Question - 2.6. An Airplane Has The Following Pitching Moment Characteristics at The Center of Gravity Posit..

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Question:Question: 2.6.

An airplane has the following pitching moment characteristics

at the center of gravity posit...
-Нhaxx ;- where on 50 05 .0 nos airplane has a following pitching moment characteristies at the centie of Gravily position. - Xcg /C=0.3
Cmeg = mot demag CL + emgo Sg Dea where Comp = 0.05 demega -0.1 Comise -6.oldag de on - [14] 4064 Givers that seq. 0.03
demeng..0.00 50 -0.10=0,3- KNP XNIP = 0.40—3°ET Here [@=10 ] Cmo= 0.05, Cmg=0.01 (unchanged) demeg. 24 - XNP = (010)-6040)
= dem q = -0.30 Stwy = 20° Now these all values substitute in ea, ☺ del ... da
Cmcq-(0.05)+ GO 30) (1)+(-0.01)(20) Cmcgo (0.05)-20.30) F (0.2) Cmega (-0.25)-0.20 and -0.2510-20 (mcg = -0.45 and 0.05 Here no
cmcg #0,80 Aliplane can't be trimmed.

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