Analyze The Following Text Completely by Using All Levels of Meaning

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Name : Inka Widi Saputri

Nim : A320190105

Class : C

Analyze the following text completely by using all levels of meaning

Alice inexplicably finds herself on a train

Subject Finite Predicator Complement Adjunct of Place

Mood Residue
Participant Actor Material Process Circumstances of Place
Theme Rheme

with a Goat, a Beetle, and a man dressed in white papers.

Subject Finite Predicator Complement Adjunct of Place

Mood Residue
Participant Actor Material Process Phenomenon
Theme Rheme

They each nag Alice

Subject Finite Predicator Complement

Mood Residue
Participant Material Process Goal
Theme Rheme

until the train eventually lurches to a halt

Conj. Subject Finit Predicator Adjunct

Mood Residue
Participant Material Process
Theme Rheme
Alice finds herself in a forest,

Subject Finite Complement Adjunct

Mood Residue
Participant Actor Material Process Circumstances of Place
Theme Rheme

conversing with a chicken sized Gnat

Predicator Complement
Verbal process Receiver

who tells her about the different insects of Looking-Glass

Subject Finite Predicator Complement

Mood Residue
Sayer Verbal Process Receiver Verbiage
Theme Rheme

After learning the names of the insects.

Conj Finite Predicator Complement

Mood Residue
Material Process Receive Goal
Theme Rheme

Alice sets off again and discovers

Conj Finite Predicator Complement

Mood Residue
Material Process Receive Goal
Theme Rheme

that she has forgotten the names of things

Conj Subject Finit Complement

Mood Residue
Senser Mental Process Phenomenon
Theme Rheme
even her own name


She comes across a Fawn.

Subject Finite Predicator Complement

Mood Residue
Participant Actor Material Process Goal
Theme Rheme

who has also forgotten the names of things,

Subject Finite Predicator Complement

Mood Residue
senser Mental Process Goal
Theme Rheme

and the two press on though the forest

Conj subject finite predicator adjunct

mood Residue
Participant Material Goal
Actor Process
Theme Rheme

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