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Question Paper Preview Subject Nam Stream SA. Creation Date: 2019-11-08 13:45 Duration: 180 Total Marks: 100 Display Marks: Yes Part | Mathematics Yes No Display Number Pan: up All Quest Question Number : 1 Question Id : 8050421 Question Typ No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Let ABC be an equilateral triangle with side length a. Let R and r denote the radii of the circumcircle :MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : and the incircle of triangle ABC respectively. Then, as a function of a, the ratio = (A) strictly increases (B) strictly decreases (C) remains constant (D) strictly increases for a < 1 and strictly decreases for a > 1 Options : L@) 2.8) 320 40) Question Number No Option Ori Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Question Id : 8050421 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : tation : Vertical ama f& ABC we aneng fra 2, free yor aft cia cl @ cer oieqa we singe Ft fear wa: R war tina ere ent agua (A) aftaria: ae | (B) afraria: Fe | (©) Fare (D) aharis: senate a < 1, waar: er afea > 121 Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 2 Question Id : 8050422 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ i a Let b be a non-zero real number. Suppose the quadratic equation 2x? + bx +2 = 0 has two distinet real roots. Then 15s CEN ea 1 Q@)ibas <> (C) b? - 3b > -2 D)b+o<4 Options : 1a 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 2 Question Id : 8050422 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 (Question Label : MCQ arr by sre areas Bee a af eda ope 2x + bx +2 = OFA areata et | TT 1 5 (A b+5>5 1 5 (B) bts <3 (Cb? -3b>-2 2 1 wb? +5<4 Options 1L@ 28) 30 4.0) Question Number : 3 Question Id : 8050423 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Let p(x) = x? + ax + b have two distinct real roots, where a, b are real numbers. Define g(x) = p(x?) for all real numbers x. Then which of the following statements are true? Ig has exactly two distinct real roots IL g can have more than two distinct real roots IIL. There exists a real number @ such that g(x) = @ for all real x (A) Only (B) Only I and II (C) Only I (D) Only Il and II Options 1@) 28) 30 4.0) Question Number : 3 Question Id : 8050423 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ maf p(x) = x2 +ax+b, ata b areas ete, & a firs areas Fe eT areas deat x & fet g (x) = p(x?) a afoniie Afsel ca Fr a a a ea aA? Lg Sear a haf areas ae | I. g Raa ates he fa arales Fat wate | Il WHarafas den a gaya? fe at araias x H fet g(x) > az (A) Fae (B) #4 1 wa IL (©) Fae I (D) Fae 1 TS HL Options : 1a 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number :4 Question Id : 8050424 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Let a,,n = 1, be an arithmetic progression with first term 2 and common difference 4. Let M,, be the average of the first n terms. Then the sum rm ym is (A) 110 (B) 335 (C) 770 (D) 1100 4.0) Question Number : 4 Question Id : 8050424 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ AMA Ay, TH sara A (arithmetic progression) @%, Fat nN > 1 @ sie a Ast a Vea We 2 aft ard ict (common difference) 42 | SAA M,, Wea n Vat aT sited 2, ca aT waar? (A) 110 (B) 335 (C) 770 (D) 1100 Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) tion Id : 8050425 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Op Vertical Question Number : No Option Orienta Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Ina triangle ABC, 2 BAC = 90° : AD is the altitude from A on to BC. Draw DE perpendicular to AC and DF perpendicular to AB. Suppose AB = 15 and BC = 25. Then the length of EF is (A) 12 (B) 10 (C) 5v3 (D) 5V5 Options : 1a 2.8) 3© 4.0) Question Number No Option Orientat Correct Marks : 1 (Question Label : MCQ Question Id : 8050425 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : ‘Vertical waft ABC #2 BAC = 90 #@t AD, Aa ym BC Heian rH Mies (altitude) @isa DE RAC % oraard DF & AB Soran Si am 2 | a AB = 15 BC = 252%, a9 EF Aca en ert? (A) 12 (B) 10 (© 5v3 (0) 5V5 Options : 1.) 