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Question:Question: A wing-body model is tested in a subsonic wind tunnel.

The lift is
found to be zero at a geometri...
bata from the given question d=-1.5 at 2=50 The lift coefficient is measured as 0.52. Also, at d=100 and 7.88. The lift slope dCL Lwb = da
0.52-0 5-6-4.5) 0.52 5+1:5 0.52 6.5 Lub=0.08) Then Cm, Cg = cmiact awb alwb Ch-hac -0.01 = cm,ac +0.08 (1705) Ch-hac) -) -0.01 -
Cmąc +0.26h-hac) 0.05 = cmac +0.6 Ch-hac) (6008 (1+Cis+5)) -06) solving call and @ h-hac -0.15 =) Cmiac=o.ou =) hac h-0.15 = 0.35-
0.15 = 0.20 hac=0 50.27

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