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February 2011

Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 4

MC0077 – Advanced Database Systems– 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0882)
Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks)

Answer all Questions Each Question carries TEN Marks

1. Explain the following normal forms with a suitable example demonstrating the reduction of a
sample table into the said normal forms:
A) First Normal Form B) Second Normal Form C) Third Normal Form

2. Explain the concept of a Query? How a Query Optimizer works.

3. Explain the following with respect to Heuristics of Query Optimizations:

A) Equivalence of Expressions B) Selection Operation
C) Projection Operation D) Natural Join Operation

4. There are a number of historical, organizational, and technological reasons explain the lack
of an all-encompassing data management system. Discuss few of them with appropriate

5. Describe the Structural Semantic Data Model (SSM) with relevant examples.

6. What are differences in Global and Local Transactions in distributed database system?
What are the roles of Transaction Manager and Transaction Coordinator in managing
transactions in distributed database?

7. Discuss the heuristic of a Query Optimization process. How Selection, Projection and
various Join Operations are evaluated and optimized? Discuss by giving appropriate

8. Describe the following with respect to SQL3 DB specification:

A) Complex Structures B) Hierarchical Structures C) Relationships
D) Large OBjects, LOBs E) Storage of LOBs

9. Explain:
A) Data Warehouse Architecture B) Data Storage Methods

10. Discuss, how the process of retrieving a Text Data differs from the process of retrieval of
an Image?

11. What are differences in Centralized and Distributed Database Systems? List the relative
advantages of data distribution.

12. How the process of retrieval of text differs from the retrieval of Images? What are the
considerations that should be taken care of during information retrieval?

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