal
importance and structure is called a coordinating conjunction. Conjunctions
like and, or, but, so are some such conjunctions.
Examples: Arushi is honest. Arushi is kind.
Arushi is honest and kind.

Itrust him because he

Subordinating conjunctions speaks the truth.
A Conjunction that joins together two statements
or clauses of unequal importance and structure is
called a subordinating conjunction. Conjunctions
like because, as, if, unless, yet, though are
SOme such conjunctions.

Correlative conjunctions
ome conjunctions are used in pairs. They are called
Correlative conjunctions, Here are a few examples.
Either-or He is either mad or foolish
Either take it or leaveit.
Neither - nor nor
He le nep
He is neither intelligent
It is neither useful nor
ornamental. norhanden
Both-and We both love and honour him
He is both handsome and intelligent
Though - yet he is suffering much pain, yet
he does not complain.
Whether - or T do not whether you go or stay.
Not only- but also Not only is he foolish, but also obstinate.

when conjunctions used as correlatives, each o tne


correlated words should be immediately placed betore tne

words to be connected; as,
He visited not only Agra, but also Delhi. (correct)
He not only visited Agra, but also Delhi. (Wrong)

Conjunctions which are thus used in pairs are called correlative conjunctions or
merely correlatives.

Compound conjunctions
We use many compound expressions as conjunctions. These are called compound
conjunctions. Here are a few examples.
As well as Dev as well as Arjun was present there.
As soon as He took off his coat as soon as he entered the house.
As if He looks as if he were
In order that The notice was published in order that all might know the facts
On condition that I will forgive you on condition that you do not repeat the offence
Even if Such an act would not be kind even if it were just.
Provided that You can borrow the book
provided that you return it soon.
As though He walks as
though he is
slightly lame.
Inasmuch as I must refuse your
request, inasmuch as I believe it unreasol able
Chudy the examples below
carerully so as to learn how to use these connectors
Words meaning and

Salil talked and the others listened

Example She not only watered the
plants but also washed the dishes
She both watered the plants and washed the dishes.
The rent is too high. Besides/Moreover, the house isn't in a suitable condition.

Words meaning- or

Examples: Ill sweep the floor or dust the furniture.

Either sweep the floor or dust the furniture.
She neither swept the floor nor dusted the furniture.

Words meaning - but

Examples: We started rather late, but we arrived on time.

The doctor told him to rest, yet he went on working.
Mr Jain is a strict headmaster; still the pupils like him.
She drove very fast to the airport. However, she missed the plane.

Words meaning s o

Examples: He had fever, so he didn't go to school.

We have a growing population and therefore we need more food.
He didn't work hard. As a result/Consequently, he failed his exam.
We can also use as a result and consequently in a clause with and. For example, He didn't
work hard and as a result/consequently failed.

A. Choose the appropriate connectors to complete the sentences.

1. He tried very hard, . he couldn't force the door open.

(a) and (b) or (c) but

2. He didn't understand, he asked the teacher to explain.
(a) so (b) but (c)or
3. We not only saw the exhibition went to the zoo.

(a) and (b) but also (C)besides

4. The colour didn't suit her, . she decided not to buy the sari.

(a) yet (b) theretore still

5. You go on holiday. Not both!
can buy a computer
(a) and (b) or (c) but
6. He had he was late for work.
(a) However (b) As a result (c) Or
therefore, not only ...
but also
but als0 or
B. Jointhe pairs of sentences, using and, or, but, so, ofh
connectors. One has been done for you.
1. He was very hungry. He ate a lot.

Hewas very hungry, so he ate a lot.

The party wasn't good. I left early.

5. This year's harvest was very poor. The price of wheat has gone up.

4. I have often invited him here. He has never come.

5. He talked to the girl. He also helped her.

6. She finished her work. She went out shopping

7. I was very tired. I went to bed early.

8. She was very busy. She was able to help me.

9. We searched everywhere. Ihe watch was not

to be found.

10. The cobbler is hardworking. He is honest.

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