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NPSN : 69995764

Alamat: Jl. Gajah mada Marga Agung Dusun IV, Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan 082279380578 | 35365


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal :

Kelas : V (Lima) Nama :

 Tulislah indentitas anda pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan!
 Bacalah soal terlebih dahulu sebelum menjawab!
 Selesaikan soal yang dianggap mudah terlebih dahulu!
 Periksalah sekali lagi pekerjaan anda sebelum di serahkan kepada pengawas!

B. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada pilihan a, b,
c atau d yang dianggap benar !
1. I need a glass of water because I feel .... 9. Wash our hands by using water and ....
a. Thirsty c. angry a. Toothpaste
b. Hungry d. cold b. Detergent
2. Dina buys some vegetables in the .... c. Hand soap
a. Drugstore c. market d. Shampoo
b. Stationery d. school 10. The legend of Prambanan Temple is story
3. The car used to transport the sick people is about ....
called .... a. Temple c. cave
a. Toothache c. nurse b. Palace d. king
b. Ambulance d. bus The following text is for number 11-14!
The dialogue is for number 4-7! The Rabbit and the Turtle
David : are you okay my friend? One day a rabbit was boasting about how
Yusuf : no, I am not. I am feeling bad fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle
David : why? for being so slow.
Yusuf : I have a stomachache. Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle
David : let’s go to the hospital! challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought
yusuf :alright. this was a good joke and accepted the
4. Who is feeling bad? challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the
a. Yusuf c. friend race. As the race began, the rabbit ran away
b. David d. father ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought.
5. Yusuf has a .... The rabbit got to the halfway point and
a. Backache c. headache could not see the turtle anywhere. He felt hot
b. Tootache d. stomachache and tired and decided to stop and take a short
6. Yusuf is david’s .... nap. All this time the turtle kept walking step
a. Brother c. brother by step by step. He never quit no matter how
b. Friend d. father hot or tired he got. He just kept going.
7. Where will they go? However, the rabbit slept longer than he
a. Library c. hospital had thought and woke up. He could not see the
b. Friend’s house d. school turtle anywhere! He ran at full-speed to the
8. we buy medicine at the .... finish line but found the turtle there waiting for
a. Stationery him.
b. Drugstore 11. What is the tittle of the text above?
c. Market a. The rabbit
d. Electronic b. The rabbit and te turtle
shop c. The turtle
d. Racing
12. Who was boasting?
a. The rabbit c. the turtle
b. The fox d. the friend
13. Who was to be the umpire of the race? 3. Mother : “what’s the matter?”
a. The rabbit c. the turtle Son : “i am sick.”
b. The fox d. the friend Mother : “ you should take this ..............
14. Who won the race?
a. The rabbit c. the turtle
b. The fox d. the friend
15. A : “I have got a headache.”
B : “you should take an ...”
a. Oil c. aspirin
b. Egg d. orange 4. Don’t forget to have ............ every morning.
16. In the following sentences, Which one is a 5. Throw the ................... in the dustbin!
good habit you do .... 6. This folktale tells us about ....
a. c.

b. d.

7. The caracter of the legend of surabaya

is ..............
8. ................... is a bad habit.
9. Is – boy – bad – a – malin kundang.
The correct arrangement is ....
10. Fighting in indonesian is .........
17. Ani : “I’ve got tootache”
Adi : “you should go to ....”
a. Dentist c. photographer D. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut
b. Teacher d. policeman dengan benar!
18. Watermelon, oranges, apples and durian are 1. Translate the sentence into indonesian!
kinds of .... I always eat nutritious food.
a. Drinks c. cakes
b. Vegetables d. fruits
19. I like to eat ....
a. fruits
2. Mention some healthy habits that you know!
b. Vegetables
c. Junkfood
d. Seafood

20. After take a bath, we dry out our body by 3. (+) I studied English yesterday
using .... (-) ......................................
a. Pillow c. blanket
b. Bolster d. towel (?) ......................................

C. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan

4. (+) I was absent last night
jawaban yang benar!
(-) ......................................
1. I brush my teeth by using ........... and ..........
(?) ......................................
2. Use the ..................... as needed!
5. Translate this words into indonesian!
a. Toothache :
b. Stomachache :
c. Cough :
d. Headache :

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