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Submitted to English Education Department at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirement for Scholar Degree


Salshabilla Rahma Tunisa











By :

Salshabilla Rahma Tunisa


Legalized by: Approved by:

The Head of English Education Department, Lecturer of Academic Advisor,

Dr. Nia Kurniawati, M.Pd. Dahlya Indra Nurwanti, M.Pd.

NIP.197509292008012006 NIP. 198506262015032005


Thanks to Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful who always gives
the writer the breath of life and the strength to finish this paper. The title is using "Guess
the English Word" game instastory filter in instagram to foster students' Vocabulary

The writer realizes that the research proposal is still far from being perfect.
Therefore, some criticism and suggestions to improve further research will be highly
appreciated. The last, the writer hopes this research will be useful for the readers.

Bandung, July 4, 2021

The Writer




TABEL OF CONTENT...................................................................................................................iii

A. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................4

1. Background............................................................................................................................4

2. Research Questions................................................................................................................5

3. Research Purposes.................................................................................................................5

4. The Significances of the Research............................................................................................5

5. Research Scope.........................................................................................................................6

6. Research Framework................................................................................................................6

6.1 Vocabulary Mastery............................................................................................................6

6.2 Game...................................................................................................................................7

B. Research Methodology................................................................................................................8

1. Research Approach and Methods..........................................................................................8

2. Data Source............................................................................................................................8

3. Data Collection Technique....................................................................................................8

4. Data Analysis.........................................................................................................................9

5. Research Site and Participants.............................................................................................10

6. Research Instruments and Procedure...................................................................................10

C. Previous Studies........................................................................................................................10

D. Research Timeline.....................................................................................................................11


1. Background
Vocabulary is a key element of learning English and becomes a language
component in English. Learners need to learn English as a foreign language. Wallace
(1986:1) states it is impossible to learn a language without learning its vocabulary because
vocabulary is the vital aspect of the language. Furthermore, Rivers (1970: 10) says to
communicate effectively, the learner needs adequate numbers of vocabulary. the noun is
also part of the English vocabulary. According to Bernard (2000: 51) states that noun is a
physical thing that refers to substances and objects, including humans and animals. It has
an important role for students to understand another vocabulary of noun
     In addition, lack of vocabulary can be a major problem if students want to
increase their speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills. These factors make it difficult
to understand the text in English and make it awkward to speak or answer questions in
English. Teaching vocabulary is not easy because teachers have to be creative, be able to
choose the appropriate technique, and choose the appropriate media for the learner. 
            Learning with games provides a positive experience for teachers and students. A
teacher can be creative in their teaching methods, and students can be active and creative in
their answers. In other words, games help widen thinking in different aspects. Games help
students in shaping their intellect, enhancing their skills, and efficiently absorbing
information. ( Shabaneh, 2019). The guessing game is one of some games in teaching
techniques. the guessing game is a game where someone or a group tries to answer the
question that given some keywords that are connected with the vocabulary. This game can
be applied in the classroom or it can be a modification in social media such as filter in
Instagram in the limited time. 
   Social media can be used as a source of innovative learning to support students'
self-learning, There are many social media in the world. One of those is Instagram. Ashraf,
Motlagh, & Salami (2014) found that Instagram had a significant positive impact on
students and Instagram helped students improve their vocabulary mastery.
There are several previous studies regarding research conducted by Rima (2013).
The result shows that most of the perception of students can be active in developing
reviews their understanding of words and ways to learn vocabulary by Twitter. Second,
research by Kamal (2019). The result shows social media is very powerful to empower
teachers' creativity to be not just teaching in a classroom. Third, research
by Evafaliyanti (2019). Which found teaching vocabulary using Mr. Dhanis’s video on
Instagram at the eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Metro is effective to increase
vocabulary mastery and give a significant difference in English vocabulary mastery.  
While the previous researches focus on the student’s response and the
implementation of using "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in Instagram to
foster students' Vocabulary Mastery
2. Research Questions
From the description above, this research is intended to answer these three following

1. How is the implementation of using "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in
instagram to foster students' Vocabulary Mastery: Students' Responses?
2. How is respond EFL students vocabulary mastery of nouns using "Guess the English
Word" game instastory filter in instagram?
3. Research Purposes
From the research questions above, this study is aimed at obtaining these three following

1. To find out the implementation of using the "Guess the English Word" game instastory
filter in Instagram to foster students' Vocabulary Mastery: Students' Responses.

2. To find out the respond EFL students' vocabulary mastery of noun using the "Guess the
English Word" game instastory filter on Instagram.

4. The Significances of the Research

1. Theoretical Significance
This research gives solution to find out the appropriate method in learning vocabulary

2. Practical Significance
1. For the teachers, this research can be used as a reference of media use for learning
activities. "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in Instagram can be used
during the vocabulary learning process to provide alternative media and make students
more active because they feel happy in learning while playing.