28) 3.0) 4.0) Question Number : 6 Question Id : 8050426 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ The sides a, b,c of a triangle satisfy the relations c? = 2ab and a? +c? = 3b, Then the measure of 2 BAC, in degrees, is (A) 30 (B) 45 (C) 60 (D) 90 Options : 1.) 2.8) 3.0) 4.0) Question Number : 6 Question Id : 8050426 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ ue fraa tyr a, b wi c 2, fram fae c? = Zab tia? +c? = 3b? ati aaa 2 BAC 1AM 32 (degrees) #0 aT ? (A) 30 (B) 45 (c) 60 (D) 90 Options : 1L@ 2.8) 3.) 4.0) Question Number No Option Orienta Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Question Id : 8050427 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Vertical Let N be the least positive integer such that whenever a non-zero digit c is written after the last digit of WN, the resulting number is divisible by c. The sum of the digits of N is (9 (B) 18 (©) 27 (D) 36 Options : 1L@ 2.8) 3.0) 4.0) Question Number : 7 Question No Option Orientation : Correct Marks : 1 (Question Label : MCQ 1d: 8050427 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : ama f& N wae ter ace arr ote ga var 2 fe a oN & aif ote & ae aT Ie C fora fear sre ot afore dem cB asa at are | oe N & att set ae aT AA AT eT? (A) 9 (B) 18 (© 27 (D) 36 Options : 1a 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 8 Question Id : 8050428 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Let X1,X2, .«, X11 be 11 distinct positive integers. If we replace the largest of these integers by the median of the other 10 integers, then (A) the median remains the same (B) the mean increases (C) the median decreases (D) the mean remains the same Options : 1.) 28 3.0) 4.0) Question Number : 8 Question Id : 8050428 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ AG PH xy, Xp, Xqy 11 fee ores ole 21 ale ee Bas as gots St ts 10 qoiat At afta a ofreartine fear stat @, Tat (A) ata sratata cet | (B) stam ag STE | (C) aie re STeT | (D) stare srateatts wT | Options : 1a 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 9 Question Id : 8050429 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ The number of cubic polynomials P(x) satisfying P(1) = 2,P(2) = 4,P(3) = 6,P(4) =8is (Ayo @)1 (C) more than one but finitely many (D) infinitely many Options : 1a 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 9 Question Id : 8050429 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ a fad ata agus P(x) % TP (1) = 2,P(2) = 4,P(3) = 6,P(4) = Sarage wae? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) THe afte, waif (D) Sat Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : No Option Orientatior Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Question Id : 80504210 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number: Yes Single Line Question Option: A two-digit number aD is called almost prime if one obtains a two-digit prime number by changing at most one ofits digits a and b. (For example, 18 is an almost prime number because 13 is a prime number). Then the number of almost prime two-digit numbers is (A) 56 (B) 75 (© 87 (D) 90 Options : L@) 2.8) 320 40) Question Number : 10 Question Id : 80504210 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ. UH at stat A GEM AD AAS (almost prime) Ta EAS Fa HAF PH WH AH (a ab) Bt aaa Fa eT sat A pasa GET A TAF (saree & fare: 10 we sree ora Hear? ai 13 UH srs 2) ca tet 2 Sa Te SET TT werd Fr eri | (A)56 (B)75 (C)87 (D)90 Options : 1L@ 2.8) 3. 4.0) Question Number No Option Orientatior Correct Marks : 1 Question Id : 80504211 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Vertical Question Label : MCQ Let P be an interior point of a convex quadrilateral ABCD and K, L, M,N be the midpoints of AB, BC, CD, DA respectively. If Area(PKAN) = 25, Area(PLBK) = 36, and Area(PMDN) = 41, then Area(PLCM) is (A) 20 (B) 29 (© 52 (D) 54 Options : L@) 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number: 11, Question Id : 80504211 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option: (0. Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ. farg P wm sap ATE (convex quadrilateral) ABCD * stax @ wa farg K, L, M wa N yam wet: AB, BC, CD wa DA ma fret aft area (PKAN) = 25, area (PLBK) = 36, wa arma (PMDN) = 41 204 area (PLCM) wren? (A) 20 (B) 29 (©) 52 (D) 54 Options : L@) 2.8) 320 4.0) Question Number : 12 Question Id : 80504212 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ. The number of non-negative integer solutions of the equations 6x + 4y +z = 200 andx+y+z= 100 is (A) 3 (B) 5 (C)7 (D) Infinite Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number No Option Orien Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ wert 6x + 4y +z = 200 x + yt z = 100 & aROMEHe (non-negative) PIF Bent ft Gen eT ert 2 Question 1d : 80504212 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number: Yes Single Line Question Option: (A) 3 (B) 5 ©7 (D) st Options : L@) 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 13 Question Id : 80504213 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ. Let Ny = 255 + Land Ny = 165. Then (A) N, and Nz are coprime (B) the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of N; and N; is 55 (C) the HCF of N, and Np is 11 (D) the HCF of N, and Np is 33 Options : 1.) 28 3. 40) Question Number No Option Oriet Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ ate Question Id : 80504213 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Vertical N, = 255 + 19 N, = 1652, (A) N, i Nz seers deat e | (B) N, ta Nz eae aaredas ara 55 21 (©) N, ta Na ar aenn aaredas ara 1121 (D) N, va N2ar nea saree FT A 33 21 Options : 1@) 2.8) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : No Option Orientat Correct Marks : 1 (Question Label : MCQ Question 1d: 80804214 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : 1 Vertical Let | > 0 be areal number, C denote a circle with circumference |, and T denote a triangle with perimeter |. Then (A) given any positive real number a, we can choose C and T as above such that the ratio a is greater than a (B) given any positive real number a, we can choose C and T as above such that the ratio “=O. is less than a (© given any C and T as above, the ratio oo is independent of C and T (D) there exist real numbers a and b such that for any circle C and triangle T as above, we must havea < ae 0 craraies dem?, C wm aa? frat oie 1%, aT oe fr 2 fee iors | aaa (A) a Oe oars area tem 8, ca sate C wd T ta aah feo ar aes @, rae fare (B) aie @ we arene areas HET ®, ca Bait C ud T ta safe feu ar are &, fae fare are (0) oi" aaa (T) (© frist Cua Te fre gO CUT Riritrae Tine (6) (A) 0.26 mvs (B) 0.33 m/s (C) 0.45 m/s (D) 0.21 mvs Options : 1.) 28 3.0) 4.0) Question Number : 19 Question Id : 80504219 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ A student in a town in India, where the price per unit (1 unit = 1 kW-hr) of electricity is Rs. 5.00, purchases a 1 KVA UPS (uninterrupted power supply) battery. A day before the exam, 10 friends arrive to the student’s home with their laptops and all connect their laptops to the UPS. Assume that each laptop has a constant power requirement of 90 W. Consider the following statements: I: All the 10 laptops can be powered by the UPS if connected directly. II: All the 10 laptops can be powered if connected using an extension box with a 3 A fuse. IIE: If all the 10 friends use the laptop for 5 hours, then the cost of the consumed electricity is about Rs. 22.50. Select the correct option with the true statements. (A)I only (B)I and II only (©) and I only (D)I and I only Options : L@) 2.8) 320 40) Question Number : 19 Question Id : 80504219 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ UR UH Mr H fore a a 5.00 &. wher FTE (1 FHS = 1 KW-hr) & | FA TET aT UH Fra 1 kVA Bett are Gh ALU. (UPS — saves hes Of) Geta | ada a TH fer Veet, erst | 10 fer aay Avert (aptop) % art Faranef a ax at ard & AK at Fs SATA Cavey I UPS G Sig Aas LTA ofa FH AIAN I 90 W At Frad aifth (power) Ft AraeAT &, aa FT aera ra Fe 1: Wt 10 Aer I AA. , B A sig FX TAT ST AAT’ | 1: Wt 10 ATT HI 3A FH FA (fuse) Ae CH CREA FAT (extension box) FAs A AAT A AHA al adh enii at gt (Aya 1 (B) Fae 1G I (Cyt CS (D)araet 1 Options : 1.) 