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RUBRICS Not Yet – 3 points Fair – 4 points Good – 5 points Great – 6 points

Less than 50% of the At least 60% of the At least 75% of the At least 90% of the
content included in the content included in the content included in the content included in the
infographic is accurate infographic is accurate. infographic is accurate. infographic is accurate.
Great use of visual
Visual materials lack Few visual materials Good use of visual materials to support
effectiveness and used and those used material. Materials information in
relevance, and do not add little to the used add to the infographic. Visual
add to the content of content of the content of the materials add to the
the infographic infographic. infographic. content of the
More thought could be Some thought given to
Good use of research
given to the resources the type of resources Very good use of
from varied sources.
EVIDENCE OF used or only one or used for research. research from varied
More than three
RESEARCH two resources used. More than two sources. All resources
resources have been
Most resources used resources used and have been cited.
have not been cited. have cited.
Few elements of the Some elements of the
The infographic is The infographic is very
infographic are infographic are
appealing in terms of appealing in terms of
APPEARANCE appealing in terms of appealing in terms of
design, layout, and design, layout, and
design, layout, and design layout, and
neatness. neatness.
neatness. neatness.
SPELLING AND Many spelling or Some spelling or Few spelling or Almost no spelling or
GRAMMAR grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors.

Infographic Assessment Rubric

Topic Assigned: _________________________________________________________________________________________

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