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Biophysical &
Biochemical Effects of
Microwave Diathermy

Name: Bhoransh Vats

Roll No.: 06 II 3rd Year B.P.T.

Submitted To: Dr. Aastha Jain
Date: 30-12-2020
Microwave Diathermy
Microwave and shortwave radio frequency radiation is used clinically to heat tissue situated deep
in the body and minimize the coincidental rise in skin temperature seen with other forms of
therapeutic heating. Microwave radiation is defined as that with a frequency of 300 MHz-300GHz,
which lies on the electromagnetic spectrum between radio frequency and infrared radiation.
Microwave diathermy units operate at a frequency higher than that used for shortwave diathermy
and this confers significant operational advantages.

Microwave radiation is radiated as a beam from an antenna and absorbed by water-rich tissues
7000times more effectively than shortwave radio frequency energy. A microwave beam can be
narrowed to allow small areas to be treated accurately, is highly directional, and can be aligned

• Microwave diathermy, which employs a form of electromagnetic radiation, is a deep heat
modality that selectively heats tissues with high water concentration.
• Hyperemia, sedation, and analgesia are the physiologic effects, similar to the results of
shortwave diathermy. Secondary, local vascular dilatation results in increased local
• The 2 frequencies designated for microwave diathermy are 915 MHz and 2456 MHz, with
the former being the most commonly used. Because the frequencies are higher than those
used in shortwave diathermy and the wavelengths are the same size as the applicator,
microwave diathermy can be focused more easily than can shortwave diathermy.
• The lower frequency is preferred because it provides selective heat deep into muscle, and
less energy is converted to heat in the subcutaneous fat. Direct contact applicators with full
aperture skin contact are optimal for improved coupling and for reducing stray radiation.
• Because microwave diathermy selectively heats muscles and deep heat improves the
flexibility of collagen tissues, muscle contractures can be treated with this modality (in
combination with a physical therapy stretching program).
• Microwave diathermy can also be used to reduce secondary muscle spasm under a trigger
point. In addition, this modality can effectively treat the superficial joints of the hands, feet,
and wrist because of the thin soft-tissue layer overlying these joints.
• A microwave director is used to aim the microwaves at the area of treatment, allowing
observation of the treatment site. Heat can be reduced by increasing the distance of the
microwave director from the treatment site.
• Microwave diathermy can result in hot spots and burns; these can occur secondary to
localized perspiration associated with selective heating of the treatment zone. The
microwave diathermy equipment should be adjusted to provide comfortable heating, with
treatment time ranging from 20-30 minutes.
• The previously mentioned contraindications to shortwave diathermy also apply to
microwave diathermy. Additional precautions include synovitis with joint effusion,
systemic/local infection, and use over bony prominences. The aforementioned therapeutic
indications for shortwave diathermy are similar to those for microwave diathermy
Biophysics of MWD
Microwaves are electromagnetic radiation and so will show similar properties, such as:

1. Reflection, 2. Refraction, 3. Absorption, 4. Penetration, 5. Transmission

MWD tend to be reflected and scattered at different interfaces as air-skin, skin-fat, and the fat-
muscle which limit its penetration into the tissues.

Because of the spreading of MW, the superficial tissues tend to be heated more than deeper

Depth of penetration depends on the frequency of the wave and the medium. The average
effective penetration of 2450MHz is upto 3 cm.

Microwaves with a frequency of 2450MHz penetrate 1.7cm in muscle and skin, and 11.2cm in fat
and bone.