28 3.) 4.0) Question Number : 20 Question Id : 80504220 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Frosted glass is widely used for translucent windows. The region where a transparent adhesive tape is stuck over the frosted glass becomes transparent. The most reasonable explanation for this is, (A) diffusion of adhesive glue into glass. (B) chemical reaction at adhesive tape - glass interface. (Orefractive index of adhesive glue is close to that of glass. (D)adhesive tape is more transparent than glass. Options : 1.) 28 3.) 4.0) Question Number No Option Orientat Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ TUG (frosted) ha Hi AAA: TRA (translucent) feagherat F erren ara S| quibka sata Farah feeT Te WH Uae STITH (adhesive) oT HT 24 a ae fea IRs at Sas, aa GEA Aa THT SATS AT StH 2 Question Id : 80504220 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Vertical (Asin tite ata stax frakta et art 8 | (B) arise 20 ee stat SATS (interface) KSA ae Taras sha HFT | (Carrs eran srradtian ate srreardtis H wAT 8 | (Dy sree eo ata aS ater URS S| Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number :21, Question 1d 80504221. Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Consider two equivalent, triangular hollow prisms A and B made of thin glass plates and arranged with negligible spacing as shown in the figure. A beam of white light is incident on prism A from the left. Given that the refractive index of water is inversely related to temperature, the beam to the right of prism B would NOT appear white if white light (A)both prisms are filled with hot water (70 °C). (B) both prisms are filled with cold water (7 °C). (©)both prisms are empty. (prism A is filled with hot water (70 °C) and prism B with cold water (7 °C). Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 21 Question Id : 80504221 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Gtaet aren Feats fier a a B Tact ara at ofeat @ ag | ga float at feargan Srafeaa fear sae | ‘Airset & afte Br eet 10a 8 | Tas Ta MATT (white light) Fr HHT A TATE SH A sarafera Var a Fear gas Fs Seer aT Seats et ATTA ar TAHT @, ca aera or How w aA arg si A aa Peart ale (A)et fist tort sa (70 °C) HTS (B) ata fisei 4 Sr set (7 °C) FTE | (C) att fier aarett | (D) BIT A Fart tet (70 °C) Ua BET BF Ser Fat (7 °C) ATS | Options : La) 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 22 Question Id ; 80504222 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ. A ball is moving uniformly in a circular path of radius 1 m with a time period of 1.5 s. If the ball is suddenly stopped at t = 8.3 s, the magnitude of the displacement of the ball with respect to its position at t = 0 s is closest to @im @) 33m ©3m @O2m Options : L@ 2.8) 3. 4.0) Question Number No Option Oriet Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Fe 1m Fave ret eter er RTA TS aT S| eT fel aT SAA eT 1.5 8 S| ae He aT SAH t= 8.3 s WU ATA, aT t= 0 s At ora FH aT He ae fae Sat Pers Pree er? Question Id : 80504222. Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Vertical (A) im (B) 33m (c)3m (D)2m Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 23 Question Id : 80504223 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ A particle slides from the top of a smooth hemispherical surface of radius R which is fixed on a horizontal surface. If it separates from the hemisphere at a height h from the horizontal surface then the speed of the particle is (A)V(2g(R -h)) @®)V(2g(R +h) (Ov2gR @)yv2gh Options : 1.) 2.8) 3.) 