2. For the students, the researcher hopes that the students an interest in the learning and
also to minimize the difficulty of mastering English subjects, especially in learning
3. For future researchers, the researcher hopes that this research can be one of the
references to develop new research such as using the "Guess the English Word" game
instastory filter in Instagram as other instructional media.

5. Research Scope
The students who lack vocabulary will get trouble in speaking, reading, listening,
and writing. This means that learning vocabulary is very important, especially to
students. Thus, the aim of this study is to find the student’s response of
implementation the "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in Instagram to
foster students' Vocabulary Mastery.

6. Research Framework
6.1 Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery refers to how many words, someone knows. The term mastery does
not limit itself to the simple recognition of the meaning of certain words. In other words, "to
know a word' because the learners are said to have a good vocabulary mastery if can
recognize the meaning but also to know form, grammar, collocation, meaning and word
formation (Ur, 1991 60).

6.1.1 The Importance of Vocabulary

Tarigan (1984: 2) shows the importance of vocabulary in language learning. He states
that mastery of vocabulary has an important role in language skills. Thus, the more
vocabulary is mastered, the bigger possibility is that someone can skillfully use the language.

Nunan (1983: 125) argues that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for
successful language use because, without an extensive vocabulary, people will be unable to
use comprehensive communication. It forms an important element in learning a second

6.1.2 Kinds of Vocabulary

According to Nation (2001), there are two kinds of vocabulary. They

are receptive and productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary refers to the words that

students recognize and understand when they read or listen to something. Productive
vocabulary is words which the students understand, can constructively in speaking,
writing, and pronounce correctly. According Fries (1995) classified the content word
1. The word for things stands for sets of phenomena that seem to last with some
stability (noun).    
2. The word "action" represents a group of phenomena that seem to be changing or
in progress (verbs). 
3. Words for qualities: the content words and specific meanings change with
various “things” in which a modifier is the word “quality” that is attached
(adjectives and adverbs)
6.1.3 Problems in Learning Vocabulary
Nemati (2009) said the problem of vocabulary is applying teaching vocabulary
learning strategies

Nation (1990) said that there are some various factors of learning English vocabulary are
difficult which can be the problems in vocabulary learning: 1) the students’ mother tongue, 2)
the way of learning English, 3) the true difficulty of English vocabulary.

6.2 Game
6.2.1 Definition of Games
According to Wright et al. (1996:1) a game as an activity can help and encourage many
learners to sustain their interest and work. In addition, Huyen and Nga (2003) said that games
are seen as a time-filling activity in most English classrooms. They believed that games have
effect in teaching and learning. The students’ interest and motivation can be improved by
learning vocabulary with a game.

6.2.2 Principles of Game

(Rogers, 1975:126) stated that the use of games is the prompt for vocabulary teaching. It
means with games, the teachers can teach their students effectively especially in vocabulary
mastery.It was supported by Mc. Kelvien as cited by Doristy (2004:24) adds that games can
be used to practice communication, structure, and vocabulary.

6.2.3 Guess-The-Word Game
Guess-the-word game is a variation of information games. In Indonesian is called
“Permainan Menebak-Kata”. This game adapted from guessing game. Klipple in Jubaedah
(2009), states that “the basic rule of guessing games is eminently simple; one person knows
something that another one wants to find out”. Guessing game is a game where someone or a
group try to answer the question that given some keywords that connected with the
vocabulary. 6.3 Instagram

Instagram is a social media application that encouraged users to create an account, take
and share photos or videos, apply filters, write captions, tag users, add locations, browse and
follow other accounts, check feed generated by followed accounts, like content and add
comments (Al-Ali, 2014). Instagram is a social media platform that is widely used among
digital natives like teenagers including students who grow with the advance of internet
(Prensky, 2001). This platform makes it possible to create, send and share content among
students. For the purpose of learning English, instagram can be utilized to assist learning
activities. Research has shown that instagram helps the English learning activities (Paper et
al., 2016). Another research shows that instagram helps students while they go on vacation to
help the language learners even though they are not in their classroom (Al-ali, 2014).
Instagram can help learning activities in the classroom. It allows interaction between students
and teachers and fellow students to happen. Much of the information, content related to
learning tasks can be created, shared and accessed through the Instagram (Handayani, 2016).
According to Freeman & Anderson (2011), technology provides teaching resources and
brings learning experience to the learners’ world. (Liany, 2021) state student can improve
vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation by reading or listening form videos on Instagram.
This application can be used by teachers in the 4.0 era (Ambarsari, 2020)

B. Research Methodology
1. Research Approach and Methods
The research design for this research is a descriptive quantitative research. Quantitative
research aims to describe students’ response towards the using "Guess the English Word"
game instastory filter in instagram to foster students' Vocabulary Mastery. According to
Cresswell, 2012 “A case study is an in-depth exploration of a bounded system, e.g., activity,
event, process, or individuals based on extensive data collection”

2. Data Source
The researcher uses observation and interview to collect the data, someone who responds
or answers the researcher question is the source of data.

