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Ff Test 19 (The Subjnctve Mood. Condon Sentences) 1. wate now will have 3)can have 2) could have 4) could have had 2. Jane were suing, she... the exam, 1) might pass 3) might have passed 2) might passed 4) might be passing 3. the meeting stars on time, 1I1be home i two hours. 1) Supposing 2)Ifonly 2) When ‘ait 4, Ifyou wanted to lea the computer properly, you would. this book long ago. Dread 3) have been reading 2) have read 4) had read 5. Ihe. the police that night, you would have been in rouble has called 3)called 2) cals ‘had called 6. Ifthey come in time, we. 10 do everthing together. 1)are managing, ') will manage 2) willhave managed 4) would manage 7. Ife ._ about the letter, would he ave taken the same step? 1) have known 3) know 2) would know 4) had known 8, Ifthey hadn't missed the plane, they. hereby now 2) would have been 3) will have been 2ywillbe 4) would be 9. ITT... them better, would go with them tthe party tomorrow. 1) had known 3) knew 2) was known ‘4)had been knowing 10, She wouldn't have come unless she... invited. Dhasbeen 3) had been 2) hasn't been 4) hadn't been | 11. fe. in Holmes’ position, what would he do? 1) had been 3) hasbeen 2) vere 4) would be 12. Youean listen to her singing provided you. ticket fr the performance, 1) would have 2) would have had 3) are having ‘have 36 13.2 call my rend 1 get home. Dwhen ait 2)uless 4)ifonly 14. 1FMe White... will you know. Deame 3) would came 2) would have come 4) comes 15. you were wing thistst tomorrow, What mark woud you expect? 1) Unless 3) Incase 2) Supposing 4 Provided that 16, We can pve them ai f they. anybody else with them. “There is not much space in our van. sy haven'ttaken 3) wouldn't take 2) don’t take 4) shoulda’ ttake 17 the hadn't stolen the money, he. in prison now. 1) wouldn't been 3) wouldn't be 2) would be 4) wouldn't has been 18. The moment she pronounced that phrase she wished she . it 1) did not do 3) has not done 2) had not done 4) doesnot do 19, If Thad taken a map, 1 lost. 1) wouldn't have got 3) would hve got 2) would got 4) wouldn't got 20. Don’t goto this pany finish your English. Dounless if 2ifonly ') supposing 21, Phone him incase he. the news. 1) knew 3) had known 2) hasknown 4) knows 22. [wish you. so rae. hadn't been 3)aren't 2) would be 4) was not 23. Ifonly she could .. me letter two months a0. 1) has wetten 3) write 2)had written have writen 24.1. say at home in such nasty weather. 1) would rather 3) had rather 2) had beter 4 would beter 25. You. take of your wet shoes. 1) would rather 3) had beter 2) would better 4) had rather 3” €& Tost 20 (rh subjunctive Mood. Conditional Sentence © 1 Open the brackets. Use the appropriate mean ofexpresing unreal. 1. tis demanded that she (eave) the house at once. 2. She speaks English as ft (be) her native tongue. 3. John looks as iPhe (be) hungry. 4. IF Wiliam (pas) his A levels ast spring, he (be) a university stadent “He et aekward as ifeverybody (look) at him. He glanced around as ithe never (be) there before. {don’t have a driver's tcense, but I wish (haw). {would rather he (not tte) me about it yesterday. His voice sounded hoarse, as though he (shout) into the wind for ‘ours. 10 wished I (say in the county longer. 11-She wished she (not be) ruse o him. 12 Think you wouldn't have cred ithe play (not to impress) you so reat. 13, The gil go very excited as though she never (travel) by ait. 14. Lwish you (leave) me alone 1S, But for her illness she (enter the University lst year 16 Ring me up tomorrow lest I (forget) about my promise. 17 She wouldn't have come unless she (be) invited, eraee {© TL. Choose the correct form of expressing unreal. 1. Lwish I (1 be) quite sure tha she i aogecher honest. 