4.0) Question 1d: 80504223 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : jon : Vertical Question Number No Option Orient Correct Marks : 1 (Question Label : MCQ We R PAST Tet Se Hee, recht Tae Paral &, ether te Car Tae | HUT FH Se MCT TTS Fah TE ARG Perera IR eA | aS UT AAT Te Gh SHAS Hg MCAT Tae G AT I TAT z, TT wo Ht ATT FAT Se? (A)V(2g(R—h)) (B)V(2g(R +h) (C)V2gR (D)Vv2gh Options : L@ 28) 3. 4.0) Question Number No Option Orientatior Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ. ‘The nuclear radius is given by R = roA¥/?, where rp is constant and A is the atomic mass number. Then, Question Id : 80504224 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Vertical (A) The nuclear mass density of U>* is twice that of Sn!!9. (B) The nuclear mass density of U* is thrice that of Sn!” (© The nuclear mass density of U™* is the same as that of Sn’"*. (D) The nuclear mass density of U* is half that of Sn”? Options : L@) 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : No Option Orientat Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Question Id : 80504224 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number: Yes Single Line Question Option: Vertical santtrcita Pasar fares arefiaaer arr Feat STAT e: R = rpAV?, FEE ry UH Paar Tea A TAT ATC | TA a aT Hat HTS? (A) UO" aor aria ze ay Sn"? TTA | (B)U" ar anata Fea FA Sn! B ata Te | (C)U* ar anfirchte SeTHTA FATT Sn! ATA | (D)U"* ar areata zea BACT Sn"? HT STET S| Options : 1.) 2.8) 3.0) 40) Question Number : 25 Question Id : 80504225 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ The electrostatic energy of a nucleus of charge Ze is equal to kZ’e’/R, where k is a constant and R is the nuclear radius. The nucleus divides into two daughter nuclei of charges Ze/2 and equal radii. The change in electrostatic energy in the process when they are far apart is (A)0.375kZe/R (B)0.125kZ’e"/R (COWER (D)0.5kZ’e/R Options : L@ 2.8) 30 40) Question Number : 25 Question Id : 80504225 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correet Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ UH Ze aaa & aalhres AI RRaR ela aH AZ N/R 8, Te k CH Peri ae R afar Pasa 8 | Ae AUP Ze/2 saree ae tees afte Faeafeer ata 8 | ale a at ale aan eH ge Sagal BE ae Tes, ea ger SHAT A feat tee sooat 4 gy afar AA aT ETT ? (A) 0.3735kZ'e/R (B) 0.125kZe/R (CAZER (D) 0.5427 /R Options : 1.) 2.8) 30 40) Question Number : 26 Question Id : 80504226 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Two masses M, and M, carry positive charges Q, and Q2, respectively. They are dropped to the floor ina laboratory setup from the same height where there is a constant electric field vertically upwards. M, hits the floor before M,. Then, (AQ > Q B)A M2Q. ()MiQ2 > M2 Options : 1.) 28) 3.0) 4.0) Question Number No Option Orientat Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Question 1d: 80804226 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : ‘ertical M, GM, 2 fis @, frre oars Ta HT: Q, UIQ, F | ai fel at UH Sas a CHE fre aa frrern sian @ | fareie ata eater fee a oa HT He | fs M, fee M A rect fa free 8, Tar (A)Q1 > Qo (B)Qi M2Q2 (D)M,Q2 > M2Q, Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 27 Question Id : 80504227 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ ‘Which one of the following schematic graphs best represents the variation of PV (in Joules) versus T (in Kelvin) of one mole of an ideal gas? (The dotted line represents PV = T.) A“ ® Pv) © © PV@) pv) =D. T«) Options : 1.) 2.8) 3©Q 4.0) Question Number :27 Question Id: 80504227 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ WH Atel rest TH PV (er, J) ATT efeHT, K) HAMA BU ahead a HA AT LaTheTA eA HATS ? (frgarvat PV = T aisha aed 8) (A) Pv) Tw Ta © @) Pv) PpvVd) om TH Ta) Options : 1@) 2.8) 3.0) 40) Question Number : 28 Question Id : 80504228 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correet Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Mumbai needs 1.4 x10" litres of water annually. Its effective surface area is 600 km? and it receives an average rainfall of 2.4 m annually. If 10% of this rain water is conserved it will meet approximately (A) 1% of Mumbai's water needs. (B) 10% of Mumbai's water needs. (©)50% of Mumbai's water needs. (D) 100% of Mumbai's water needs Options : LA 2.8) 3.) 