3. Data Collection Technique

● Observation
According to Creswell, 2012 “ Observation is the process of gathering optional,
firsthand information by observing people and places at a research site”. The
observation in this research is conducted to explore understanding student’s of
using the "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in Instagram to foster
students' Vocabulary Mastery.
● Interview
The interview will be held at the end of the observation to know students’
responses of using the "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in
Instagram to foster students' Vocabulary Mastery.
4. Data Analysis
There are six interrelated steps involved in qualitative data analysis and interpretation
(Creswell, 2012).

● Doing Preparation and Organize The Data For Analysis.

In this step, the researcher organizes the data obtained from the observation

and interview. The researcher analyzes the learning recording (video) and
transcribes the data from a recorded interview.

● Explore and Code The Data.

To get a general understanding of the data, the data is interpreted by reading
through the data. Also, the researcher codes the data by examining the data
according to what is needed to answer the research questions.

● Coding to Build Description and Themes.

➢ Observation

The collected data from the questionnaire is described and explored by reading
the explanation of “how.”

➢ Interview

The recorded data from the interview is explored.

● Representing and Reporting Qualitative Findings.

The finding of this research includes observation and interview are reported in
written discussion to describe EFL students vocabulary mastery of nouns by using
the "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in Instagram.

● Interpreting Findings.

From reporting and representing of findings, a qualitative researcher interprets the

meaning of the research. This analysis consists of advancing personal opinions,
contrasting results with literature, and proposing constraints and potential study.

● Validating The Accuracy of The Findings.

The data analysis is employed as the validation procedure. As (Creswell, 2012)

says that validation intends to have participants, external reviewers, or the data
sources themselves provide evidence of the accuracy of the information in the
qualitative report.

5. Research Site and Participants

The research plan is taken at the 8th grade of Junior High School. The researcher
chooses this site because the focus on this research is vocabulary mastery and the other
reason this site is chosen that the researcher have an access to be easily conducted the

The researcher will learn the phenomenon by using a purposeful sampling method,
just one class will become the participants for this research. The participants in this study
are eighth grade at junior high school.

6. Research Instruments and Procedure

This research uses the observation sheet and interview as research instruments.
The interview will be conducted after the observation. The researcher will interview an
the eighth-grade junior high school to explore some information about using the "Guess
the English Word" game instastory filter in instagram.

C. Previous Studies
There are several previous studies regarding a research conducted by Rima (2013). The result
shows that most of the perception of student can be active in developing reviews their
understanding words and ways to learn vocabulary by twitter. Second, research by Kamal (2019).
The result shows social media is a very powerful to empower teachers’creativity to be not just
teaching in a classroom. Third, research by Evafaliyanti (2019). Which found teaching
vocabulary using Mr. Dhanis’s video on Instagram at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri
1 Metro is effective to increase vocabulary mastery and to give a significant difference on English
vocabulary mastery.

While the previous researches focus on the student’s response and the implementation of
using "Guess the English Word" game instastory filter in instagram to foster students' Vocabulary

D. Research Timeline

No Activity Time
1 Designing research
2 Collecting data
3 Analyzing data
4 Writing the research finding
and result

Al-Ali, S. (2014). Embracing the selfie craze: exploring the possible use of instagram as a
language mlearning tool. Issues and Trends in Educational Technology, 2(2), 1–16.

Ashraf, H., Motlagh, F. G., & Salami, M. (2014). The Impact of Online Games on Learning
English Vocabulary by Iranian (Low-intermediate) EFL Learners. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 98, 286–291.

Evafaliyanti, E. (2019). The Effectiveness Of Mr Dhanis’s Video On Instagram Toward.

Fries, H. C. (1995). Teaching And Learning As A Foreign Language . Ann Arbor:The University
Of Michigan Press.

Handayani, F. (2016). Instagram as a teaching tool ? really ? In Proceedings of the Fourth

International Seminar on English Language and Teaching (ISELT-4) ISELT-4, 320–327.

Kamal, A. (2019). Learning English Vocabulary Through Instagram. Eprintsunm, 1-11.

Larsen-Freeman, Diane., & Marti Anderson. (2011). “Emerging Uses of Technology in Language
Teaching and Learning”. Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching. Third Edition.
UK: Oxford University Press.


ejournal.unsrat, 13.

Nation, I. (2001). Learning Vocabulary In Another Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University


Nemati, A . (2009). Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies And Long-Term Retention.

University Of Mysore

Paper, C., Kazan, L. K., & Region, V. (2016). Mobile technologies in teaching English as a
foreign language in higher education: A case study of using mobile application instagram.
ICERI 2016 Proceedings 9th International Conference of Education, Research and
Innovation November 14th-16th, 2016 —.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 2: Do they really think differently?.
On the Horizon, 9(6), 1–6.


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