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• Cash and other assets that may

• When accounts do not appear on the
reasonably be expected to be realized
unadjusted trial balance but are
in cash, sold, or consumed through
needed to post adjustments, they are
the normal operations of a business,
simply added to the account title
usually longer than one year, are
called current assets.
• Once the adjusted trial balance is in
• The amount of the net income for a
balance, the flow of accounts will now
period appears on both the income
go into the financial statements.
statement and the balance sheet for
• On the income statement,
that period.
miscellaneous expenses are usually
• At the end of the fiscal period,
presented as the last item without
prepaid expenses are reported on the
regard to the peso amount.
Income Statement as expenses.
• Prepaid Insurance is an example of a
• Office Equipment is an example of a
current asset.
current asset account.
• Land is an example of a plant asset.
• Capital and Drawing are reported in
• Liabilities that will be due within one
the owner's equity section of the
year or less and that are to be paid
balance sheet.
out of current assets are called
• Unearned revenues that will be
current liabilities.
earned in a relatively short period of
• Accrued taxes payable are generally
time are listed on the balance sheet
reported on the balance sheet as a
as current assets.
current liability.
• Accrued expenses are ordinarily listed
• Deferred expenses that benefit a
on the balance sheet as current
relatively short period of time are
listed on the balance sheet as current
• Accrued revenues are ordinarily listed
on the balance sheet as current
• The income statement is prepared
from the adjusted trial balance or the
• Examples of temporary accounts are
income statement columns on the
supplies and prepaid expenses which
work sheet.
are in the ledger for just a short time
• Accumulated Depreciation is a
before they expire.
permanent account.
• The accumulated depreciation
• The drawing account is a temporary
account is closed to the income
summary account.
• The balance sheet accounts are
• The drawing account is closed to the
referred to as real or permanent
income summary account.
• The trial balance prepared after all
• Journalizing and posting the
the closing entries have been posted
adjustments and closing entries
is called a pre-closing trial balance.
updates the ledger for the new
• Entries required to close the
accounting period.
balances of the temporary accounts
• The income summary account is
at the end of the period are called
closed to the owner's capital account. final entries.
• The post-closing trial balance will
generally have fewer accounts than
the trial balance.
• The work sheet is not considered a credit columns is Net Income or Net
part of the formal accounting records. Loss.
• The post-closing trial balance will
generally have fewer accounts than
the trial balance. FALSE
• Assets, liabilities, and owner’s capital
• In a sole proprietorship, a closing
are real accounts and do not get
entry for the drawing account
closed at the end of the period.
may not be necessary.
• The income summary account is also
• Journalizing and posting closing
known as the clearing account.
entries must be completed before
• All income statement accounts will be
financial statements can be prepared.
closed at the end of the period.
• During the closing process, some
• Once an account has been closed for
balance sheet accounts are closed and
the period, inserting a line in the
end the period with a zero balance.
balance columns zero’s out the
• Closing entries are entered directly on
account making it ready for the
to the work sheet.
following period.
• A post-closing trial balance contains
• The last step of the accounting cycle is
only asset and liability accounts.
to prepare a post-closing trial balance.
• A post-closing trial balance should be
• Financial statements should be
prepared before the financial
prepared before the closing entries
statements are prepared.
are journalized and posted.
• Balance Sheet are not considered real
• Any twelve-month accounting period
adopted by a company is known as its
• It is not necessary to post the closing
fiscal year.
entries to the general ledger.
• A fiscal year that ends when business
• The accounting cycle begins with
activities have reached their lowest
preparing an unadjusted trial balance.
point is called the natural business
year. • The unadjusted, adjusted, and final
• The work sheet is not considered a trial balances are prepared during the
accounting cycle of a period.
part of the formal accounting records.
• The totals of the Adjusted Trial
• The work sheet is a working paper
Balance columns on a work sheet will
that accountants can use to
always be the sum of the Trial Balance
summarize adjusting entries and the
column totals and the Adjustments
account balances for the financial
column totals.
• A work sheet heading is dated for a • A net loss is shown on the work sheet
in the credit columns of both the
period of time.
Income Statement columns and the
• On the work sheet, the capital and
Balance Sheet columns.
drawing account balances are
• If the totals of the Income Statement
extended to the Balance Sheet
debit and credit columns of a work
sheet are P22,750 and P25,000,
• After the account balances have been
respectively, after all account
extended from the Adjusted Trial
balances have been extended, the
Balance columns on the work sheet,
amount of the net loss is P2,250.
the difference between the initial
• The worksheet and the financial
totals of the Balance Sheet debit and
statements both require peso signs.
• After Net Income or Loss is entered • The balance in the capital account on
on the work sheet, the debit column the worksheet will equal the amount
total must equal the credit column presented in the balance sheet.
total for the Balance Sheet pair of • Since the adjustments are entered on
columns. the work sheet, it is not necessary to
• Net income is shown on the work record them in the journal or post
sheet in the Income Statement debit them to the ledger.
column and the Balance Sheet credit • In a merchandise business, sales
column. minus operating expenses equals net
• Under a periodic inventory system, income.
the merchandise on hand at the end • Cost of merchandise sold is the
of the year is determined by a amount that the merchandising
physical count of the inventory. company pays for the merchandise it
• In the periodic inventory system, intends to sell.
purchases of merchandise for resale • Merchandise inventory account is
are debited to the Purchases account. found on the income statement.
• In a periodic inventory system, the • Under the periodic inventory system,
cost of goods purchased includes the the cost of goods sold is equal to the
cost of transportation-in. beginning merchandise inventory plus
• When a merchandising business is the cost of goods purchased plus the
compared to a service business, the ending merchandise inventory.
financial statement that • In a perpetual inventory system, the
is not affected by that change is the Merchandise Inventory account is
Statement of Owner's Equity. only used to reflect the beginning
• The ending merchandise inventory for inventory.
2007 is the same as the beginning • As we compare a merchandise
merchandise inventory for 2008. business to a service business, the
• The form of the balance sheet in financial statement that changes the
which assets, liabilities, and owner's most is the Balance Sheet.
equity are presented in a downward • In a multi-step income statement the
sequence is called the report form. peso amount for income from
• On the income statement in the operations is always the same as net
single-step form, the total of all income.
expenses is deducted from the total • Net sales is equal to sales minus cost
of all revenues. of merchandise sold.
• The single-step income statement is • Gross profit minus selling expenses
easier to prepare, but a criticism of equals net income.
this format is that gross profit and • Transportation In is the amount paid
income from operations are not by the company to deliver
readily available. merchandise sold to a customer.
• Income that cannot be associated • The cost of merchandise inventory is
definitely with operations, such as a limited to the purchase price less any
gain from the sale of a fixed asset, is purchase discounts.
listed as Other Income on the • If payment is due by the end of the
multiple-step income statement. month in which the sale is made, the
invoice terms are expressed as n/30.
• In the Merchandising Income • When merchandise that was sold is
Statement, sales will be reduced by returned, a credit to sales returns and
sales discounts and sales returns and allowances is made.
allowances to arrive at net sales. • In a perpetual inventory system, when
• Other income and expenses are items merchandise is returned to the seller,
that are not related to the primary Cost of Merchandise Sold is one of the
operating activity. accounts debited to record the
• Transportation-in is considered a cost transaction.
of purchasing inventory. • Sales Discounts is a revenue account
• As inventory is sold in many retail with a credit balance.
businesses, the largest expense is • Retailers record all credit card sales as
created. charge sales.
• Under the perpetual inventory • A buyer who acquires merchandise
system, when a sale is made, both the under credit terms of 1/10, n/30
retail and cost values are recorded. has 30 days after the invoice date to
• Under the perpetual inventory take advantage of the cash discount.
system, the cost of merchandise sold • Discounts taken by the buyer for early
is recorded when sales are made. payment of an invoice are credited to
• Sales Returns and Allowances is a Cash Discounts by the buyer.
contra-revenue account. • Under the perpetual inventory
• A seller may grant a buyer a reduction system, a company purchases
in selling price and this is called a merchandise on terms 2/10, n/30. If
sales allowance. payment is made within 10 days of
• The effect of a sales return and the purchase, the entry to record the
allowance is a reduction in sales payment will include a credit to Cash
revenue and a decrease in cash or and a credit to Purchase Discounts.
accounts receivable. • Purchases of merchandise are
• Merchandise Inventory normally has a typically credited to the merchandise
debit balance. inventory account under the
• In a perpetual inventory system, perpetual inventory system.
merchandise returned to vendors • A deduction allowed to wholesalers
reduces the merchandise inventory and retailers from the price of
account. merchandise listed in catalogs is
• When the seller offers a sales called cash discounts.
discount, even if borrowing has to be • Sellers and buyers are required to
done, it is generally advantageous for record trade discounts.
the buyer to pay within the discount • If the ownership of merchandise
period. passes to the buyer when the seller
• When a large quantity of merchandise delivers the merchandise for
is purchased, a reduction allowed on shipment, the terms are stated as FOB
the sale price is called a trade destination.
discount. • Merchandise is sold for P4,500, terms
• When the terms of sale are FOB FOB destination, 2/10, n/30, with
shipping point, the buyer should pay prepaid transportation costs of
the transportation charges. P250. If P800 of the merchandise is
returned prior to payment and the
invoice is paid within the discount
period, the amount of the sales
discount is P79.