4.0) Question Number :28 Question Id: 80504228 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ arg Ht afar 1.4 x10 cttet tet At cararersaT 8 | Hag At ere YE atareet 600 FH km 8 Tea et sitet afar raf 2.4m | ale 10% arat a tet aot chart Famer sare at, arg a A as rere Stet A aTarETsRAT POF eT sae (A) 1% (B) 10% (C)50% (D) 100% Options : 1@) 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 29 Question Id : 80504229 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ A mass M moving with a certain speed V collides elastically with another stationary mass m. After the collision the masses M and m move with speeds V’ and v respectively. All motion is in one dimension. Then av @v=viv ©v' =(V+)/2 Ov=viv' tv Options : 1a 2.8) 3© 4.0) Question Id : 80504229 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Question Number Vertical No Option Orient Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Sor M ar we fis V ater 8 aera EE m SOTA HUH fer fis & eres sar Hea S| MaeT H aE SOTA M TAT me A rT AT: VI AT v VE Tee | eet Pst at at eH eA 8, aT (AV =V'i tov (BV'=Vtv (OV’ = V + v)/2 (Dv =Viv’ Options : L@) 2.8) 30 40) Question Number : 20, Question 1d 80504230 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Four rays, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are incident normally on the face PQ of an isosceles prism PQR with apex angle fee Fratead F Fated Sat AK FM ATS ? (ayn =5,1=0,m=0,s=+% (B) n=4,/=2,m=0,s=+% (c)n=4,/=1,m=0,s=+% (D)n=5,/=1,m=0,s=+% Options : 1L@ 2.8) 3.0) 4.0) Question Number :29 Question 1d: 80504239 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Ves Single Line Question Option No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ The oxide which is neither acidic nor basic is (A) As203 (B) SbsO10 (C) N20 (D) Na20 Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 39 Question Id : 80504239 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Ar OT SASS Ft Aloha 2 sits St aa? (A) As,0; (B) Sb,Oj9 (C) NO (D) Na,O Options: L@ 2.8) 3.0 4.0) Question Number : 40 Question Id : 80504240 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ The element whose salts cannot be detected by flame test is (A) Mg (B) Na © Cu (D) Sr Options : 1a 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 40 Question Id : 80504240 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 (Question Label : MCQ frrafetiad acai (elements) 43 fea & TaT SH FaTAT TAM (flame test) FT IEA Ae Fea ST wae? (A) Mg (B) Na (C) Cu (D) Sr Options : 1.) 2.8) 3.© 40) Question Number : 41 Question Id : 80504241 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ The plot of concentration of a reactant vs. time for a chemical reaction is shown below: concentration 0 time The order of this reaction with respect to the reactant is (A) 0 (B) 1 ©2 (D) not possible to determine from this plot Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 41 Question Id : 80504241 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ fat cerate afte & foe afters a ars wa aaa & ats aite aS eater ar | concentration 0 time often & det a ga aafitinen At aie sar 2 2 (A) 0 (B) | (2 (D) 34 aide 4 Fait ee aya Faz | Options 1L@ 28) 3© 4.0) Question Number : 42 Question Id : 80504242. Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ During the free expansion of an ideal gas in an isolated chamber, (A) internal energy remains constant (B) internal energy decreases (C) work done on the system is negative (D) temperature increases Options : 1L@ 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 42, Question 1d 80504242 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ arte ates F orreet fra & ae Ta & chr, (A) atatte oat fer weet 21 (B) States oat sect eect 2 1 (C) Frere ee fear rar ard aor ata 2 | (D) TTA asa? | Options : 1L@ ) © ) Question Number : 43 Question Id : 80504243 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 (Question Label : MCQ The number of moles of water present in a spherical water droplet of radius 1.0 em is [Given: density of water in the droplet = 1.0 g em™] ws @) = (C) 24x 2: o = Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 43 Question Id : 80504243 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ 1.0 cm fase at Her Ht Fe (water droplet) H Bata Tet FH AeA A TAT FMB 2 [Sa are At ae ar 7a = 1.0 g cm] 4 = AG Or (c) 247 DZ (D) Fj Options : 1a 2.8) 3© 4.0) Question Number : 44 Question Id : 80504244. Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Among the following, the correct statement about cathode ray discharge tube is (A) the electrical discharge can only be observed at high pressure and at low voltages (B) in the absence of external electrical or magnetic field, cathode rays travel in straight lines (C) the characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the material of electrodes (D) the characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the gas present in the cathode ray tube Options : 1.) 2.8) 3.) 4.0) Question Number : 44 Question Id : 80504244. Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ frafafad 3 arr arma date fer ferert ett (cathode ray discharge tube) * fee wet 2? (A) Seaera oi Fra frre or eaer farge ferent et Se sr wae | (B) ara age sik seas aa atera F Seite Pecat chet car Feta | (C) Bate Peco & after seraats & vareh oe Pkt ats F | (D) Salts fern seh A saftes tte oe a airs econ & arhtrcrar Poke axa | Options : 1.) 2.8) 3. 4.0) Question Number : 45 Question Id : 80504245 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ For a spontaneous process (A) enthalpy change of the system must be negative (B) entropy change of the system must be positive (C) entropy change of the surrounding must be positive (D) entropy change of the system plus surrounding must be positive Options : L@ 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 45 Question Id : 80504245 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Question Label : MCQ. UE Fas: FET (spontaneous) Marat & fare (A) Frara ar wadtet oad ores Stat fee | (B) Fra ar Gent oftada saree ST aTfeT | (C) oftaer an weit aftada aarers ater afer | (D) Frarra we afta & wet ofkada ar arr sare ST TET | Options : L@ 2.8) 3.) 4.0) Part I Biology Display Number Panel: Yes Group All Questions: No Question Number : 46 Question Id : 80504246 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ Which one of the following is a CORRECT statement about primate evolution? (A) Chimpanzees and gorillas evolved from macaques (B) Humans and chimpanzees evolved from gorillas (C) Humans, chimpanzees and gorillas evolved from a common ancestor (D) Humans and gorillas evolved from chimpanzees Options : 1.) 2.8) 3.0) 40) Question Number : 46 Question Id : 80504246 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ frafafad 4a a7 a1 eH AAEM (primates) * sfgcnra & fart a aa 2? (A) fast cea ifteon ar agen Bret Fo-Aret APT (macaques) TEA el (B) aera ear Feist ar serra TR a ESAT Sl (Cy ara, fatst cen aiftcer ar sacra Ge seafae (common) FS aT al (D) ara cat sieeer ar sfacnre ast a gare Options 1a) 2.8) 3.0 40) Question Number : No Option Oriental Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ ‘Question Id : 80504247 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : Vertical The crypts of Lieberkithn are found in which one of the following parts of the human digestive tract? (A) Ocsophagus (B) Small intestine (©) Stomach (D) Rectum Options : 1a 2.8) 30 4.0) Question Number : 47 Question Id : 80504247 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ fret a arta ares aa & fore rt charger at wafearra (crypts of Lieberktihn) Wg act 8? (A) afer (oesophagus) (B) Ba ate (©) ara (D) Fea (rectum) Options : 1@) 28) 3.© 4.0) Question Number : 48 Question Id : 80504248 Question Type : MCQ Display Question Number : Yes Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Question Label : MCQ

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