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o Figure 1 – Sub-Pre
 All birds are animals that fly.
1. Definition Pigeon is a bird.
 An argument that has three categorical propositions. So pigeon is an animal that fly.
 Syllogism is a form of deductive reasoning consisting
o Figure 2 – Pre-Pre
of a major premise, a minor premise, and a
 Humans are thinkers.
Fishes are not thinkers.
 It has three categorical terms: major, minor, and
Thus, fishes are not humans.
middle terms.
o Major term – the predicate of the conclusion;
subject or predicate of one of the two
o Figure 3 – Sub-Sub
premises (major premise)
 Some fruits are bananas.
o Minor term – subject of the conclusion;
All fruits are healthy foods.
subject or predicate of one of the two
So some healthy foods are
premises (minor premise)
o Middle term – subject or predicate in each of
the premises
o Figure 4 – Pre-Sub
 Some Filipinos are uneducated.
 The major premise contains the major term while the
All uneducated are unfamiliar with
minor premise contains the minor term.
Thus, some ignorant are Filipinos.
 Remember: the middle term should never be in the
conclusion, only in the premises. Otherwise, the
 Mood - depends upon the type of propositions (A, E, I
syllogism commits a formal fallacy.
or O). It is a list of the types beginning with the major
premise and ending with the conclusion.
 Example:
o All Protestants are Christians.
 Example:
John is a Protestant.
o All birds lay eggs.
Therefore, John is a Christian.
Doves are birds.
Thus, doves lay eggs.
o All German Shepherds are dogs.
- Mood: AAA
But, no cats are dogs.
Therefore, no cats are German Shepherds.
o Every imported wine is a rarely available in
the market during ECQ.
2. Figure and Mood of Categorical Syllogism Some imported wines are expensive drinks.
Hence, some expensive drinks are rarely
 Figure is the arrangement of terms in the argument or available in the market during ECQ.
syllogism. -Mood: AII
 There are four figures because there are two
premises and two possible positions in each premise. o All films are sources of entertainment.
 It can be easily identified with the location of the Some films are not suitable for children.
middle term. Therefore, some sources of entertainment
 They are identified as follows: are not suitable for children.
-Mood: OAO
3. Exercises.
Label the major premise, minor premise, and conclusion
then write the figure and mood for each.

Humans are selfish. –major premise
Mark is a human. –minor premise
Thus, Mark is selfish.–conclusion
Figure: Figure 1, Sub-Pre
Mood: AAA

1. No people who admire Marx are pacifists.

Some people who admire Marx are revolutionaries.
Therefore, some revolutionaries are not pacifists.

2. All logicians are philosophers.

Some serious scholars are logicians.
So, some serious scholars are philosophers.

3. Patience is a good act.

Every good act is rewarded.
Consequently, patience is rewarded.

4. All bookstores are places that sell novels.

Some bookstores are coffee shops.
Some coffee shops are places that sell novels.

5. All first-degree murders are premeditated homicide.

No premeditated homicides are actions performed in
Therefore, all actions performed in self-defense are
not first-degree murders.

6. Every titan-shifter is a warrior.

Most warriors are Marleyans.
Hence, some titan-shifters are Marleyans.

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