SG 7-APP001

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies

Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Lesson Title: Materials:

Improving your document file: Applying watermarks, Student Module
headers and footers, page numbers, hyperlinks
Lesson Objectives:
Empowerment technologies module
1. To use available LibreOffice-Writer tools for
standardizing and Adding details to a document.

Productivity Tip:

Listen first to the music that you love. Music that could lift you up and help you focus. Set
aside your worries and Listen carefully to its beat. You can shake your bod, move your feet or
just chilling. You may start the activity once you’re done.


1) Introduction (2 mins)

Hi! This is Asuna again at your service!

How are you today? Don’t be troubled, open your hearts and trust his
process. Everything will be fine, just keep on going and keep calm.

On your previous lesson, you have learned the different types of

pictures, its image file format and the different application of wrapping.

Today, you will learned how to improve your document by inserting

watermark, pagination , header and footer , and hyperlink. It would be
another exciting and amazing exploration, so come on! Hold your
pen, highlighter and ready your notebook for note taking. Portal will be
open in 3..2…1 Let’s Go!

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

2.) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Look at the table below, it has 3 columns ( 1. What I know 2. Questions 3. What I learned ).
Write your answers under the 1st column based on the Questions under 2nd column. Leave the
3rd column as blank for the mean time. You are going to answer that later during Activity 4.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

1. How to create connection from an

icon, object or image from your
document to its source file in your

2. How to open the hyperlinked

image in your document?

1.) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

You can highlight the ideas that will help you in understanding the concept notes.
Note-taking and outlining is also advisable.

Header contains a combination of text and image/s that can be made to appear at the top
of each page when displayed or printed.

Footer is the information that repeats throughout a document at the bottom of the page.

Watermark –is a semi-transparent string of text that appears behind the existing document
content. A watermark appears across each produced file from bottom left to top right.

Page number – is the number of specific page in a printed document, like a book or
magazine, or an electronic document. The page number is usually located at the bottom of
the page, but sometimes can be found in the upper left or upper right corner of the

Hyperlink- creates a connection between an element (e.g., word, phrase, image) in the
document to another resource (e.g., website, stored media or file)

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

To insert Header on your document: Go to Insert menu > header and Footer > header >
Default style

To insert Footer on your document: Go to Insert menu > header and Footer > footer >
Default style

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________


You can add border on your header to create boundary with your content by this process:

Double click the header area >you will see a blue boundary line and an arrow beside the text
”Header (Default style) > click the arrow then you will be given options you want to do with
the header.

Do the same process with your footer if you want some changes:

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

All sides has border (top, bottom, right and left)

Deselect the
border for
Leave the borders Selected sides for border (bottom, right and left)
that you only need

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Selected sides for border (bottom and right only)

Selected side for border (right)

Selected side for border (bottom only)


If you wish to change the style of your border, or

even color of your chosen border, make sure to
select again the sides so that there will be no
conflict on style, you might get mistake like this.


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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________


To insert watermark on your LibreOffice Writer, go to Format Menu > Watermark

 Your watermark text e.g

confidential, teacher’ guide,
Do not copy, etc.

 Font color of your

Font name of your watermark
The position of your
Percentage of your
watermark transparency

First page


Your watermark affects all

pages of your document.

Second page

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Page Number

There are two ways to insert page number on your document:

1. Go to Insert menu > select Page number

2. Go to Insert menu > select Field > Select Page Number

1 2


Click the area where you

want to insert page number,
since it automatically write
the increasing number from
first page to your last page of
your document on where the
insertion point is. Insertion point: is the blinking vertical short line found on
your work area , waiting for you to type in some text.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________


You can insert hyperlink on any object or images that you have in your document to create
connection without opening your browser then enter the url manually or even open a file folder
just to find the stored file you have in your computer.

There are 2 ways to create hyperlink: Just follow where you are comfortable with.

1. Click your image or object then use the shortcut key Ctrl + K.
2. Click your image or object > go to Insert menu > then select Hyperlink



Write the url here..

URL- Uniform Resource Locator

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

When you put your mouse on top of the object or image that
Output: you have inserted hyperlink, you will see a message like :

Ctrl+click to open hyperlink:

You will be directed to facebook website if you follow the

guideline: Ctrl +click
Where , is
the url you have inserted
a while ago.