• If merchandise costing P2,500, terms • If the buyer bears the transportation
FOB destination, 2/10, n/30, with costs related to a purchase, the terms
prepaid transportation costs of P100, are said to be FOB destination.
is paid within 10 days, the amount of • When companies use a perpetual
the purchases discount is P50. inventory system, the recording of the
• Comparing the merchandise entries purchase of inventory will include a
for the seller and the buyer, the seller debit to purchases.
is required to record more entries for • A business using the perpetual
the same transactions than the buyer. inventory system, with its detailed
• The chart of accounts for a subsidiary records, does not need to
merchandise business would include take a physical inventory.
an account called Delivery Expense. • Title to merchandise shipped FOB
• The seller may prepay the shipping point passes to the buyer
transportation costs even though the upon delivery of the merchandise to
terms are FOB shipping point. the buyer's place of business.
• Purchased goods in transit should be • Closing entries for a merchandising
included in the ending inventory if the business are not similar to those for a
goods were shipped FOB shipping service business.
point. • The accounts Purchases, Purchases
• Purchased goods in transit, shipped Returns and Allowances, Purchases
FOB destination, should be excluded Discounts, and Transportation In are
from ending inventory. found on the balance sheet.
• If the perpetual inventory system is
used, an account entitled Cost of
Merchandise Sold is included in the
general ledger.

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