1) was 3) willbe 2am 4) were 2. Iwish Ito have) ajeep, that'll 1yhad 3) will have 2yhave 4) would have 3, wish I (ean) settle down to something. Dem 3)eould 2) willbe able ‘had been able 38 4, Meg wished she (1o know) ealer what Ann had just old her. 1)inew 3) should have known 2)had known 4) would know 5. Sam, you'e uptosomething. wish I ((0 know) what it 1) knew 3) would know 2) know 4) would have known 6, Lwished he (not o ask that question. Whaen'casked 3) did’ ak 2yhadn’tasked 4) wouldn't ask 7, —*Hlave you got my ltt?” — "Ye, I wish you (not to write) i.” 1 didn't write 3) hada’t writen 2)willnot write 4) haven't writen 8, Twish you (to ask) her a question or tw about the parents 1) would ask 3) have asked 2) will ask Ayasked 9. Iwish you (fo think) of something else. 1) thought 3) would think 2)havethousht 4) had thought 10.1 (0 wai if 1 (0 be) you wil ait, was 3)-willwait, am 2)would wit, were 4) have waited, have been 1. She (ofl) fhe sudenky (not to put) outa hand to steady be. 1) would hae fallen, hadn't put 3) fel, didn’ put will ave fen, hasnt put 4) would hae fallen, dia’ put 12.11 (tobe) a poet I (0 write) poem about your charming beauty, 1) was, would wnte 3) were, would write 2ywere, wrote 4) Was, should write 13.1 don’t know what (to happen) if this (to go) on much longes, 1) would happen, had gone 3) happened, would zo 2) happen, wil go 4) would have happened, had gone 14.You realy (co follow) me i (fo go) avay? 1) would follow, went 3) would follow had gone 2)will follow, xo 4) will follow, went » 1eleve you (o make) her stay iit (0 be) not x ate. 1) will make, is 3) would make, was 2) would have made, were 4) made, had been 16. 1 wish you (10 0) up and (o see) Willy. Tigo, see 3) wil, go 2) went, saw ') would go, woutd see 17.1 (00 be) inthe drawing-oom incase there (0 be) a telephone call orm. 1 wil be, was 3) willbe, should be 2)willbe, were 4) shouldbe, would be 18, In case any crisis (to arise), let me know. 1) would arise 3) will arise 2)arisen 4)should arise 19. the situation (not to change) by Saturday, (tobe) in trouble. wouldn't change, willbe 3) wouldn't have changed, shall be 2) should nt change, willbe 4) shouldnt change, would have been 20, Pip says they (to miss) me if | (leave) before their wedding would miss, let 3) should miss, would leave 2) will miss, leave 4) would miss, wl leave 21. He spoke ofthe im as if he (ose) it. Daw 3) would have seen 2) would see ya seen 22, Iwish the music (to stop) 1) stops 3) would stop 2) stopped 4) wilstop 23, wish she (20¢(o be) so nervous a the exam, ‘She couldn't answer single question, Dwvan't 3) were not 2)hadn’tbeen 8) wouldn't be 24, IFonly you (0 se) to him st that moment! 1) had seen 3) would have seen 2)saw 4) would see 25. We helped Tom much lest he (1 all behind the group. 1 fell 3) should fall, 2) had fallen 4) would fal 0 F T5st 24 (THe Noun. Formation) 1. Jae recently left my ob in an averising agency after. with my boss. Tbccame an. ina fast-food restaurant. “The. in that restaurant were extremely ow [My fiend decided to take up asa hobby. ‘There wasa and they sold the eamera by mistake, [My next-door neighbour has very unusual She couldn't park her ear because there was ‘of parkingplaces. Her curtains were the right forthe windows. (Our faxury coach was involved ina. in France aweekago. 10. On Saturday morning the High Steet is flo. Nowadays a aeat of ferent food i svalable ‘rom large supermarkets. 12, The police spent all morning searching the house for 13. The house caught fre when it was struck by. 4, From early. Kate has always wanted a pet parrot. 15 Jack hated 0 one day he stacked gang of boys ‘attacking an old man 16, My father tikes tobe called a “senior ize’, nox an ‘ld age. 17. The ship radioed to say that it wasn 18, After long talk they finally came up with a 19, Most people in thst ive in great 20, The... saw at the bottom was not mine. 21. Pm afald my ist. was nt very favourable. 22. He agreed toi out of. 23, breathed a sigh of. when I saw my father, 24, Before you bepin an exam paper, always ead the... cael. 25, Margaret has not shown much . his term, 26, We cannot wash te car because of the water. 27, Students are under enormous. 28, The hotel takes no. forthe los of propery. 28, The... ofthe bomb was heard several miles aay. 30, The incident left him with felings of anger and 8 9. agree employ photograph ‘understand appear short Jong colige shop vary evident Hight hil Violent pension ‘iicult solve poor sien Impress satel lieve inst enthusiastic shor press responsible explode biter a

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