You can hyperlink the stored file from your document to its
source: Just copy the path of your file and its filename then
paste it on the hyperlink of your object in your document

1. Drag some icon for your file . Example this blue document icon from the gallery.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

2. Go to your stored file then copy the path and its filename.

3. Paste on the hyperlink of your object or icon then write the filename after backslash, then
click OK.

The file name of the document

The file path that you want to connect

As you hold the Ctrl key , your mouse changed to hand icon waiting for you to click on the hyperlink.
The file then will be open after process.

The opened file of rubrics.pdf

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

2.) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

In this activity, you will be given 4 items of either a situation or sample

outputs, your task is to help in solving problem in the situation or identify
the process to create the required result. Encircle the letter of your

Situation 1: Currently Tina created a footer as the image shown below:

What process that Tina needs to do if she wants to add page number on the right side of the
footer, as the image shown below?

a. Position the insertion point at the right side of the footer > Go to Insert Menu > Select
Page Number
b. Position the insertion point at the right side of the footer > Click the dropdown arrow of
Footer(Default style) > Select Insert Page Number

c. Position the insertion point at the right side of the footer > Go to standard toolbar and
click the dropdown arrow of the insert field icon > Select Page Number

d. Tina can choose either from choices a, b or c

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Situation 2:

What is the correct setting of Line Arrangement in order you to have an output like this?

a. b.

c. d.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Situation 3:

Hinata wants to add watermark that entails the confidentiality of his document. He wants to setup its
setting as:

Text: Confidential, Font: Courier New , Angle : 45°, Transparency: 55%, color: #Dark Gray 4

a. b.

c. d.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Situation 4:

Choose from the choices to create a hyperlink on the image to its source file stored in computer. See
the source file properties below (right picture).

The source file properties

a. c.
\Users\user\Videos\TUTORIAL\data types of Java.mp4 C:\Users\user\TUTORIAL\data types of Java.mp3

b. C:\Users\user\Videos\TUTORIAL\data types of Java.mp3

C:\Users\user\Videos\TUTORIAL\data types of Java.mp4

3.) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

This serves as your review and summary of what you have learned in this session.

Review the questions in What I Know Chart from Activity 1 and write your answers to the
questions based on what you have learned in the third column of the chart.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

4.) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)?

Instructions: Read carefully each questions and encircle the letter of your answer.

1. It is a semi-transparent string of text that appears behind the existing document content?
a. Header c. Page Number
b. Footer d. Watermark
2. It creates a connection between an element in the document to another resource?
a. Hyperlink c. Page Number
b. Header d. Watermark
3. How to insert header in a document?
a. Go to Insert menu> header
b. Go to Insert menu> header>header
c. Go to Insert menu> header and footer>header
d. Go to Insert menu> header and footer>header>default style
4. How to insert footer in a document?
a. Go to Insert menu>footer
b. Go to Insert menu>footer>footer
c. Go to Insert menu> header and footer>footer
d. Go to Insert menu> header and footer>footer>default style
5. Below are the functions that help you in manipulating the header. What function you have to
select, in order to apply bottom and top border of the header?

a. Format header
b. Border and Background
c. Delete Header
d. Insert Page Number
6. What is the shortcut key for inserting hyperlink on the object or image?
a. Ctrl+N c. Ctrl+O
b. Ctrl+P d. Ctrl+K

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

7. It is the blinking vertical short line found on your work area, waiting for text to typed in.

a. Hyperlink c. URL
b. Footer d. Insertion point

8. What Menu does Page number located?

a. File c. Format
b. Insert d. View

9. What is the expanded form of URL?

a. Uniform Resource Language c Uniform Resource Locator

b. Uniform Resource Location d. Uniform Resource Linguistic

10. What icon is the image below:

a. Page number c. Special character

b. Header and footer d. Image

Check your answers against

the Key to Corrections found
at the end of this SAS. Write
your score on your paper.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5mins)

A. Work Tracker

You are done with this session! Let’s track your progress.
Shade the session number you just completed.

This is simply a visual that helps you to track how much work
you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

B. Think about your Learning

Q: ?
1. Can you enumerate the tools for adding details in your ?
2. How to execute these tools in your document?


1. What is URL?

as a web address, a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a form of URI

and a standardized naming convention for addressing documents accessible
over the Internet and Intranet. An example of a URL is, which is the URL for the Computer Hope

2. Difference between .mp3 and .mp4?

MP4 is a digital multimedia container format and can handle a number of

media, such as audio, image, video, text. while Mp3 is an audio coding format
that can handle only one type of media, which is an audio file.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________


Activity 3: Exercise 1

Situation 1:
The correct answer is letter d. Tina can choose either from choices a, b or c. All of the
choices are ways to insert page number on your document.