Superficial tissues moderately heated, achieve a maximum temperature within five to ten minutes,
after which local vasodilatation prevents further warming.
Biophysical & Biochemical Effects
1. Absorption of Microwave
- The energy of the radiation works by getting absorbed and converting into other form of
energy, in this case; Microwave converts to Heat energy, that’s why it’s called Microwave
Diathermy; as it induces “Hyperthermia”.
- When the electromagnetic energy of microwave radiation is absorbed in the tissues it
provokes ionic movement and the amount of heating will be proportional to the amount
of absorbed radiation.
- Best in muscle and tissues with high water/ion content, good blood supply, but not great
in fat and bone
- Heating decreases exponentially with depth, penetration depth in tissue is small
- Significant reflection at air-skin, skin-fat, fat-muscle and muscle-bone boundaries which can
impact pattern of heating in tissue

2. Reflection of Microwave
- Percentage of 2450 MHz radiation reflected varies with thickness of fat and skin from 50 to
- At other frequencies reflection is 60 to 70% but is much less affected by variations in skin
tissue thickness.
- MWD tends to get reflected and scattered.
- Because of spreading out of Microwaves, superficial tissues tend to heat upto more extent
than the deeper ones.
- Much radiation is reflected from the skin interface and other interfaces in the tissues can be radiated
out of the body.
• Clinical Implications of Reflection Properties of MW
- Energy is concentrated in superficial tissues as it bounces back and forth between 2
reflecting surfaces.
- Waves in the tissue will be subject to refraction as the velocity decreases from air to skin
and fat and then to muscle. The beam is bent hence producing relatively greater heating at
- Other is to produce a complex “interface” pattern as waves bounce back and forth in the
- The shape of the tissue to which microwave beam is applied will have significant effects
due to both reflection and refraction
- There is considerable reflection of therapeutic microwave radiation from skin which is
greater when it is not being applied perpendicularly to the surface.
- Therefore superficial layers are heated more than would be expected otherwise.
- For planning treatment and dosages of MWD, Cosine law comes into play where
perpendicular rays gets absorbed more and there is the least or no reflection.

3. Heat Conduction via Microwave

- At 915 MHz, better heating of muscle than fat
- Microwaves of lower energy (frequency). penetrate further, and peaks in heating patterns
are spaced further apart
- Preference is for 915 MHz rather than, 2450mHz
- 2450 MHz safer as skin and subcutaneous tissue heated with deeper tissues, heat receptors
in skin can identify possible excessive heating. At this frequency body temp. can rise upto
10 degrees & blood flow can increase upto 250%.
- The increased flow last up to 20 min after the machine has been turned off.
- Heating rate is good in fat

4. Penetration of Microwaves
- Depth of penetration depends on the frequency of the wave and the nature of medium
- Higher - shallower (skin & fat areas)
- Lower - deeper (mm area)
Properties of Different types of Microwaves-

915MHz MWD:

- Better heating of muscle compared to fat

- MW of lower energy (freq) penetrate further and peaks in patterns are spaced further apart

2450MHz MWD:

- More widely used

- May be safer as skin and subcutaneous tissue are heated along with deeper tissues
- Heat receptors in skin can identify possible excessive heating

Physiological Effects of MWD

- Skin reflection is greater for non-perpendicular incidence
- Refraction occurs as wave velocity decreases from air to skin and fat and then to muscle
- The refracted beam is bent towards the normal, hence converging and producing greater
heating than would otherwise occur
- Water containing tissue such as muscles absorb more rays than the tissues like fat and
- Consider reflection and refraction different interfaces
- These effects would be greater where the tissues have a small radius of curvature, e.g.;
forearm or leg
- Tissues are irregular and absorption is influenced by other factors (thickness of particular
tissue layer)
- Moreover, heating in tissues depends not only on absorption, but also the rate of heat
transfer within and between tissues.
Therapeutic Effects of MWD
- Relief of pain by Pain Gate Mechanism
- Reduction of muscle spasms by stimulation of secondary nerve endings.
- Reduction in inflammation by increase in blood supply.
- To promote healing of open skin by increase in circulation
- Control the chronic infection by increasing the circulation.
- Fibrosis: heat increase the extensibility of fibrous tissues such as tendons, joint capsules
and scars
- Heating can be considerable
- Helpful in chronic inflammations.
- Clinical levels 2450 MHz microwaves increase local skin temp by 10 degrees and blood
flow by 250%, within 15 mins in normal human forearm
- Microwaves much more effective at increasing tissue temp at depth of 2cm than hot packs.

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