Skin Temperature: The Temperature Gradient Between The Skin and The Air Is

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 Temperature  :  The  temperature  gradient  between  the  skin  and  the  air  is  
regulated  by  cutaneous  (skin)  blood  flow.  If  the  cutaneous  blood  vessels  are  
constricted,  the  skin  temperature  and  the  temperature  of  the  environment  will  be  
about  the  same.  When  the  vessels  are  dilated,  more  blood  is  brought  to  the  
surface.  Suppose  during  dila@on  the  skin  warms  from  72.0°F  to  84.0°F.  (a)  Convert  
these  temperatures  to  Celsius  and  find  the  difference.  (b)  Convert  the  
temperatures  to  Kelvin,  again  finding  the  difference.  

Convert from 72.0  F and 84.0  F to C :

72.0  F : TC = ( 72 − 32)  C = 22.2  C
5 
84.0  F : TC = (84 − 32) C = 28.9  C
ΔT = 28.9  C - 22.2  C = 6.67  C

Convert from 72.0  F and 84.0  F to K :

TK = TC + 273.15
22.2  C : TK = (22.2 + 273.15)K = 295.4K
28.9  C : TK = (28.9 + 273.15)K = 302.0 K
ΔT = 6.67 K

Extraterrestrial  Temperature  Scale  :  An  extraterrestrial  scien@st  invents  a  
temperature  scale  such  that  water  freezes  at  275°E  and  boils  at  325°E,  where  E  
stands  for  an  extraterrestrial  scale.  Find  an  equa@on  that  relates  temperature  in  
°E  to  temperature  in  °C.  

Water freezes at 0 C and boils at 100 C

Assume a linear relation between TE and TC
TE = aTC + b : apply for two temperature points provided

275 = a(0) + b = b
325 - 275
325 = a(100) + b ⇒ a = = 0.5

a = 0.5, b = 275
TE = 0.5TC + 275

Expansion  of  a  Railroad  Track  :  (a)  A  steel  railroad  track  has  a  length  of  30.000  m  
when  the  temperature  is  0°C.  What  is  its  length  on  a  hot  day  when  the  
temperature  is  40.0°C?  (b)  Suppose  the  track  is  nailed  down  so  that  it  can’t  
expand.  What  stress  results  in  the  track  due  to  the  temperature  change?  Young’s  
modulus  for  steel  is  2×1011  Pa    
Expansion  of  a  Railroad  Track  :  (a)  A  steel  railroad  track  has  a  length  of  30.000  m  
when  the  temperature  is  0°C.  What  is  its  length  on  a  hot  day  when  the  
temperature  is  40.0°C?  (b)  Suppose  the  track  is  nailed  down  so  that  it  can’t  
expand.  What  stress  results  in  the  track  due  to  the  temperature  change?  

ΔL = αL0 ΔT = 11 × 10 ( −6 
( C)
) (30.0m)(40  C) = 0.013m

F ΔL 0.013m
=Y = (2 × 1011 Pa) = 8.7 × 10 7 Pa
A L 30.0m

Rings  and  Rods:    (a)  A  circular  copper  ring  at  20.0°C  has  a  hole  with  an  area  of  
9.980  cm2.  What  minimum  temperature  must  it  have  so  that  it  can  be  slipped  
onto  a  steel  metal  rod  having  a  cross-­‐sec@onal  area  of  10.000  cm2?  (b)  Suppose  
the  ring  and  the  rod  are  heated  simultaneously.  What  minimum  change  in  
temperature  of  both  will  allow  the  ring  to  be  slipped  onto  the  end  of  the  rod?  
(Assume  no  significant  change  in  the  coefficients  of  linear  expansion  over  this  
temperature  range.)  
Rings  and  Rods:    (a)  A  circular  copper  ring  at  20.0°C  has  a  hole  with  an  area  of  
9.980  cm2.  What  minimum  temperature  must  it  have  so  that  it  can  be  slipped  
onto  a  steel  metal  rod  having  a  cross-­‐sec@onal  area  of  10.000  cm2?  (b)  Suppose  
the  ring  and  the  rod  are  heated  simultaneously.  What  minimum  change  in  
temperature  of  both  will  allow  the  ring  to  be  slipped  onto  the  end  of  the  rod?  
(Assume  no  significant  change  in  the  coefficients  of  linear  expansion  over  this  
temperature  range.)  

(a) ΔA = 2αA0 ΔT ⇒ 0.020cm2 = ( 34 × 10 −6 (  C) −1 )(9.980cm2 ) ΔT ⇒

ΔT = 59  C ⇒ Tfinal = 20  C + 59  C = 79  C

(b) The two areas after expansion must be equal:

ΔAS + A0S = ΔAC + A0C ⇒ 2α S A0S ΔT + A0S = 2α C A0C ΔT + A0C ⇒
A0C − A0S 9.98cm2 −10.00cm2
ΔT = =
2α S A0S − 2α C A0C (22 × 10 −6 (  C) −1 )(10.0cm2 ) − ( 34 × 10 −6 (  C) −1 )(9.98cm2 )
ΔT = 167.62  C

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