Situation 2:
The correct answer is letter d. See explanation below

This is wrong because all sides of border are selected.

The required borders are top and bottom.

Letter A

This is wrong because ONLY BOTTOM border is

selected. The required borders are top and bottom.

Letter B

This is wrong because the sides are different in style

although BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM are selected. The
required borders are top and bottom.

Letter C

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Situation 3:

The correct answer is letter c. See explanation below:

This is wrong because the required format must be :

Text: Confidential, Font: Courier New , Angle : 45°,

Transparency: 55%, color: #Dark Gray 4

The image uses font as “Liberation Sans” which is

different from the required font.

Letter A.

This is wrong because the required format must be :

Text: Confidential, Font: Courier New , Angle : 45°,

Transparency: 55%, color: #Dark Gray 4

the image shows the text as “confidentiality” which

is different from the required text.

Letter B

This is wrong because the required format must be :

Text: Confidential, Font: Courier New , Angle : 45°,

Transparency: 55%, color: #Dark Gray 4

the image shows the text as “Confidentiality” which

is different from the required text.

Letter D

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Situation 4:

The correct answer letter D.

Letter A
This is wrong because the CORRECT URL must be :

C:\Users\USER\Videos\TUTORIAL\data types of
Java.mp4 , but the image doesn’t have the complete
path from the drive C.. It must be complete to locate the
source file. No file will be open because its location is

Letter B
This is wrong because the CORRECT URL must be :

C:\Users\USER\Videos\TUTORIAL\data types of
Java.mp4 , but the image doesn’t have the same file
format and uses .mp3 instead. The file format must be
correct to open the exact source file.

Letter C
This is wrong because the CORRECT URL must be :

C:\Users\USER\Videos\TUTORIAL\data types of
Java.mp4 , but the image doesn’t THE COMPLETE
PATH of its sub folder Videos and doesn’t have the
same file format and uses .mp3 instead. The file format
must be correct to open the exact source file.

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

Activity 5:

Watermark a semi-transparent string of text that appears behind the existing document
Header contains a combination of text and image/s that can be made to appear at
the top of each page when displayed or printed
Footer the information that repeats throughout a document at the bottom of the
Page Number the number of specific page in a printed document.

Hyperlink Creates connection between an element in the document to another source

1. The correct answer is letter D. Watermark. See the definition of the rest of the choices from the
table above.
2. The correct answer is letter A. Hyperlink. See the definition of the rest of the choices from the table
3. The correct answer is letter D. Go to Insert menu> header and footer>header>default style
The rest of the choices are incomplete steps in inserting a header.
4. The correct answer is letter D. Go to Insert menu> header and footer>footer>default style
5. The correct answer is letter B. Border and Background, if your answer is a. Format header, you are
wrong because it is use to format the margin of your header, it’s dynamic spacing, and height. If
your answer is letter c. Delete header, you are wrong because it is use to delete the header that
have just created and if your answer is d. Insert Page Number, you are wrong because it is use to
insert pagination on your document.
6. The correct answer is letter D. Ctrl+K, if your answer is letter a. Ctrl+N , you are wrong because it is
the shortcut key of creating new document. If your answer is letter b. Ctrl+P , you are wrong
because it is the shortcut of printing the file or your document. If your answer is C. Ctrl+O, you are
wrong because it is the shortcut of opening a file or document .

7. The correct answer is D. Insertion point. If your answer is a. Hyperlink, you are wrong
because Hyperlink is use to create connection between an element in the document to
another source. If your answer is letter b. Footer, you are wrong because it is the
information that repeats throughout a document at the bottom of the page and if your
answer is letter C. URL , you are wrong because it is as a web address, a URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) is a form of URI and a standardized naming convention for addressing
documents accessible over the Internet and Intranet.

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Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________

8. The correct answer is letter A. Insert menu. If your answer is either from letter a, c or d ,you are
wrong because Page number is not found on this menu

9. The correct answer is letter C. Uniform Resource Locator. If your answer is either from choices a,
b or d, you are wrong because URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator

10. The correct answer is letter A. Page Number . If your answer is either from choices letter b , c or d,
you are wrong , see the images below.

Letter b: Header and Letter c : Special

Footer Character Letter d: Image

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Students’ Guide Module #7

Name: _____________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________Schedule__________________________ Date:_____________________


Your teacher will give some announcements on how and when will be the schedule of your
submission. This will be posted through your class group chat or will be given to you
through phone call or text. Make sure your phone number is still active.

Feel free to ask questions and keep in touch to your teacher.

Stay connected, Stay safe!

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