LESSON - PLAN - Grade 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Division of Sorsogon
San Francisco, Bulan, Sorsogon

GRADE 1 to 12 Learning

Teaching Dates March 2-5,2021 Quarter 3

I. OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro-
Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of
other countries.
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared
Standard heritage; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in examining features of a
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an
Standard informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.
C. Learning Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the text read.
ctives (EN8LC-IIIh-7.4)
Write the LC code
for each.

II. CONTENT Determining Moral Issues in a text

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning Stephen (November 9, 2014) AWAKENING STORIES, EDUCATIONAL STORIES
Retrieved from: https://academictips.org/blogs/the-tale-of-two-pebbles/


A. Class Hello there, Grade 8 learners! (Students read the

Management Welcome to the English Grade 8 LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET introductory message.)
(LAS) on Determining Moral Issues in a text!
This LAS was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace
and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning
material while being an active learner.
Happy learning!
B. Reviewing On your previous learning material, you have learned about (Students read the lesson.)
previous determining various social issues discussed in a text.
lesson or Awareness of social issues concerns everyone. Regardless of age,
presenting the
everyone can contribute for the better society. Now in this learning
new lesson
material, you will learn to determine various moral issues discussed
in a text.

C. Establishing a After going through this Self-Learning Activity Sheet, you are (The students read the
purpose for expected to: objectives from the LAS.)
the lesson
1. Read a short story with comprehension;
2. Describe the main characters in the story; and
3. Write at least one moral lesson from the story read.

D. Presenting Moral is relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right (Students read the given
examples/Inst conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral text.)
ances of the attitudes; expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right
new lesson
conduct, as a speaker or a literary work.
(Diagnostic test)
The word moral (from Latin morālis) is a message that is conveyed
or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be
left to the hearer, reader, or viewer to determine for themselves, or
may be specifically contained in a maxim or saying.
Morals were one of the main purposes of literature during 1780-
1830, especially in children's literature. Often the moral of the story
stems from a central character's set of morals, but it is interesting
to see how someone's morals move the story along.
Morals are formed out of a person's values. Values are the
foundation of a person's ability to judge between right and wrong.
Morals build on this to form specific, context-driven rules that govern
a person's behavior. They are formed from a person's life
experience and are subject to opinion. With the experience of an
individual in facing difficult situation, he can think laterally instead of
logically in solving the problem of not harming anyone and remained
morally upright. Lateral thinking is in indirect and creative
approach yo convert impossible situations into the possible ones.
On the other hand, logical thinking is something we think by
calculating the prons and cons of the situation. It is the way to use
the mind in an intelligent manner.

What is a Moral Issue? A working definition of an issue of moral

concern is presented as any issue with the potential to help or harm
anyone, including oneself.

Can you give the meaning of some of the moral issues listed (Students define the
below? meaning of some of the
 Conformity moral issues in their LAS.)
 Corruption
 Genocide
 Slavery
 Truth
 Physical and mental abuses
 Homicide, physical injuries and murders
E. Discussing Exercise 1
new concepts Peace Maker Activity
and practicing (The students actively
new skills # 1 participate in the activity.)
Let us read a short story and answer the questions that you will
come across while reading the story. This activity will test your
comprehension skills.

F. Discussing Exercise 2 (The students answer the

new concepts Characters are one of the most essential elements in a story. This activity.)
and practicing next activity will determine how well do you know the main
new skills # 2 characters in the story you have read.
Put a check before the word if it gives the description of the
character in the story.
1. Mei _ beautiful _ intelligent _ naughty
2. Feng _ loving _ sarcastic _ rich
3. Money lender _ old _ kind _ ugly

G. Developing Exercise 3 (The students answer the

mastery Let us find out if you have successfully learned our lesson through activity.)
(leads to an activity.
Identify what is being described in the sentence. Encircle the letter
of your answer.
1. Relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right
conduct or the distinction between right and wrong.
a. moral b. moral concern c. moral issue
2. The foundation of a person's ability to judge between right and
a. moral b. values c. lateral
3. Indirect and creative approach to convert impossible situations
into the possible ones.
a. moral concern b. lateral c. logical
4. Presented as any issue with the potential to help or harm
anyone, including oneself.
a. moral issue b. values c. lateral
5. Something we think by calculating the prons and cons of the
a. lateral b. moral concern c. logical
6. What did you learn from the story?
a. Most complex problems do have a solution. It is only that we
don't attempt to think.
b. Do not undo unto others what you do not want to do unto you.
c. The end justifies the means.
7. What moral issue did you find in the story?
a. power, conformity and truth
b. slavery, genocide, killing
c. corruption, bribery, prostitution
8. Which one did not tell the reason of moral issue in the text?
a. Cheating has an excuse
b. Evil thoughts have no good ends
c. The money lender took advantage and anticipated the situation
in his favor.

H. Finding Let us go back to the story that we have read. Write one moral (Students’ answers may
practical lesson you have learned from the story of two pebbles. Provide a vary.)
application of real-life scenario or event where you can apply the moral lesson.
concepts and
skills in daily
living/ Making
s and
about the

I. Evaluating Direction: Complete each statement by supplying the missing (Students read the directions
learning information. Write your answers in the space provided. carefully then proceed with
(Summative their activities.)
1. Moral is relating to, or concerned with
2. Values are the foundation of
3. Lateral thinking is in indirect and creative approach to
4. Logical thinking is something we think by __________________ (Students start doing their
5. Moral issue is presented as any issue _____________________




A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
Respectfully Submitted by:

Practice Teacher
Submitted to:


Cooperating Teacher

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